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Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

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Hello !


so drybag is 28 slot as mentionned above

SPOSN is only 24 sadly

the derringer takes 2 slots but i didn't found the proper ammo for it (tried .357, 380 auto, 9mm, .22LR and even 7.62*51), it may be broken in this exp as i don't think it can fit 7.62*39, 5.56*45, 5.45*39 or 12 gauge


brass knuckles are quite effective. i tried it on zombies, you drop them with one headshot and they will be dead before getting up.


sadly, hopper are fast and it's very hard to find the new guns. killed 1 hopper at the military base near vybor (thanks for the AKM with PSO and drum mag !)


not a single crash in 2h, it's better than previous exp for the moment.


ps : new sounds for the different types of door are amazing

Edited by Zboub le météor
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Thanks for the pics guys. So what do we get to deal with in this version? Main reason I like exp so much. You have to totally adapt your playing style to the harsh exp conditions. Most people whine about it but I really enjoy it. Download almost done...

I do agree with poster that said people are more civilized in exp. I almost expect friendlies in exp...in stable I expect the complete opposite.

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The drybags are bugged for me. It floats on the ground behind my character, though it still holds my stuff. I can confirm that Derringer pistols spawn in residential vehicles


The Experimental servers have a BattleEye message that states:


Servers are set to restart every 6 hours.


Thank the lord. We get to play more than five days before the Exp servers become a barren wasteland. Like North Dakota. 

Edited by Rags

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  On 10/29/2014 at 9:33 PM, Rags said:

The drybags are bugged for me. It floats on the ground behind my character, though it still holds my stuff.


Hm, tried relogging? Used two drybags so far and they have been showing up as intendet.


Buuuut found another one: Fences go right through the small sheds in some houses backyards. You can't vault those fences inside, however items are accessible through 1PP.

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  On 10/29/2014 at 9:33 PM, Rags said:

The drybags are bugged for me. It floats on the ground behind my character, though it still holds my stuff. I can confirm that Derringer pistols spawn in residential vehicles



What character model were you using?  I can confirm the Matt Chavfoot Lightfoot model looks fine.

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Invisible zombies are back/still here.

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  On 10/29/2014 at 9:41 PM, ChainReactor said:

Buuuut found another one: Fences go right through the small sheds in some houses backyards. You can't vault those fences inside, however items are accessible through 1PP.


Already happened in the previous iteration of 0.50.

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  On 10/29/2014 at 9:44 PM, snipertrifle said:

Rags does the mean the loot respawns every 6 hours?


No. Just that servers respawn. It is the persistant system that is functioning in the exp servers. (The 6 hour restart message has been occurring for quite a few exp version iirc).

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  On 10/29/2014 at 10:25 PM, Zboub le météor said:

whoaw, huge caliber for such a small gun (the only amo i didn't had a that moment...)


yeah the old DayZ loot curse. I have a 1911 and a Derringer on me. I find any type of ammo. Except for ..... well, go figure out :P

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  On 10/29/2014 at 10:13 PM, BadAsh said:

No. Just that servers respawn. It is the persistant system that is functioning in the exp servers. (The 6 hour restart message has been occurring for quite a few exp version iirc).

Thanks. I hope this doesn't mean we have no loot in a few days time like last week

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Seen the Drybag in red, orange and light blue, due to its structure you can't put wide items in it, but it takes up 5x5 in another bag - in case you want to nest bags.  I tested the brass knuckles on a few zombies, I found it similar to most melee hand weapons - multi hits to body, maybe 10-15 for a kill, 1 shot for the head, only takes up one slot though. Tested the Leather Repair Kit, brought a Damaged Press Vest to Worn (Duct Tape will get most things to Damaged) the Leather Repair kit also takes two slots.


A note about persistence, with the current system in place the best way to get loot to spawn is to remove bad loot and trash it away from spawns and/or store it in things (read this from another post somewhere)... I try to grab all loot I see and I'll leave it in pants/coats/backpacks I see that I dont need. Some locations you'll see items immediately spawn after you grab something.

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My friends father had a derringer that took .357 in his collection.


I'm told it had massive kick back.


I'm really glad to still have my character with a sporter + 30 round mag..... small consolation for no stable release I guess.

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  On 10/29/2014 at 10:35 PM, snipertrifle said:

Thanks. I hope this doesn't mean we have no loot in a few days time like last week


You have to understand the differencies of the two systems being used in the game so far.


Until loot respawn was introduced, items only and exclusively spawned on server restart. Thats why servers with a 1 or 2 hour restart cycle claimed to be "high loot". They just restarted so frequently that actually every loot spawnpoint holds an item at any given time.


Loot respawn on the other hand is not influenced by server restarts, but controlled by the central hive and the loot tables. Any item being picked up influences or triggers the respawn of another item somewhere else. What, how much and where is controlled by the central server and still undergoing highly active development, since you can figure out that his is a huge system with more variables that you can imagine.


So yeah, it's possible that we will run out of items soon again. But they are on the right way with their system.

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Anyone else having trouble connecting to the hive? No matter what server I joined I seemed to spawn nude in Vybor. No worries though, I kind of wanted to start over.

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I get a no connection to hive message when I log in but I have spawned with my character twice.


I just led a zed up into a upstairs only green house and filled it full of .22.


As he runs towards me I notice all of my bullets fly through him.


He then stands inside the room mostly idle and once in a while he attacks the air in front of him and I took a hit.


Soon I get a kicked because battleeye connection error...


I hope I don't spawn in bleeding with ruined stuff.... :(

Edited by BioHaze

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The experimental server told me it could not connect to the database and would spawn a new character but spawned my old one anyways.


You can now fuel a fire with sticks and waterbottles are apparently big enough to hold 4kg (!) sardines.

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  On 10/29/2014 at 11:52 PM, Evil Minion said:

You can now fuel a fire with sticks and waterbottles are apparently big enough to hold 4kg (!) sardines.


Both already in last week. And yeah, poor sardines.

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  On 10/29/2014 at 11:50 PM, BioHaze said:

I get a no connection to hive message when I log in but I have spawned with my character twice.

If you mean the red server message then that has been there in SWE servers for a while already even though they work.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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  On 10/30/2014 at 12:00 AM, St. Jimmy said:

If you mean the red server message then that has been there in SWE servers for a while already even though they work.


I guess that's it.


I've never seen this before on US servers.

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Wasn't this due to be released yesterday? (Thursday for me now)


Hope it comes out today then was looking forward to playing it now, oh well.



I'd love it if there were bears randomly like whoever it was said imagine being one of the first to get mauled by one.

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I really damn appreciate the continued work to make shadows more resource-friendly! I can finally run shadows on Very High, along with every other setting. The performance on my rig has increased noticeably. Where yesterday I got 20 to 30fps in Staroye, it's now 35ish to 55 on an Asrock X79 Extreme 4-M mobo with an air-cooled i7 3930k 6-core OC'd to 4.5GHz, a single GTX660 @ 2GB, and 16GB RAM.


Despite shoes now degrading reasonably, I sprint less often because Chernarus looks so damn good. You make this game any more addicting and my wife is going to bar my youngest and I from playing, and probably make me sleep on the couch. :) Thanks a lot.


Restart message, fuck yeah



Found a leather kit, then a drybag.

Both in Mogilevka, and without stacked loot (Christmas loot).




But, of course, after the server sustained heavy load for over an hour I get no msg received while cooking my first boar kill of the new patch. :)


Edited by whiskeytango
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