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Timing of Patch 1.5.8

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Patch 1.5.8 delayed because I'm still at work, its 3:30am, and I need to sleep. Sorry guys, out tomorrow.

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I think you should tweak the zombies so that they don't run so incredibly fast. I understand that fast zombies adds to the danger' date=' but maybe make them just a bit slower, and perhaps ever so slightly less damaging. Just my feedback.


The zombie's speed isn't the problem, it's their instant acceleration and deceleration that is the problem. If they took even 1 second to transition from 0 mph to 20 mph it would be better.

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Lol, Rocket, we have almost the same timezone <3

Well,im going to have a rest before patch comes out in a VERY DAMN GOOD TIMING! :D

Thank you so much, Rocket, for the deep co-op with the community!

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Why appologize, youve done great and keep up the good work!

Shit happens man no worries, have yourself a good night! ill take care of all the haters

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I think you should tweak the zombies so that they don't run so incredibly fast. I understand that fast zombies adds to the danger' date=' but maybe make them just a bit slower, and perhaps ever so slightly less damaging. Just my feedback.


The zombie's speed isn't the problem, it's their instant acceleration and deceleration that is the problem. If they took even 1 second to transition from 0 mph to 20 mph it would be better.

As you said, that all adds to the danger and the stress of encountering Zombies though... If you had more time to react i think it would be a bit too easy. You just have to practice and you'll get used to it, they make enough noise to alert you to their presence, so you can sense them from pretty far enough.

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Why appologize' date=' youve done great and keep up the good work!

Shit happens man no worries, have yourself a good night! ill take care of all the haters


What's next, broarmy unite? Pffffff

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thank you for the update.

I appreciate all the work you are putting into this Mod.

Hell, Like a lot of people, I bought ArmA II: CO just to play this.

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Looking forward to update. I hope something of that I submitted to dev-heaven will be addressed.

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Patch 1.5.8 delayed because I'm still at work' date=' its 3:30am, and I need to sleep. Sorry guys, out tomorrow.


wth.. they still make you do real work? You've made more sales for them in the last 2 weeks than they would have made until the release of Arma3 otherwise!

You should have your own corner of the office with minions pandering to your every need as you concentrate solely on DayZ mod.

Oh and a kickass in house server farm for the hive.

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I doubt the effectiveness of suggestions here but I'd be happy to be banned for a certain period to ensure the roll-out could be done? As in, ban everyone, roll it out, release groups of 100 every half hour to ease the load? It's not like you owe anyone up-time haha and it's only going to make things better in the long run

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*wakes up, sees delay post*

Well, at least I might get some of my thesis done today then... damn :P

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Hmm, so you work on saturday night. In BIS HQ. Hmm, what possibly you could be doing? ArmA3 builds? Nah. So, you're working on new patch for Arma 2? :)

You don't need to answer that :)

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Woah still working at 3:30 am? that's sick... Was it for ArmA 3 or DayZ?

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A programed server down time with updates available for clients.

Players get the up-dates while servers are doing there server-side up-dates.

Clients come back when all is done.

I bet that would be a rush, so maybe sector by sector: EU/USA/.....

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I doubt the effectiveness of suggestions here but I'd be happy to be banned for a certain period to ensure the roll-out could be done? As in' date=' ban everyone, roll it out, release groups of 100 every half hour to ease the load? It's not like you owe anyone up-time haha and it's only going to make things better in the long run


That suggestion would be much less effective than just taking the servers down and bringing them back up one at a time by either time zones or region. 100 every half an hour? Be realistic here. According to the statistics on the home page, there's 64111 players that are alive right now. As much fun as waiting sounds I think I can speak for everyone (besides you apparently) that this would be a bad idea.

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