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Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

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Is this new? I don't remember seeing this before.

M16 burst is cool too, a single quick tap = only one shot fires, but if you hold it, it will fire all 3 (as it should, so it works just like in IRL, good job BI and DayZ Devs).

Edit: oh and M16 suppressed sounds nice, I like it.

Edit 2: new ACOG is chonky, but it's cool.

Edited by DefectiveWater
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  On 6/17/2021 at 9:19 AM, lynn.zaw said:
  • Changed: nopause launch parameter now accepts integers
  • Changed: Now has option to choose 1 or 2 for -nopause

What's the difference between -nopause (how it is today), -nopause 1 and -nopause 2 ?

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  On 6/17/2021 at 4:08 PM, Oliver Closeov said:

Does this mean that Plate carriers no longer spawn anywhere else, or that if they spawn on a zombie it will only spawn on a heavy soldier?

It means that if plate carrier is gonna spawn on the infected... it will spawn in badly damaged state and not pristine

World spawn is unaffected

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Plate carrier vests are only found on infected heavy soldiers and in a (badly) damaged state

Will there be a way to control the number of plates spawning on heavy soldiers to control their availability in the CLE?

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  On 6/17/2021 at 9:19 AM, lynn.zaw said:


  • Players now spawn with a half-used bandage-dressing instead of rags

Lots of good changes, but why let players start with bandage dressings instead of rags..? Also every weapon spawned with a mag in it will always have a bullet??? Did a dev just get annoyed one day and decide to change this? I don't see any logical reason for these changes other than someone thinks its an inconvenience. What happened to an unforgiving game experience, seems like every patch is making things more and more forgiving. Hell zombies dont attack you when unconscious because its frustrating? Wtf is going on over there at bohemia.

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  On 6/17/2021 at 11:48 AM, mobbie said:

Looks like still no fix for rx 6800 cards And how is 6800xt running like crap in coastal towns, not a known issue is beyond me lol

Watch Panjino's DayZ optimization guide. It has tweaks for low, medium and high end PCs and I recommend it for everyone.

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  On 6/17/2021 at 8:31 PM, Robzom11 said:

Lots of good changes, but why let players start with bandage dressings instead of rags..? Also every weapon spawned with a mag in it will always have a bullet??? Did a dev just get annoyed one day and decide to change this? I don't see any logical reason for these changes other than someone thinks its an inconvenience. What happened to an unforgiving game experience, seems like every patch is making things more and more forgiving. Hell zombies dont attack you when unconscious because its frustrating? Wtf is going on over there at bohemia.

Bandages instead of rags because what are the odds you find disinfectant to clean the rags? Bandages don't get dirty.

Also, its uncommon to find a weapon with a mag unless this change applies to internal magazines such as mozins.

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  On 6/17/2021 at 8:45 PM, Scott P. Collins said:

Watch Panjino's DayZ optimization guide. It has tweaks for low, medium and high end PCs and I recommend it for everyone.

RX6800 shouldn't need tweaks, what needs tweaks is DayZ... That GPU is pretty close to a RTX 3080 in terms of performance, but thanks for the recommendation.

Edited by DefectiveWater
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Defense mode Op we have a problem here,  The defense mode is the most broken there is, I can't stop imagining situations in which this can be abused, I think that the angle of effectiveness of the defense mode should be limited or that each extra hit contributes to breaking the defense state

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  On 6/17/2021 at 2:41 PM, Blitz59 said:

Disable Radion Anti-Lag and Radion Enhanced Sync for play and the response will be stable. At the 6800TX itself, after shutdown it works like a clock.


Already have all that off still have low clocks cant wont even boost past 1400 in this game mine running 2700 on the core and 2110 on mem

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  On 6/17/2021 at 11:22 AM, Boroda Thug said:

When 60 FPS for PS5?

This is still on our to-do list, sadly it did not make it for this update. It's sadly not as easy as just changing a number, as we also want players on PS4 to have a stable experience without too extreme frame-changes.

  On 6/17/2021 at 1:47 PM, Mr Jizz said:

Why?? Are the devs getting soft?

