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Baty Alquawen

Controls for Xbox One

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  On 9/17/2018 at 7:44 PM, Myles Gibson said:

Any idea how to range down? I found pressing up on the d-pad while scoped changed the range on my gun...... cannot figure out how to go back down again

If the down button doesn’t work then If I recall you can range up till it resets (I think)

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we absolutely need different sensitivity settings for scopes, ads and over the shoulder. I like my movement and look sensitivity high and aim sens a bit slower.

Edited by nikoor

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there is a lot of "the controls should be like this or that" so here is my suggestion and will satisfy everyone. Custom controls. Presets or course but you can assign your own button controls. Not forgetting ARMA uses every key on the keyboard - so the options available to DayZ will be hard to cram everything into a control pad. Lets keep it straight forward but custom assignment should be a must considering the depth that will be dayz

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Someone’s already said it but the PubG control scheme is pretty good, and it will leave a stick or bumper press free as well as a couple of dpad buttons. But custom controls would be awesome

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If they added the ability to costomis your control layout i think i would literally jizz uncontrollably.

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  On 9/6/2018 at 12:33 PM, magiknesquikQc said:

Control need to stay like that don't make any changes please !!!!...those who want to play like PUBG.....just stay in PUBG !!! 

So its not okay to take leads from another game if they have a system that have some feats you might be able to put into your own thing to make it better?

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I'm suprised and a little dissapointed that they haven't atleast added a freelook button and a hold breathe key yet, why not just let players map there own key bindings? Hell elite controller users like myself are only gonna do that once they take 6 months to finally hard bind all the keys themselves. It's so frustratin not being able to hold breathe with the worst scope away I've ever seen in a game

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So to help clarify some of the discussions. The LT hands up is NOT surrender emote. Its to bring up your fists,melee weapons an your guns. The R3 stick DOES have use as it switches left to right shoulder in 3rd person an if you hold R3 you will go into 1st person. You can chamber 1 round of the CORRECT bullet to your gun if you pull your gun out and just push the Y button, no need to go into your inventory and push B button to combine the bullet, also you can only chamber one round if you have no loaded magazines for that round. You CAN switch firing modes to your gun by holding LT and spaming RIGHT on the D-PAD. There IS a surrender emote you have to hold RIGHT on the D-PAD and choose the emote. Also I would like to have a walking movement, kinda sucks running through a house when trying to be sneaky. All games besides this one you just barely have to tilt the Left Thumbstick up to walk, PLEASE IMPLEMENT WALKING...

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Writing this post without reading all of the other post... 

There are a lot of items in this article that I can agree with and disagree with. Yet I am going to add to the controller craziness.. And I want to thank the Devs on the controller Scheme feels good to have inventiveness.

Here are a couple of my thoughts.

Quick slots: Are currently sharing the select fire slot, and is kind of a finger displacer. [Could easily change the quick slots to LB (which is an open key when not in stance)]. 

Hands: Are the greatest weapon slot/item slot in the whole setup. Yet they do need a little work.. Would be nice to per say add a couple key strokes to them. (Hold B to drop item in hand) (hold A to send to inventory) Pretty much any two keys to keep you out of your inventory longer. 

Going to elaborate, have seen hundreds of people running and stop and stand there for a second or two just to find out they we’re putting or pulling something to or fro their inventory/hands.

Well that’s it for me hope you have a good read. Thank you

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LB button could be used for 'free look' like they have on PC with ALT key?

Is this feature even coming to xbox do we know?

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I have to HOLD right stick in to use free look??? No no no no do not want, please don't make us ever have to hold a stick in while moving it, it feels terrible :(


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  On 11/26/2018 at 12:40 PM, Nitroglycerine said:

I have to HOLD right stick in to use free look??? No no no no do not want, please don't make us ever have to hold a stick in while moving it, it feels terrible :(


Yeah, this definitely felt awkward to me too. Maybe the option to assign buttons ourselves would be better. Quite a few games give this option. 

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  On 11/12/2018 at 12:58 PM, Djyoz said:

LB button could be used for 'free look' like they have on PC with ALT key?

Is this feature even coming to xbox do we know?

agree man thought the same would be perfect for it

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will we get button config like PC recently had? we could just assign Free Look to LB ourselves right?


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  On 9/4/2018 at 12:12 PM, Baty Alquawen said:


I noticed when I looked at the controls in game up on the dpad is to interact, is there anyway that could also be used to pump the shotgun and cycle the bolt on the mosin? At least temporarily. Or atleast to unjam. 

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Found a workaround the awful freelook for elite or similar controllers, rebind one of your extra buttons/triggers to right stick click. 

