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Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

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I feel that announcing his departure this soon can only mean two things:


a) he won't put in the effort we expect, because "why bother?".

b ) he works extra hard to get DayZ in the best shape possible for when he's gone. 


Sadly, I don't think we should expect "b".  The next 10 months will be him tying up loose ends with the dev team, not him focusing on long-term goals for the game. 

Edited by InvisiMan2013

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I can't understand people who are like "that's alright".

He said he'd finish it. He also said it's a fundametally flawed concept. How can you people think it will be alright if the man in charge of finishing the game says the entire f*cking concept of it flawed? I'd be depressed and unmotivated working on a title I considered flawed by design, but the problem is, up to this point, Dean was all up in the air how excited and awesome it is to work on this. 1.5 million reasons made him change his mind I guess.

I know. We, at least I was, sold, on the idea that he was passionate about this project and would finally have the resources and support to finish it.

now he's made money and gotten homesick and wants to set his own timetable... and the project is "passed on to competent hands"

how competent are those hands? how many of those people contribute ideas towards development? cause i'll ive heard is "rocket is god almighty since day one he makes the game according to his vision" and now that vision isn't worth his time anymore.

i am dissapoints

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Had I known Rocket was going to abandon this project before it was completed, I would not have pre-ordered. Folks can say what they want about him giving plenty of notice - leaving a project is not like leaving a run-of-the-mill position. I can appreciate that he's homesick, but this will damage his reputation.

The idea is that he's with the project until it is mostly completed. Do you need Rocket to do this bug testing and optimizing too?


Christ, you people are fucking ridiculous.

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I don't recall Dean ever saying he was going to make DayZ his life's work. My only concern is if the other ~30 developers continue to deliver.


Yeah because finishing the product that he sold us and made us put our faith in is going to take his entire life.


Someone expects you to finish a job that you started and you are trying to make out as if i am unreasonable. I dont want him to spend his life on it i want him to finish it, is that too hard for you to comprehend, i don't trust BI i trust dean that is why i bought the game.


The idea is that he's with the project until it is mostly completed. Do you need Rocket to do this bug testing and optimizing too?


Christ, you people are fucking ridiculous.

We will see who is laughing in ten months time when you have 2/8 of what you thought you were getting when you paid for it.

Edited by africanhungergames

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The idea is that he's with the project until it is mostly completed. Do you need Rocket to do this bug testing and optimizing too?


Christ, you people are fucking ridiculous.


These posters getting mad and leaving (if they leave) is totally fine with me, if they're this way on the forums I can only imagine how they are in-game. We have around 40,000 concurrent players every day at peak time, that's more people than play Gmod. We can afford to lose a few people who freak out completely and utterly over something like this because they don't understand the simple reasoning behind it.


If they are the kind of person to make up conspiracy theories about how Dean is abandoning the project and running off with our cash, like some sort of thief in the night with sacks that have dollar signs on, they're probably not contributing much of worth.


Yeah because finishing the product that he sold us and made us put our faith in is going to take his entire life.


Someone expects you to finish a job that you started and you are trying to make out as if i am unreasonable. I dont want him to spend his life on it i want him to finish it, is that too hard for you to comprehend, i don't trust BI i trust dean that is why i bought the game.


He said he's going to work on it for as long as he is needed. If you trust Dean so much, why not accept that at this point he believes the dev team he picked can be trusted to take over in 10 months time? I trust him on this, and I trust the dev team since they have been working on this game since before SA released.

Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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What have we had so far in two months, three extra zombies in each town. three new guns and a few hats and jackets, woopty fucking doo. Barely a scratch of performance increase. Loads of server hopping. Zombies still clipping through walls, animations that make no sense. Oh and didn't rocket want to re do the way damage is done... Good luck with that, they don't have the resources to change anything.


Someone said earlier rocket leaving will not make a difference to the team. Actually if you take 1 away from 10 people because that's how tiny this team is you have just taken away 1/10 of the workforce. There are more janitors in the office building then there are staff working on this game, thats what 1.5 million pounds gets you now days.

when the all the lead dev can say about his game is "this is coming" or "this is being looked at" or "i'd like to have something like that in there one day"

during the three months of public alpha testing...

something is terribly wrong.


i think he "mentally-checked-out" of DayZ a looooooong time ago.

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Dean hall decides to say "i don't t see DayZ overcoming it's flaws and becoming the game we all wanted it to be" shortly AFTER taking everyone's 30 dollars...


And you are still defending him?


Thats nothing short of thievery

Edited by randalmcdaniels
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Okay I'm gonna watch some True Detective now, I've already spend too much time on this non-issue. :)

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See the problem is most people here still think for some reason that the Alpha is the final product of the game and claim it to be a buggy unpolished mess. It's not and Dean not leaving till it gets to Beta which is at the end of this year. And even still if he is needed, he will stay until he is no longer needed. Once you understand that this is alpha, then you will understand that this is the skeleton and main part of where the main features and important aspects get added to the game. Beta is for testing out issues and dealing with optimization which Dean more then likely won't be needed for and the people he leaves to work on this have already shown to us that they can keep this game going, and have the right concept for it.

TL:DR? No, you need to take the time to read because you failed to read the Alpha disclaimer.

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Nooooooo. Lol. It sucks but a lot can be accomplished in 10 months.


Wasn't there a huge thread about how this would happen not to long ago? By some guy that said that he was a game developer? I don't know if that guy was right but this sure seems like he could have been. 


It seems like Rocket didn't have as much control over SA as he thought he would. Rocket has always been the straightforward type but usually when a person announces that they're going to eventually leave they go cliche and say something like "I want to thank BI for giving me the opportunity" not "I never wanted to be here". 


To me it feels like he's sticking it to BI and trying to let us know that they screwed him. 

Yup, that might be it. He's maybe just trying to renegotiate his deal this way.

Are you really from Prague , then take a trolly and and ask him this in person, and then slap him, slap him hard

Edited by Highlander007

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The idea is that he's with the project until it is mostly completed. Do you need Rocket to do this bug testing and optimizing too?


Christ, you people are fucking ridiculous.


Yeah, he's leading a project which he considers fundamentally flawed, how exciting is that right?

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Dean hall decides to say "i don't t see DayZ overcoming it's flaws and becoming the game we all wanted it to be" shortly AFTER taking everyone's 30 dollars...


And you are still defending him?

i don't know why they are.

this is a con to fund his studio.

just finish the game, please, new lead dev.

the last one abadoned us.

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Dean's off in about 10-12 months time? Fair enough, good luck to him.

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Idle Speculation never had it so good as it does now in this thread. 

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Just putting a hypothetical out there, so bare with me...


So you develop a mod for a specific game engine. You then get a chance to make a standalone, based on the same engine, albeit an improved version, yet found what you really wanted to do meant having to make more and more changes to that engine that you realise the problem is the engine itself. What next? Clearly you look at developing a new game engine that suits the game. You are no longer trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Now in this theory what do you do if the company you work for is the company responsible for that game engine rather than just licencing it? You can't swap the engine out, and is that company going to spend money on developing two game engines? One for their main product and the other for the mod that has become popular?

In short? I feel that DayZ is probably not going to be the game Rocket actually wants it to be because of the limitations of the engine and the ideal solution would be to start from scratch. You can't start from scratch while still working for another company. Expect a DayZ "inspired" game using an engine built for purpose and funded using kickstarter and for that project to start in about 18 months time.

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Just two words for you, dear Dean: FUCK YOU!


Just ripped all of us the $$$ and now you say with other words "there is no future for DayzSA"?


I guess this will be the end, the SA will never get beta-status!


WTF, better I would had bought some weed for the money :-)

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Just two words for you, dear Dean: FUCK YOU!


Just ripped all of us the $$$ and now you say with other words "there is no future for DayzSA"?


I guess this will be the end, the SA will never get beta-status!


WTF, better I would had bought some weed for the money :-)


Maybe what you need is less weed, because he's staying for 10 months (when beta is scheduled to begin) and is leaving the rest of the team to work on it.

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Dean hall decides to say "i don't t see DayZ overcoming it's flaws and becoming the game we all wanted it to be" shortly AFTER taking everyone's 30 dollars...


To be fair, I've had more value for money out of the SA than I have out of many other "AAA" games with higher price tags.

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Yup, that might be it. He's maybe just trying to renegotiate his deal this way.

Are you really from Prague , then take a trolly and and ask him this in person, and then slap him, slap him hard


Hahahaha. Rocket's been in the military. Don't know if that's a good idea. 

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Dean hall decides to say "i don't t see DayZ overcoming it's flaws and becoming the game we all wanted it to be" shortly AFTER taking everyone's 30 dollars...


And you are still defending him?


Thats nothing short of thievery



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To be fair, I've had more value for money out of the SA than I have out of many other "AAA" games with higher price tags.

Same. So far I've had over 55+ hours of entertainment out of it and will no doubt get many more hours fun from DayZ. Certainly not a waste of £20 from where I'm sitting.

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Just putting a hypothetical out there, so bare with me...

In short? I feel that DayZ is probably not going to be the game Rocket actually wants it to be because of the limitations of the engine and the ideal solution would be to start from scratch. You can't start from scratch while still working for another company. Expect a DayZ "inspired" game using an engine built for purpose and funded using kickstarter and for that project to start in about 18 months time.


and in 18 months time when he tries to get funding for his next project i'll be there screaming:





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and now F1 QEQEQEQ everyone




... but seriously i'm curious how DayZ will be developed. dayz has so much potential i hope they don't destroy it and ArmA always seemed to be a good game all in all (yeah the FPS thing not really).

Edited by duke0095

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From a PR perspective, he really should have waited to tell the community. It should have been something that just happened overnight later down the road. As it really puts a damper on those who love DayZ. 

It`s better to burn out, than to fade away.


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