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Jump...jump... great for Fun.

(Pic, yesterday on the Germandayz Server 0.63)


Edited by Sqeezorz
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1 minute ago, LordBlackwolf said:

You also have to understand that the height of the object your trying to jump over will also determine if you can successfully jump over it from standing in front of it or if it will require momentum to do so.

I believe my answer is still the same. As it is, you should be able to jump over a fence from a standing start when you are standing still next to it.

It's not a big deal, I mention it so that other people will realise what's going on. The way it is now will be changed, of that I am sure, it may be to change the jump mechanism or to provide a vault.

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On 9/13/2018 at 2:38 PM, rickyriot said:

I believe my answer is still the same. As it is, you should be able to jump over a fence from a standing start when you are standing still next to it.

It's not a big deal, I mention it so that other people will realise what's going on. The way it is now will be changed, of that I am sure, it may be to change the jump mechanism or to provide a vault.

Yeah.. I'm sure that the current jumping mechanic will be modified and changed to better suit different situations, i.e., standing next to a climbable fence or wall.  Where I can see this would change the jumping action to a climbing over type action.  The current jumping action seems like it was just a rough version just to get it in the game and have something 'usable' in the meantime.  

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The current mechanic is for longer jumps, and it shows - the animation looks stupid when hopping over a low fence. For jumping fences the vaulting and stepover animations are coming back soon(ish).

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Still no SOUND of leaves and bushes when you are going through thick undergrowth or brushing through tree branches (or any natural growths)..  I find this weird and .. kind of .. old-style gaming..   Did anyone mention when we are going to get "movement-in-bush-branches-&-undergrowth" sounds back ?

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3 hours ago, Sergey27930 said:

Please tell me when will be introduced on an experimental branch of Tents and vehicles?

Devs are hard at work with those two things. They haven't said any times yet but are hoping to have the next patch out on stress testing within the next few weeks. If that one goes without problems cars should follow soon after.

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17 minutes ago, Beavis3D said:

Devs are hard at work with those two things. They haven't said any times yet but are hoping to have the next patch out on stress testing within the next few weeks. If that one goes without problems cars should follow soon after.

I believe it was mentioned that tents wasn't going to be out until beta, but they could always change their minds and release them sooner.

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On 9/13/2018 at 4:21 AM, snt.father said:

Hello! The question is more about the owners of private servers, as well as developers of dyaz! Tell me why in the server logs of the experimental version 0.63.148605 the player's steam ID is not displayed and the weapon or item from which the player was killed is not fixed, and the place of hit is not displayed? On a stable version of 0.62, all this is there! When will this be displayed on the experimental version?

I too am interested in an answer to this. Currently, for sake of enforcing whitelist rules, we cannot actually see who has killed whom, with what, or any of said data. Any help would be appreciated.

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6 hours ago, Zanaan said:

I too am interested in an answer to this. Currently, for sake of enforcing whitelist rules, we cannot actually see who has killed whom, with what, or any of said data. Any help would be appreciated.

I believe that could be a result of the GDPR scare in Europe, after an EU directive about datalogging personal information or somesuch. It is possible they were simply forced to take SteamID out of the logs? I know they mentioned EU rules were delaying private hosting in some way.

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6 hours ago, Beavis3D said:

I believe that could be a result of the GDPR scare in Europe, after an EU directive about datalogging personal information or somesuch. It is possible they were simply forced to take SteamID out of the logs? I know they mentioned EU rules were delaying private hosting in some way.

I don't think the GDPR applies here as they can use the character name the player chose (for those who changed it from survivor that is..) to show the information he's asking for but I don't think many players actually change their name from survivor although I could be wrong though. 

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It's nice to hunt again. ;) No major problems. Cooking stuff is a bit clunky sometimes. Items stuck on hands. But it works eventually.
Vehicles and tents cant come soon enough.

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6 hours ago, LordBlackwolf said:

I don't think the GDPR applies here as they can use the character name the player chose (for those who changed it from survivor that is..) to show the information he's asking for but I don't think many players actually change their name from survivor although I could be wrong though. 

You're probably right, but gdpr has scared the bejeezus out of half the internet, and I'm half sure devs mentioned it when talking about server hosting at some point.

Btw I always use soldier names from my favourite book series. They tend to work with either sex and sound right for DayZ. Not that it matters much, but still.

I despise when people in online games take unpronounceable names full of brackets, numbers and other stupid stuff. Makes my eyes hurt and immersion fly out the window. Very grateful DayZ does not show player names...

Edited by Beavis3D
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So I finally reinstalled the game but could only play for a short time. I am really impressed how smooth the game runs and how good the player movement feels. Ran into 2 zeds inside a closed barn which was really cool and scary and even was lucky to find a few mushrooms. Graphics are also very nice ... BUT ...now my first question  ( for the start). 

