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Experimental Update 1.02.150958

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Hello Survivors,

we have a new patch with fixes incoming, also including some balancing tweaks. As usual, please let us know about any issues you encounter in the game. 🙂

The Public Experimental Server Files have been updated as well.



  • It is highly recommended to use the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • Updating a moddable game and its platform is not without risks. We use various methods to communicate upcoming changes to our awesome modding community. We also co-operate directly on troubleshooting, and we offer an opportunity to test updates via our Release Candidate tests. Modders, server administrators and other members of the community do their best to prepare for updates and to address issues post-release as quickly as possible. Please be mindful of some interruptions (especially in the first hours / days after a release) while we all work to improve the game together.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q.DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.


  • Added: Muzzle flash effect for Mosin compensator


  • Fixed: Attachment icon dragged from hands slot to an invalid slot disappears
  • Fixed: Fixed missing textures on LAR buttstocks
  • Fixed: Character noise indicator not showing appropriate values
  • Fixed: Collisions of base building objects remaining after their parts have been detached
  • Fixed: LAR magazines are always spawned empty
  • Fixed: Rangefinder drawing its value on other clients' screens, assorted client error and interference between rangefinders
  • Fixed: When opening doors for the first time, the whole building model can move slightly
  • Fixed: Client error connected to player presence indicator
  • Fixed: It is no longer possible to attach the Hunting Scope to the BK-18


  • Tweaked: Sneak attack on the Infected now also works when hitting the torso
  • Tweaked: Infected are less perceptive in terms of sounds in general, limited vision at night
  • Tweaked: Blood and health regeneration slowed by roughly 1/3rd
  • Tweaked: Water and energy metabolism slowed down by roughly 1/5th
  • Tweaked: Increased water, energy and healthy penalty by roughly 1/2 when heat comfort is low/high
  • Tweaked: Chemlight illumination range lowered to 7.5m


  • Tweaked: Personal light access parameter (PlayerBaseClient.m_PersonalLight) changed from 'private' to 'protected' to allow modding
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  On 3/27/2019 at 3:00 PM, ImpulZ said:


  • Fixed: Attachment icon dragged from hands slot to an invalid slot disappears
  • Fixed: Fixed missing textures on LAR buttstocks
  • Fixed: Character noise indicator not showing appropriate values
  • Fixed: Collisions of base building objects remaining after their parts have been detached
  • Fixed: LAR magazines are always spawned empty
  • Fixed: Rangefinder drawing its value on other clients' screens, assorted client error and interference between rangefinders
  • Fixed: When opening doors for the first time, the whole building model can move slightly
  • Fixed: Client error connected to player presence indicator
  • Fixed: It is no longer possible to attach the Hunting Scope to the BK-18


  • Tweaked: Sneak attack on the Infected now also works when hitting the torso
  • Tweaked: Infected are less perceptive in terms of sounds in general, limited vision at night
  • Tweaked: Blood and health regeneration slowed by roughly 1/3rd
  • Tweaked: Water and energy metabolism slowed down by roughly 1/5th
  • Tweaked: Increased water, energy and healthy penalty by roughly 1/2 when heat comfort is low/high
  • Tweaked: Chemlight illumination range lowered to 7.5m


  • Tweaked: Personal light access parameter (PlayerBaseClient.m_PersonalLight) changed from 'private' to 'protected' to allow modding

Some pretty big tweaks and fixes.

Any rough estimate when we can expect this hitting Stable? Not sure what your bug list is looking like.

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Fixed: It is no longer possible to attach the Hunting Scope to the BK-18

The BK-18 is a hunting rifle and has rails, will there be a scope option for this rifle in the future?

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  On 3/27/2019 at 3:43 PM, Weyland Yutani (DayZ) said:

Some pretty big tweaks and fixes.

Any rough estimate when we can expect this hitting Stable? Not sure what your bug list is looking like.

Not today, but depending on how the fixes are working out and if no new issues arise it could still happen this week.

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  On 3/27/2019 at 3:48 PM, ImpulZ said:

Not today, but depending on how the fixes are working out and if no new issues arise it could still happen this week.

Awesome news, thanks for taking the time to respond. I'm sure y'all are very busy. 🍺

Would you reccommend a server wipe for server owners or...?

Edited by Weyland Yutani (DayZ)

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  On 3/27/2019 at 3:44 PM, Kerbo said:

The BK-18 is a hunting rifle and has rails, will there be a scope option for this rifle in the future?

Maybe the pistol scope. When asked devs say the reason the hunting scope doesn't go on the BK-18 is that it doesn't fit the model, but since the in-game description talks of a rail there has to be some scope that fits...

But this:

"Tweaked: Personal light access parameter (PlayerBaseClient.m_PersonalLight) changed from 'private' to 'protected' to allow modding"

REMOVE THAT DAMN PERSONAL LIGHT!!! It is an awful idea, because A) it looks like crap B) we really should not have client side differences in what we see and C) you need to fix the moonlight, not do magic lamps!

Why aren't more people reacting to this horrid thing?

Even if you want to see better at night, there are so many better ways to go about that than to create fake, client-side "personal night lights"!

I'm getting whiny about this issue, but no, I don't think I'll shut up about it. Night lighting is in need of some adjustments, that is true. But this idea really is terrible.

Edited by Derleth
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  On 3/27/2019 at 3:58 PM, Derleth said:

REMOVE THAT DAMN PERSONAL LIGHT!!! It is an awful idea, because A) it looks like crap B) we really should not have client side differences in what we see and C) you need to fix the moonlight, not do magic lamps!

Why aren't more people reacting to this horrid thing?

100% agree, this has no place in a supposedly hardcore game like DayZ. Prepare for night or suffer the consequences

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  On 3/27/2019 at 3:58 PM, Derleth said:

Maybe the pistol scope. When asked devs say the reason the hunting scope doesn't go on the BK-18 is that it doesn't fit the model, but since the in-game description talks of a rail there has to be some scope that fits...

But this:

"Tweaked: Personal light access parameter (PlayerBaseClient.m_PersonalLight) changed from 'private' to 'protected' to allow modding"

REMOVE THAT DAMN PERSONAL LIGHT!!! It is an awful idea, because A) it looks like crap B) we really should not have client side differences in what we see and C) you need to fix the moonlight, not do magic lamps!

Why aren't more people reacting to this horrid thing?

Even if you want to see better at night, there are so many better ways to go about that than to create fake, client-side "personal night lights"!

Maybe they could make this an opt-in/opt-out thing? I haven't played EXP myself and don't plan to, but by the sounds of it, there are a lot of complaints and by the descriptions and screens - it doesn't look/sound cool.

Being here from the literal beginning, Mod to SA through every EXP build and seeing variances of night...it looks like they're stabbing in the dark with night time adjustments/fixes. I'm not sure what the underlying motif is in the lab though. Is it they simply just they can't fix it, or they want it as black as possible to leave modding open, no clue.

I'm going to say it again: STREET LIGHTS. It worked in the Mod and it looked great. It looked fantastic in early SA when one town had 1 light on each and the soda machines were lit up. They could make the power grids so they could get powered up by various craftable/maintenance means. It's the only real solution. They could just stop messing with the nights and just add the STREET LIGHTS.

Hicks once said that sometimes you need to make concessions to make the experience fun which was in reference to something about Nespesney being overly into the simulation end of systems where it was too much and not fun anymore. This is exactly the time for this mode of thinking. If everyone stands up and demands it, I know for real the devs will do it.

Get up, stand up...stand up for your lights!

-Bob Marley 

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  On 3/27/2019 at 3:58 PM, Derleth said:

Maybe the pistol scope. When asked devs say the reason the hunting scope doesn't go on the BK-18 is that it doesn't fit the model, but since the in-game description talks of a rail there has to be some scope that fits...

But this:

"Tweaked: Personal light access parameter (PlayerBaseClient.m_PersonalLight) changed from 'private' to 'protected' to allow modding"

REMOVE THAT DAMN PERSONAL LIGHT!!! It is an awful idea, because A) it looks like crap B) we really should not have client side differences in what we see and C) you need to fix the moonlight, not do magic lamps!

Why aren't more people reacting to this horrid thing?

Even if you want to see better at night, there are so many better ways to go about that than to create fake, client-side "personal night lights"!

I'm getting whiny about this issue, but no, I don't think I'll shut up about it. Night lighting is in need of some adjustments, that is true. But this idea really is terrible.

Agreed, 100 percent. Or make the light much weaker. 

Edited by whatteverr
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  On 3/27/2019 at 3:00 PM, ImpulZ said:

Hello Survivors,

we have a new patch with fixes incoming, also including some balancing tweaks. As usual, please let us know about any issues you encounter in the game. 🙂

The Public Experimental Server Files have been updated as well.



  • It is highly recommended to use the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.


  • Fixed: Attachment icon dragged from hands slot to an invalid slot disappears
  • Fixed: Fixed missing textures on LAR buttstocks
  • Fixed: Character noise indicator not showing appropriate values
  • Fixed: Collisions of base building objects remaining after their parts have been detached



Ive updated to the new experimental release, and now all of my base is invisible. You can see the labels everywhere for what was there before. But the actual item is invisible and in the case of the walls, you can walk through them

I checked file integrity, but no effect . .. return to non experimental, all walls etc return . ..

