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Hicks_206 (DayZ)

Exp Update 0.61.136887

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Some pics from last nights run with IMT and GaryWalnuts.

Desynch with vehicles is greatly improved

After IMT left I killed the first lada by ramping it up an unseen guard rail behind a rise which sent the car spiraling into the air which made my game crash.

I logged back in untouched but the car was no where to be found.

Thanks devs! I'll have more time to play tomorrow!

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FYI don't try driving in the debug region for too long, the ground is hungry today.



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Merry Christmas, players.  Merry Christmas Devs.  Merry Christmas vehicles; we have missed you.

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  On 12/24/2016 at 10:33 PM, starvingart said:

FYI don't try driving in the debug region for too long, the ground is hungry today.

I'm curious as to where in debug your car got eaten?  and did it go into orbit or just sink?

Was it the western edge of the map a bit south of Sinistok? 000/040 -ish, or somewhere else?


Edited by GaryWalnuts

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Merry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonight with you...

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Merry Christmas everyone! Try to spare your bullets for these 2 days if you can. :P

  On 12/25/2016 at 2:00 PM, Thurman Merman said:

Sounds like somebody lost my truck.  :D

The bus might still be there. When I logged in later on it was still there. Very close to the bus was a Sedan crashed against a wall. I decided to test that vehicle since it was the only vehicle which I hadn't tested yet. I patched it up with some new wheels and a pristine car battery and took it for a drive.

The Sedan is the only vehicle which needs some love because it had a pull to the right on a regular road and suddenly it went into a slip and I crashed into a wall not that far from where I found it. If cars in real life would slide and crash with 80 km/h there would be a lot of accidents in real life.

After I crashed it I decided to continue on foot towards the military checkpoint at Svetlojarsk/Turovo while there was only one player other than me on the server. Even though you would think the chances of running into somebody are slim to none, I saw the only person on the server near that military checkpoint. I wanted to say hello but I was cautious as well and couldn't find him anymore. Only to discover that not much later he had logged off. After that I decided to have some fun with the infected in Svetlo and barricated myself in the church shooting the infected which would come towards me. After that I logged off myself. I noticed that my motobike helmet was ruined, not sure which status it was in but I got a few hits from the infected.

Also another thing, I crashed in that church while I tried to access my inventory. I thought that I would be dead because I recently shot before that but when I got back I noticed that all the infected which were next to the church despawned and all the bodies on the floor despawned as well.

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  On 12/25/2016 at 9:07 PM, IMT said:


Also another thing, I crashed in that church while I tried to access my inventory. I thought that I would be dead because I recently shot before that but when I got back I noticed that all the infected which were next to the church despawned and all the bodies on the floor despawned as well.

I get disconnected all the time and that's how it goes if no one else is around, I'd like to see a bit of a delay in  the despawn personally. If I get "session lost" and log back in and the infected are still around I know I'm not alone.  

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Hopelessness. The gloomy atmosphere of the apocalypse. czHSG2K.jpg

Edited by ECO80X
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Another fun run with the some of the usual suspects. (IMT, emuthreat, starvingart, and GaryWalnuts.)

We tried everything we could to find and destroy cars.

I died 3 times, once to exiting a moving vehicle, once to being punched into a wall by an infected, and once to being run over by emuthreat (not his fault).

We also tested the hand crafted torch to see how we could light it.

A flare will not light a torch, a campfire will not light a torch, but a hand drill kit will. (we did not test matches).

Torches when thrown will stand on end.

Pressing freelook with my inventor open made my face disappear.

Desynch from vehicle vicinity is greatly improved.

Traction and torque characteristics for vehicles need some more attention.


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Rocket has a weak chin.

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This wolf carcass would not skin until I logged in and found it had repositioned itself.

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Edited by ☣BioHaze☣
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Merry christnas - I think we need dense forest to get players back to testing! :)

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Messed up a lot of vehicles tonight, and killed a couple packs of wolves as well. The last ones attacked me in my tent as I was dropping off my extra loot before logging off, so that was a new experience for me.

Here is Gary, looking over Biohaze's corpse, while our V3S rears up in a display of aggression.  We did manage to get it back on all wheels, and drive down to Staroye to pick up Biohaze.

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Gary and Bio logged off in Pusta, while we waited for Brooks.  They left quite a mess in the road from their torch fun.  I was busy cooking the wolf meat in the upstairs room of the beige two-story.

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Brooks took a turn driving, and a zombie hopped in back with me for a moment, but he fell out after we picked up some speed.

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Edited by emuthreat
Spoiler inception
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Had pretty much everything to survive then was killed by a fresh spawn stabbing me to death, epic fail in close combat. Next life endet freezing to death cause I didn't realize it was raining, it was night and didn't see or hear the rain until it was too late. Played against my survivor-rule not to run around at night. It's just the best DayZ experience since the mod days and the best Christmas present this year. This is DayZ, I love it !

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Biohaze on the oops end of the V3S

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Edited by GaryWalnuts
formatting inception
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Yeah Gary, Torch takes maybe 10 or more hits to kill an infected.

I was using a lit torch for melee and while it looked cool it was not very effective.

Maybe in the future striking an infected with a torch will have a chance to catch them on fire.

I would also like to see tree sap added to torches as well as other fuels and extenders that the wrap can be soaked in for longer burning time.

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Can you no longer separate double wheels?  I found the bus west of Severo (which someone had completely stripped).  Its on SC-02.  I have put on everything but a single front wheel and a battery.  Found several double wheels but can't split them.  Even with a crowbar.

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  On 12/25/2016 at 4:07 PM, GaryWalnuts said:

I'm curious as to where in debug your car got eaten?  and did it go into orbit or just sink?

Was it the western edge of the map a bit south of Sinistok? 000/040 -ish, or somewhere else?


Nope, it was just north of Novo where the valley is so deep that it cuts into debug for a bit, so I drive further north to avoid it and not long after I turn and start driving back did the earth swallow me up. I wasn't far in, at that point, since I could see the tops of evergreen trees in the near distance.


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  On 12/26/2016 at 4:16 PM, starvingart said:

Nope, it was just north of Novo where the valley is so deep that it cuts into debug for a bit, so I drive further north to avoid it and not long after I turn and start driving back did the earth swallow me up. I wasn't far in, at that point, since I could see the tops of evergreen trees in the near distance.

Ah, that's new then.  In previous patches I drove the lada in, around and over that debug valley many times and never got stuck or fell through.  

I completely admit having had fun driving cars full speed around debug and even using the map's edge as a shortcut but I think it's for the better that debug will eat vehicles.  It shouldn't be that easy.


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  On 12/26/2016 at 4:01 PM, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

I would also like to see tree sap added to torches as well as other fuels and extenders that the wrap can be soaked in for longer burning time.

If you mean:

Sticks & Rags & Gasoline (engine oil) or

Sticks & birch bark or

Sticks & bark & fir resin, sounds good and makes sense.

Edited by Sqeezorz
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  On 12/26/2016 at 4:04 PM, Thurman Merman said:

Can you no longer separate double wheels?

Unfortunately we haven't been able to separate double wheels in quite a while.

Maybe when we start testing the more in-depth parts planned it will be a thing again.

Edited by ☣BioHaze☣
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I played for an hour or so last night and since the truck I had had been using on Friday was still right where I left it I though I'd test the DUI mechanics, yes slowed reflexes and a "not giving a fuck attitude" make you a worse driver. I found that slamming into the concrete medians no longer breaks you legs or ruins you shoes, I'm a little disappointed, the way the barrier caught me off guard I should have at least ruined my pants. 

I couldn't see nor change any of my controller mappings so as it stands on an Xbox 360 controller the steering, free look, throttle , and brake are set up correctly. I have downshift on the "A" button and one or more buttons open the drop-down action menu, no upshift on the controller.

Am I doing something wrong or is this just not fully implemented?

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This forum is a survival game unto itself.

I've lost friends and foes alike to burnout and meltdown.

But I'm a fucking ROCK.

Moer patchx plox'z

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