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Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

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1PP would be a lot of fun, if it wasn't so nauseating.

A lot of people say this, do you guys get motion sick from FPS that easily? I find it no different when you turn head bobbing off.

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Excellent post. You certainly know much more about this stuff than myself, so let me ask, do you think upcoming VR tech like the oculus rift would solve most of these problems that 1pp has?

Not particularly.  I think the technology needed for first person to be just as much an extension of the player as the keyboard is for movement, simply won't exist in this games lifetime.  I think we will try, but having a giant block of plastic and screens strapped onto my face doesn't seem like the best way to go about it.  I already have problems with using a headset :P 


I think by the time we can TRULY play games in first person, our brains will be the consoles with which to play games on and developers will simply, simple being my own optimism, be programming neurological impulses to make us experience what they want, be it vision, hearing, smells, pain, etc.  Obviously this technology would have so many OTHER applications, other than gaming, as we will have essentially created the Matrix, it's interesting to think about.


For now, I will settle for compromises like a different camera angle and improved fidelity.

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3rd person should be BANNED.


It's nothing but a bunch of cheaters playing *iSpy* with themselves while they have their stupid little god like eyes floating above themselves while their real character is sitting prone above a rooftop or behind some bushes.


I suggest you check out 1pp servers. You will be delighted to find out that the issue you mentioned doesn't exist on those servers.

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I personally play 3pp atm, but i will switch to 1pp only as soon as i will die. Reason for this is plain simple: It is way harder to spot other people in 1PP, so people that are trying to sneak and avoid people have a huge advantage. You have to play with much more sense about what is going on around you.

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I figure it's a means to get people to try 1PP servers out. It's a good thing, but do the devs actually prefer 1PP themselves?

1PP's disadvantage is way lesser than 3PP's advantage, in other words, 1PP is closer to realism than 3PP is, even though in 1PP you're less aware of your surroundings than you would be IRL. But people like seeing their character (because pressing tab won't cut it) and seeing shit without actually making your character look at it.

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My signature.


1. Please stop calling 3rdp a "cheat". That what is available to everybody in regular game mechanics is not a cheat. It may be unrealistic, but it's not a cheat. Hm wait. Realistic survival? Uh? I'm sitting in a warm, dry room in a soft chair with a fridge, microwave, warm water and toilet in range. That mouse and screen hardcore training will give you a real advantage in an apocalyptic RL environment later!

2. Just because he is a lead programmer doesn't mean that 1stp is 'really better'. It's still the opinion of an individual. There are many who agree with him, but his single opinion doesn't have the million-fold power of any other gamer's opinion.

Edited by RogueTrooper
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My signature.

Edit: Please stop calling 3rdp a "cheat". That what is available to everybody in regular game mechanics is not a cheat. It may be unrealistic, but it's not a cheat. Hm wait. Realistic survival? Uh? I'm sitting in a warm, dry room in a soft chair with a fridge, microwave, warm water and toilet in range. That mouse and screen hardcore training will give you a real advantage in an apocalyptic RL environment later!

Correct word is exploit

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Correct word is exploit


No. An exploit is something that was not intended by the programmers. When players become immortal by holding an apple in their hands and do so to become immortal, then it is an exploit. It's not a cheat because it comes from the unmodified game engine itself.

Using 3rdp is no cheat and no exploit. It is intended just to work that way. It's just unrealistic, no more, no less. Like the ingame wound/fracture treatment or interval of need for water and food.

Edited by RogueTrooper
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I'm just wondering:

1pp players mentioned many times that one of the problems with 1pp servers is the lack of people to play with.


Do you believe that calling someone an exploiter or cheater is an effective way of convincing them to play 1pp? Do you think that removal of 3pp servers will make 3pp players move to 1pp or maybe, just maybe they will say "Fck that, I'm not going to play with people who insulted me and destroyed 3pp servers."?

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I'm just wondering:

1pp players mentioned many times that one of the problems with 1pp servers is the lack of people to play with.


Do you believe that calling someone an exploiter or cheater is an effective way of convincing them to play 1pp? Do you think that removal of 3pp servers will make 3pp players move to 1pp or maybe, just maybe they will say "Fck that, I'm not going to play with people who insulted me and destroyed 3pp servers."?

Here is a better way to put it.  I like to play on a server that is fairly populated to the point of almost full.  So I will take the best populated server available be it 1pp or 3pp.  So why should I be at a disadvantage to play my preferred play style when the only option is a 3pp server with population?  It's all about choice, right?

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Lead Programmer of DayZ says, "1PP is better" :facepalm: 


"Clearly this is a bit of banter. 3PP is going nowhere, but it is good to see the devs hold 1PP playstyle in such high regard, hopefully meaning that they will start to look at solving some of the problems associated with that viewpoint."


Saved you from a fate worse than Hicks.


I play 3rd person when with friends, 1st person when wolfing.

There is no conflict, there is no cheating, nor exploiting when everybody has the same choice.


I'll leave this open but,,, I gota teh crystal ballz !

Don't break em.

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Why the title thread wasn't changed by the mods? The quoted guy is not the lead programmer of DayZ and does not say that 1st person view "is better". It's a hell of a misleading (and flamebaiting) title IMHO.

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3rd person should be BANNED.


It's nothing but a bunch of cheaters playing *iSpy* with themselves while they have their stupid little god like eyes floating above themselves while their real character is sitting prone above a rooftop or behind some bushes.

But, but, if there were not 3PP players peaking while prone over the top of buildings, I wouldn't have lots of lovely trapped sniper targets to shoot from the hills.

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Why the title thread wasn't changed by the mods? The quoted guy is not the lead programmer of DayZ and does not say that 1st person view "is better". It's a hell of a misleading (and flamebaiting) title IMHO.

Probably right he would have been better off pointing out the creator of DayZ prefers 1pp and he calls people who play in 3pp view casuals. I was amazed to watch rocket playing in a 3pp on server completely in 1pp view (didnt realize it was a 3pp server till he had some movement problems and he swtched camera to check what was going on.


PS casuals was his words not mine i honestly dont care what 3pp do as again i have a few good 1 pp servers to play on im happy you guys are happy playing 3pp so who cares what the others are doing..

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imo 1st person is better in all FPS

Well.. you know, you can't have an FPS without first person which is why DayZ has never been an "FPS". Yes, I'm the terminology police. :)

Anyway, around we go once again gents. Surely this debate will finally be resolved with this thread.

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Lead Programmer of DayZ says, "1PP is better" :facepalm: 


"Clearly this is a bit of banter. 3PP is going nowhere, but it is good to see the devs hold 1PP playstyle in such high regard, hopefully meaning that they will start to look at solving some of the problems associated with that viewpoint."


Saved you from a fate worse than Hicks.


I play 3rd person when with friends, 1st person when wolfing.

There is no conflict, there is no cheating, nor exploiting when everybody has the same choice.


I'll leave this open but,,, I gota teh crystal ballz !

Don't break em.

Pretty sure it's exploiting, or at the very least an unfair feature abusing when you happen to be the first one to get on that rooftop. You can now follow people but cannot be seen yourself. You can take a peek for 0,5 seconds, shoot an enemy, hide, repeat. Yes, definitely abusing.

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Why the title thread wasn't changed by the mods? The quoted guy is not the lead programmer of DayZ and does not say that 1st person view "is better". It's a hell of a misleading (and flamebaiting) title IMHO.



Because some things just need to be left in their original condition, it serves a greater purpose, we can refer to it at a later date if similar controversial Topics are posted by a member in question.


People may believe that this topic content / proposition has no value and is troll, or OP has less than zero understanding of the English language, both assumptions are incorrect.

The edited OP states...

"Clearly this is a bit of banter. 3PP is going nowhere, but it is good to see the devs hold 1PP playstyle in such high regard, hopefully meaning that they will start to look at solving some of the problems associated with that viewpoint."


It is in fact an appreciation, the trouble comes when people start insulting each other over the age old 3rd Vs 1st person debate, which is not considered by myself or the Devs (for that matter) a worthy debate .

There is reason to consider adjusting the view position I believe (see orloks Topic) but as long as everybody has the same view (3rdP) I really don't see the problem or why some believe this is cheating or exploiting.

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Well, IMHO the problem is not in the (edited) content: as I said, it's in the misleading (and rather trolling) title. The quoted person is not the lead developer of DayZ and he didn't say 1st person view was "better". The flamebait comes directly from there - and that could be easily seen in the thread first answers, where the usual templar defenders of 3rd or 1st person view launch their elitist comments about this or that playstyle. I don't know how (or why) the thread didn't derail like the last one, but I'm happy to see that somehow a lot of people avoided restarting the trolling war.


Anyhow, editing the title or not it's your call: I was just suggesting.





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Here is a better way to put it. I like to play on a server that is fairly populated to the point of almost full. So I will take the best populated server available be it 1pp or 3pp. So why should I be at a disadvantage to play my preferred play style when the only option is a 3pp server with population? It's all about choice, right?

wait.. why are you at a disadvantage?

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I personally like 3PP, and have used it in ArmA all the time. Yeah it's not realistic, but neither is 1PP. I like to be able to quickly assess my surroundings like I would be able to in reality. That said, why force everyone into 1PP anyways, even if it was the stupidest, most unrealistic thing ever? Everyone has their different preference in playstyle.


1pp is the closest view you can get to reality in a game. I'm not sure what else you're asking other than having your eyes in your head and holding down ALT will allow you to "quickly assess your surroundings" What it won't do is allow you to cheat by looking over things your avatar physically cannot. I think most 1pp advocates believe that if you want to make a realistic game then anything unrealistic should be removed. Since 3pp is wholly unrealistic, why have it in a game that is reaching for gritty reality and hardship. A magical camera over your head is completely unrealistic. The thing is, there are methods to keep the 3pp camera as it is and ensuring it can't be sued as a crutch but everyone is still arguing about it - the devs should just fix it already :)

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there is 1:st and 3:rd persion servers, none will get removed, this has already been talked about, please stop.

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" I think most 1pp advocates believe that if you want to make a realistic game then anything unrealistic should be removed."

like the ability to magically heal broken bones instantly with a stick and a couple rags? or rummaging through your pack, pulling things out, organizing and shuffling stuff around.. while sprinting? or taking a shot gun blast to the face the drinking a soda and eating a can of peaches to fully heal yourself?

let's leave the "realism" out of the 1pp/3pp debate huh?

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I've played a lot of 1PP, tons. Increasingly low FPS of late has ruined it for me (I know about headbob) and I literally get sick. Graphics wise, 1PP is beyond lacking. To be blunt, it looks like ass. 1PP servers have been dropping like flies on a consistent basis.


Despite the unfair visual advantages of 3PP, there are a lot of games with the same issue and its not that big of a deal to me. Very easy to work around it. Graphically, 3PP is absolutely beautiful. I like looking at my backpack, weapon, player model, etc.


1PP really is a dinosaur.

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