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REMOVE ''Player Kill Count'' from newui

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You know what it is... Im a friendly player (Hell my name is thefriendlydutchman) I try to interact with people.

And I know this is my own problem but in a certain way were all going to fall victim to it, to the following sentence

''How many survivors did you kill.''


so now this is gonna be the standard ''Low kill count? you suck at the game!'' ''High kill count, youre a pro.'' this is a big slap in the face for the few remaining ''heroes, or friendly players'' in the game, and will ruin interaction, while youre at it remove VOIP from the game.


Bohemia Interactive, I have supported defended and admired you for years, but this will ruin the game for the friendly community of DayZ


and im not talkin about ''adding an option to disable it.'' im talking about please do not add it at all, because even if my kills couldnt be seen, than people would still act overly aggressive to me ingame because they do have it enabled, and they do want to brag about it to their friends.

can we please not make this ''Wasteland the standalone edition'' but DayZ Standalone where it is not important how many people you killed but how long you survived.


I could go incredibly deep into this topic but ''Rags'' already did this on his youtube channel so I wont, however before you people say ''youre just making assumptions people wont react that way.'' I just wanted to say on COD and on Battlefield, on on whatever FPS kids play nowadays (CS I believe) people brag about their K/D Ratio and thats fine for those games, however for a survival game you pretty much gave every player a first class ticket to KoS town.'


(if it would reset on player reset than id be fine, but dont make it a total thing)




Edited by thefriendlydutchman
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This very same principle is what turned Battlefield from a cooperative, tactical game into a fast-paced "ego" shooter. Instead of focusing on winning the match by playing the objective, players now generally care more about their own kill count and making Youtube-worthy footage. It is indeed a slippery slope.

I don't look at DayZ as a purely PVP game and, while not being particularly friendly or sociable, do not KoS. Despite that fact, I still want to know how many players I've killed over the course of my character's lifespan. It should be treated as one of many barometers of success and survival acumen. It should not ever be a central focus in my opinion, but we can't dictate how others value specific stats unless game mechanics force players to consider certain statistics differently or value some more highly than others. A perfect example of this, also from Battlefield, is how many of the top tier, well-rounded BF players view flags capped and flags defended as some of the most telling statistics of all.

Why don't they just make it so that your character's stats are only viewable by you?

Just my two cents.

Edited by ColdAtrophy
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There's a kill counter? I thought that was just a concept, I wasn't aware it was actually being added in-game, or that other players would be able to see it. Can't say I'm in favour of it either.

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  On 3/31/2016 at 4:52 PM, ColdAtrophy said:

-snip- A perfect example of this, also from Battlefield, is how many of the top tier, well-rounded BF players view flags capped and flags defended as some of the most telling statistics of all.

Why don't they just make it so that your character's stats are only viewable by you?

Just my two cents.

Maybe we will get a siege completed or siege defended stat tied to a base or camps "flag"?

That might be possible without making it too "arcade like"...

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  On 3/31/2016 at 4:52 PM, ColdAtrophy said:

This very same principle is what turned Battlefield from a cooperative, tactical game into a fast-paced "ego" shooter. Instead of focusing on winning the match by playing the objective, players now generally care more about their own kill count and making Youtube-worthy footage. It is indeed a slippery slope.

I don't look at DayZ as a purely PVP game and, while not being particularly friendly or sociable, do not KoS. Despite that fact, I still want to know how many players I've killed over the course of my character's lifespan. It should be treated as one of many barometers of success and survival acumen. It should not ever be a central focus in my opinion, but we can't dictate how others value specific stats unless game mechanics force players to consider certain statistics differently or value some more highly than others. A perfect example of this, also from Battlefield, is how many of the top tier, well-rounded BF players view flags capped and flags defended as some of the most telling statistics of all.

Why don't they just make it so that your character's stats are only viewable by you?

Just my two cents.



  On 3/31/2016 at 4:53 PM, BeefBacon said:

There's a kill counter? I thought that was just a concept, I wasn't aware it was actually being added in-game, or that other players would be able to see it. Can't say I'm in favour of it either.


  On 3/31/2016 at 5:18 PM, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

Maybe we will get a siege completed or siege defended stat tied to a base or camps "flag"?

That might be possible without making it too "arcade like"...


It wont matter if players can see it, people communicate on Ts and on Skype and people will compete with eachother.

People will post pictures on the Community steam tab, and people will brag about it thats just how people are, unless its per character (so resetted on death) it shouldnt be added, but thats just my opinion

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I'm a bit on the fence about it.  Players will do what they want because 'fuck you'.  There should be in no way any permeant record of KD regarding players, and no achievements tied to player kills either (whenever they do add in achievements).  It should be tied to the current life you're playing, but even then, 'ProGamers' will just screen shot that shit and brag, that will never change, there's nothing devs can do to discourage it, they can simply just not encourage it.

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  On 3/31/2016 at 4:52 PM, ColdAtrophy said:

This very same principle is what turned Battlefield from a cooperative, tactical game into a fast-paced "ego" shooter. Instead of focusing on winning the match by playing the objective, players now generally care more about their own kill count and making Youtube-worthy footage. It is indeed a slippery slope.

I don't look at DayZ as a purely PVP game and, while not being particularly friendly or sociable, do not KoS.

Well, but the way development has headed recently, kill stats seem to be a natural addition. Mind you, I dislike the turn just as well, but there is little we can do about it. I very much doubt DayZ SA will be very popular (don't mistake it for sales, the revenue has already been generated) as a shooter, but a shooter is what this game has become. I shrug my shoulders and just wait for the things to come. And just in case, there is more games out there other than DeathmatchZ as well

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I remember seeing people proudly post screenshots of their kill counts in mod days. Example. After stats have been gone for so long I find I don't really like the idea of adding a kill counter... but realistically, it won't change a damn thing.


Just as long as they don't give us K/D.

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This doesn't exist. it might in the future but as it doesn't as of now so the whole argument is moot.  It has also been discussed earlier and nobody has posted any valid reasons for it not being included. Its just stats. people,like stats, it keeps them hooked to games. It will NOT change anything since in case you haven't noticed, people are killing other people in this game already and there is no kill counter.

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I don't care if this is left in or taken out either way. I think it's cool info to see how many people your character has killed in order to stay alive, but if some people think that info is too sensitive then whatever. I'm always keeping track of my current character's kills in my head anyway, haha. Don't think this will change anything except making my job of keeping track easier.

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Kill Count = Well there goes knocking people out, helping them, handcuffing, being friendly, bandaging strangers, reviving with transfusions, and leaving fresh-spawns alone  ..

Edited by pilgrim*
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  On 3/31/2016 at 4:53 PM, BeefBacon said:

There's a kill counter? I thought that was just a concept, I wasn't aware it was actually being added in-game, or that other players would be able to see it. Can't say I'm in favour of it either.

I don't think you've seen the latest footage of 0.60 dev.. cause o yes it's in there alright.. players/animals/zombies killed here you can see that status box that'll ruin the game for heroes/survivors alike. turning it into call of dayz even more..

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  On 4/1/2016 at 4:18 AM, Weyland Yutani (DayZ) said:

Removing this won't lower murder rates. Giving players things to do will. Look at the current state, no kill counter and murder is everywhere.

but it will certainly not improve the odds, lets agree on that...
now people say stuff like: dude.. I've killed X amount of people.. got some gear.. but yeah..
with this new 'kill counter'
you'll get stuff like: DUDE I've killed 20 people today.. check this out (sends print screen to his friends)... so ha :)
that makes me the leader of the pack.
*spirals outta control within days.. people trying to outdo each other..*
welcome to the new game call of DayZ by bohemia interactive..

congratulations.. you've just turned a zombie survival game into 'yet another online shooter' 

say what you want.. but on public servers this is already happening.. people keeping scores.. YES this already happens.. YES this will always be a part of dayz.. 'this is your story' 
but having a 'kill counter' in your menu that you can show off... and brag about to your friends and anyone, 
will NOT improve the odds for people that just want to have a friendly game of dayz... trying to survive while making new friends online.

just so you know ;)

Edited by Tigermonk

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  On 3/31/2016 at 6:33 PM, thefriendlydutchman said:





It wont matter if players can see it, people communicate on Ts and on Skype and people will compete with eachother.

People will post pictures on the Community steam tab, and people will brag about it thats just how people are, unless its per character (so resetted on death) it shouldnt be added, but thats just my opinion

indeed... IF they add stuff like this.. it should be 'per character' not total score because total 'score' in dayz is just BS.. xD 
if this is character dependent.. maybe people would let their characters stay alive a bit longer and proceed with more caution..
instead of rushing a military base for loot (especially in the later game installments with MORE hordes and zombies per km²!)

and this would only be logic if there are more animals to begin with. i mean Chernarus is the size of Luxembourg +- so that would mean a TON of wildlife especially after all the humans leave/die.. less humans means nature can recover.. just look at chernobyl ukraine. 
maybe its not radiation here.. but it's abandoned by standards so... 

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  On 4/1/2016 at 12:01 PM, Tigermonk said:

but it will certainly not improve the odds, lets agree on that...
now people say stuff like: dude.. I've killed X amount of people.. got some gear.. but yeah..
with this new 'kill counter'
you'll get stuff like: DUDE I've killed 20 people today.. check this out (sends print screen to his friends)... so ha :)
that makes me the leader of the pack.
*spirals outta control within days.. people trying to outdo each other..*
welcome to the new game call of DayZ by bohemia interactive..

congratulations.. you've just turned a zombie survival game into 'yet another online shooter' 

say what you want.. but on public servers this is already happening.. people keeping scores.. YES this already happens.. YES this will always be a part of dayz.. 'this is your story' 
but having a 'kill counter' in your menu that you can show off... and brag about to your friends and anyone, 
will NOT improve the odds for people that just want to have a friendly game of dayz... trying to survive while making new friends online.

just so you know ;)

I started with the mod mid 2012 and the murder rate was fine when there was a kill counter. The reason murder is so high in SA is because the road to power was so short. Gear up in 2 hours, nothing to do, lets kill. Its penance for the game being in Alpha.

People that kill more than they don't keep mental tabs of their work. Hell, I knew a guy that logged every kill and death on a text file.

Whats going to improve the odds for those looking for a friendly interaction is more stuff to do and getting better at the game instead of running up to someone and Q+E'ing saying they're friendly. Honestly, most people that complain about the lack of friendly interaction flat out suck at the game.

Get out of the pub jungle, thats your problem. Nobody played pubs for long in the mod. Its about finding the right community which is 110% private shards.

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  On 4/1/2016 at 1:11 PM, Weyland Yutani (DayZ) said:

I started with the mod mid 2012 and the murder rate was fine when there was a kill counter. The reason murder is so high in SA is because the road to power was so short. Gear up in 2 hours, nothing to do, lets kill. Its penance for the game being in Alpha.

People that kill more than they don't keep mental tabs of their work. Hell, I knew a guy that logged every kill and death on a text file.

Whats going to improve the odds for those looking for a friendly interaction is more stuff to do and getting better at the game instead of running up to someone and Q+E'ing saying they're friendly. Honestly, most people that complain about the lack of friendly interaction flat out suck at the game.

Get out of the pub jungle, thats your problem. Nobody played pubs for long in the mod. Its about finding the right community which is 110% private shards.

'stuff to do' as in what? hunting/crafting/fishing? all these things can be 'semi-done' but there's not enough stuff around to do like you said. hunting? what animals? those 5 deer and 3 cows all the way up north.. or that lost chicken on the coast? XD (figure of speech)
as long as the engine can't handle hordes and multiple species of animals in volume.. there's nothing to do in the game... apart from crafting leather clothes.. make a fire.. grill some fish filets and steaks... xD 

I get your point of view. but that doesn't change the fact that most 'kids' who play this game.. will ultimately not do those kinds of things.. all they do (like you've stated) is gear up and kill everything that moves.
that's not what dayZ is... 
and regarding the 'most people that complain about the lack of friendly interaction flat out suck at the game.' sorry to say.. but that's just BS plain and simple.. there's this thing called learning process. if you don't get any opportunity to even start a convo. without getting ur head blown off.. that doesn't inspire trust in people online.. nor does it make for good RP. what happens? exactly (like you said)  community based servers which is 110% private shards. filled with people that wanna play a fun game instead of Call of DayZ: KoS 101 edition.

since private (RP) servers have rules/whitelist and public servers are a 'free for all' THAT is the big difference.. and that has NOTHING to do with 'most people that complain about the lack of friendly interaction flat out suck at the game.'

Edited by Tigermonk

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  On 4/1/2016 at 12:01 PM, Tigermonk said:

but it will certainly not improve the odds, lets agree on that...
now people say stuff like: dude.. I've killed X amount of people.. got some gear.. but yeah..
with this new 'kill counter'
you'll get stuff like: DUDE I've killed 20 people today.. check this out (sends print screen to his friends)... so ha :)
that makes me the leader of the pack.
*spirals outta control within days.. people trying to outdo each other..*
welcome to the new game call of DayZ by bohemia interactive..

congratulations.. you've just turned a zombie survival game into 'yet another online shooter' 

say what you want.. but on public servers this is already happening.. people keeping scores.. YES this already happens.. YES this will always be a part of dayz.. 'this is your story' 
but having a 'kill counter' in your menu that you can show off... and brag about to your friends and anyone, 
will NOT improve the odds for people that just want to have a friendly game of dayz... trying to survive while making new friends online.

just so you know ;)

I don't know anybody who does what you are saying. And I am still certain that this won't change the game in any way whatsoever.

Edited by Killawife

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  On 4/1/2016 at 9:10 PM, Killawife said:

I am still certain that this won't change the game in any way whatsoever.

OK - so it won't change the game in any way whatsoever
so HEY - let's NOT do it.. that won't change ANYTHING, right?, So that's just exactly the same as wasting time NOT doing it, and it will be less effort all round.
NO effort = No effect .. and ...  Effort = No Effect.. so let' so for the No Effort and then we get the "No Effect" totally Free
then we can save our time and effort for doing stuff that actually DOES change the game - even a tiny little bit.
Glad we sorted that ! Otherwise we might start doing all kinds of stuff that wont change the game in any way whatever - no one would even notice, and the whole development effort to produce no change would produce ZERO change!

I'm glad you brought this up - stuff that doesn't change the game in any way whatsoever is kind of a 100% waste of time for everyone, We all agree on that. Of course we do.
And the worst is - no one would even notice it had happened (... or not)

wow - good save!


If we HAVE to have Stats  - seriously - I'd like to see a klick counter to show the distance traveled by a player.
(and chicken headshots, natch)


Edited by pilgrim*
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  On 4/1/2016 at 10:29 PM, pilgrim* said:

(and chicken headshots, natch)

Unfortunately I suspect the chickens don't have a separate head hitbox.






Edited by -Gews-
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  On 4/1/2016 at 10:46 PM, -Gews- said:

Unfortunately I suspect the chickens don't have a separate head hitbox.


Well shucks that could explain why I haven't done well up to now, for sure, even if I can hardly see the damn things in the long grass..
But I've had better luck in melee with wild boars. These are serious wins and should be recorded.

Scoring player kills is for the WEAK - unless you subtract 3 points for every fresh-spawn victim, for unarmed, starving, wounded or handcuffed players, and for all shootings in the back.
AND your kills are reset to zero if you kill someone with a sack on their head..

Killing armed players and Unarmed players should be scored separately, so the vigilantes can see it.
Hanging a player with unarmed victim kills from a streetlight should add his kills to your own score ( Crafting = Killer of unarmed victims+Rope+Bible+Tree or Streetlight= Hanging )



Edited by pilgrim*

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The OP mentioned something else I would consider even more interesting...

Remove VIOP!

If only there was a way to prevent teams of players from communicating independent of the in-game chat feature...wow...dare to dream, I guess.

There will always be third-party options to communicate with your teammates so this is moot....but being in-game and having to obey the reality of voice chat while others choose to scheme and plot your demise on TS really puts a dent in my sense of fair play.

I know...BooHooHoo...poor little me!

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  On 4/1/2016 at 10:29 PM, pilgrim* said:

OK - so it won't change the game in any way whatsoever
so HEY - let's NOT do it.. that won't change ANYTHING, right?, So that's just exactly the same as wasting time NOT doing it, and it will be less effort all round.
NO effort = No effect .. and ...  Effort = No Effect.. so let' so for the No Effort and then we get the "No Effect" totally Free
then we can save our time and effort for doing stuff that actually DOES change the game - even a tiny little bit.
Glad we sorted that ! Otherwise we might start doing all kinds of stuff that wont change the game in any way whatever - no one would even notice, and the whole development effort to produce no change would produce ZERO change!

I'm glad you brought this up - stuff that doesn't change the game in any way whatsoever is kind of a 100% waste of time for everyone, We all agree on that. Of course we do.
And the worst is - no one would even notice it had happened (... or not)

wow - good save!


If we HAVE to have Stats  - seriously - I'd like to see a klick counter to show the distance traveled by a player.
(and chicken headshots, natch)


Hey dude, I dont make the fucking game. And we dont agree on anything at all. Dont talk for anyone else, only yourself. MY opinion is that that the kill count won't make this game worse in the murder regard. And the reason for it is not only that I dont believe the people playing it are snotnosed kids but simply for this reason: IT CAN'T GET MUCH WORSE THAN IT IS ALREADY IS IN THAT REGARD!

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  On 4/2/2016 at 7:48 PM, Killawife said:

Hey dude, I dont make the fucking game. And we dont agree on anything at all. Dont talk for anyone else, only yourself. MY opinion is that that the kill count won't make this game worse in the murder regard. And the reason for it is not only that I dont believe the people playing it are snotnosed kids but simply for this reason: IT CAN'T GET MUCH WORSE THAN IT IS ALREADY IS IN THAT REGARD

  On 4/1/2016 at 9:10 PM, Killawife said:

 I am   certain that this won't change the game in any way whatsoever.


Hey - excitable person - I thought you said  "I am certain this won't change the game in any way whatsoever"   Hey In fact you DID say that !!

If something does not change the game in any way whatsoever - then having it in the game or not, will make no difference whatsoever, so no one will be able to spot any difference whatsoever (because there won't be one) , and no one will know if it is in the game or not..
In fact -  if it makes no difference whatsoever  - no one will even know what it is.. right ?
I hope you follow that?

I am glad to see you've left behind the stuff that makes no difference whatsoever, and gone on to say "the kill count wont make this game worse .. and the reason is not only  because I don't believe the people playing it are snotnosed kids" .. etc.. that's an interesting viewpoint.
And I'm also glad you say "we dont agree on anything at all'" because it saves me saying it for you and it's one more thing that we both agree on..

xx pilgrim

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Its not that I didnt understand what you were saying, its just that semantics are irrelevant and your argument is therefor invalid, while my argument is that whining about this feature being added is kinda silly as the game will be playable in the same regard as before with or without it. As for it being meaningless for it to be added because of it, for most people, this is most likely. But as it is already added, and you and me dont get to decide what gets to be in the game and what does not, its pointless to argue about it.

So please stop. Please.

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