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Mike Casavilla


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Hi, I would like to know if they are planning on giving us the chance and when of having a base/building/house/home where we could store our stuff safel, at least safer. Probably just having the chance of getting into a house and locking the door without the chance that anybody with a lockpick can open it and barricading the windows as well. I know this won't work on public servers but it will in private ones. If you play by yourself or even in a small group there's no point for getting tents or barrels since next time you log in, nothing will be there. Also I guess anybody in a survival situation if he feels he is in danger he would lock himself in a house to get protected which is not possible now. (at least against other players)

On the other hand I would like to know if there are any other active and big communities like Dayzrp (I'm playing there normally) I tried ProphecyRP but is very rare to find any group, base, camp or anything there and one Idea I liked was ColonyRP but I applied and it seems nobody has been active for a long time




Best regards to everyone



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Well, that's why I said safer then. The only way you can keep something for you is if you have a large number of people 24/7 online. Didn't want to mean safe as if you are playing sims! hahaha

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Yes, Advanced Barricading and Underground Stashes. You'll never be truly safe though so it comes down to hiding your shit like a jewel thief would.

My advice, it might be a good idea to read up on the game instead of asking in the forum. Forum goers are looking for a progressive experience and not to hold your hand to an easier tomorrow. Everything you need can be found here in this forum with the SEARCH function. 

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Just to point out some key points for you :)

Technically, you can already go to a building that you believe is never used and use a lockpick on the door to lock it, thus having a 'safer base' -- But other players will always be curious when there's a locked door and attempt to break it, so choose wisely where to go! 

As for future Base Building, yes! It is a feature that is being worked on with quite a lot of interesting stuff to see and do with it :D When we will see it is up for debate, as that will come shortly after .63 comes out I would assume. I would place bets on maybe at the end of the year, we'll be able to build smaller things IF Precise Placement of goods is operable. 


Scroll down on the In Progress and you'll find a few models. 

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Took me a minute to find it, buttttt. . Voila.


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Some of the old dayz mods had straight up safes.

You could lock them (digital code) and no one else could touch em. Now this was for a short while, patches made methods for breaking into them. And then they locked them again.. and so on. 

Same with cars. You had a key that was unique to that one vehicle. Outside of an ambush, or some crafty hitchhiking skills, no one could steal your car. 

So in the least once modding hits.. there will be options for more perm. storage that cannot be stolen.


As for now.. keep it on you, and hide far, far away... forever. Only way.

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As the most people already stated, these things will hit DayZ eventually which is a thing I'm really looking forward to. Although I need to warn you, the intention of the developers is to make bases in such a way that no base is safe. What they mean with this is that there will always be ways to get in someone's base.

Hiding a camp is almost impossible, it will get found at some point. Just to give you an idea, this weekend we found a massive barrel camp which was probably there from the beginning but was found in the end. It was well hidden but was stumbled upon by luck.

  On 3/21/2017 at 8:20 PM, Weyland Yutani (DayZ) said:

Yes, Advanced Barricading and Underground Stashes. You'll never be truly safe though so it comes down to hiding your shit like a jewel thief would.

My advice, it might be a good idea to read up on the game instead of asking in the forum. Forum goers are looking for a progressive experience and not to hold your hand to an easier tomorrow. Everything you need can be found here in this forum with the SEARCH function. 

I tend to disagree here. I love to share my knowledge about the game with other people unless they are bashing the game or the developers.

We're a community, we are here to help each other.

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  On 3/22/2017 at 5:06 PM, IMT said:

As the most people already stated, these things will hit DayZ eventually which is a thing I'm really looking forward to. Although I need to warn you, the intention of the developers is to make bases in such a way that no base is safe. What they mean with this is that there will always be ways to get in someone's base.

Hiding a camp is almost impossible, it will get found at some point. Just to give you an idea, this weekend we found a massive barrel camp which was probably there from the beginning but was found in the end. It was well hidden but was stumbled upon by luck.

I tend to disagree here. I love to share my knowledge about the game with other people unless they are bashing the game or the developers.

We're a community, we are here to help each other.

IS base building before beta? or after. Not sure if they devs mentioned that yet. Everything changes so fast, i get mixed up when.

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I hope that nothing is truly safe. I should always be able to steal or at least blow up your stuff.