Can't believe I didn't think of that immediately >.>

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  On 11/28/2018 at 12:51 PM, Nitroglycerine said:

Found a workaround the awful freelook for elite or similar controllers, rebind one of your extra buttons/triggers to right stick click. 

Can't believe I didn't think of that immediately >.>

How do you rebind buttons? The game doesn't give the option. 

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  On 11/28/2018 at 1:30 PM, DayzDayzFanboy said:

How do you rebind buttons? The game doesn't give the option. 

It's not via the game, it's via the controller with extra buttons, different for each controller. 

Eg on my razar wildcat, I have a button I hold, then press the button/trigger I wish to bind to, then the button/trigger I want to copy. 

I think the elite controller allows you to button map from the xbox settings although not sure as I don't have one

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does Y actually reload your gun?? lol never works for me

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  On 12/18/2018 at 1:22 PM, Djyoz said:

does Y actually reload your gun?? lol never works for me

make sure you have room for the empty mag in your clothing ie. jacket

m4 and ak mag takes 3 so make sure the jacket is not full ie. 18/21

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So how do you select fire now? It used to be Double click on left stick. But now I'm not even seeing it say anywhere Semi-Auto/Full Auto. I haven't had an AK sense new patch yet but I have found an M4 and the option for select fire is no where to be found. Oh one other thing is it even possible to hold your breath to steady aim? Or is that not in the game yet? Same with sliding down a ladder. 

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So as a game tester I feel like I need to do this. This is what I've come up with for a better controller experience:

LT = Aim (as it is)

RT = Fire & Interact (as it is). Also placing objects should be here ie. tires and other car parts. Hard punch could be as a HOLD of the trigger?! Also opening the canned tuna here as it already says it in the game.

LB (hold) = Free look & Hold breath while aiming. Easy to use together with RB to zoom around ie. while running.

RB (hold) = Zoom (as it is). Now this is where you need to remove hard punch and opening a canned tuna and assign them to either Y (press) or RT (hold). Who else hate doing the hard punch while running hands empty when you just try to zoom around? Same for the car parts etc, attach with RT.


LT + LS/RS = Lean left/right (when implemented). Would also work while scoped in. Now this is where it comes tricky regarding holding your breath (it can't be on the sticks obviously). What I'd suggest is that while aiming through scope/iron sights you simply press LB which toggles the function on (give us the option to choose from hold/press?). It's doable especially for people using the claw grip. Also would work better with LB for people not using claw since you can tap it with your base of an index finger, while holding LT. A bit awkward but doable. Why not RB you may think? Simple, you'd have to take your index finger off from the trigger which I doubt many would want to do especially if it would require holding of the said button.

Y = Keep it as it is. Just fix that you can actually reload with it given that you have room for the empty magazine to go to in your preferred clothing. Pressing Y now acts also as a hold so a proper fix there needed. Hard punch could be here too if can't be implemented to RT as a HOLD.

X = Keep it as it is, interact, picking up items to your inventory. Now that you gave us an option to drop items straight from hands by holding X, give us the option to pick up an item to hands by aiming on the said item and holding X. It would swap anything you have in your hand too just like pressing A via inventory screen. Would save some time without the need of opening the inventory screen all the time.

A/B = No changes needed.


Changing fire mode: Adding it to LS was just stupid no offense. People who tap LS to do quick sprints (start sprint and soon cancel sprint) while having a gun in hand messes up the fire mode constantly and now that you can't even tell which is it set to? Either adjust the delay between the double press so you really need to be quick to change it or add the option into the gesture menu. I don't mind tho but IMO there's way too much gestures anyway so you could change of the menus you see to just 'Fire Mode' where you could switch to which ever you want. Now you could be sure which you have. As I wrote the last sentence I realized it would be a bit awkward to do it in a middle of a firefight to be fair. Maybe just adjust the time between the two clicks that it takes to switch so it wouldn't overlap with sprinting and cancelling the sprint? It's way too long you can test it and see it for yourself.


About micromanagement: It's fine as it is just let us organize our stuff inside the clothes too (move them by holding A). Bet lot of us would like to keep their stuff more organized which leads me to the ability to locking an item ie. jacket so when you pick stuff up it wouldn't go inside the said locked item. QOL update. You'd be sure you have the extra space left for your mags to go in to and never have to worry about it. It's not like you can drag the item anywhere you want to but it just goes randomly anywhere.

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Hi All

Could someone please verify if there is an issue after the latest update with the "misc" and "comms" options on the d-pad, currently after the latest update, none of these two options are working or available, only the other two work, Thanks.

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