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What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

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This is the third time for one week that i see hackers/cheaters on the same server, but this time i got them recorded.



Server name: [FR] LES ENCULES DE L ESPACE !!! | 24/7 DAY | 2H/RS | HIGH LOOT

Around 20:00 gtm+1 if it matters.


Maybe desync can cause this? :P


WTF BattleEye??? I see more and more stuff like this, infinite ammo, speed-hacks, people run thru walls like there is nothing...

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WTF BattleEye??? I see more and more stuff like this, infinite ammo, speed-hacks, people run thru walls like there is nothing...

Don't you know that BE always adds such hacks to any game it supports? :P It's quite funny no one ever complains about VAC...

Seriously, of course this sucks, but BE cannot magically fix the engine's weaknesses/exploits. So let's hope the DayZ developers can fix such blatant hacks as soon as possible. But again, not everything you see is a hack. As confirmed by others (see http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/168635-whats-the-current-hacking-status-like-in-dayzsa/page-31#entry1924101), desync seems to cause a lot of weird hack-like situations as well.

Other than that, let me state again that BE is quite effective against most private hacks. In fact, some major providers don't even have a working hack online at this very moment. And yet here we are with "everyone" complaining. Believe me, this is as frustrating for me as it is for you.

Edited by BEdev-Sable
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We do. Don't believe me, ask some cheaters how often they have been banned already.


Other than that, let me remind you again that BE cannot actually "fix" game exploits (including teleport and ammo hacks). We can try to protect against it, but we cannot fix the underlying problem.


He's absolutely right, he can't do anything about it. As long the server accepts fucking everything that the client sends  and checks nothing, hacking will be a huge problem.
Ever got beaten while sitting in a bug room and felt safe? You got told that was an invisible Zombie? Well, that could be me knocking you out there... I probable was a mile away punching your copy.... To be honest, thats one of my favorite functions but instant death is also pretty useful, specifically against other hackers.
He is also right, that BE bans all these pub hack idiots and pay hack kids every 2-3 days I guess. But BEdev-Sable, you could at least work on a proper anti cheat and try to detect the private hacks....
So how oftengot I BE banned? 
Well 0 times....
I got VAC banned once, cause I did a fucking mistake but how cares... To be honest, it seems VAC detects my hack, they just ain't banning cause they arn't 100% sure that it is a hack....And if they arn't 100% sure, they don't ban. Good for me i guess xD.
To stay BE safe, just write your own hack and XOR your sigs... 
HackerKillCount:328, KilledByHackCount:15 ... A funny thing is that many hackers dont even recognize that the got raped by a better hack :D
Undetected since 12.1.2014

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He is also right, that BE bans all these pub hack idiots and pay hack kids every 2-3 days I guess. But BEdev-Sable, you could at least work on a proper anti cheat and try to detect the private hacks....


So how oftengot I BE banned? 

Well 0 times....

I got VAC banned once, cause I did a fucking mistake but how cares... To be honest, it seems VAC detects my hack, they just ain't banning cause they arn't 100% sure that it is a hack....And if they arn't 100% sure, they don't ban. Good for me i guess xD.

Yes, I admit, BE is useless and you apparently seem to know everything about it, so I can't really contradict you... Oh well, ignorance is bliss I guess. ;)

VAC doesn't actually detect most "private" hacks (not even the more public ones), so you must have made a bad mistake indeed (e.g. obvious DLL hiding?). As you implied yourself, it's not really possible to detect each and every unknown private hack. There aren't really a lot of 100% detections when it comes to this and hence bans are rarely possible.


To stay BE safe, just write your own hack and XOR your sigs...

See above. :) Edited by BEdev-Sable

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Btw, here is a quote from a hacking forum:

I killed some n00b hacker and he dropped it. Then, i duped thousands of them and gave them to my friends, my mule account, and some other people. It's like a virus, it's never going to stop.

That shows how one cheater can make it look like everyone is cheating when that's clearly not the case. So "duping" is another big problem that needs to be addressed.
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BE is basicially detecting every hack that becomes known to us.


Most hacks that include a teleporting feature are down anyway atm, I don't know why there are so many reports of that, could as well be desync in many cases. Unlimited ammo can very well be caused by duped "hacked" magazines, see quote above.


