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need help for hiding my camp

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I know nobody wants to tell his secret strategies about hiding his stuff and cars. But all my hiding spots get robbed everytime although they were in the deepest forest.


Any tips? Is it reasonable for hiding stuff outside of the chernarus map?


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I know nobody wants to tell his secret strategies about hiding his stuff and cars. But all my hiding spots get robbed everytime although they were in the deepest forest.


Any tips? Is it reasonable for hiding stuff outside of the chernarus map?


My strategy back in the mod days was to find a really boring place where I would normally never bother going. Make sure it's not on the path to something good too. Forest seem like an ideal spot, but tents and vehicles can stick out like sore thumbs among trees depending on the player's graphics settings. Buildings provide the best cover as they will hide your stuff no matter how low or high the graphics settings are.

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I know nobody wants to tell his secret strategies about hiding his stuff and cars. But all my hiding spots get robbed everytime although they were in the deepest forest.


Any tips? Is it reasonable for hiding stuff outside of the chernarus map?


I don't think that persistence works anymore outside of the map's border, you'll probably lose everything after the first server restart if you try.


You could always put your camp in the northwest, although it's becoming a bit more popular the last few builds

My own strategy on camp placement is all about "inconvenience".   If it's inconvenient to go to, or through, then it could be a good spot.

That's my number 1, after that I try to make them fit this criteria:


a) they aren't pitched on a commonly traveled route between two locations, even certain forests with no roads are well traveled routes

B) try to make it so there are obstacles between your camp and the nearest path/route such as steep hills 

c) it isn't anywhere near a military installation or between heli crash sites

d) they cant be seen from the map's edge, those can be well-traveled too, keep them at least 250 meters inland

e) I use only barrels and car tents lately, civ tents stand out by the bright color & mil tents stand out by both color and shape

f) damaged barrels and tents are preferable, they hide better than pristine ones

f) pitch tents and barrels near the dark evergreen trees for cover whenever possible


that's my 2c, good luck!


edit; and after all of that the camp will probably be found eventually  :lol:  

so take your ratty-est looking green barrel and put your best-est loot in there and hide it really good somewhere else 

Edited by GaryWalnuts
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You can't actually hide a tent. If you check the map and think it's a good spot, others will think so too. As said before, the only little chance you have is, if it's far away of anything worth looting and somewhere at the map's end. But since the mod days, it's only a question of time until it's found by someone. I keep my best stuff separated in a barrel which can be hidden far better.

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I don't think that persistence works anymore outside of the map's border, you'll probably lose everything after the first server restart if you try.


You could always put your camp in the northwest, although it's becoming a bit more popular the last few builds

My own strategy on camp placement is all about "inconvenience".   If it's inconvenient to go to, or through, then it could be a good spot.

That's my number 1, after that I try to make them fit this criteria:


a) they aren't pitched on a commonly traveled route between two locations, even certain forests with no roads are well traveled routes

B) try to make it so there are obstacles between your camp and the nearest path/route such as steep hills 

c) it isn't anywhere near a military installation or between heli crash sites

d) they cant be seen from the map's edge, those can be well-traveled too, keep them at least 250 meters inland

e) I use only barrels and car tents lately, civ tents stand out by the bright color & mil tents stand out by both color and shape

f) damaged barrels and tents are preferable, they hide better than pristine ones

f) pitch tents and barrels near the dark evergreen trees for cover whenever possible


that's my 2c, good luck!


edit; and after all of that the camp will probably be found eventually  :lol:

so take your ratty-est looking green barrel and put your best-est loot in there and hide it really good somewhere else 

Anything in the debug area of the map aka outside of the map is immediately cleaned up by the server (after restart).

Edited by DJ SGTHornet
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Anything in the debug area of the map aka outside of the map is immediately cleaned up by the server (after restart).

Thanks for clarifying, I heard as much but I wasn't sure.  :thumbsup:

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All of Gary's points with one proviso. However well your camp is hidden, if the server it's on goes dark, it's gone.


So I'd strongly suggest you split your stash between four or five servers.


That helps in case someone find your things too. At least then they're not getting the whole lot...

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Back in mod days my friend hid his tents in rocky area next to dirt road that leads from Berezino to NEAF. Since NEAF is not interesting at all until helicopter parts, that could be good location. There is lots of rocks north from Svetlo, hiding tent behind rock is better than in trees.

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I try to use only yellow and green barrels which you can hide more or less completely in yellow bushes or green trees. As said, damaged ones work best.

If I have a car I try to find a spot with dense trees all around to give the best chance to hide it from sight. And yes, I try to find less traveled spots too. With a car I usually also try to put a barrel in the vicinity so I can put stuff from the car in there when I'm offline. Increases the chance they might find the car but not have the ability to drive it away.

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Back in mod days my friend hid his tents in rocky area next to dirt road that leads from Berezino to NEAF. Since NEAF is not interesting at all until helicopter parts, that could be good location. There is lots of rocks north from Svetlo, hiding tent behind rock is better than in trees.


