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What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

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My clan see's hackers everyday on our VX9 server. The hackers love to infest the jailhouses. THey love to teleport around Berezino..and when you do kill them, the evidence of their glitched ammo is left in their ammo clips.


The game is about unplayable on a fair playing level and something needs to be done about it quickly before us "Alpha" testers get sick of trying and just give up.


A suggestion is to allow players to see the names of people that kill them. If you want to keep the confirmation down keeping people guessing whether their shot was a kill shot or not, just make it so that the victoms see the message.


Allow private servers so admins can kick/ban confirmed hackers.


These are small steps and would help greatly to securing a better game.

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My clan see's hackers everyday on our VX9 server. The hackers love to infest the jailhouses. THey love to teleport around Berezino..and when you do kill them, the evidence of their glitched ammo is left in their ammo clips.


The game is about unplayable on a fair playing level and something needs to be done about it quickly before us "Alpha" testers get sick of trying and just give up.


A suggestion is to allow players to see the names of people that kill them. If you want to keep the confirmation down keeping people guessing whether their shot was a kill shot or not, just make it so that the victoms see the message.


Allow private servers so admins can kick/ban confirmed hackers.


These are small steps and would help greatly to securing a better game.


but...but...but... you must be lying! i never saw one on the server i play!!1!


It's all complainers complaining!!1! this game is better than ever! All the haxors are gone!1!!

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AND the current Hacking Status in DayZ for Tuesday the Fifth of May:


Quite warm with passing showers in the afternoon, and cooler during the evening
Tomorrow wil begin with bright sunny intervals, especially in the south and east
Some cloud moving in from the north and light to medium wind


thank you 

And now back to the News


xx pilgrim

Edited by pilgrim

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Hi guyz !


As you saw in title i'm here to talk about f*ckin' hackers and cheaters ! I really think those shit are actually killing the game even if it's only an Alpha version.


So i hope some Dev will read this post, and will answer me !


i've just read something on DayZtv but it makes me doubt... original link : http://www.dayztv.com/news/2014/05/dayz-development-state-answers/


let's take a look at :

" However, hacking is still something we are very concerned about. But we’re also very proud we’ve pushed it back into ESP, aimbot, wallhacks, etc… There are some unfinished areas of work – such as local management of magazines on weapons. These are being worked on. "


***Merged and removed link*** ok my video link was deleted^^ sorry it seams i wans't allowed to post it :)

maybe people who wants to see this video, will search on youtube for example, with dayz standalone and mombot for another example :)  i didn't post any links but you will see what i was talking about ....


So, No wallhack ? no aim ? are you sure ? or am i crazy ?


Please can a dev answer me ?!


where a we going ? when will we be able to play without hackers and taht kind of cheats ? and whant about battleye ?


thanks for reading my lamer post ^^  See ya

Edited by Chokilla
Removed link.

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Merged and removed link. Please make sure to search before posting. This topic is pinned in the very section you posted in.


And please do not post videos about scripting.

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I have seen hacking...the only one  I have witnessed 1st hand was the wall hack where they mess with files and they do not load textures on their computers btu we render them so we cant see them in the buildings but to them they are not there I watched 2 guys morph out of the walls after shooting my friends through the building with no windows and the door not open. They will fix these issues it is alpha so its good these bugs are being worked out now so they are fixed by release. Just stay away from ne airfield on high pop servers and barenzino...but not so much there for me if I feel I am being shot at by those kinda players I just take off and live to fight another day.

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So... 4 of us last night got headshots out from nowhere, we were in tower, we died each of us in 1 sec delay, or how many seconds you need to reload mosin.. One of us was under the stairs, one of us in midfloor and last two guys were on 1st floor.. we simply died from that hacker we didn;t even hear shots.. or we weren't able to see him, we just got our screens 1 by 1 that we're dead..
So we ofc got pissed and logged out with words "stupid game, stupid stuff that won't or can't fix this security issue, or ban those retarded low IQ people who can't play fair". We wouldn't be so pissed if we at least had a chance to see who killed us (name). I would highly recommend or vote to see that info who killed who like in Counter Strike and other normal games. In that way at least we would be able to report people who cheat. I would be able to take a screenshot and post / send to someone who actually is willing to do something about those problematic people..
And at the end I logged again went to empty server started to loot, found some weapon and ammo, someone started communication with me as I was frustated, I paniced and killed that guy, now I feel bad :(


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since the SA is out i've never seen a cheater. only tons of server ghoster and glitcher.

Edited by duke0095

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Does the ESP hack allow the cheaters to see your name?  Me and 2 of my friends were in a room in the police station, and we could hear someone talking in the hall outside.  He called each of our names, along with the name of the person he was talking to.  The server was full, so the chances of him knowing how many people were in the room along with our exact names is extremely remote. 


This cheater taunted us, but wasn't brave enough to open the door.  He then stopped talking, and a few seconds later we saw someone (I assume him) crawling across the road faster than we can run.  He wasn't glitching.  We saw him the entire time, but he was just crawling too fast to shoot.  However, he then made the mistake of sticking his head and gun around the corner of the house he has crawled to; and my friend introduced his head to a 7.62 x 51 bullet. :) 


I've been playing for a while now, and this is the first confirmed cheater I've seen.  However, if I see many more then I'll find another game to play.

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My clan see's hackers everyday on our VX9 server. The hackers love to infest the jailhouses. THey love to teleport around Berezino..and when you do kill them, the evidence of their glitched ammo is left in their ammo clips.


The game is about unplayable on a fair playing level and something needs to be done about it quickly before us "Alpha" testers get sick of trying and just give up.


A suggestion is to allow players to see the names of people that kill them. If you want to keep the confirmation down keeping people guessing whether their shot was a kill shot or not, just make it so that the victoms see the message.


Allow private servers so admins can kick/ban confirmed hackers.


These are small steps and would help greatly to securing a better game.


Wait Vx9 Got tired of calling everybody to NE airbase, just to find a group of them parked in a prison 3rd person glitching thru the walls?


Serious case of the pot calling the kettle black here :)

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Getting tired of looting hacked press vests, M4s, and TTsKO jackets/pants that you can't loot out of.

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Wait Vx9 Got tired of calling everybody to NE airbase, just to find a group of them parked in a prison 3rd person glitching thru the walls?


Serious case of the pot calling the kettle black here :)


I second that. Every time my group goes to their "pvp zone" NE airfield, we find a group of VX9 guys camped out in one of the buildings with at least 1 person 3rd person glitching and 1 person camping the door. 

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Well I guess now that the rumor of the DayZ source code being swiped this week is true, we can all expect to see many many new hacks and security issues. They are saying since it was swiped the only way to make it safe is to rewrite the code from scratch. This doesn't sound good for any progress we were expecting for the next update. Sad day today :(

Edited by haknslash
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Well I guess now that the rumor of the DayZ source code being swiped this week is true, we can all expect to see many many new hacks and security issues. They are saying since it was swiped the only way to make it safe is to rewrite the code from scratch. This doesn't sound good for any progress we were expecting for the next update. Sad day today :(


They are saying ... who is they? Can you provide a link please?


All kind of security related software is open source. Including complete linux distributions. That does not mean it is broken by default, just because ppl know the source code.


I don't think it changes a lot in the long run, security wholes are either there or not. If they are there, chances are, they will be found in time. Security through obscurity is not really any security at all imho. In the short run (well not so short, really) this will probably increase hack numbers and possibilities depending on what exactly they got. I also don't know if they swiped everything. In the long run, I don't know how this will influence hacks. If this results in more devs being assigned to securing the game after beta, it might even be good. But that is all speculation about the business strategies of BI and BE... .


Either way, don't panik and eat some beans. Or even better, eat peaches.

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Haven't played in a while, first day back there was a guy who had unlimited shotgun rounds.

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just followed a mate onto a regular server, he was in hills prone, for about 10 minutes, looking though scope and looking around, suddenly his gun is put away automatically, then some  player walks up and asks him if hes german and then shoots him.

hes telling this to me on a voicechat, and im a few hundred meters north of him then about 30 seconds later , i see player walking in front of treeline to me so i aim, and my rifle is automatically put away and he walks in front of me and shoots me too after asking if im german..., never experienced this kind of thing on dayz before, if it had happened to one of us i would have thought it was just an unlucky timing of lag weapon switch, anyway its some kind of  cheat, where player can spot you (im guessing) and then disarm you(im sure of), crazy

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For all you saying theres no hackers in the standalone, If you watch frankie's videos on Youtube, check out his last Dayz Standalone vid, he records running into 2 groups of players with hacked in gear, and unlimited ammo clips.