It is important to note that stuff like


-infinite ammo



-Bullet Modifiers



Can be detected by BE but making these types of hacks impossible in the first place has to be done by the game dev's, you will only stop seeing these hacks if the engine prevents it, and yes, it currently fails to do so although the dev's made quite some promises about hacking and doing so is quite possible with the new server-client architecture.

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just got killed at nw airfield. guy just appears in front one shot im dead. GG. morons.

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it is becoming worse. also at the experimental. you cant even go to the nwaf anymore without assuming there could be a hacker.

i was just shot camping crouched in a bunker, by a guy who seemingly had no idea that there was walls around me. he repeatedly fired against the walls with some kind of automated rifle.

out of 5 times i was at the nwaf this is the 2nd time i saw a hacker there.

Edited by nautic

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Well there is cheaters and then there is cheaters. A lot of funky deaths are caused by desync, I totally believe that. But then there are times when coinidents pile up and a closer look reveales that you actually did not get killed by a really great tactically moving guy, but in fact a cheater...


I was at the single prison in the woods north of the nwaf tenttown. Just healing up after almost not surviving the former. I go out of the prison, look right, and left and go for left. That's just a few meters, I get shot in the back, go around the corner, look back with my mosin and see the guy running for it. At that point I thought, "hey, he's fast". Now looking at the video frame by frame, I see that he was running crouched, took like 600 ms for a tour that I think, should not have been possible in that time.


I chase after him, look around corners, don't see anything again. Out of the wall (I think that should be west) I check both sides, run right and just after that get shot at again from behind twice, both misses. I go for the woods to get some distance, go west to about where the deer stand should be (didn't see it), after all I have a mosin with psu, so that seemed like a smart move. I finally see him, he was crouching in a bush. I start aiming. Here it get's really dubious. My aiming takes pretty much exactly 1 sec, I had to move out of the tree. Watching the recording I now see that he turns and runs just as my crosshair goes over his body. That really makes me wonder, I never thought that something like indication of someone aiming at one is possible. I still think it is a coincident, but for those with more experience with hacks, is it possible that a hack "sees" me aiming at him? Maybe just something basic that analizes the direction other players are looking. Having the direction I look would explain that he always got me from behind...or that's just an advantage of looking from further away combined with a speed hack. At that point it also gets clear that he is cheating. Speedhack. Desync as I know it resets the position of the player. Of course there are those that will now say that the server was lagging and just catching up. But when the server lags, I have seen people continuing  to run in the direction they were going, I have seen people standing around with no movement, ... . This guy was always slightly moving in different directions, turning, looking a little bit around and then he put in the turbo and moved like the Flash. Without watching frame after frame, I did not even see him, he was so fast. Ingame at that point I thought he was repositioning and I had desync.


At the end he flanked me in a really wide circle around the open field west of the prison in time I don't think is doable even when sprinting without a weapon. The distance basically yes, but getting so far behind me, no. I was once again being shot at from behind. After moving and trying to spot him, I finally see him for a fraction of a second, before going down with broken bones. Now the guy that killed me, MIGHT just have been a second player, the video is too bad, to actually say it with certainty. But the speedhack before was pretty clear to me. Finally I die to what sounded like multiple shots squeezed together really closely. Reminded me of the video I saw with a cheater taking down a wall with a sawed off shotgun.


The real problem is that ingame, I was explaining that all away with a good and lucky opponent - lucky because of how he first got the drop on me, desync was to his advantage,... . Good in how he continued to outmaneuver me. But the hindsight and frame by frame analysis of my video made it pretty clear to me, that I was up against a cheater.


And that is what I actually find depressing. Being killed by a flying Boba Fett is one thing, but cheaters that just give themselves an extra edge during combat are unnerving. You never know, if someone was just better than you or if your opponent had additional non legit help. Now mind you, I have still a lot of things to getter with ingame. Killing me is not proof of being a world class player. Now can I be absolute certain that it was a cheater? No. How could I? Not possible due to me not having the godly absolute mind and knowledge of all technical things involved including the client and server code. But even taking into account desync and other problems, I am convinced it was a cheater. Very much so.