Yeah, right now you could practically put your camp right in the middle of the NEAF... nobody would find it. Biggest waste of space on the whole map. 


To add a few points think about landmarks that people use to get around- roads are obvious but some forget about powerlines. People will find a powerline on a map that gets them close to where they need to go (especially when you don't know the map very well) and they'll just follow it to a landmark and branch off. 


Also consider undulating terrain that create pockets of opportunity- many of these can be found closer to the coast and prevent detection in spite of higher volume traffic. 


Go to those pvp stream / youtube videos and look at where the action is... don't put anything there. If you do, maybe just put a beat up barrel in a tree / bush somewhere in plain sight- A bunch of small caches can be more beneficial than one uber cache- depending on what you're looking for. 

Edited by ENO75
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Hm thats quite interesting. I cant split my loot because im playing on a private server. Some time before i tried to hide my offroad hatchback in a car tent but the car cant pass through the tent opening (bug?)


Its quite difficult to hide a car or even a transit bus. I have no idea how could  some guys keep their many cars.

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Don't use tents basically.


Barrels hide extremely well, tents stick out like crazy.  Don't forget you can throw barrels when you place them so put them on their sides too.  But a green barrel in an evergreen or a yellow barrel in a bush is extremely difficult to see, and unless some one is actively checking every single tree and bush you're probably going to be alright.



My group has our barrels set up in a very popular town and while the more obvious ones have been found once, we moved them and they haven't been found again.  I've had some barrels in Cherno as well, and I'm sure many others do too.  I'm a fan of the "hiding in plain sight" idea.



Until base building is implemented, hiding cars/tents just isn't really going to work in the long run.

Edited by Bororm

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a lot of the people with a ton of very valuable helicopter loot etc have multiple steam accounts and they store their stuff on their various characters.  that's the only truly safe way, but it'd be ridiculously expensive and possibly against the rules.  but I know a few personally who do that.


as for hiding, barrels are the safest.  find two evergreens that are really close together and plunk a barrel right between.  it disappears so well you yourself will have to fumble around a bit to find it again.  too close to a trunk though and it becomes inaccessible and you'll have to cut the tree down and try again.

Edited by Red_Ensign

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However, i always enjoyed searching for that ultra rare spot and finding it eventually. Of course you're never really sure how long it will be undetected. But finding one after some days, it's a bit like finding another guy's tent/barrel, that "Jackpot-feeling". :)

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I agree with everything said above. Moreover, remember - you will never ever get 100% safety. There is always a chance some random explorer will wonder exactly into your sweet spot. I thought I had a super safe hideout in the middle of nowhere (in the South, far from the edges) but it's been robbed recently.


But I can give away one funny spot for a quick barrel to place: there is that one just recently enterable tower, next to the Kamyshovo railway station, somewhere at 119 118 (it's not on the map as a loot point yet). A couple of days I noticed that it is surrounded by a wall. If you enter through the wall and go around the tower, you can put your barrel next to the tower, and 1) nobody has any reason to go there, 2) it's not visible with 3pp from any nearby point. Granted, it's not really a place for your camp, but if you find a barrel in Kamyshovo and want to stash your RAK looted from the nearby police station, it may just last for a couple of days.


There is also this small town where I noticed a small passage between two houses. The passage is a dead end, but there is some room behind one of the houses, not visible from the street. I'm thinking about placing a barrel there.


And sometimes I wonder if just for the hell of it I could put a blue barrel next to those 4-barrel blue packs serving as background. I wonder how many people wouldn't be any wiser. ;)


Oh, I forgot a very nice thing - you can throw flat backpacks and weapons on the top of those long hill-like hay stacks next to many farm houses. The stash is next to invisible, sometimes even when you stand right on the top of it - you need the inventory tab to see it. Use improvised backpacks for optimum concealment. Weapons are literally invisible outside of the inventory screen, but they may despawn. Don't forget to memorize the location!


As for vehicles, well, I'm currently looking for sweet spots myself. I found one, but we'll see how long it will last...

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As a lot of posters have said, barrels are very well concealed between 2 green pine trees. I have one place inland where my 10 barrels have been untouched for more than 2 months (all of 0.58 and so far on 0.59) on a Private server that's all most always full. 


I would prefer to "camp" a bit more myself, having a tent, barrels, oven, fireplace etc., but the fact is that tents are just to easily spotted, and I personally haven't found a place yet where i dared throw my stuff in a tent. 


I'm sure the spots are out there, but I'm also sure no one is telling if they found the perfect spot. 

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Step 1) Don't try to make a camp on the outside edges of the map. Literally everyone and their mother thinks that is a good place. My clan and I have gotten geared up SOOOOOOO MANNNY TIMES from scrublets that think nobody will go out there. In reality, pretty much everyone who knows what's what will make a "map edge run" at least every couple of days. Standalone is not the Mod




Step 2) Go to places where people have no reason to go.