It's been a while since I force-fed bullets to someone... is that gone too?

You can still feed them rotten food. It was removed as we added additional functionality to the desinfectant items due to technical constraints.

  On 6/17/2021 at 4:57 PM, DefectiveWater said:


Is this new? I don't remember seeing this before.

We clarified it a bit better in the changelog now, this is mainly about behavior of the game while you alt-tab out of it. You can either freeze the game completely, have visuals moving, or both sounds/visuals active while not focused in-game.

  On 6/17/2021 at 5:06 PM, ElRolle said:

What's the difference between -nopause (how it is today), -nopause 1 and -nopause 2 ?

Also clarified this part in the changelog now, 1 is for visuals only, 2 is for both visuals and sounds. If you want it to freeze, just remove the parameter.

  On 6/17/2021 at 8:31 PM, Robzom11 said:

Lots of good changes, but why let players start with bandage dressings instead of rags..?

Because they are disinfected. It wouldn't be fair to players to have the chance with any fight from the start at the coast to get the wound infection immediatly, so we give them 2 "save" chances to bandage (the bandages don't spawn with full charge), afterwards they will have to find clean bandaging material/disinfectant.

  On 6/17/2021 at 8:31 PM, Robzom11 said:

Also every weapon spawned with a mag in it will always have a bullet?

Which does not mean that every weapon spawns with a mag. Just that when you find a weapon with a mag, it has at least 1 bullet in it.

  On 6/17/2021 at 8:31 PM, Robzom11 said:

Hell zombies dont attack you when unconscious because its frustrating?

Depends on the point of view. It seems more fitting to us that infected would search for a new target once one is incapacitated. It gives players the chance to escape from tense situations (you're mostly in a bad spot when infected hit you uncon, and they will probably still be wandering around somewhere close after you wake up) and we trust that it will make fights more interesting when infected switch targets from unconscious players to active combatants.

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I take it that this is all in terms of content that 1.13 has to offer, and rest of the updates to this are mainly bugfixes and changes, much like last update?

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@devs this how game runs on the coast with no mods needs to be looked at 


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  On 6/18/2021 at 8:25 AM, mobbie said:

@devs this how game runs on the coast with no mods needs to be looked at 


Hmm... downclocking usually suggests CPU bottlenecks and that sorta stuff, could be just that. Anyone else on an Intel platform with 6800xt (or Ryzen 5000)?
So to me it seems like DayZ wants more CPU than your GPU is getting, so it downclocks?

I'm on 2600x and I also notice some dips at the coast, but I always thought it might be my GPU (RX580), which it might be.

AMD is known to be less gaming effective due to their increased core-to-core latency than similar Intel CPU, but they pack a punch in multithreading (this is mostly about Ryzen 1000, 2000 and somewhat 3000).

Edited by DefectiveWater

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  On 6/18/2021 at 9:21 AM, DefectiveWater said:

Hmm... downclocking usually suggests CPU bottlenecks and that sorta stuff, could be just that. Anyone else on an Intel platform with 6800xt (or Ryzen 5000)?
So to me it seems like DayZ wants more CPU than your GPU is getting, so it downclocks?

I'm on 2600x and I also notice some dips at the coast, but I always thought it might be my GPU (RX580), which it might be.

AMD is known to be less gaming effective due to their increased core-to-core latency than similar Intel CPU, but they pack a punch in multithreading (this is mostly about Ryzen 1000, 2000 and somewhat 3000).

Got 5600x and running at 1440


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The most major bug that devs have totally ignored for nearly 6 years are the flying cars.  I noticed that Arma 3 just released a new DLC, and the cars STILL act reasonably well on an engine that is ancient at this point.  Perception is reality.  When will vehicles become usable/reliable in this game?  Can you give us a year?  At this point and with the lack of attention, we are all assuming never.  If that is so, I'd like to hear it first hand.  So sick of this.