Edited by aux7

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Tweaked: Sneak attack on the Infected now also works when hitting the torso

Tweaked: Infected are less perceptive in terms of sounds in general, limited vision at night

Tweaked: Blood and health regeneration slowed by roughly 1/3rd

Tweaked: Water and energy metabolism slowed down by roughly 1/5th

Tweaked: Increased water, energy and healthy penalty by roughly 1/2 when heat comfort is low/high

@Impulz thank you for listening to the community and applying these tweaks/balancing to survival. In my opinion 1/3rd slower regen is not enough but I understand the team doesn't want to start with drastic changes. Please continue to gather feedback from the community and kudos to you all.

P.S. Still waiting for the day when powdered milk doesn't satiate my thirst :)

Edited by repzaj1234

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  On 3/27/2019 at 3:58 PM, Derleth said:

Maybe the pistol scope. When asked devs say the reason the hunting scope doesn't go on the BK-18 is that it doesn't fit the model, but since the in-game description talks of a rail there has to be some scope that fits...

But this:

"Tweaked: Personal light access parameter (PlayerBaseClient.m_PersonalLight) changed from 'private' to 'protected' to allow modding"

REMOVE THAT DAMN PERSONAL LIGHT!!! It is an awful idea, because A) it looks like crap B) we really should not have client side differences in what we see and C) you need to fix the moonlight, not do magic lamps!

Why aren't more people reacting to this horrid thing?

Even if you want to see better at night, there are so many better ways to go about that than to create fake, client-side "personal night lights"!

I'm getting whiny about this issue, but no, I don't think I'll shut up about it. Night lighting is in need of some adjustments, that is true. But this idea really is terrible.

Is this that stupid feature where I see a shirtless zombie walking through the woods and he looks like he's glowing?  Personal light should be taken out completely.  It's no good.

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Guys I really don't know what your problem with night light is.It seems to be about PERFECT now.Before my screen was completely black like i switched my monitor off.You could literally do nothing with this than sit in a house and wait for the sunrise or logout and wait.Now u can see the basic figures of trees and houses in front you so you can AT LEAST find somewhere safe to settle for the night.Common you like staring at a switched off monitor ? Even with a light source it was almost impossible to make basic traveling in the game.I think they just found the perfect middle ground for people who want bright day-like night (which in my opinion is bad because it's no different than having daytime visibility) and those who want completely monitor-off like night.So this one is the best of both worlds imo.And don't tell me that you could see basic stuff with the old night because a) your monitor is problematic/bad with washed out colors  or  b) you set your monitor's gamma really high.I have a TN (which does not have the greatest blacks) calibrated for real life color reproduction (as close as it can be with a TN panel) and i couldnt see anything rather than a white dot in the middle of the screen.I can't imagine how this would be for people with VA or IPS panel which have more lifelike black colors...Just relax and enjoy, it doesn't make it less ''hardcore' being able to stare at your screen and see BASIC figures that makes you think 'oh my monitor is not turned off'. :)

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  On 3/27/2019 at 5:04 PM, Pavlos Ge said:

Guys I really don't know what your problem with night light is.It seems to be about PERFECT now.Before my screen was completely black like i switched my monitor off.You could literally do nothing with this than sit in a house and wait for the sunrise or logout and wait.Now u can see the basic figures of trees and houses in front you so you can AT LEAST find somewhere safe to settle for the night.Common you like staring at a switched off monitor ? Even with a light source it was almost impossible to make basic traveling in the game.I think they just found the perfect middle ground for people who want bright day-like night (which in my opinion is bad because it's no different than having daytime visibility) and those who want completely monitor-off like night.So this one is the best of both worlds imo.And don't tell me that you could see basic stuff with the old night because a) your monitor is problematic/bad with washed out colors  or  b) you set your monitor's gamma really high.I have a TN (which does not have the greatest blacks) calibrated for real life color reproduction (as close as it can be with a TN panel) and i couldnt see anything rather than a white dot in the middle of the screen.I can't imagine how this would be for people with VA or IPS panel which have more lifelike black colors...Just relax and enjoy, it doesn't make it less ''hardcore' being able to stare at your screen and see BASIC figures that makes you think 'oh my monitor is not turned off'. 🙂

I think most people are not against the 'personal night light' because it makes the night more visible, but the fact that it is just a strange and visually unpleasant way of increasing night illumination. First of all, interiors are now much more bright than the outside, which should not be possible. Secondly, some stuff is just too bright at dark which makes it pretty ugly. Thirdly, like Derleth perfectly mentioned, moon illumination seems to be completely gone.

