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About LucidHills

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    Sydney, Australia
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    I am a Game Dev student so keep an eye out for my name in the credits... well not this name...
  1. LucidHills

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Usually we do get all this very quickly. I think it was very slow this time because most if not all of the dev team were on break for christmas/new year etc.
  2. LucidHills

    How can we fix camping ?

    I love doing this. I like to take random items. So sometimes I may grab a useless item and other times something important. I do this over time so every 1-3 days I'll take something (or a few somethings depending on the size of the camp). This way they'll blame a persistence/container bug not a raider. ;) You are jumping to your own conclusions. I remember it being said in plain English somewhere by a dev that stashes are not included in the calculation. I am trying to find it now. If I can find it I'll edit this post or make a new post.
  3. LucidHills

    How can we fix camping ?

    Actually, I'm pretty sure that the loot economy ignores stashes.
  4. LucidHills

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Helicopter respawn cycles are no longer linked to server restarts in any way. They persist over restarts and respawn on their own timers.
  5. LucidHills

    Vehicles (and wheels) – spawn, despawn, persistence

    In my experience, this was not so. Thought I'd add an image to help explain what happened for me. I crashed my first vehicle, an offroad, 20 minutes after getting it working. :rolleyes: It was stuck on a concrete block and I had to abandon it. I logged in a couple of days later to see that it had despawned. I returned to where I got it originally and sure enough, it was there. As you can see, there is at least 3 closer spawn points it should have respawned to if your theory was correct. I'm not saying that you are wrong but my experience doesn't seem to support the theory. Where did you hear it from?
  6. LucidHills

    Vehicles (and wheels) – spawn, despawn, persistence

    @Yazar8 Yes, I saw that. It's on this very page. That's why I commented. I saw elsewhere in the forums someone saying it was 4 each for the new vehicles. I imagine both of these are estimates. I was wondering if anyone has looked into the game files or something and confirmed it? (I probably should have made that clearer) EDIT: Just realised that Pilgrim's source* is WOBO. That's confirmation enough for me. :P *woops. Fixed. haha
  7. LucidHills

    Vehicles (and wheels) – spawn, despawn, persistence

    Has anyone confirmed how many of each type of vehicle spawns? I have heard different numbers from different people. Also I have noticed that the new vehicles (offroad,sedan,bus) all have static spawns at the moment. And when they despawn they return to their original static spawn. Can't confirm that though as I only experienced it once. A offroad respawned to the spawn I originally picked it up from after it got stuck on a small concrete block on the corner of a road.
  8. LucidHills

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    It rained today. It's the first time I've seen any rain in 0.59, including experimental. I was convinced that it had been removed this build for whatever reason. It's good to see that it's still around. :)
  9. The current system already makes you wait longer when hopping servers. That's what that "Spawning in X seconds..." means. And yes, I want it to be instant if you aren't server hopping. If you are hopping though (determined by something like if you are trying to join a server after having left another server less than 10 minutes ago) you should have to wait while you're body is vulnerable. So if you are trying to ghost, others will see you spawning in. However, If you are just joining the game for the first time that session or you lost connection somehow in a vulnerable place you won't get penalised. I personally don't really mind how the system works as it does at the moment, but I do think that a system something like this would be better.
  10. If you watch a friend load in, you'll see that your body spawns in 15-30 seconds before you can see, let alone can take control. Again, you've gotten the wrong idea. The idea as I understand it is that all you see is a black screen as you load in. While this is happening, the world is loading behind the scenes. When the world has fully loaded to the point where you'd be in full control with the current system, you'd get a button to start playing or something. Once clicked, your body spawns in, the black screen disappears, you can see your surroundings and you are in control. All in an instant. I understand how this may be OP, and I agree to some degree. We'd still need a loud noise to trigger on spawn like it does with the current system. Yes, I do think this might be OP for people trying to ghost. People who have just server hopped should have to wait for the 30 seconds with your body in-game like the current system as a hopper penalty. Maybe even this instant spawning should be reserved for people who were just kicked or lost connection due to game crashes, server restarts, that sort of thing. This would help in the case were you crashed in the open or in a dangerous area, etc.
  11. LucidHills

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    As I think it was mentioned before, the bow is bugged. You can't reload an arrow to the bow using the hotbar. I can confirm this is true with feathered arrows, but you can still load sharp sticks as arrows using the hotbar.
  12. LucidHills

    need help for hiding my camp

    Yes. I personally have only found tents in the shorter/smaller apartment buildings. I rarely look for tents as I'm more of a barrel guy but these are the buildings I've seen tents in.
  13. LucidHills

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Source: Forum Rules, Roles and Guidelines
  14. LucidHills

    Making single wheel a double for v3s

    I believe you are supposed to but I think I heard that it's bugged at the moment so you can't.
  15. I don't think that's what anyone here wants. The idea I like, and the idea I think the OP is trying to express is that the world loads to the point where you can start to play but all you see is a black screen saying "loading world" or something. When it is fully loaded, the black screen disappears and you're in game ready to go. Your body doesn't exist in-game until you are in control. However, if you just switched server, then you should be forced to stand there for the 30-60 second wait like we do now. Slightly off topic, I really wish we didn't have to wait for the spawn timer if we're reentering the same server we just left. Getting kicked because battleye isn't responding, my ping spiked for a few seconds, or I just needed to relog, then having to wait for the timer to spawn into the server I just left is not fun. The penalty should only be for server hoppers. :P