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October Round-up: #DayZDaily

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Yeah Dean Hall lied to us. And he is sitting at home laughing his ass off at the stupid comments some of us throw out.


This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.



Maybe Dean Hall is the Matrix and we are all fooled... (or not)

That's what he wants you to believe.

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cmon mr hall, speak. lol


I seriously think we need some information just by judging this thread atm :)

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I seriously think we need some information just by judging this thread atm :)

He says hes keeping away but i guarntee hes lurking these forums, redit etc lol

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it will be a personal failure for me if we won't release dayz before the end of 2012" "dayz alpha will propably be out on april!" "dayz release is imminent! june is the latest date!" "somewhere between two weeks and two months from E3" "just when we finish the network bubble" "it will be done when it's done" <silence>

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it will be a personal failure for me if we won't release dayz before the end of 2012" "dayz alpha will propably be out on april!" "dayz release is imminent! june is the latest date!" "somewhere between two weeks and two months from E3" "just when we finish the network bubble" "it will be done when it's done" <silence>


Seeing as you keep bitching about false promises you should probably take the silence as a positive  ;)

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Do... do... you not remember him apologizing vehemently? Intricately giving his reasons for doing so, and then promising never to make the same mistakes again?


When "predictions" are made, he's a dirty liar. When no information is given, he's neglecting his community. I now see why we have insane asylums.

Edited by Katana67
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Seeing as you keep bitching about false promises you should probably take the silence as a positive  ;)



Just putting it out there what Dean has said.


And remember what happened last time Dean went silent lol

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Do... do... you not remember him apologizing vehemently? Intricately giving his reasons for doing so, and then promising never to make the same mistakes again?

Thing is he did make the same mistakes again though didnt he.

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Also, on the subject of not keeping to their word


I give up waiting for this game after all these promises.


Im done.

Seems like you and Dean have something in common  :lol:

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Thing is he did make the same mistakes again though didnt he.


Then stopped doing so in June when it was made clear to all of us that development of the network bubble was no longer an indicator of release. And that every time he made a vague prediction, people took it as hard fact, so he stopped making predictions.

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Can't you people just learn.


For gods sake, whining about Dean being a liar, a scammer, and a "insert insult here" isn't going to help anything.  To me, all I see is a bunch of desperate fanbois arguing about how they want the game noaw.  What are you?   You look like a bunch of toddlers who whine to their parents because the NEEEEEEDDDD a cookie.  


Show some respect for yourself.  Stop whining like a little baby and find some goddamn patience.  Most of you realize that the game will be incomplete at least.Then why get all hot and bothered about it?  Get your panties unwadded and go play another game or go watch YouTube or whatever.  


This is a GAME, not a way of life.  You haven't paid for anything.  Nobody is hurting you.



Some of you guys are acting like your life is in danger if this game doesn't come out tomorrow.   :facepalm:





There are so many fantastic games out there, go play them instead.  



Or you can continue arguing like two year olds fighting for an action figure and when the game comes out, you can start being a fanboi or a hater or whatever. 




TotalBiscuit was more right than he ever could have imagined when he labeled DayZ a "desperation genre".  Some of you people are just acting desperate.   Desperately looking to point out the game's and dean's faults.  desperately insulting each other.  Desperate...

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Thing is he did make the same mistakes again though didnt he.


I constantly make the mistake of reading your comments and hoping you have something positive to say. Guess your morbidity far out weighs my optimism, huh?

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I constantly make the mistake of reading your comments and hoping you have something positive to say. Guess your morbidity far out weighs my optimism, huh?

You love it.


And also, if there is a problem ill point it out. Most of the people here are blinded by fanboyism.


I cant wait for the game but Deans all over the place with his communication.

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You love it.


And also, if there is a problem ill point it out. Most of the people here are blinded by fanboyism.


I cant wait for the game but Deans all over the place with his communication.


I'm blinded by patients and knowledge that unforeseeable shit often happens. 

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You love it.


And also, if there is a problem ill point it out. Most of the people here are blinded by fanboyism.


I cant wait for the game but Deans all over the place with his communication.


I will reiterate, there's a spectrum between constructive feedback, taking a critical viewpoint, griping, complaining, bitching, and being inflammatory. People are allowed to disagree with you, labeling them as "fanboys", simply because they're defending something puts you on the "inflammatory" end of things. So, I'm not sure why you're expecting a more measured reaction, when your viewpoint is profoundly un-measured.


As an aside, this forum used to be a bastion of feasting upon tears. When did we all go soft?

Edited by Katana67
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playing..Outlast, GTA V, Betrayer and of course Arma 3...no need to hurry devs 

Not to mention Dota 2, War of the roses, War Thunder, 7 Days to Die, etc. etc. etc.

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You love it.


And also, if there is a problem ill point it out. Most of the people here are blinded by fanboyism.


I cant wait for the game but Deans all over the place with his communication.


Amen, brother!

I too am blinded, BLINDED, by fanboyism! The deadliest sin!


Please tear the scales from my eyes that I may SEE, oh nicefish!! Let me share your vision!



That devil they call 'Rocket' is a false prophet, but you will lead us to the truth!!



Happy now?

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hmm any news ?!

Nope, and the OP seems to have forgotten to update this thread with Twitter and etc. updates.

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