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About darth_vaizard

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  1. darth_vaizard

    To the two that KOS'd at NW last night.

    I have been on both ends as I'm sure most of us have. In my experience, 80% of the time, it's the players fault they got shot. There are measures one can take to minimize being seen, and that helps, but the most important factor in determining if you die or not to a KOSer, is the fact that people rarely die from the first shot. From what I have seen, the vast majority of players are not capable of outright killing somebody in real situations before the victim has escaped, I know I can't most of the time... In short: carry meds always have cover available buddy system stay away from windows in the airfields and finally, try to resist the urge to complain about what players do when given the choice to shoot the few pixels that comprise your virtual ass. Killing on sight will NEVER stop happening, no matter how many reasons we have not to.
  2. darth_vaizard

    Backpack stacking still works?

    I only use it to carry two backpacks of similar size for a friend should they need it (something I think you should be able to do as it makes at least a little sense unless the interior backpack is absolutely stuffed).
  3. darth_vaizard

    colt python vs repeater for cherno killing

    Repeater = form Magnum = function
  4. People will now hold you up to eat you. I've had it happen... Better hope they don't have handcuffs and/or shoot you in the leg
  5. darth_vaizard

    Medic here. Everyone is starving to death

    I personally have had no issues with food lately. I just logged off after eating an entire deer and two cans of peaches... Just carry canned peaches. They have the highest energy input of any canned food and also gives water. Usually, a single can will save you from starving, and one to two more will get you energized.
  6. darth_vaizard


    That's not really an issue considering that you can stuff a small backpack, like the improvised ones, into a bigger one and then put items into the smaller bag so that technically, you don't lose any space. This allows you to still have everything on you but then you can just take out the 'running' bag and stash the supplies somewhere. Even if you forget to grab the stash, if you plan your inventory right, you don't lose much that you can't just go get elsewhere. Only difference is the time it takes to restock from runs.
  7. darth_vaizard


    I have seen one but it was lodged in a way that didn't allow me to pick it up... My tent is a large backpack that I stash in a bush somewhere.
  8. darth_vaizard

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    Not particularly. I think the technology needed for first person to be just as much an extension of the player as the keyboard is for movement, simply won't exist in this games lifetime. I think we will try, but having a giant block of plastic and screens strapped onto my face doesn't seem like the best way to go about it. I already have problems with using a headset :P I think by the time we can TRULY play games in first person, our brains will be the consoles with which to play games on and developers will simply, simple being my own optimism, be programming neurological impulses to make us experience what they want, be it vision, hearing, smells, pain, etc. Obviously this technology would have so many OTHER applications, other than gaming, as we will have essentially created the Matrix, it's interesting to think about. For now, I will settle for compromises like a different camera angle and improved fidelity.
  9. darth_vaizard

    Machine guns in DayZ

    People already server hop to get the best possible load-out... I've run across players with MULTIPLE ammo boxes filled completely to the brim. Ammo scarcity wouldn't stop people from having thousands of rounds on them and mowing down everything. That being said, I'd like to see a few, but they should definitely have some kind of downside to using them. Like utterly ridiculous sway and recoil when not at least crouched or prone.
  10. darth_vaizard

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    The reason I like third person isn't to peak around corners or above walls and fences (even though it is simply part of the perspective and I feel obligated to use it as I know others will abuse it), it's because first person feels restrictive. In the real world, I can move my eyes around in their sockets and my foveas (foveai? foveae?) are not always focused on the entirety of my field of view as if I'm looking at a screen. Until they figure out some way to allow us to have adaptive focus in our vision of the world and allow us to move our eyes independently without feeling strange on a mouse and keyboard format, I don't see first person feeling right in a game this size that also requires you to have the ability to pick out very small, sometimes motionless, abstract shapes. It works on a smaller scale like arena shooters because the shapes you have to be able to distinguish are usually much more than just a few pixels tall. THIS aspect can obviously be improved as the fidelity of the game improves and everybody is forced to see the same grass, shadows, or otherwise obscuring game objects. I feel the main reason most of the community plays in 3rd person is because there is a disconnect between themselves and the character in game. The main reason for this disconnect between character and player is because the player does not have the adequate proprioception (sense of where ones body is in relation to ones surroundings) in the game. Third person grants a pseudo proprioception so that you KNOW your head is sticking out completely when you would assume it's only slightly exposed in first person. The amount of abuse that the current camera angle encourages can be reduced with a tighter, over the shoulder camera angle that gets closer to the player depending on what stance they are in and their environment. I.e. the camera is at it's most zoomed out when standing outside and most zoomed in when prone inside a tight building. I'd love to play only in first person, but I just can't see it feeling as natural as pressing W to move forward because I don't, and can't, feel where my body is positioned in relation to what I can see.
  11. There's a staircase on the inside next to the broken brick wall. I often go up there If I'm in the area and don't yet have a gun because sporters seem to spawn quite frequently up there.
  12. darth_vaizard

    Sudden instant death and player Hit Points

    I believe it needs more testing. I have personally tried the test that Aggathor did myself and my results were somewhere in the double digits. FAR from 6-7 and even slightly more than 50...
  13. darth_vaizard

    Can I swtich from Experimental to Stable quickly?

    I wouldn't mind so much if it didn't have a large chance to utterly break the game to the point that it needs to be installed again...
  14. darth_vaizard

    Are these weather effects a bit too much?

    Hypothermia definitely needs to be toned down a bit... It's not like it's below freezing. It's not snowing on a regular basis and bodies of water aren't frozen over. Yea, you'd probably be as chilled as you have ever been if you get soaked and its chilly out, but sprinting around and swinging weapons constantly would counter at least a small amount of that. I have regrettably had the misfortune of riding a motorcycle in below freezing weather in a T-shirt and shorts for almost an hour. I'm obviously not dead from that experience, but I can say I would never be stupid enough to let that happen again... The human body is extremely resilient to temperature fluctuation.
  15. If you would look closely, the bow has sway just like all the other 'firearms'. Try shooting the arrow when the bow sways to the left.