Edited by bautschi
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Well there is cheaters and then there is cheaters. A lot of funky deaths are caused by desync, I totally believe that. But then there are times when coinidents pile up and a closer look reveales that you actually did not get killed by a really great tactically moving guy, but in fact a cheater...


I was at the single prison in the woods north of the nwaf tenttown. Just healing up after almost not surviving the former. I go out of the prison, look right, and left and go for left. That's just a few meters, I get shot in the back, go around the corner, look back with my mosin and see the guy running for it. At that point I thought, "hey, he's fast". Now looking at the video frame by frame, I see that he was running crouched, took like 600 ms for a tour that I think, should not have been possible in that time.


I chase after him, look around corners, don't see anything again. Out of the wall (I think that should be west) I check both sides, run right and just after that get shot at again from behind twice, both misses. I go for the woods to get some distance, go west to about where the deer stand should be (didn't see it), after all I have a mosin with psu, so that seemed like a smart move. I finally see him, he was crouching in a bush. I start aiming. Here it get's really dubious. My aiming takes pretty much exactly 1 sec, I had to move out of the tree. Watching the recording I now see that he turns and runs just as my crosshair goes over his body. That really makes me wonder, I never thought that something like indication of someone aiming at one is possible. I still think it is a coincident, but for those with more experience with hacks, is it possible that a hack "sees" me aiming at him? Maybe just something basic that analizes the direction other players are looking. Having the direction I look would explain that he always got me from behind...or that's just an advantage of looking from further away combined with a speed hack. At that point it also gets clear that he is cheating. Speedhack. Desync as I know it resets the position of the player. Of course there are those that will now say that the server was lagging and just catching up. But when the server lags, I have seen people continuing  to run in the direction they were going, I have seen people standing around with no movement, ... . This guy was always slightly moving in different directions, turning, looking a little bit around and then he put in the turbo and moved like the Flash. Without watching frame after frame, I did not even see him, he was so fast. Ingame at that point I thought he was repositioning and I had desync.


At the end he flanked me in a really wide circle around the open field west of the prison in time I don't think is doable even when sprinting without a weapon. The distance basically yes, but getting so far behind me, no. I was once again being shot at from behind. After moving and trying to spot him, I finally see him for a fraction of a second, before going down with broken bones. Now the guy that killed me, MIGHT just have been a second player, the video is too bad, to actually say it with certainty. But the speedhack before was pretty clear to me. Finally I die to what sounded like multiple shots squeezed together really closely. Reminded me of the video I saw with a cheater taking down a wall with a sawed off shotgun.


The real problem is that ingame, I was explaining that all away with a good and lucky opponent - lucky because of how he first got the drop on me, desync was to his advantage,... . Good in how he continued to outmaneuver me. But the hindsight and frame by frame analysis of my video made it pretty clear to me, that I was up against a cheater.


And that is what I actually find depressing. Being killed by a flying Boba Fett is one thing, but cheaters that just give themselves an extra edge during combat are unnerving. You never know, if someone was just better than you or if your opponent had additional non legit help. Now mind you, I have still a lot of things to getter with ingame. Killing me is not proof of being a world class player. Now can I be absolute certain that it was a cheater? No. How could I? Not possible due to me not having the godly absolute mind and knowledge of all technical things involved including the client and server code. But even taking into account desync and other problems, I am convinced it was a cheater. Very much so.


that's what i'm talking about. If you came here without analysing your death, people would just scream 'DESYNC ALPHER' here on the forums.


most cheaters are discrete.

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Here is what Rocket has to say on the matter:


"Much of the current very problematic hacking is due to some functionality continuing to be calculated locally, such as magazines. We need to spend some development time to change this so that magazine quantity is checked/enforced by the server.

The other client-side hacks relate to ESP and such, changing data locally to make it easier for the client to see, aim, etc... BE is the main avenue for protection here, with VAC secondary.

BE and particularly VAC do not do anything to prevent client-side hacks, and nor should they (or we). To do so would involve some very invasive mechanisms. They focus on punishment and deterrence instead. Compared to the mod I would say we've been very successful overall in limiting the amount and consequence of hacking. However there is still a number of areas that I think we need to greatly improve on security around what data is controlled locally."



