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About Covance

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    Daft thing

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    *) Videogames of course (primarily PC)
    *) Listening to music (all kinds of styles, including game soundtrack)
    *) Going out with my friends every once in a while
    *) Watching anime (not that much anymore though nowadays) and TV series, f.e. "My Little Pony: FiM" and "Game of Thrones"

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  1. Covance

    DayZ Watchman

    You don't understand: Since this thread had the tag "dayz stick kill", I already knew how the fight would end without even watching it. Something for you to keep in mind for future content posted by you.
  2. Covance

    DayZ Watchman

    I was going to watch it, but the tag "dayz stick kill" kind of spoiled the whole video. :/
  3. Covance

    Noobs Hate Rain

  4. Covance

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi there!
  5. Covance

    Go ahead, make my day

    Cerealsly awesome.
  6. If the devs do so, it'll be 'illegal' to act the way OP mentioned. Until then, it's not. I understand the way you think and feel, and if I was playing DayZ in a situation like that, I'd agree. But still: It's a game. A virtual entertainment software. And even with the "zombie survival king" DayZ, it remains as fun as the player wants it to be. Logging out in tight spots might be cheap and foolish, but it's a game after all. Haha, I'm not fully defending him! I can feel the pain in every honest DayZ player, reading the opening post. If any person has some personal honour, they act in certain ways. But people without honour in games act like that. :) I just think everyone in this thread is wasting their energy. If OP wants to combat-log, let him. Why is it any concern to you? Everyone just move along, play the game honourable or not, whatever way you want!
  7. Where is that official "DayZ proper behavior codex" everyone is forced to follow? What? There's none? Oh my... DayZ is a game. A pretty game with flaws, allowing scumbags to successfully be scumbags. Isn't that just like real life? Except for the fact that in games, nobody gets hurt for real? Let OP log out of fights if he thinks it'll save him forever, and don't let him raise your inner rage. He's playing the game in a dirty way, and that's his decision. If everyone else plays DayZ "properly by the codex", then hooray for you, honourable knights. :)
  8. Covance

    "My crabs are itchy"

  9. I use "Better DS3" as a driver emulator for my PS3 controller. I just plug in the controller, it's being recognized by the program, and in the program I set its settings on "PS3 controller" - voilá, it works just like it should! You can also fully configure the controller, set sensitivities and even reset keys. Here's the link to "Better DS3"'s website. There's also a very similiar program named "MotioninJoy", but its disadvantage is that you get annoying online ads popping up every now and then. The funny thing is that you actually need "MotioninJoy"'s drivers for "Better DS3" to work. It's the same system, but DS3 has a more friendly and ad-free UI. :)
  10. Covance

    plz help me.......

    I think you have to run ArmA 2 once before installing DayZ. If I remember correctly, the first start-up places/creates some game files which are necessary for everything to run.
  11. Covance


    I partially agree, however you could still make "an effort" and read whatever Zee posted there. For he's not going to print that post onto the first page of a book he's going to sell. Plus, he's placing commas and punctuation marks properly, so he's actually making an effort compared to whoever roams blogs and social platforms these days. :)
  12. Covance


    I hereby honestly and heartfully congratulate you to your accomplishment, Grimey Rick.
  13. Covance

    Finaly got unbanned

    The message is: Hacking does NOT pay!
  14. Covance

    Where are the birds ?

    They went north. For some strange, unknown reason.