Ive expirienced unlimited ammo clips one time , but never spawned in backpacks like frankie recorded, but i havent played dayz standalone for 2 months now,

my clan has its own server to loot gear on where the population of players is VERY low, 5-10 people max usually, and oh boy i can tell you the number of times we died due to hackers made me quit untill dayzSA has a better anti cheat in place.

example nr 1: we where 3 from the same clan in the Berezino train station with 2 random fresh spawns helping them out with both doors to the station closed, when suddenly we can hear somone shooting the m4 abaout 100-150 meters away, suddenly my clan friend gets shot and dies(inside the train station) then i get hit but survive, in panic we kill the 2 fresh spawns thinking they might be talking to somone on skype thats outside, i then proceed to run outisde to see if somone is bugging the wall, but i get shot as i exit the bulding, my 3rd clan mate runs out, and finds the guy 100 meters towards the coast, in prone position behind a 2nd wall, but he kills my clan mate to. so this dude, shot us from 100 meters away, trough 2 walls ? How -.-.

example nr 2: this we have expirienced multiple times, people somehow bug themself inside a wall, and somehow still see everything araound them, so what happens is youre running araound looting, then you get shot at, but you cant see the guy shooting at you, if ur lucky and the hacker is a bad shot, you will be able to find the "smoke" you see from the gun wen it fires, and i will guarantee you it will be coming out from a wall. ive expirienced this several times, tryed shooting back at where i could see the smoke with no result, the guy just kept shooting at me. 

Theres a LOAD of cheating "hacking" going on in DayzSA right now, i'm just going to give the game a break untill its finished. i mean they sold over 2 million copyes of DayzSA allready, with that kind of budget you should have worked a little harder on the anti cheat, and the major bugs. but thats my personal opinion. 

Just had to edit this and say, as an admit on my clan server, i  think the most idiotic thing BI have done is remove the name tags of players over the head, and removing the kill chat, where you see who kills who. They have basically made it a heaven for hackers, as an admin u cant do ANYTHING unless you want to kick ALL the people on the server to get rid of 1 hacker, or you have to "guess" who the hacker is, as you dont have any way of finding out his name. 

Edited by Moffan

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Alright, let's just jump right into this one.

This character was alive for about 2 months. I was at Balota, looking for drink. When I hear some ammo shuffling below me!


Well of course, being in the ATC  you can imagine how fast I scuttled out of there. I ask who's there.




I ask this stranger to meet me at the bottom of the ATC. He sounded friendly enough, and I really needed water. I was hoping to barter.


My weapon was out, and he says "alright I'll meet you there."


I get to the bottom, and he says "I'm here, come into the ATC"

Well, I don't know what the fuck he was talking about, and I must have painted that entire room about a dozen times.


Told him I didn't see him


"I'm in the hanger."


Now I'm getting suspicious.


I raise my weapon, aim it down the airfield and toward the hangers, and tell him to "come out in a non-threatening way, with your weapon drawn but not raised."


This is where it gets interesting.

Fucker teleports RIGHT there next to me, and blows my  brains out with what must have been around 500 rounds within 3 seconds.


Not complaining, now I get to experience the new features, but...


Come on. Whoever you are, if you read this, there are more honorable ways to go about things.


-end story-


Anywho, that's the story of my first hacker encounter.


Gotta say, it scared the shit outta me. Not once in a gunfight have I been teleported to :P


Feel free to comment, but no ranting about them "GOD DAMNED HACKERS", there are plenty of threads that already exist for that purpose.

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Feel free to comment, but no ranting about them "GOD DAMNED HACKERS", there are plenty of threads that already exist for that purpose.

okay. We won't talk about those hackers as you already made a thread whining about them. Good job.

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okay. We won't talk about those hackers as you already made a thread whining about them. Good job.


mmmm what?

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It's bad. Real bad right now.  Anyone wanna save an old man time from perusing the series of tubes for when the devs will have a good handle on this? I'm too old for this stuff. 

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Zap Hardcore stay off.  Hick hackers are the worst 4 hackers in a group.  There on the rooftops of Berezino.  Using Radar and Teleport. 

Edited by mkgriff

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Zap Hardcore stay off.  Hick hackers are the worst 4 hackers in a group.  There on the rooftops of Berezino.  Using Radar and Teleport. 


The sad part is that you don´t even need hacks in this game. Yesterday and today i was at the NEAF a few times and every single time there where multiple hackers, glitchers, whatever in the wallstructure auf the jail (westend of the strip). And also we killed some guys in Berezino which had like 200.000 shots ammo splittet in 2 stacks or so. 

Ok, waiting for the people saying that´s just desync, never seen a hacker in 5 billion hours of gameplay or something.................simply go away!


Are that guys of Battleeye really getting money for their work? I wouldn´t pay them a cent!

Edited by lauda

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