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To be honest, unless you had a large clan of dudes (and dudeettes) where at least someone was around to guard the base, I never really saw the point of having one.  To me, bases make sense in an Minecraft Project Zomboid Dying Light I Am Legend scenario where it's relatively dangerous to venture out for half the day, so you go out scavenging during the other half.  During the dangerous period, you hide in your fortified base, sleep, count your beans and bullets and wait for the sun to rise (or set) to do it all over again.  DayZ doesn't have those cycles.  I just don't see the point of spending an hour walking across the map to get a couple cans of beans, walk all the way back to some fixed base and hope my shit is still there.  To me, much better to be mobile and live out of a car so I can take my stuff with me where I go.

But I'm not against base building and DayZ should allow all sorts of play styles.  I just don't want to see Cherno become a shanty town of bunkers and watchtowers made from plywood and HESCO barriers.

Edited by bfisher
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I am not playing this game to have access to a suburban idyll.

TBH getting away from that is exactly why I am playing this game.

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DayZ is a survival game.  Show me someone in a survival situation who balks at storing goods for future use, and I'll show you someone who won't survive for very long.

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Plus one of my passions now is to find bases, and I've become pretty good at it.  I've found 2 very large camps that the [MM] clan had just in the past few days.  Lots of fun stuff to take and I throw out the rest.  Usually leaving some words of encouragement made of apples in the one remaining tent.  I bet I can find anyone's camp ;)

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  On 3/27/2017 at 7:38 PM, plasma (DayZ) said:

Plus one of my passions now is to find bases, and I've become pretty good at it.  I've found 2 very large camps that the [MM] clan had just in the past few days.  Lots of fun stuff to take and I throw out the rest.  Usually leaving some words of encouragement made of apples in the one remaining tent.  I bet I can find anyone's camp ;)

Real top-notch shithead move there.  I bet you litter IRL, too, huh? : P

It's one thing to take as much as you can carry, or even make multiple trips to take ALL of it for yourself.  But pissing all over what you can't eat, just to ruin it for everybody else, well that's a little bit antisocial, don't you think?

Just throwing it all on the ground... SMH   Some people just want to watch the world burn.  I'll keep filling my coffers, you go ahead and keep refreshing the loot tables.  I think we know where the product of your efforts end up; in better-hidden bases.

Edited by emuthreat
balancing the salt levels
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Someone woke up on the wrong side of the crapper ;)


Just don't tell me the servers you play on or i'll hunt your shit down to.


and like you said in another post... it's a survival game.  and guess what. I want to survive and I don't give a rats ass about if you don't :)



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It is pretty messed up to ruin someones camp just for the hell of it. The only time I "dismantle" a camp, is when they are useless. If I find 5+ tents, and each one has like 2-4 items inside of it.. Im moving that gear into one tent, and tossing the other tents off in some trees. That way the server stays as stable as possible, and people aren't just causing an eye sore for no reason (see my ADHD/OCD/PTSD). Now when I find a big camp.. I leave a sign that I've found it. But only take what I need. If I need food and ammo, thats what I take.. not all of it, just some.

Because in my mind, the more you fuck people over.. the more you fuck yourself.  

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  On 3/28/2017 at 3:14 AM, plasma (DayZ) said:

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the crapper ;)


Just don't tell me the servers you play on or i'll hunt your shit down to.


and like you said in another post... it's a survival game.  and guess what. I want to survive and I don't give a rats ass about if you don't :)



Is that a challenge? Don't let me catch you in the act though. :)

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Just as a hint, they recently patched one thing... Locked metal doors cannot be opened by hitting them with an axe or shooting them with whatever. This does not concern big metal gates like the ones of those industrial halls, but all "usual" metal doors. Of course, this still is not a 100 % safe way to establish a base, but it makes it much more difficult for raiders to enter your base since they need a lockpick and barely any player picks those ones up, apart from that they are quite rare to find these days.

Attached you see a base on our server which was quite tricky to build but remains unraided til now.


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Emuthreat and lrishjake and Thurman Murman, everyone here has their own playing style.  Just because you don't agree with mine doesn't make what I do a "dick move".  If that's the case, then that itself is a dick.  move.  But now I have a challenge.  Better guard your shit ;)


Again this is a survival game.  When I find tents, I take as much as I can, usually all ammo, weapons, food, med supplies and some clothing, car parts, etc.  The remaining gets tossed.  I'll relocate what I can.

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@plasma (DayZ)  As long as we are in agreement on the terminology.  See you around, Wasteful One.

Edit: one of our multi-tent camps had been found today, they took a bunch of guns, and I mean a BUNCH; as well as some ammo and medical supplies.  They did not take the barrel, nor did they scrub the tents.  I'll be gladly restocking this helperstation for those honorable folks.

To be a man you must have honor...

Edited by emuthreat

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