What's the story with this horrible constant fog / mist / haze /dust or whatever it is called....it completely ruins the amazing look of this map and makes it feel like playing on a shitty console. Will this be changed in future updates..I really hope so :)


cheers ...looking forward to test more 

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11 minutes ago, Private Evans said:

So I finally reinstalled the game but could only play for a short time. I am really impressed how smooth the game runs and how good the player movement feels. Ran into 2 zeds inside a closed barn which was really cool and scary and even was lucky to find a few mushrooms. Graphics are also very nice ... BUT ...now my first question  ( for the start). 

What's the story with this horrible constant fog / mist / haze /dust or whatever it is called....it completely ruins the amazing look of this map and makes it feel like playing on a shitty console. Will this be changed in future updates..I really hope so :)


cheers ...looking forward to test more 

The fog is just weather, sometimes it's foggy, sometimes it's not. That said, I believe view distance could be upped more.

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Hmmm fog on a sunny day...this looks more like a view restriction to me but I might be wrong ( hopefully)

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7 minutes ago, Private Evans said:

Hmmm fog on a sunny day...this looks more like a view restriction to me but I might be wrong ( hopefully)

Ive only seen <serious> fog/mist  at dawn, and maybe late evening. Perhaps this is totally by chance ..I thought this was deliberately built-in time related, because mist for an hour or so after sunrise is REALLY nice. It's a real-life thing.  -  I hope it's not completely random in the game.

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Maybe I have to add that I am just at the coast right now...didn't they add fog at the coast to protect new spawns from being sniped ? 

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38 minutes ago, Private Evans said:

Maybe I have to add that I am just at the coast right now...didn't they add fog at the coast to protect new spawns from being sniped ? 

It is a bit strange. You got the white fog, which feels like real fog and happens not often and then you got this blue fog that varies in its intensity. Sometimes on the coast it is pretty clear but other moments the blueish fog can really reduce view distance. If you start up the offline mode the weather should be sunny without much fog and clouds, like the standard weather setting. It might give an idea how clear it can look, even on the coast. 

By the way, I do have a feeling that the blue fog happens much less often than the earlier 0.63 versions, which I'm very happy about. Might have to do with the latest cloud update. Have been shooting lots of screenshots with the sometimes amazing views.

And like Pilgrim said, it happens a lot during the early morning. I can confirm this as well. 

Edited by amadieus

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Yeah did some more testing...there is real fog which can be seen nicely during the early morning and  this kind of bluish haze which appaers at the coast only and absolutely looks horrible. especially  when it is sunny...it disappeared as soon as I moved inland. 

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3 minutes ago, Private Evans said:

Yeah did some more testing...there is real fog which can be seen nicely during the early morning and  this kind of bluish haze which appaers at the coast only and absolutely looks horrible. especially  when it is sunny...it disappeared as soon as I moved inland. 

I've been posting about permanent fog in the distance since right before they released XBONE preview.

It's an easy way to save resources that old games used to implement.

I was hoping they would remove this for PC players once XBONE got their version, but alas, it is still there.

My first post about this got a lot of cans of beans....

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Finished my testing sessions today with a suprise...found a heli crash site :) ....hopefully in future updates they will add some infected crew members and soldiers to guard it like in the mod.

Stamina going down when wearing soaked clothes works also nice ! 

Overall good fun...but it needs a lot more contents as soon as possible...right now it is all about finding food, water, a basic weapon and a backback...then have a nice walk along the hiking trails ( which is an amazing map addition).  


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So beside the horrible dustfoghaze thing which has to be removed for PC there is one thing that somewhat ruins the overall amazing look of many buildings...doors...doors still look like ported from Arma 2 ...completely flat and with low res textures...not nice :/ 

Edited by Private Evans
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47 minutes ago, Private Evans said:

So beside the horrible dustfoghaze thing which has to be removed for PC there is one thing that somewhat ruins the overall amazing look of many buildings...doors...doors still look like ported from Arma 2 ...completely flat and with low res textures...not nice :/ 

They have to rework the whole interiors of many houses and industrial buildings and make them more lively. (Give the impression that people really lived and worked there, currently it looks to clean). Moreover, the houses are also too bright inside, especially during the night. Also, they should replace certain low poly furniture, floors and doors for example.

The map developer of Dayz said a while ago on his twitter that revision of interiors of houses is on the to do list. So I am hopeful we will see some definitive improvements.

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Hello! Please tell me why I stopped displaying in the game browser, the private server switched to an experimental branch. Today has ceased. by ip address it can be found, but neither in the official section, nor in the community section it is not.

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