Load up the Day Z DB map. Take a gander at the region encompassed by Nadezhdino in the west, the Black Forest in the north, Topolka Dam in the south, and Tulga in the west. This is a mountainous, rugged, and heavily forested region of the map where there isn't really all that great of loot. I have spent 2 weeks, playing every day mind you, on a 50/50 server and I only saw about 5 people.


Step 3) Keep on going to places where people have no reason to go.


Hint: if you try to hide your stash by a building, or by a road, it will be found eventually. Inevitably, someone will think " hey, I wonder where that dirt road goes?", or " Hey, I know that nothing spawns in that house, but let me check for shits and giggles...." And they find your camp.


The above is why I don't understand why people want to fortify pre-existing buildings instead of going into the hinterlands. "If you build it/ if there is a way there, they will come" applies.


Instead, go to the end of that dirt road, then go off into the woods and over the hills. GO back far enough so that you can't be seen from the road, or from the nearest building, then stash your barrel in a tree, or set up a tent. I like to use streambeds as "highways" into the woods. Go off a road, follow a streambed up into the hills, then go off to the side along the ridge and set up camp.


Step 4: Spread out


Human-made objects tend to have angular shapes and colors that don't really exist in nature. This catches the eye because they stand out so much. Put up a tent, then move over 30 feet and put up another one behind some bushes. Set up tents away from barrels, and barrels away from cooking areas, and vehicles away from everything else. In "real life", you should really have ~200 feet between sleeping, working, cooking another areas in your camp. Keeps noise down, and makes you less likely to be bothered by animals (those on 4 legs and on 2)

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This reminds me, guys. What do you think about the most obvious storage place, i.e. wardrobes? I mean, how often do you actually come up to a seemingly empty wardrobe to check if there's a stash there? ;)

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I know nobody wants to tell his secret strategies about hiding his stuff and cars. But all my hiding spots get robbed everytime although they were in the deepest forest.


Any tips? Is it reasonable for hiding stuff outside of the chernarus map?

Google DayZ SA heatmap.  This will give you a decent reference to see what the traffic is typically like.  Remember, if people go looking for camps, they plan their route thinking about where good hiding places should be.  I like mediocre hiding places, and counter-intuitive hiding places; both have their advantages and weaknesses.


Everybody and their brother looks at the dense woods at the western and northern edges of the map as an out-of-the-way place to safely stash their gear.  At the same time, players looking for high-tier loot, but not willing to risk the exposure of running through the helicrash areas or military bases, will cruise these woods hoping to get lucky.


Food for thought:  There are a few places on the map where you find blue barrels that cannot be interacted with; either sitting on pallets, or at the downspout of rain gutters.  Hiding a couple more barrels in plain sight will likely get overlooked by most players familiar with the map, but may be inspected by newer players who have not yet learned to ignore these set-piece barrels.


Edit: I've heard that the wardrobes get wiped on server resets.

Edited by emuthreat
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On a more important note - where do you guys find tents? I've been searching through the Berezino appartment buildings, but without luck. They still spawn in these right?

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On a more important note - where do you guys find tents? I've been searching through the Berezino appartment buildings, but without luck. They still spawn in these right?

Yes. I personally have only found tents in the shorter/smaller apartment buildings. I rarely look for tents as I'm more of a barrel guy but these are the buildings I've seen tents in. 

Edited by LucidHills

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I don't think that persistence works anymore outside of the map's border, you'll probably lose everything after the first server restart if you try.


You could always put your camp in the northwest, although it's becoming a bit more popular the last few builds

My own strategy on camp placement is all about "inconvenience".   If it's inconvenient to go to, or through, then it could be a good spot.

That's my number 1, after that I try to make them fit this criteria:


a) they aren't pitched on a commonly traveled route between two locations, even certain forests with no roads are well traveled routes

B) try to make it so there are obstacles between your camp and the nearest path/route such as steep hills 

c) it isn't anywhere near a military installation or between heli crash sites

d) they cant be seen from the map's edge, those can be well-traveled too, keep them at least 250 meters inland

e) I use only barrels and car tents lately, civ tents stand out by the bright color & mil tents stand out by both color and shape

f) damaged barrels and tents are preferable, they hide better than pristine ones

f) pitch tents and barrels near the dark evergreen trees for cover whenever possible


that's my 2c, good luck!


edit; and after all of that the camp will probably be found eventually  :lol:

so take your ratty-est looking green barrel and put your best-est loot in there and hide it really good somewhere else 

lol the edit, i was thinking the same thing :) oh the dilemma of giving someone advise on where to hide their stuff :)

Edited by HavocOne

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You have to think out of the box, you have to look at the world from the point of view of other players, you have to reverse brainstorm.

Edited by Yazar8
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Here's a suggestion. Find a lone shed somewhere that's at the forest edge or something. Head in an exact direction from it using a compass and walla, you'll have a random spot in a deep forest that only you know how to get to.

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Don't go to the edge of the map as it makes it easy to spot of your running along side debug. Try somewhere along the forests on the Eastern side

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