sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted August 9, 2013 Yeah, no offense but blocking someone from playing on a server or from playing for a few hours is a very bad idea. I stated this back in one of my post and imo the only way we could drastically stop KoS is if there was some way to make players feel bad about killing someone. In real life any sane person would feel at least some form of guilt if they killed a person. The problem in DayZ is that it's all pixels. If the DayZ dev can find a way to break the barrier of pixels and find a way that could actually make players feel guilty, then I think that would lower KoS. Bandits just need a bit of reconditioning. That's all. It's nothing a shot of vitamins and some movie watching wouldn't solve. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dutch_miller 159 Posted August 9, 2013 Or it would make less KOS because there is a change that you will get killed while trying to do so?Personally I would prefer evading the guy rather that wasting my last few round from enfield for a change to kill someone and maybe gain m4 with no ammo and old boots.. Worst case is that the guy has ammo after I have wated mine and Im the one doing the dying..Only time will tell. There's always a chance that you will be killed while trying to kill someone, and there will be the same chance if gear is more scarce. However, I do support weapon and ammo scarcity; I consider that in a slightly different manner than just gear. Making weapons difficult to find will definitely reduce KoS, but regular gear like food and clothing will increase it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shadow Man 142 Posted August 9, 2013 Yeah, no offense but blocking someone from playing on a server or from playing for a few hours is a very bad idea. None taken, it wasn't an actual suggestion for the game, I was just making a point. I'm just saddened by the state of the mod. Getting killed is fine, I just want there to be a reason for staying alive. I'm hoping that the SA survival changes will help, but if its still a DM I'll get bored pretty quick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shadow Man 142 Posted August 9, 2013 There's always a chance that you will be killed while trying to kill someone, and there will be the same chance if gear is more scarce. However, I do support weapon and ammo scarcity; I consider that in a slightly different manner than just gear. Making weapons difficult to find will definitely reduce KoS, but regular gear like food and clothing will increase it.This is actually a really good point. When I played Namalsk, I soon realised that I would be friendly to the first person I came across, because I had seen not one single edible item. I starved to death. Also, when it comes to KOS, you cant shoot someone if there are no weapons. Guns of any sort would surely be rarer than they are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soapmak3r 677 Posted August 10, 2013 (edited) When I was playing the mod, I would play with friends and we would play for survival, not to kill people...We would help people if possible, avoid contact or even being detected by other groups if possible, and if conflict was unavoidable, we would avenge our fallen friends or go down trying...First and foremost it was about survival and exploration for us. The problem as I see it is that nearly all of the popular people in the youtube community making DayZ videos just kill everyone they see that isn't in their little clique...They may have helped popularize the game, but they also conditioned people to play the game in a certain way. The whole survivor games thing perpetuated this mentality as well...It's all about the killing. Kill, kill, kill... And now these people are closed alpha testers? In my mind they are not playing in the spirit of the game, and if that is the spirit of the game, then I don't think it is the rough assed diamond that I saw so much potential in while I was playing. The main reason that I stopped playing the mod last Sept (besides the announcement of the SA being released in Dec....) was because of a few things... 1. Hacking.2. KoS PvP mentality.3. The goal for most experienced players was 'get geared up, then go PvPing in player hotspots'.4, Item duping which facilitated the 'get geared up and go PvPing' high stakes deathmatch (though nothing really to lose) mentality. I have no idea what qualified the reddit guys to be closed alpha testers either because I don't use reddit, but if the alpha doesn't live up to my expectations as a survival simulation then I don't see myself sticking around very long. I've already gotten to the point where I don't really even care when dev blogs come out (or don't, as is usually the case). Edited August 10, 2013 by soapmak3r 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlfalphaCat 66 Posted August 10, 2013 KoS was never a big problem for me when I played the mod. There were plenty of times I ran into someone out of the blue and could have killed or been killed, but both of us just thought the better of it and walked away cautiously. Hacking, combat-logging, duping and all that shit is what really ruins the mod. This guy^^^ is totally right; the game needs to be about survival. When I first started playing it was really pretty damned hard to not just starve to death/thirst or even zombies. It was a little easy because the zombies always spawned in buildings, for the most part, but running out of essential gear was always a possibilty. @Skaterrat/dude(whatever yer name is). Stop regurgatating the same shit. You keep saying people should be made to feel bad, buit never give an iota of how. It won't happen. Some people have a conscience, others just stifle it for there own gratification. I was never a dedicated bandit, but I have killed people in the game; for nothing more than not responding to my numerous 'shout-outs'. If you just don't respond I assume you are just gonna shoot me as soon as you get a chance. I did feel bad about it, but am I gonna loose any sleep over something that happened in a vidya game. Hell no. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wili 156 Posted August 10, 2013 I think this game without bandits would be boring, I think friendly players should meet together and start hunting them, making some "safe" areas for friendly players, etc, rather than a game mechanic that punishes bandits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skat3rat 1633 Posted August 10, 2013 @Skaterrat/dude(whatever yer name is). Stop regurgatating the same shit. You keep saying people should be made to feel bad, buit never give an iota of how. It won't happen. Some people have a conscience, others just stifle it for there own gratification. I was never a dedicated bandit, but I have killed people in the game; for nothing more than not responding to my numerous 'shout-outs'. If you just don't respond I assume you are just gonna shoot me as soon as you get a chance. I did feel bad about it, but am I gonna loose any sleep over something that happened in a vidya game. Hell no. I'm not saying people should be made to feel bad. I'm saying that imo if Rocket wants to lower KoS, he's going to have to find a way that will somehow cause players to feel bad. I'll be honest, I don't feel bad anymore when I kill someone in DayZ. Maybe one or two guys I feel bad about from time to time, but the regular player I come across and end up shooting, I generally just move on like nothing happened. What I'm hoping though is that in SA, what ever it may be, there will be something that will cause player's to actually feel guilt if they murder someone in cold blood. I don't mean that Rocket MAKE players feel bad, but that it will cause players to feel guilty. I'm not really sure what Rocket could do because I don't even know. It's all pixels and no matter what the devs do to make players work together, it's not going to stop players from just KoS'ing if they are capable of doing it unless they can brake the barrier of pixels. I'm not sure if I made myself clear but I tried to. That is my two cents on the matter with KoS anyways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lord3n 33 Posted August 10, 2013 Is there any information around in regards to what happens to players if they are killed by a Zed?just a suggestion, but what if ......players gets mauled by a zed, player stays dead for some duration of time so the body can be looted. at some point player (which now might be controlled by AI) gets up and becomes a fresh corpse, a zed itself that begins to roam around, but will roam around with the same animations as a real player (cause they haven't decayed yet) and is still wearing the same clothes and may also have a pack on with all its same contents before death. maybe this would serve to confuse players that they see another survivor, can act as kind of a bonus find if the player died with some good loot, and be the freshest version of the zeds. maybe even if that dead player had a camp or a group, the new zed can walk from where ever it died to the tent it used to have, or the location it used to live in (underground bases?) and present a problem for his old companions. maybe its dumb, just trying to think of a way to have dead players come back looking like real players to help with the fog of war so to speak. confuse current survivors. and also to be a possible "jackpot" of loot depending on what the player had on them when they died. fresh zed can leave weapon where he turned and only roam with his clothes, pack and current inventory. any takers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CapricornOne (DayZ) 379 Posted August 10, 2013 Is there any information around in regards to what happens to players if they are killed by a Zed?just a suggestion, but what if ......players gets mauled by a zed, player stays dead for some duration of time so the body can be some point player (which now might be controlled by AI) gets up and becomes a fresh corpse, a zed itself that begins to roam around, but will roam around with the same animations as a real player (cause they haven't decayed yet) and is still wearing the same clothes and may also have a pack on with all its same contents before death.maybe this would serve to confuse players that they see another survivor, can act as kind of a bonus find if the player died with some good loot, and be the freshest version of the zeds. maybe even if that dead player had a camp or a group, the new zed can walk from where ever it died to the tent it used to have, or the location it used to live in (underground bases?) and present a problem for his old companions.maybe its dumb, just trying to think of a way to have dead players come back looking like real players to help with the fog of war so to speak. confuse current survivors. and also to be a possible "jackpot" of loot depending on what the player had on them when they died. fresh zed can leave weapon where he turned and only roam with his clothes, pack and current inventory.any takers? Nah. The "zombies" in this game are infected, not traditional re-animated corpses.. Once you're dead you're dead. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted August 10, 2013 I think the first few months of erm "live" Alpha development are going to be amazing. We will watch DayZ culture mature around the game engine while the game engine evolves. I play as a survivor/hero so I hope the game is able to move more towards survival than DM. It would be nice if DayZ became known for being a game where you can make random team ups in game, safely. Maybe we should have small DM maps for people who want nothing more than DM with a DayZ skin. It would separate a large part of the KoS crowd who would then find regular DayZ boring/unnecessary. Different hive, and load outs depending on maps etc.... I dunno. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CapricornOne (DayZ) 379 Posted August 10, 2013 Maybe we should have small DM maps for people who want nothing more than DM with a DayZ skin. It would separate a large part of the KoS crowd who would then find regular DayZ boring/unnecessary. Different hive, and load outs depending on maps etc.... I dunno. That's what Wasteland is for! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeppa 562 Posted August 10, 2013 I kind of like the idea of survivors becoming zeds, but as its said players are immune. Maybe if you "die" to an infection you immunesystem would get so weak that the virus can take over, but your corpse wouldnt be "fresh".. maybe fairly late state zed and the animation like it. I would like to find usefull stuff from the zeds, currently in mods it quite pointless to kill zeds for loot.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lord3n 33 Posted August 10, 2013 I kind of like the idea of survivors becoming zeds, but as its said players are immune. Maybe if you "die" to an infection you immunesystem would get so weak that the virus can take over, but your corpse wouldnt be "fresh".. maybe fairly late state zed and the animation like it. I would like to find usefull stuff from the zeds, currently in mods it quite pointless to kill zeds for loot..right, i was forgetting about the infection thing, so becoming a zed from any death would be ridiculous. but if you did die from the infection, then i think it would be cool and open up some cool things you could do with that. it would be funny to have something setup where once you die from infection, and your body turns, if you could still keep seeing through that AI zeds eyes, no control what so ever, but can watch him through his vision to see if hes going after old team mates, wandering aimlessly, etc. (not suggesting putting this in, id just get a kick out of it every once in a while is all) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Private Evans 1303 Posted August 10, 2013 Any infos about the "looting your own dead body" shit ? (Sorry but I really don't like this) Would be cool if there would be a script that does not allow you to loot your own dead body or a spawn system that spawns you as far away from your dead body as possible so that you are not able to reach it in time for looting it... just my thoughts.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CapricornOne (DayZ) 379 Posted August 10, 2013 Any infos about the "looting your own dead body" shit ? (Sorry but I really don't like this) Would be cool if there would be a script that does not allow you to loot your own dead body or a spawn system that spawns you as far away from your dead body as possible so that you are not able to reach it in time for looting it... just my thoughts.... Yeah, I agree with this. The removal of the ability to loot your own body would hopefully cause people to treat a new life as just that, as opposed to a minor inconvenience and a continuation (of course that's permitting someone doesn't loot your body before you get back). However, I feel there'd be an easy workaround with squad mates doing the looting for you, essentially negating the whole solution. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dutch_miller 159 Posted August 10, 2013 Any infos about the "looting your own dead body" shit ? (Sorry but I really don't like this) Would be cool if there would be a script that does not allow you to loot your own dead body or a spawn system that spawns you as far away from your dead body as possible so that you are not able to reach it in time for looting it... just my thoughts....Here's an idea that I like: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 30 Posted August 10, 2013 (edited) Oh Come on guys! If you get killed by another player he will look for your gear as well. If you get killed by zeds then you need to get them away from your body to get your gear back. Don´t make it more complicated. In the end only the lonewolves or the players without a squad will be disadvantaged.. Zeds eating dead bodies, fine for me but I don´t think they´ll eat a m16 assault rifle.. Edited August 10, 2013 by ToastiMan 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Powell (DayZ) 734 Posted August 10, 2013 I'd be willing to wait another entire year to play this fully because I know those opening days will be quite the memory Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
codestargod 102 Posted August 10, 2013 (edited) Oh Come on guys! If you get killed by another player he will look for your gear as well. If you get killed by zeds then you need to get them away from your body to get your gear back. Don´t make it more complicated. In the end only the lonewolves or the players without a squad will be disadvantaged.. Zeds eating dead bodies, fine for me but I don´t think they´ll eat a m16 assault rifle..I think that the rapid dismemberment of a body is a good way to solve this issue of players rushing back into the game to get their gear, provided that in the process of the corpse being mangled by the zeds, the equipment is also damaged beyond use, or requires repair by someone skilled in the various arts of gunsmithing, etc. Any food should be tainted with infection. Any clothes ripped to shreds. Essentially, it would be more worth your while finding some new shit instead of rushing back for what you previously had. GROUP SPAWNING SHOUlD NOT BE POSSIBLE UNLESS YOU ARE ON A PRIVATE SERVER!! It is not right to subject other players on a public server to this bullshit wolf-pack mentality. If you want to join a group on a public server, then you must do it the hard way by tracking down an in-game group or organizing a group from the inside, and interacting with other players inside the game like normal people. I have had enough of pre-arranged (meta) groups/clans organized outside of the game. I know this will cause issues at first with things like medic clans, etc, but I think it would be worth it in the end if this is type of group organizing is done in-game, where anonymous players meet, learn to trust each other and form long lasting relationships (provided that they survive) all inside the game. This will only happen successfully if players act icivilized, assess their target cautiously instead of firing first, asking questions second. If things like medic clans, mechanic clans, peddlers, etc are to occur, then they must be allowed to develop, grow and evolve naturally, all inside the game. They cannot be forced by organizing these groups outside, then imposing their existance in-game. Pre-built groups and clans, in my opinion feed the need for players to be instantly gratified and rapidly accumulate items so that they can go charging through the game like some immortal being. One way of stamping this out is to make it more difficult for pre-organized clans to organize as groups inside of the game as much as possible. If you were killed by another player, well this is fine. Let him take the equipment. If you are in a group, I have no problem with someone from that group keeping your stuff (if they have room). However, when the dead player respawns, he should not have a map and will need to trek back to where he previously was. This will be a challenge at the begining since the map will be unfamiliar, and you will not be able to create meta-maps outside DayZ to aid you in your navigation. He should also not be allowed to use the same username as before, but rather, take on an entirely different character. Any accumulated abilities would be wiped clean, and in effect, be an avatar noob all over again. Players should also only be allowed to carry two long-weapons of significantly different storage slot assignment. For example, they should not be allowed to hold two AK-47's without suffering from disadvantageous encumberences. This will make the decision harder for them as to whether or not they should hang on to their friend's heavy weapon, or just take essential food, clothing and ammunition. If they like it that much, chuck their old weapon and keep their friend's. This will make permadeath that much more meaningful. Chances are the group will have to move on to another location for fear of being detected, making it more difficult for the respawn to track them. Periodic roaming hordes, random forest fires and inclement weather is a good way to keep a group forever on the move. This would require that the designers get ontop of creating really solid zombie AI, and randomly changing unforgiving weather conditions. In order