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Found 2841 results

  1. Neophyter


    I did that before the update. Buildet a base on top of gas station, and to enter it a watchtower on diffrent server. Definetly the best method currently to avoid ghosting... But : after they found my base and they couldnt Figur out how to get up there guess what they did. They buildet there own watchtower on an different server an ghosted in lol
  2. jonhsmith111


    How you gonna stop ghosting then?
  3. ZXDMCFCWoody007


    So I am hoping that there wont be another character wipe anytime soon..... 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 To that end me and a few mates are going to build a base - I have an idea to stop ghosting happening or at least make it really difficult. Anyone built yet????? If you have feel free to share pics, we might need some inspiration
  4. Ryan JG

    Lock each character to a single server?

    We all want it but as a community we should not complain for more servers if we can't get into our home servers because they are full. I want this so much, purely for the ghosting but also because I want players to begin to know who lives on the server with them. I want to see each server build it's own community. Hopefully soon.
  5. jonhsmith111

    Lock each character to a single server?

    I have played Dayz from the very beginning on the PC mod. And played both servers that were in a hive and also character locked servers. Character locked servers are better because it stops combat logging, ghosting into other player bases and how the state of the game is in now with the server hopping to duplicate gear. If the developers have any sense and even played the mod they would know exactly what I mean.
  6. Sadistic gun 4 fun

    Server hotfix: Data Check failed

    To all those wanting one character per server. NO!NO!NO!!!!!!! THAT IS THE BEAUTY OF THIS GAME. Being able to join a different server to squad up with your friends. Maybe an allied squad are having problems with a bandit squad in a certain server. You and your friends can go help them out. Maybe just no spawning inside buildings that would help the ghosting problem. A 1 minute log off timer would help the combat logging.
  7. BoydR

    Server hotfix: Data Check failed

    Lock your characters to their servers because people play this for realism not be ghosted, server hoppers, duping ect. Just lock players character to a server it will Stop duping server hopping ghosting and people hopping into your base. Even better if you fix meatballing and combat logging by maybe making the character sleep in the position they logged on for a few hours after they log. Also make body’s despair quicker because it’s a slow pace game and you have to watch body’s for a while before you can loot and it so unfair not being able to loot them because you have to wait to make sure the area is clear, I get you want to make sure permandeath ensures you loose everything when you die but maybe make it you cannot loot your old body somehow. Also reduce the clothes slots and increase backpack slots, why should a jacked have the same slots as some backpacks. Again also decrease slot sizes of everything to make it more simple and apocalyptic it’s to. This game is to easy and it isnt the days a lot of us know and bought it for. Why should you spawn with food water rags and a knife and flare how about good ol’ flashlight and battery we want a survival game not a big TDM, you spawn in and find guns with ammo instantly it should take hours before you can get a decent gun with some rounds. Just all we want is DayZ not a big DTM full of duper ghosting and combs logging we want a survival game with aspects of pvp not a pvp game with survival aspects.
  8. MarczXD320

    Things I'd like to see added/changed/removed.....

    - Personal survival log - numbers of players/infected killed, deaths, current character live time. I believe this is currently a feature on PC, i might be wrong. - Locked Servers to prevent the ridiculous amount of Server ghosting. I am in favor of this - Fishing (sad to some but it's actually a good food source). They are developing it, it wil be something for a future update - Party/in-game chat switching - sometimes it prevents interacting with other players resulting in more KoS than I would like (when not all of a group have radios so we switch to party). They said this isn't possible because of how the party system works - reintroduction of hot button for quick select items. I am in favor of this - Helis (Maybe basic hummingbird style) - a lot to ask this one I know. Helicopters are being developed along airplanes, a feature for a future update - Broken legs (Despite spending more time than I would like crawling around looking for Morphine.....) The body system is being reowrked, 100% sure this will be a re-implemented feature for a future update - Bicycles (but rare so players can't just shoot back to their bodies in minutes of being killed). They want to, but they will have to work on the pshysics/handling (there's a very recent response on twitter about this) - Drop the AP mines and introduce tripwire explosive. Nice one - Throwing items - then introduce grenades..... :-))))) a problem for bases though so unless stronger bases coming in then a no-no..... Grenades and other throwable weapons will be a feature for the future, there's even some articles on the dayz gamepedia about this. - NVG's - we have the Night scope so maybe it's time for some NVGs. Future update - Only being able to eat cooked meat - too easy to kill and just eat raw. I don't have a opinion on this one lol - In game map (Better than current) - I don't personally need one but would be very handy for those that do..... You can find maps in the game, tourist maps for example.
  9. ZXDMCFCWoody007

