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About youdaman

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. youdaman

    Game is improving

    After many months away, I decided to try DayZ again. I've given the developers and Battle Eye he## over the past year, so it's only fair to write and say that 0.58 is a big improvement over earlier versions. Keep up the good work.
  2. youdaman

    Server naming

    I know the forum admins say that they can't do anything about reported server abuse, but can BA do something? I did a quick search and found 10 public servers with some form of "do not join" or "join=kick" in the name. Some of them even seem to be setup to auto kick players because I've been kicked immediately upon joining even if no one else is on the server. I wouldn't mind reporting these to the hosting services, but that doesn't seem to do any good. I've reported 3 in the past few weeks, and all of them continue to operate with the same name and the admins continue to kick. Thanks for any advise you can provide.
  3. youdaman

    Hack in my server

    Well said.
  4. youdaman

    Hack in my server

    No. Server admins are basically giving money to BI to help them develop their game. SAs have no ability to do anything other than restart the server. Even if an SA is lucky enough to kill a hacker, and then check their pulse; kicking does no good because the hacker can simply change their name and rejoin within 10 seconds. I don't blame the SAs at all for naming the servers as they wish and for kicking players so that they can hopefully enjoy some time without being killed by a dumb ass hacker.
  5. Not true. There are at least 50 unlocked servers at any given time. If a server is locked, then simply click on the next one in the list! Server locking by admins who pay good money, and who are tired of cheaters killing everyone on their server, are in no way ruing the game. Cheaters are.
  6. What makes the cheating even worse is that BI hasn't given any information to make users feel that it may get better. Just silence. I'm glad server admins are starting to abandon this game. Maybe that will get BI's attention since nothing else seems to. Good server admins with the proper tools could have already reduced the cheating to a point that this post would be rarely used instead of several pages being added each day. p.s., I didn't mention BE because it's not their game. Yes, BI hired BE to stop cheaters; but ultimately it's up to BI to take responsibility.
  7. I'm sure it's more difficult that we think to stop all the cheating, but it is beyond comprehension why BI would allow any command from a client to control other clients this way. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to write server side code that filters/ignores idiotic commands like this as well as the one where you are forced to put your gun up while the cheater is nearby. I know we all agreed to help in the development of DayZ SA, but we never agreed to be abused by cheaters to the point that we can't also enjoy it even a little.
  8. This question has been asked several times, and the answer is no you will not be banned. Most players recommend that you take them to the woods so other players can't find them, but that isn't required.
  9. This is a perfect example of how helpless server admins are to stop cheaters. If an admin is lucky enough to know the cheaters name and ban him, the cheater simply changes their name and is free to join the server again. It baffles me why anyone would want to pay the cost to host a DayZ SA server when BI gives you almost no admin abilities.
  10. So how does the paid hacking work? I know BE doesn't say much about their successes. However, I thought that BE learns how to stop the current paid hacks after a week or two, and then the hackers eventually make new hacks; and therefore it starts over again. If this is true, it seems like the people buying these hacks would get banned every few weeks. Paying $30 each time they get caught would get expensive after a few times.
  11. I aimed, and I paused several times so that the gun wouldn't rise above the target.
  12. I got the jump on someone at close range and unloaded a 30 round AKM clip into him. However, he was still able to return fire and knock me unconscious; and then ultimately kill me. He didn't appear to have an ESP hack, and he wasn't moving at lightning fast speed like I've seen before. However, it just doesn't seem likely that he could have survived even 15 rounds from an AKM at close range. I'm sure that I missed some, but I was in first person view so it's doubtful I missed much. To be fair, he was well equipped. Is there a hack to increase someone's blood supply so they can survive such encounters?
  13. Damn right! I would pay to do it B)
  14. Agreed, but server admins can't. Therefore knowing what server a hacker was on does no good unless maybe you can show video proof of the hacker at a time when you and he are the only 2 on the server. Agreed. If you want to see proof of hackers, just run into Electro, Berezino, or the airfields with a gun on your back. Since it is so obvious in these places, I don't understand why BE or BI can't take the time to randomly monitor these locations within the game. If word got out that cheaters were being randomly banned by active monitors, maybe some of the rest of them would decide to stop cheating.
  15. I also rented a server for a few months, but what good will it do to report the server where we witness hackers? Anyone can change their name at any time, so simply knowing the server when there are 39 other random people on it does not good. If you as the admin see a hacker then you can start kicking people until the hacker goes away; but otherwise you were just lucky that you didn't run into them. Also keep in mind that hackers have gotten a lot worse over the past few months. I would definitely give better information about hackers if there was better information to give. All we can currently do is report the type of hack so that hopefully BE or BI can buy it from a hackers website and then find out how it works.