I'm willing to even give the personal night light a chance, but before I do, it seriously needs to be toned down. Or at least make the interiors and some objects not as bright.

I do think that the nights from 1.01 were too dark and my first reaction of the 1.02 night time was positive, until I noticed the interiors and some of these shiny objects. Nevertheless, I was already suspecting that the moon lightning was gone with 1.0 and I am happy that Derleth and others confirmed this suspicion. If the devs can just bring back moon light and use that as a light source to illuminate the night (perhaps not as much as during 0.63, as it sometimes was pretty bright at night) it would be perfect....

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Queria saber o que há de novo, mais armas, fuzis, atiradores ... Ter apenas um M4 ea AK como fuzil já está enjuando, deveria ter mais opções de armas. E também tem um problema que toda vez que tem um jogador perto do jogo de trava de 3 não consigo deslocar-se para uma curta distância. Outro erro é o escopo da AK TODA VEZ que eu dou zoom  ela fica cinza por um tempo e isso atrapalha muito quando está em confronto.


Edited by Gabriel Martinelli

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Yeah, that "personal light" thing is horrible. Leave it to the light sources we already have. The head lamp and weapon flashlights are perfect the way they are. Just add more ambient light with the proper moon phases and it'll be perfect.


But that magic personal light radius was meant for Diablo 1, and should stay there.

Edited by odin_lowe
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  On 3/27/2019 at 6:16 PM, odin_lowe said:

Yeah, that "personal light" thing is horrible. Leave it to the light sources we already have. The head lamp and weapon flashlights are perfect the way they are. Just add more ambient light with the proper moon phases and it'll be perfect.


But that magic personal light radius was meant for Diablo 1, and should stay there.


I agree. Ambient light should be the only lightsource in the nights. For an example, the Constructionlights lights up but anything outside its patch is plain dark like it a blackhole. 

An Example (Have in mind I am using as mod to boost the light in current stable release)

But as you all can see. it's like you are inside a ripped box XD


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Has anyone actually been able to get an Olga working fully? With all fluids and parts? The past two patches we've tried we've been unable to put motor oil in the car. The little black thing on the right hand side that works for the 4X4 doesnt seem to open a prompt with the Olga. 

I see the hot topic of this forum is the personal light right now. But I'm really more curious if the new car is fully functional. 

Edit: I also have to say now that I experienced significantly more crashes today than yesterday. I stopped trying to play after verifying, reinstalling, deleting app data, and still getting crashes. 

Edited by Influence_X
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  On 3/27/2019 at 7:02 PM, Influence_X said:

Has anyone actually been able to get an Olga working fully? With all fluids and parts? The past two patches we've tried we've been unable to put motor oil in the car. The little black thing on the right hand side that works for the 4X4 doesnt seem to open a prompt with the Olga. 

I see the hot topic of this forum is the personal light right now. But I'm really more curious if the new car is fully functional. 

I saw RageBruh driving one in a stream, so yeah it works. I never bother with cars myself, jogging across the map and back is quicker than finding all the crap needed to get a car running...

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Totally agree with others that the client side light should be removed and the moon light should be recovered depending on its moon phases and how cloudy the sky is, also projecting its corresponding tree/house/object's... shadows, and these (the shadows) be almost completelly black without any other light source.

On the other hand (this might be even more difficult to pursue) is to make the player's eye adaptative in function on how light or dark the night around yourself is, even counting artificially generated light sources as flares, flashlights, campfires...

Summarizing; make it as realistic as possible.

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okay....first test and spawned at night and it feels that i have chemlight as a builded in my hands.
there is moon in sky...why it is not get some light on enviroment?

for me it feels like devs have decided to input invisible chemlight in character models head that everyone can see at night,

Edited by kopo79
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I do want to note, after toying a bit in the offline mode, that the overall increase in brightness at night is perfect. You can clearly see the night sky, tree tops and have at least a sense of where you are going while still being pretty dark around. Still, we need moon light back and the too bright interiors and some objects are still killer.

Edited by amadieus
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I uploaded a short video to illustrate how bad some trees look, along with the foggy breath that now glows even more than before. Only visible for me and others close to my position I guess, due to it being client-side. Not the best idea, that fog makes me nervous...


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  On 3/27/2019 at 8:09 PM, Derleth said:

I uploaded a short video to illustrate how bad some trees look, along with the foggy breath that now glows even more than before. Only visible for me and others close to my position I guess, due to it being client-side. Not the best idea, that fog makes me nervous...


Thanks great video! The darkness itself looks fine in my opinion, its just those trees light up like I am having a white glow stick attached to my forehead...

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