    Things I'd like to see added/changed/removed.....

    So having played 1000s of hours on PC (mostly Mod servers though) it's fair to say I, like most of us love this game. That said I decided to start a list of things I would hope make their way into the standalone - not all will agree obviously: Personal survival log - numbers of players/infected killed, deaths, current character live time. Locked Servers to prevent the ridiculous amount of Server ghosting. Fishing (sad to some but it's actually a good food source). Party/in-game chat switching - sometimes it prevents interacting with other players resulting in more KoS than I would like (when not all of a group have radios so we switch to party). reintroduction of hot button for quick select items. Helis (Maybe basic hummingbird style) - a lot to ask this one I know. Broken legs (Despite spending more time than I would like crawling around looking for Morphine.....) Bicycles (but rare so players can't just shoot back to their bodies in minutes of being killed). Drop the AP mines and introduce tripwire explosive. Throwing items - then introduce grenades..... :-))))) a problem for bases though so unless stronger bases coming in then a no-no..... NVG's - we have the Night scope so maybe it's time for some NVGs. Only being able to eat cooked meat - too easy to kill and just eat raw. In game map (Better than current) - I don't personally need one but would be very handy for those that do..... As I said not all will agree and I have probably forgotten some things myself that I had in mind.....
  10. This was a feature? months ago. Guessing it’s been implemented again to cut down on server hoppers/ghosting. Try not to change servers unless absolutely necessary.
  11. Jonas Levin

    The Xbox One launch FAQ!

    I that case you might as well un-install right now, it is a lot easier then whining about stuff that won't get changed. Ghosting is 100% here to stay, just get used to it and remember to check your corners. Combat logging will also stay no matter how long you change the timer to, some people just don't wanna risk losing all their shit and that won't change. And the duping part? The update is NOT out yet and neither are the full patch-notes, so it is _very_ early to start whining about that part. How about we just wait a couple of hours and see what state the game ACTUALLY will be in before we start complaining about stuff that is just pure guesswork? That said, the new controls look kinda... strange? I know we can't see the whole picture yet (as the diagram they showed only showed a little of the full controls), so im gonna wait a little and look forward to all the good stuff (they promised waaay better frame-rates plus persistence, that is a _big_ thing and I for one would be happy if all they fixed for now was the frame-rate drops!). We got a great fucking game here, lets see what the new version of it actually is before we start tearing the devs (another) new one! 😉
  12. Jackel

    The Xbox One launch FAQ!

    So no fixes to combat logging and ghosting into bases and no fixes to duping 👏👏👏👏👏 are you going to change the name to DayZ battle royal as that is all the game is good for even after the update. We will wait until you have corrected those issues before my friends and I come back to Dayz. What a let down as all that these updates are good for is fighting on the coast. We expected better!
  13. Tracker

    DeSpawn to Respawn CHEATERS!

    Character lock the servers, way back when I was a pc player and the Dayz mod for ARMA came out , they had it then. Only thing is you would have to delete character when changing server because of data build up creating server lag (being no private servers) only Xbox ones ,the data would be enormous if say a 100 or more players data had to be saved on each server. I dont see that as a problem as after awhile that server community would grow into something in a more organic way. Real alliance's could be had, with real interaction and possible disagreement's ending or starting making it more immersed over all. I understand that some players wont like it that you lose all your gear and starting a fresh spawn on new server but it would have to be a good enough reason to change.but it would make sure that if you do change server ...your adventures would be all new and you would meet new player's. Anyway that's just my thoughts on the one way maybe worth looking at the problem of combat logging ,Base ghosting,scavenger hoppers etc.. Hope we get some fix for the base ghosting at least🤔
  14. bent.toe

    XBOX or XBOX1X for better performance DAYZ.

    4K can be un-checked under settings in the X menu. The tv rendering has nothing to do with crashes, fps drops etc. You can experience lag and ghosting from the image displayed on the tv... The other problems mentioned... not so much.
  15. -Gews-

    DeSpawn to Respawn CHEATERS!

    On PC I only play the "private hives" and there's either zero hopping or limited hopping and if you could catch it you could often report to server admins. But Xbox it's of course only the public hive. And devs said no plans for private servers on Xbox. Ghosting and hopping problem has been around since DayZ existed, but it's always been ignored, the most that's been done is lengthy respawn timer, which isn't much (and has been greatly reduced).
  16. eno

    DeSpawn to Respawn CHEATERS!

    If you had a 15 second spawn in timer like we have a 15 second spawn out timer- where your character is just sitting or standing there defenseless this would deter that type of action. I also don't mind a backpedal of a random time between 30 seconds and a few minutes... things change so fast during times where hopping is even viable to use in PVP that nobody is gaining anything by waiting around in another server for the 90 seconds we already end up needing to wait for EVERY change as well as time on top of that. (Edit: I'm a PC guy so I don't know if you guys have the same delays we do for spawning out and changing servers.) I also like the spawn radius... which would help reduce the effectiveness of people ghosting into bases on the public official side. The combination of these 3 simple features would minimize abuse of the combat logging / base ghosting / server hopping meta and while not completely eliminating any of them would surely create an unattractive inconvenience when compared to just playing things out as intended- ie: Fight the fight / break in / run around.
  17. -Gews-

    DeSpawn to Respawn CHEATERS!

    Why not, though? This is a design choice. They could have made characters server-locked, or created a more advanced spawn system in an attempt to prevent or mitigate ghosting. But there's nothing along these lines.
  18. TheYetiBum

    ETA for private Servers?

    Any word on getting a handful of Character locked servers in each region seeing as though we wont be getting private servers in the near future? i havent seen anyone from BI comment on any thread regarding that option. seems like the fastest obvious way to stop ghosting into bases, ghosting in combat, reduce combat logging , stop server hopping on said servers. And would be a welcome addition for Console DayZ streamers as it'd drastically reduce stream sniping. i would literally sell my left nut for any form of feedback from the DayZ team, even if its just a big NO @ImpulZ pretty pretty please can i get a slight inkling into this ever happening or not happening then i can stop thinking about it lol
  19. HiroCheeseMuh1

    1.0 and what i hope for.

    I have some suggestions that I'd like to see implemented at some point but before I give those, I feel like a different perspective needs to be considered with the issues of duping, combat logging and ghosting by other players. 1. Duping: Personally I don't care that much about it because usually the people who do it or take advantage of it are sub par PvP'ers who use "type of gear" as a crutch. If you're a skilled PvP'er (I'm definitely not) then using strategy, patience and cunning should level the playing field against the dupers. I enjoy the gathering of gear and the risk involved in trying to loot normally "gear rich" areas so to me duping is just a sign that the player is missing the whole point of the game and is actively working towards burning themselves out of playing DayZ which in the end means sooner or later they'll move on to some other game and the rest of us can continue to enjoy the whole reason we decided to play in the first place, but obviously that's just my two cents and understand not everyone views the world through a glass is half full perspective. 2. Combat Logging: Again this is an area where I don't really care if a person does this because not everyone who does it is logging off due to lack of PvP skill. Admittedly I have done this so my perspective is going to be a little biased here but hear me out as to my reasons for doing so when I did. The times that I did combat log, I did so because I was playing the game differently than the people who were either trying to instigate combat or who I assumed just by their demeanor were going to KOS no matter if I tried to engage them in conversation or not. During these times I was purely in "explorer mode" and had spent a great deal of time doing just that, exploring! And felt like my good time should not be spoiled simply because some people have a blood lust. Although I have never combat logged during an actual gun fight as that's just cowardly but don't just assume a person combat logs out of cowardice EVERY SINGLE TIME! We all agree that there is no one way to play this game and why some of you might be actively looking for PvP others may not and have a right to disengage from players and scenarios who do. I see a lot of the same people who say "there is no one way to play the game" who sometimes in the same breath, piss and moan about players who don't play the game the way that they prefer. Think about that for a bit. 3. Ghosting: Here is where I completely agree something needs to be done because the ability to disappear when at a disadvantage during a gun fight to only reappear in a more advantageous spot and turn the tables is 100% horse shit! But the answer, just like when it comes to combat logging, IS NOT a throw EVERYONE under the bus, just to prevent the FEW people who utilize this issue for an advantageous situation. So the answer is simple, If you log out to try an ghost via server hopping to get a better position then when you log back on to the server you respawn back to where you originally logged off. And yes I know people are going to try and say "I logged off because I needed to go" as an excuse for being able to ghost but the way around that bs is, you're only allowed when logging back in to the same server in that newer location AFTER a certain time period, say 10 mins. Meaning that it gives the players defending themselves against possible ghosters enough time to have moved on from what ever position/area they were defending so that when the "ghosting" player returns, there is little chance to rejoin a battle from a better position. It essentially removes the incentive to ghost because by the time they're capable of logging back on from that more advantageous spot, the other players are more likely than not to have already moved on and the players that "had to go" that logged out obviously wouldn't care that they returned back to the same spot because their reason for logging off had nothing to do with trying to get the upper hand in a battle. The only downside to this are players who are trying to raid a base that they just cant get into without ghosting as whether or not the defending players are there or not is not the real concern. I don't know how you would prevent that from happening outside of some sort of computer code wizardry that I'm too much of a moron to possibly understand let alone type out here. Now as for my suggestions or "What I hope for?" 1. Personalized controls preferably, but specifically bring back double tapping down on the D-pad to turn on and leave on in game chat. Having to hold it down to chat while simultaneously trying to keep moving around to avoid possible snipers and being able to turn to keep an eye on the player you're chatting with just DOES NOT WORK! So either bring back the double tap to leave the mic on and thus free up your fingers to be able to still realistically have a chat while avoiding getting sniped and being able to look around or make it an option you can quickly turn on in settings although why you would opt for the more complicated way I'm not really sure. The other specific thing that NEEDS TO BE CHANGED is free look. It needs to be regulated to either R bumper or R Trigger (while on the move) or the Left Stick needs to FULLY control EVERY aspect of a players directional movement and Right stick needs to strictly control free look meaning you can be running via Left stick while swiveling free look with the Right stick and you won't change direction unless you move Left stick in that direction. Having to click and hold down Right stick in order to free look absolutely blows as most of the time it results in me either ending up staring down at my own player, staring up in the air, scanning wildly thus removing the point of free look OR if pressure doesn't remain constant you end up turning in the direction you were looking which in 1PP can sometimes completely disorient you especially while running through the woods where everything looks the same. I can't even count how many times this has happened while I was on the move and because of the disorientation I ended up either heading back the way I came or ended up going in an entirely different direction than I had intended. This needs to change IMMEDIATELY 2. Some are going to disagree with me here but I DONT think keyboard and mouse should be implemented into DayZ Xbox. My reason is simple, If you want the sort of control and hot key options found in the PC version then you should just play the PC version. Why should you now have an extra advantage on Xbox against players not playing via keyboard and mouse? Pick a lane and stop trying to have your cake and eat it too. The funny thing about this is the people who keep requesting it are the same people who complain about the dupers, combat loggers and ghosters gaining the advantage on them. So let me try and follow your logic, you don't like it when people get the advantage over you but you're perfectly fine having the advantage over other players? lol you do realize the hypocrisy there right? 3. Suppressors (not the water bottle improvised ones) but the actual suppressors need to have a much longer life span. I'm not saying make them unbreakable but they definitely need to work much longer than they currently do. I'd also like to see other options for improvised suppressors as well. 4. Again some are going to disagree with me here but I DONT think you should be able to pick your fresh spawn point. As it is everyone heads for the bigger loot rich cities and loots or camps waiting for other players. What do you think is going to happen if you give everyone the option of spawning into Electro, Berezino, Rify or any other highly populated/desired area? I get it that if you're playing with friends you would like to be able to spawn closer to them and avoid the long hike to get back to them but part of what makes DayZ the game that it is, is the randomness, the adventure and yes even the annoyance of spawning a gazillion Km away from where you want to be. Just like the keyboard and mouse thing I really don't think you should be given an advantage or be provided the ability to just skip the stuff that you don't like simply because it's an inconvenience. If anything I'd like to see more spawn in points and perhaps points that are sometimes inland or hell out on the islands where you would have to actually swim to the mainland. 5. I think we all agree on more gun and attachment options so I wont bother beyond this sentence on that. 6. I know there is mixed feelings about the stamina bar (whether to increase it or get rid of it altogether) my perspective is that being DayZ is sort of based on IRL situations and survival then so too should your ability to increase your stamina via all the running and hiking you do in this game. I think that's a happy medium. You keep the stamina bar but you have the ability to increase your stamina over time as you play the game. Same as what happens in real life. If you start jogging at first you can barely go for very long before needing to stop or rest but over time you build up more and more stamina and can go for longer distances and periods of time. 7. Can we all agree NO ONE wants or uses the BK 18? 8. Something needs to be done about the wolves. They are way too persistent, there can at times be an unrealistic swarm of them and since when is any animal a bullet sponge and been able to take multiple shots from an M4 or any gun beyond a .22 for that matter and still keep on coming? I get zombies not being taken out by a singular shot but animals? That's ridiculous! hell 99% of animals just hearing a gun shot would cause them to scatter let alone taking multiple bullets to the head or body. If they were bears, sure but wolves? That's incredibly unrealistic. 9. Someone else said it but I'd like to see some designated safe zones but, my only caveat is, only if there are only a few scattered around the map and NONE of them should be anywhere near a military base or tents. 10. Also there needs to be more chance for going UNCON or getting broken bones rather than the auto death that happens now unless it's head shots. 11. Advantages/Disadvantages to types of shoes or going shoeless. I know right now going shoeless seems to only have advantages so obviously there needs to be some disadvantages created for that but I think it's a little extreme to give players automatic bleeding damage as that's unrealistic but, there definitely should be some drawbacks to going shoeless besides people's ire. The volume on footsteps definitely needs to be turned down as the noise generated by moving in running shoes is going to greatly differ from running in work boots, hiking boots, etc IRL. but I definitely think there needs to be some variation in advantages/disadvantages with shoe choice beyond "do I want to sound like a herd of cattle running through the streets or like a slightly less stealthy ninja?" 12. Hunger/thirst levels dropping/replenishing need to be a bit more realistic. I can understand getting thirsty if you've ran for miles and miles without stopping but there's a reason you don't come across dozens of dead dehydrated bodies when you go for a morning or midday jog around the local track IRL. I understand that time is moving much faster in game than IRL but can we just make it a little bit more realistic than dropping dead over the equivalent of what would be a jog around the block in reality? And hunger is even worse. I get it that your player isn't sitting down to a feast at every meal but for Christ's sakes no one gets that hungry that quickly nor does anyone drop dead almost immediately once their stomach starts growling. 13. I don't think I need to mention the frame drops, crashes, glitches etc., as it's obvious the devs are well aware of those issues. 14. I'd like to see more weather variance. Everything from a warm sunny day to hurricane's and tornadoes would be cool but obviously being Chenarus is an actual real life place I get it that weather patterns in game would probably be more consistent with how the weather actually is in real life there. Lastly.... 15. Loot regeneration! While I consider myself pretty breezy and ultimately extremely satisfied with DayZ in it's current form to the point where even though there are things I'd like to see fixed, changed or implemented, I genuinely dig this game to the point where It would be a safe assessment to say I'm addicted considering I have stacks of new games that I haven't even unwrapped because all I do is play this however, there just doesn't seem to be any sort of discernible schedule or pattern on the regeneration of loot and I don't mean just in the military bases and tents. I understand the desire to make gun regen a little more random and based purely on luck at times but normal provisions sometimes seem unrealistically unpredictable. I mean tons of apple trees and zero apples EVER! supermarkets/stores with nary a can good? I wish I could eat head lamps because if I could I'd be fat af considering there are way too many of those in game and has anyone seen where all the duct tape and pu scopes have gone? Plenty of potatoes sitting in the back seats of rotting cars though. lol this doesn't make any sense! I'm just saying maybe not everything has to be soooooo random is all. Other than that I love the game and appreciate just the fact that it's on Xbox as I spent many a year being a bitter beaver watching other players with gaming pc's play a game that I desperately wanted to play but couldn't! which is why as I said in #15 I genuinely dig this game and even if nothing changed I'd still be perfectly content as it's just a game unlike any other I've ever played and have never once found myself bored in any way whatsoever. Even while jogging for an hour completely lost, circling the map through the forests and making no contact with other players the entire time. DayZ is truly an awesome game that makes me a bit confused when you hear people who've never played, used to play or just try and shit all over the game and complain about it because there is no game (at least anything I've ever played or seen) that's like this. The endless possibilities, the randomness, the experiences, etc you just don't find this with any other game and that's why it doesn't make sense that so many people piss and moan over stuff that in the grand scheme of things are pretty minimal or understandable considering the size, scope and variation that this game is. I've heard people say it's "unplayable" When? when has that ever actually happened because every time I log on it works just fine. Sure there are glitches here and there, sure there are advantages that some players who would probably suck without them will take, sure it's not perfect but unplayable? Sucks? I don't know what the hell you're talking about when you say things like that. You're obviously playing the wrong game as far as I'm concerned. Maybe DayZ just isn't for you?
  20. pilgrim*

    1.0 and what i hope for.

    Same on PC for the countdown .. the logout/login delays were ONLY added to stop combat logging and combat ghosting, in FACT. There were lots of arguments about this and Hopper-Limiting way back.. Eventually the =tiny= logout pause was introduced ONLY to discourage combat loggers/ghosters. It was an easy no sweat no complaints compromise solution - After all the argument, nothing "real" was done about hoppers at all - except that hoppers and arguments about them encouraged a LOT of players to move to Private servers. I think a longer logout would encourage players to find GOOD places to log out (obviously) - which is anyway part of survival game-play - But instead players log out in dumb places and complain that when they log in the next day they are dead. I have no sympathy for that argument. To discourage Hoppers on Xbox is easy, because all Xbox servers are on Public Hive. So BI can use a universal time tag for each character, it doesn't matter WHERE they log in or out, their time tag is with their character in the Public Hive. That covers all Xbox 100% If they log in and stay for less than half an hour before they log out - then they get a 5 minute login penalty (to any server). 5 mins or MORE - I'm OK with that. Anyone who HAS to log off, wont be logging back in under 5 mins anyway. I think having to wait 5 mins to hop into each server, then spending 3 mins on the server, then having to wait 5 mins again - after a few hops most hoppers would loose interest, give it up, or they would be definitely LESS keen and play real DayZ for a change. Also a 5 min wait would make some duping techniques more difficult and more boring, too.
  21. You also didn't create single player servers that everyone has been asking for to get rid of spawn hopping and ghosting in. This is also your main problem when it comes to duplicating equipment. How about listening to the people and stop dropping the ball with every update. I went from excited to disappointed fast and in a hurry when you tweeted out you don't have single charter servers. Witch means you fixed absolutley nothing with duping and player bases are 100% will be worthless. Figure it out guys...
  22. pilgrim*

    1.0 and what i hope for.

    It's true - my suggestion is to reduce duping - IMO duping is THE main TOP unfair gameplay on Xbox, and also on PC (when it turns up). The point is that an anti-duper - an anti HOPPER - Timer CAN be done completely inside DayZ software.. so it works on any public hive - either PC or Xbox.. and ATM Xbox are ALL public hive. So cut down HEAVILY on duping and the game makes a big advance. Combat logging on xbox, to my own understanding (tell me if I'm wrong) - is a problem of the Xbox Microsoft network.. so it is not directly under DayZ software control, it is NOT standard internet connection and it is not under the control of BI - our Devs can't redesign the MS Network so that a player can't instantly leave a game. (but if they are not let back in by DayZ software for 5 mins, then that would cure combat ghosting) I believe it works this way, it's built into the MS xbox gaming network - and this is the problem, combat logging (out) is a thing outside of BI and DayZ software. - but again, tell me if I'm wrong. also - IMO combat logging is only a BIG problem (compared to hopping) if you are a combat freak who wants to play straight CoD battles. A standard DayZ technique is to shoot the guy in the back before he sees you. Getting the drop on someone is one key part of the DayZ game. And plenty fo fighters do NOT combat log (they'd rather fight to the death, right?) On PC the (short) timer -logging in and logging out cant be avoided by the player, and that sorts any combat logging or ghosting. IMO that existing PC timer should be at least x2 as long - 20 seconds each way - so people would think more carefully before they logged out. but as it stands, it works to prevent ghosting/combat logging and feeling safe to do it anywhere near other players. [ I have other Xbox suggestions that could be implemented inside the DayZ server software, but Xbox players would hate them (I know) .. lets see what happens when the Duping problem and the Base-building play has been sorted, first ] For Hoppers - You've seen my suggestion. AND more zombs in military bases and around mil tents would give hoppers a HARD time and also make play more interesting for normal folk. The PC Dead by Dawn server (offline today) puts five times as many zombies around mil loot. It would be difficult for a hopper to get in and out without finding 3+ zombs on his back in 10-15 seconds. For Bases - the full gameplay of bases has not been worked out yet; and on Xbox all servers are public servers (so no private friends-only servers to build "safe" bases on) so 50% of players are building bases (slow and long) and 50% of players are getting their LoLs tearing bases down (easy and fast).. Bases are in the game, all the parts of bases are available - BUT now they need balancing to make them interesting as part of DayZ - and not just a thing to spend time on. Players try to use bases in easy to find open or city places, as if they were FORTRESSES - but they ARE NOT FORTRESSES. They take time to build, they are weak, and they are ONLY about 2% safer than putting tents in a main street . And a hidden tent or stash is about 400 TIMES safer than a base. The rules and dynamics of how bases work to FIT into DayZ gameplay WILL be developed. In the meantime build your base in a HIDDEN place (for EFs sake). Right now it is NOT =no way= a FORTRESS.
  23. Stagman70

    1.0 and what i hope for.

    That might help with the duping, but that won't fix combat logging or ghosting into someone's base (that's why I never bothered with building walls and just stuck with strategically placed tents) I noticed, however, that the 1.01 update for the PC, presumably similar to what we are to expect for console, does NOT address the duping exploit.
  24. Stagman70

    1.0 and what i hope for.

    In all honesty, if they would just do something about duping/ghosting/combat logging, fix the lagging issues in the cities, and add some other guns, then I'd be fine with it.
  25. bent.toe

    1.0 and what i hope for.

    1. Being able to pick gender and race. And the ability to pick from different facial hair, beared, moustasch etc. The dynamic facial hair in the game are horrible... Wtf? 2. A compass should be added in inventory at spawn. 3. Variety in zombies, rotten and decayed, fat ones, different races, carrying a weapon on shoulder, an axe in hand, backpack etc. 4. Jeans as spawnable clothes 5. Custom controls 6. Infected and zombiefied animals. 7. Explosions (barrels, cars, canisters) 8. 5 hours day and 1 hour night (could play a whole 24h in one sitting). 9. Country flags on clothes/backpack. 10. Complete cars (flat tyre or missing petrol at the most). 11. Bears 12. More common weapons and gun cleaning kit in and around cities with police buildings. 13. Better RNG and logic loot i. e patches, first aid, medicin in hospitals, car stuff in garages and at gas stations, food, tents, and clothes at supermarkets and so on... You get the picture. 14. Spraypaint 15. NV goggles 16. Revolvers, 357 and. 44 17. Bow 18. Bear traps and tripwire. 19. Dual layer of clothes? Sweater and raincoat or shirt and peacoat. 20. Winter and - 20 degrees above NWAF. Making it a harsh and challenging environment to live in. 21. Slings for rifles, making them hanging on the chest/belly. On to bugs/weird features. 1. Clipping.. Just fix it. Characters look retarded with hair sticking out of a helmet. 2. Assembly a car, walking for miles at snail speed with a tire. Spending 15+ hours to find a sparkplug... Wtf? 3. Tents not placeable in forest or on sloope. 4. Custom controls or more control options. 5. Clothes / gear ruined after 2-3 hits from a zombie. 6. Eating / drinking reduced. 7. Frame rate in all cities and during fightas. This is weird... I remember when i first started playing back in august 2018, i was so impressed by the fps. Silky smooth and never any problems. Today it's almost unlplayable in some cities. 8. Fluid inventory and more controler friendly. 9. Risk vs reward, fix the RNG. I don’t want to spend 1 hour to hike to a castle only to find a canned spagetti and a lockpick. 10. Cars.. How hard can it be? Fluid controls, automatic gearbox and not having players shooting 20 meters up in the air... Come on. 11. Building.. Have a look at the forest game. Make building a base fun and exciting. Not tedious and boring. A pristine axe breaks after 7 trees..... So we need around 15 axes to get logs for a decent base. 12. Unrealistic breakage of in-game items. Knives, axes, supressors etc. all break after minimal use... Rubbish Lidl /wallmart stuff? It's not realistic. 13. Apples, mushroom... Running through a field with hundres of apple trees and not one apple? 14. Duping.. I hope it's gone for good. 15. Combat logging and ghosting.. I hope it's fixed with some serious action like 10 minute wait time between server switch and random location spawn within 400 meter from your last location. Now on to some features i like to see. 1. DM... Like it or Not, but it needs to be in there. People need to blow off some steam for a quick 30 minutes. Both dm and BR are a thing with mods on the PC version. 2. Non-combat zones (forced weapon on shoulder when entering area) where we can trade and exchange stories or meet up with friends. 3. Pickable spawn (only coast spawns) to get closer to your friends. Spawning in elektro when your friends are up in Severograd are boring, tedious and will take 90 minutes. If you could pick svetlojarsk it would be 25 minutes. 4. Ability to start generators in cities to get Street lights... Maybe 15 car batteries at the electricity building? 5. Killed players and gear should stay for 25 minutes. 6. More camo patterns from different countries armies. 7. Gas grenades and more variation in gasmasks. 8. Caves and underground bunkers. 9. Horses to ride on (most obvious transportation in an apocalypse). 10. Weekly challenges/happenings like in-game airdrops or hidden chests around Chernarus. 11. Stats (no not kills) on days/hours survived, animals hunted, places visited, cans eaten and so on. Fun stats to compare with friends. 12. More visable gear on the player like holster and pistol, canteen hanging from belt, ammo pouches etc. And you?