for the player to find his group, they will have to rely on teamspeak or some such external software. If they do this, they will only be ruining the experience for themselves, and this will be up to them. The most realistic experience will be achieved through ingame radio communication, where they will have to listen for periodic weather forecasts and zombie horde sightings. If done right, DayZ could be an epic survival training aid that would allow players to hone their tracking, survival, stalking and situational awareness skills. Edited August 10, 2013 by codestargod 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HumanBeing25 299 Posted August 10, 2013 I'd be willing to wait another entire year to play this fully because I know those opening days will be quite the memoryShhhhhhh! Don't give him anymore ideas. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted August 10, 2013 That's what Wasteland is for!Of course, in a perfect world players would not use DayZ for DM at all! BUT, you cannot control the fact that people might like the look and feel of DayZ in a DM map/scenario. Maybe if you accommodate these people it equals better survivor style DayZ, and more sales for DayZ in general. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
codestargod 102 Posted August 10, 2013 (edited) Any infos about the "looting your own dead body" shit ? (Sorry but I really don't like this) Would be cool if there would be a script that does not allow you to loot your own dead body or a spawn system that spawns you as far away from your dead body as possible so that you are not able to reach it in time for looting it... just my thoughts....I offered a suggestion to this in my previous post above. What sayest you? Edited August 10, 2013 by codestargod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wild_man 4442 Posted August 10, 2013 I have one question for dev guys or test player :) sorry if this stuff is explain some place, I don't find :huh: is SA make better this stuff for server restart? is something stuff when some server restart every hour? I know this make better for lag bullstuff but maybe in SA guyds make fix for this ;) Stuff it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeppa 562 Posted August 10, 2013 (edited) They should track where the person is spawned after death, calculate the time it would take him to get back to his body and use that as a reference how fast the body "decays" so you cant run back to your gear but others can if they are nearby. Or randomly move the body to somewhere else that it can be found by someone but you wont know where it is.What comes to the group spawning I dont see problem with that at all, if its done like 2-3 persons max at same location. When you all are dead then ability to spawn together again, but ofc one cannot spawn near the ones alive..Why do you guys think its not possible to people be with friends or other people when shit goes down? I dont see any advantages being in a group, more disadvantages than else...Hell why coudnt I spawn with my friend, when I can as easyly ask where he spawn and just run there in minutes and we are as we would spawned together, maybe even with better gear.As we have now 2 separate locations and some between them to loot, but if we spawn together we have to split everything, we have more people to agro zeds and to be spotted by others etc. We only gain the "immersion" to be there togerher.In this kind of game you can only greate the confusion for new players, everyone of us that have played chernarus before will know the map, except the added parts and buildings, but the landscape will be fairly the same so there is no problem to group up... just takes few minutes of running.If I wanted to get better gear I would spawn separated from my friend, we could collect loot individually and then group up. We would have much more stuff. Rather than going together and sharing the one can of beans..Hell, would be even nice extra to have a change of spawning with someone random person that happens to login first time on the server(after death or otherwise) and same time with you. Or only this feature, that you could try to join sametime with your friend and see if you can start surviving Its said that they are making authentic inventory "slots" based on pockets and such from the clothing etc. Weight and volume combined with this would be ideal. Human being is capable of carying quite much stuff if necessary.I could cary like 10 rifles with slings if I wanted to, and few hundred round of ammo in a backpack... It would just make me fatigue faster, slow me down in many ways and be quite uncomfortable. I think they should really do this game differend, not this common simple slot system that 1 main weapon, side arm and such.This game needs to be innovative and special. Like with everything on you, you could just sling your rifle to your back and pickup car wheel to your arms and carry it like that.Its all about choices for people, just needs to be balanced for authenticity... Edited August 10, 2013 by Zeppa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites