Konfucious K 183 Posted March 8, 2016 9 minutes ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said: Waking up to the mod infected scooping your guts out was scary. Infected already enter buildings regularly now and you will see more and more in buildings as infected populations rise. No fucking jump scare bullshit, please. Save that for Fatal Frame, or Silent Hill, or something else. We would all learn where the infected jump from in short order and the effect would be minimal over time, as well as giving us a chance to just pick the infected off from under the bed it's "stuck" under. Really? I have yet to see one infected in a building unless they have been chasing me, although I am definitely glad to hear it. However, I didn't mean jump scare like Silent Hill where you have no way to check or expect anything. More jump scare because you are genuinely afraid to die after discovering a room full of randomly generated "hibernating" infected still in beds or just standing around after dying during the outbreak and being "trapped". No reason for numbers or buildings where it happens to be predictable. Adding on to the atmosphere I mentioned above...where are all the children infected? There is something that would be creepy beyond measure... imagine walking into a class full of kid infected sitting at their desks all dormant. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneakydude 480 Posted March 8, 2016 Being an random encounter, just once in awhile might add in more fear. Not all jumping out like those games you listed, but the random one or just a dead body falling, to the floor to add in more awareness. Alien's the movie defiantly a jump scare. Doesn't happen all the time, but the actors are always aware of the situation around them. We talked about clutter on the ground before, so should the infected be scooping out the guts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneakydude 480 Posted March 8, 2016 Speaking of children, Seen any??? i want some added this would freak me out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buakaw 274 Posted March 8, 2016 1 hour ago, sneakydude said: I dont see where server hopping becomes horror? Its the worst feature ever added, and it wasn't intended. I could talk for hours about how badly public hives shape the DayZ meta and what not... 80% of publics pop resides in coastal areas it seems and that has various reason, but the public hive only helps support that meta. Maybe the devs are afraid new people would shy away (aka ragequit) from the game if they had to learn the "ropes" on a full pop private where they would get shot a lot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted March 8, 2016 2 minutes ago, Konfucious K said: Really? -snip- where are all the children infected? There is something that would be creepy beyond measure... imagine walking into a class full of kid infected sitting at their desks all dormant. Yup. I have watched them walk in to quite a few sheds and buildings and found them in there as well. Groups of infected trapped in a room or house somewhere is a classic trap done by players (whenever doors were functioning properly). I would like to keep that a player created situation, so yo know someone was there.... I have asked for child infected in the past citing the fact that the 1968 Night of the living Dead has a child zombie killing it's mother. I have a feeling we won't see them in DayZ though for regional censorship purposes. :( It's super silly how a movie can depict every kind of horror or debauchery but in a game it's taboo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Konfucious K 183 Posted March 8, 2016 Just now, ☣BioHaze☣ said: I have asked for child infected in the past citing the fact that the 1968 Night of the living Dead has a child zombie killing it's mother. I have a feeling we won't see them in DayZ though for regional censorship purposes. :( It's super silly how a movie can depict every kind of horror or debauchery but in a game it's taboo. You're probably right but censors are getting more lenient these days Walking Dead s6 spoiler below Did anyone see episode 9 series 6 were the kid got proper munched on by the walkers? The fact that it was TV as well was a great turning point for the show, This was epic and hopefully a sign of things to come in cinema and maybe even gaming. And with the primary development being done in the Chech Republic, I would expect looser restrictions from that side of Europe. Though you know America and Australia will pull their religious censor weight behind anything remotely like this hopefully Europe won't bow to the pressure. Worst comes to worst modders will do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted March 8, 2016 1 hour ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said: It's super silly how a movie can depict every kind of horror or debauchery but in a game it's taboo. If a 14 year old really-really wants to drink whiskey the kid will probably find a way to do it, but selling whiskey to 14-year-olds is illegal. Plenty of 15-year-old kids want to join the army but where we live there's a law says they can't. Some kids want to make bombs and other kids want to have sex. There are rules about all those kinds of things. Rules don't necessarily stop all under age-kids from shooting each other or having sex with strangers, or from getting in cinemas to watching adult movies; But it is still kind of good to have the rules, dont you think? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irish. 4886 Posted March 8, 2016 2 minutes ago, pilgrim * said: -snip- I was that kid that wanted to do all of those things... at once. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted March 8, 2016 (edited) 20 minutes ago, lrishjake said: I was that kid that wanted to do all of those things... at once. ohhhh yes - aint it great now when sometimes you see 'young adults' and think << wow - that kid has got totally no idea what he's getting involved with.. heh >> but are they going to listen to ya? .. not a lot. "where yo're going to - I came back from there" :) Anyone want to explain why they need extreme graphic horror in their lives ? Edited March 8, 2016 by pilgrim * 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted March 8, 2016 45 minutes ago, pilgrim * said: If a 14 year old really-really wants to drink whiskey the kid will probably find a way to do it, but selling whiskey to 14-year-olds is illegal. Plenty of 15-year-old kids want to join the army but where we live there's a law says they can't. Some kids want to make bombs and other kids want to have sex. There are rules about all those kinds of things. Rules don't necessarily stop all under age-kids from shooting each other or having sex with strangers, or from getting in cinemas to watching adult movies; But it is still kind of good to have the rules, dont you think? Where the fuck did I say I wanted kids doing ANYTHING? Depicting people of all ages engaged in all kinds of acts is legal in cinema in most free countries. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JackinatorLP 21 Posted March 8, 2016 I think if they implemented rustling/shivering bushes/grass/trees depending on the presence of a player, it would intensify the typical dayz paranoia. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted March 8, 2016 (edited) 2 hours ago, Konfucious K said: You're probably right but censors are getting more lenient these days Walking Dead s6 spoiler below -snip- I think Australia and maybe a major country in the EU would likely ban DayZ if you killed infected children in it. But they can go and watch stupid mocking jay movies where kids kill each other or that Japanese movie Battle Royal where again, it's kids killing each other. Natalie Portman in The Professional anyone? Smoking cigarettes and falling in love with a man 40yrs her senior.... I can name many MAJOR movies which involve all kinds of illegal and immoral acts committed by and to minors. Edited March 8, 2016 by ☣BioHaze☣ 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted March 8, 2016 16 minutes ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said: Where the fuck did I say I wanted kids doing ANYTHING? Depicting people of all ages engaged in all kinds of acts is legal in cinema in most free countries. ..//.. Natalie Portman in The Professional anyone? Smoking cigarettes and falling in love with a man 40yrs her senior.... Sorry BioHaze I thought you meant you wanted kids to access mainstream games with extreme horror and depravity in them the same way they can access 18+ movies depicting illegal and immoral acts ?? :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted March 8, 2016 2 hours ago, pilgrim * said: Sorry BioHaze I thought you meant you wanted kids to access mainstream games with extreme horror and depravity in them the same way they can access 18+ movies depicting illegal and immoral acts ?? :) No sir. I have a young Nephew and I would not want him watching some of these graphic movies or playing graphic games. When I was his age games and most movies and TV could not be nearly graphic enough to inspire violence. I feel like I saw Full Metal Jacket and The Shining at too young an age myself. Now.... - Congressional testimony 2003: "the correlation between violent media and aggressive behavior in children is stronger than that of calcium intake and bone mass, lead ingestion and lower IQ, condom non-use and sexually acquired HIV, and environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer, all associations that clinicians accept as fact." - During a 2013 PTC study, a total of 512 guns & bladed weapons were shown on examined broadcast shows. Almost 70% were guns. Viewers watching crime dramas on TV are exposed to a gun or bladed weapon every 3 minutes. - From this 2013 study, a broadcast show (rated TV-14) had more violence than all TV-MA cable shows. http://w2.parentstv.org/Main/campaigns/mviolence.aspx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted March 8, 2016 Hello there Im more a fan of psychological horror as what we can imagine in our minds is usually far worse than anything that can be on screen. Which is quite worrying in itself. Id rather have realism integrated into the game than "horror" The "horror" of a real broken leg or deep gash can be very nasty and I'd like folk to think about what happens when they pull the trigger on another person rather than the "bang and fall down" that most films/games portray. Think the final scene in Taxi and how Travis' retribution is far from clean and tidy compared to James Bond clearing a moonbase without a wrinkle in his suit. Humans and animals are hard to kill and fight back if given the chance, Id like to see that more in games to shock folk into what reality actually is. This is just how I feel as Im not sure many really empathise with the pain or feelings of others. That aside, the fear of the unknown and paranoia should be a major driver in the game. Blood and gore for the sake of blood and gore gets old fast. Rgds LoK 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whyherro123 2283 Posted March 8, 2016 32 minutes ago, OrLoK said: Hello there Im more a fan of psychological horror as what we can imagine in our minds is usually far worse than anything that can be on screen. Which is quite worrying in itself. Id rather have realism integrated into the game than "horror" The "horror" of a real broken leg or deep gash can be very nasty and I'd like folk to think about what happens when they pull the trigger on another person rather than the "bang and fall down" that most films/games portray. Think the final scene in Taxi and how Travis' retribution is far from clean and tidy compared to James Bond clearing a moonbase without a wrinkle in his suit. Humans and animals are hard to kill and fight back if given the chance, Id like to see that more in games to shock folk into what reality actually is. This is just how I feel as Im not sure many really empathise with the pain or feelings of others. That aside, the fear of the unknown and paranoia should be a major driver in the game. Blood and gore for the sake of blood and gore gets old fast. Rgds LoK A good distinction is the difference between "terror" vs "horror". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horror_and_terror 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedoctorlome1 6 Posted March 8, 2016 Thx for all the feed back! But to be clear I am not talking about jump scares but instead the tone and feel of the game. At the moment things feel to happy and easy going, I mean its almost always sunny, the night is never dark, infected aren't scary, and to me it doesn't feel like there is a horror aspect in the game. I think a great example of horror in a survival game is stranded deep, and what I mean by this is that at day the sharks aren't that scary since they are easy to spot, but at night when you hear the music begin to play and your alone on your raft looking down at the pitch black ocean you get chills. This is something dayz needs, those pitch black nights, infected that can scare the player, and some more ambient sound. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted March 8, 2016 Hello there I beleive with the new renderer (and player controller amongst other things) this will enable the devs to tweak the lighting and environ to further enhance the "apocalyptic" feel of the game. A simple "colour overlay" or desatuartion shader, for example, along with some environmental sounds could turn cherno from a sunny holiday spot to a bleak Forbidden Zone. I think the onus so far for the devs is getting the underlying architecture to a point where they can make the game they want rather than on the minutae of the world. I believe as we get closer to release we will see a huge apparent "accelleration" in visible changes and stuff to do. That said, I too think the game needs these tweaks to "lift" the game above the mod (or other A3 mods but Im sure the devs are on to this as well, so dont worry unduly! Keep the ideas coming though! Rgds LoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buakaw 274 Posted March 9, 2016 Orlok what is more important than saturation is the look of the world, the mod had debris and bodies everywhere, things like that are still missing for us. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted March 9, 2016 (edited) 6 hours ago, pilgrim * said: But it is still kind of good to have the rules, dont you think? Not really to an extent its limiting what can be done with games. Granted i don't want anything like pedophilia it would be nice to see kids get ripped apart in games just like adults do in violent video game scenarios. Especially in more urban settings where war is unavoidable and very real. Its grim and ppl more often don't want to think about it but especially in a situation of say an apocalypse no one would be spared from the brutality or in the case of an infection like what happened with Cherno. I have a VERY very hard time taking the games setting seriously especially without mass age variety. I would like to see the beard perk that males will get with there characters be applied to infected as well in some cases. Edited March 9, 2016 by Deathlove Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted March 9, 2016 (edited) 2 hours ago, OrLoK said: Hello there Im more a fan of psychological horror as what we can imagine in our minds is usually far worse than anything that can be on screen. Which is quite worrying in itself. Id rather have realism integrated into the game than "horror" The "horror" of a real broken leg or deep gash can be very nasty and I'd like folk to think about what happens when they pull the trigger on another person rather than the "bang and fall down" that most films/games portray. Think the final scene in Taxi and how Travis' retribution is far from clean and tidy compared to James Bond clearing a moonbase without a wrinkle in his suit. Humans and animals are hard to kill and fight back if given the chance, Id like to see that more in games to shock folk into what reality actually is. This is just how I feel as Im not sure many really empathise with the pain or feelings of others. That aside, the fear of the unknown and paranoia should be a major driver in the game. Blood and gore for the sake of blood and gore gets old fast. Rgds LoK But also having nothing but psychological horror being the main brunt of the scares can get old fast as well. Its a double edge sword anyway you look at it. I believe a balance between what you want and what i want is whats needed to keep the game fresh. A sort of Yin & Yang if you will. Edited March 9, 2016 by Deathlove Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zurvivalist 300 Posted March 9, 2016 Simple map edits are all thats required really , Remove all military bases. Build large LARGE indoor buildings. Like a massive underground base . put all military gear inside it. Fix the gamma exploit , fill that building with infected . and other players going after top tier gear. New weather engine will help with fog, lighting and stuff like that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted March 9, 2016 1 minute ago, Zurvivalist said: Simple map edits are all thats required really , Remove all military bases. Build large LARGE indoor buildings. Like a massive underground base . put all military gear inside it. Fix the gamma exploit , fill that building with infected . and other players going after top tier gear. New weather engine will help with fog, lighting and stuff like that. I remember the fog picture they showed ether last year or the year before that. Im still hopping that that effect is coming! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneakydude 480 Posted March 9, 2016 Ok, so no children, now how about different sized infected, like short people, tall people? Music can also make the mind wander, especially when you open a dark cellar and walk into it. Which Dayz has none of that. Its open the door to a house, run out open another door to another house. After 1000 hrs you see things differently, then someone with 10 hours of game play. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneakydude 480 Posted March 9, 2016 Creaking noises from doors. Brings the fear, wondering out of you. Random footstep noises, but not actually there. Since we have vehicle object displacement now, why not have things like objects on the table, objects like lamps fall over making a thumping noise. Someone outside might be able to hear that too running by. Rusty car doors, bending as they open up. Can be heard from 5 houses down. Tree's making cracking noises. Sounds play a huge part but so does the visuals. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites