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About pricelinenegotiator

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. pricelinenegotiator

    1.6.0 Helicopter crash site unlootable/enterable

    Pretty sure they're trolling us with this uber loot. I wouldn't count on it.
  2. pricelinenegotiator

    BIS Giveaway. What happened?

    Same thing for me, was like wtf? Look in announcements.
  3. pricelinenegotiator

    Girl Character?

    I approve this feature only if all the women characters look like Lara Croft/Angeline Jolie.
  4. pricelinenegotiator

    New beta Patch! (93121)

    I installed this patch earlier today, however it says that my version is not correct when I try to join a server running the beta patch. Any ideas?
  5. pricelinenegotiator

    Player corpses disappearing in new patch?

    Bad quality, but you can see what happens. Edit: this is the no "player was killed" message appearing, shortly after his body disappeared.
  6. pricelinenegotiator

    Player corpses disappearing in new patch?

    The server was SE9 if that makes any difference.
  7. pricelinenegotiator

    Player corpses disappearing in new patch?

    Yes, this happened last night to my group. We killed a survivor and my friend got the kill, however there was no "player was killed" on the chat log. I recorded the whole thing and the message does not appear. I was later killed by a bunch of zombies due to the rubble pile at the NWAF in front of the ATC tower. No "player was killed" message popped up at that time either. Later it was discovered that the guy we killed had disappeared and also my body had too. Not very fun.
  8. pricelinenegotiator

    Bugged chopper on FR4 causing havoc

    There was also an issue similar to this on Atlanta 1 west of the airfield near Lopatino. Many hours were put into fixing it.
  9. pricelinenegotiator

    cheating? Papkazol

    Would it kill you to offer an explanation?
  10. pricelinenegotiator

    Possible Pickup Truck Temp Drop Bug

    Bump. I find this to be a pretty important bug. It makes vehicles absolutely useless until fixed.
  11. pricelinenegotiator

    Possible Pickup Truck Temp Drop Bug

    My friend is having the same problem with the ATV.
  12. pricelinenegotiator

    Possible Pickup Truck Temp Drop Bug

  13. pricelinenegotiator

    Possible Pickup Truck Temp Drop Bug

    Pretty sure the pickup is bugged, as the temp decreases FAR too quick once you get in. I mean one unit every 5 seconds or maybe faster. Fixed truck with windscreen and we still get the issue. Date/Time: Right now/ 5-21-12 What happened: Temp decreases by about 20 units per minute in the pickup Where you were: West of NW Airfield What you were doing: Sitting in a car and also driving it Current installed version:
  14. pricelinenegotiator

    Rocket, please read.

    Dude, my fucking 6 year old cousin has better logic than this.
  15. pricelinenegotiator

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Dear God.