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  On 6/17/2021 at 4:08 PM, Oliver Closeov said:

Does this mean that Plate carriers no longer spawn anywhere else, or that if they spawn on a zombie it will only spawn on a heavy soldier?

correct and correct. someone else mentioned they found one at NWAF, but I'm guessing the EXP servers weren't wiped.


in types.xml 

    <type name="PlateCarrierVest">
        <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>
        <category name="clothes"/>
        <usage name="Military"/>
        <value name="Tier3"/>
        <value name="Tier4"/>

in cfgrandompresets.xml 

		<attachments chance="1.00" name="HeavyArmorArmy">
			<item name="PlateCarrierVest" chance="1.00" />

and cfgspawnabletypes.xml

	<type name="ZmbM_usSoldier_Heavy_Woodland">
		<cargo preset="foodArmy" />		
		<attachments preset="HeavyArmorArmy" />
		<attachments preset="HeavyHelmetArmy" />


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  On 6/17/2021 at 2:02 PM, 'AZAZEL' said:

É um bom começo ... agora, por favor, faça com que eles e todos os zeds sejam capazes de quebrar portas, pular carros e contêineres e tudo mais, para que eles realmente representem uma ameaça. 🙂

Caso contrário, não faz diferença o que você adiciona se eu posso simplesmente atirar neles estando em cima de um contêiner militar ou saco de areia ... ou prendê-los atrás de uma porta.

Só posso esperar que um dia os zeds sejam semelhantes aos Voláteis de DyingLight ... então este jogo seria uma lenda.


EDIT: Também há alguma razão particular pela qual esses "novos tipos infectados especiais" são visualmente idênticos aos zeds que temos atualmente? Como neste "Heavy Police" sendo um zed simples usando uma facada oeste e um capacete (que uau, nunca vi isso antes). Ninguém saberia sobre seus "tipos infectados especiais", a menos que encontrasse essas notas de patch. Honestamente, por que se preocupar em mencionar isso quando é apenas uma simples mudança de estatísticas sob o capô? 🤨 , foi inicialmente sensacionalista, mas depois percebeu que você mais uma vez pegou o caminho preguiçoso e os fez desovar com certas roupas como "Heavy Soldier" sendo um zed militar com um porta-placas ... como vamos lá cara, é o que já temos .

I want to see you shoot them without a gun, earlier there was a player asking for hordes of zombies kkkkj in practice I don't think it would be so cool, unless you spawnasee with a m4a1 and at least a clip of ammo (I support this spawn :D)

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  On 6/17/2021 at 8:56 PM, DefectiveWater said:

O RX6800 não deve precisar de ajustes, o que precisa de ajustes é o DayZ ... Esse GPU é muito próximo de um RTX 3080 em termos de desempenho, mas obrigado pela recomendação.

I don't see the need for all icons to be 3d, the server devs I play are concerned all the time with game performance, and the game has almost no interaction with the world, you can't create a water cooler and use , you can't rummage through boxes and no containers in the world, you enter the store and there's nothing there... and the game can be extremely heavy. ;-; (when you see tarkov with all that rubbish in the world and interaction with pretty much everything, you can't even imagine that game is as heavy as dayz)

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  On 6/18/2021 at 8:25 AM, mobbie said:

@devs é assim que o jogo funciona na costa, sem mods, precisa ser analisado 


VRAM de 4 GB, MEU DEUS, como joguei isso com 1 GB? apparently 90 fps is low these days, a week ago i played at 20 fps is that low?

Edited by KommanderWar-94971bcb672f9055

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I keep hearing some kind of new distant Artillery noises at random in this new update. I hope they do mean something, otherwise it's just really irritating and scary especially for those who couldn't figure out what it was, like me. Are we going to get struck by Artillery Strikes now???

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  On 6/18/2021 at 6:26 PM, vitdom said:

I keep hearing some kind of new distant Artillery noises at random in this new update. I hope they do mean something, otherwise it's just really irritating and scary especially for those who couldn't figure out what it was, like me. Are we going to get struck by Artillery Strikes now???

I've heard those booms too, like distant thunder or something. Also most of the wolf packs I've encountered have been silent up to the point they attack. Not sure if this has been an issue for a bit.

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