Edited by Max Planck
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There are third party anti-hack add-ons for the mod that work very well. I've used them before, but can't say I am very well versed in exactly how they work, but as an admin/mod they were great. I'd get a ping that something fishy happened, go spectate, and very often, 90% of the time at least it seems like, someone was hacking. Then i'd ban their IP. Like I said, I'm pretty vague on how they worked, but they could detect just about everything from moving to fast, ammo hacks, repair hacks, health hacks. I think the only thing it couldn't detect was ESP. Perhaps a page can be taken from that book? I do think we have come to the point where admins need more tools to manage their servers, because the hacking is getting ridiculous.

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...Then i'd ban their IP. Like I said, I'm pretty vague on how they worked, but they could detect just about everything from moving to fast, ammo hacks, repair hacks, health hacks. I think the only thing it couldn't detect was ESP. Perhaps a page can be taken from that book?


Everything on that front is good, but banning IPs is only a limited thing when they are given dynamically. The cheaters also don't loose the game and an admin has to oversee all that and spend time. Ignorant me thinks that all the listed hacks CAN be done through sanity checks on server side resulting in more permanent removal of cheaters, if the relevant infos are sent to the server (inventory, shots fired, reloads, health, position...). Yes it takes processing power, but exactly how many bullets are shot every second on a server, for example? Not really all that many, and the server doesn't even have to do all checks immediatelly. And from the positions of the players at the time, it should be able to check, if the victim could even have been hit. Checking positions against speed hacks is already a lot more, but I can't imagine that really eating so many resources either. It's also not neccessary to check everyone all the time for positions. Just check maybe 3 people for 10 seconds then move on to the next. If someone suspicious is found, watch him for an extended period of time to be sure and then good buy. Statistics tell us, that the cheaters will be caught. Maybe I oversimplify things here now, but sanity checks should be able to manage most server-client updated things.


ESP or aimbots or such purely client sided stuff to help the player in his game is a complete other thing. There is for example Punkbuster screenshots (http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-banned-pbss-list.html), but hackers try to exclude their ESP overlay from that, kind of like the mumble chat overlay is not recorded with Open Broadcaster Software, it's not really part of the game, just shown above it. Then I guess you can scan the client memory for known cheats, ... and, well what the hell do I know...and the discussion about invasion of privacy is already here at that point, too. The problem is that I don't see how third pary software can take care of purely client side cheats, unless you use a client side executed software that checks for fishy things and needs to be executed if you want to join a server protected by it  -  BE and Punkbuster do exactly that, right?


What would a cheater even want more than having graphically highlighted players and loot in a game like dayz? Maybe even throw an aimbot in... . Things like magazine hacks are somehow just convenience things, when you know where the loot is and where the other players are. A Battlefield Deathmatch is way less destroyed with some ESP cheater.


Maybe BEdev-Sable can say more on that topic or correct mistakes I might have made in this post. And now I'll read that: http://www.battleye.com/info.html and probably some more.

Edited by bautschi

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Guy was hiding INSIDE the Police station at NW airfield, must have glitched in somehow. Shot at me through the floor.....shitty how you can shoot out but not into and back at them

Edited by Shadowfox187

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Just got held up by some bastard glitched behind the walls of the NEAF prison - he yelled if I want to live then drop all my gear and leave. I told him to jog on and waited outside. Then after a couple mins he jumps out the back wall next to the runway and me and my mate dropped him immediately. Was this a hack or just a glitch?

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Just got held up by some bastard glitched behind the walls of the NEAF prison - he yelled if I want to live then drop all my gear and leave. I told him to jog on and waited outside. Then after a couple mins he jumps out the back wall next to the runway and me and my mate dropped him immediately. Was this a hack or just a glitch?


I believe getting through walls is a well known glitch, that can be replicated by following certain steps.


It is terribly annoying though and should be fixed asap.

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Everything on that front is good, but banning IPs is only a limited thing when they are given dynamically. 


Yeah, most were not smart enough, but we'd ban ranges too. Screw'em. Had one from kazakhstan though that was really slick, kept coming back with all kinds of crazy IP's. It was a fun meta-game, actually, lol. I mean, how many players from Kazakhstan can one really expect in a single evening, one after the other.

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Met some  good people tonight. Hackers, wall hackers at NE Airfield ended it.

Thanks Hackers for the great times.

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I will correct you: CHEATERS, NOT HACKERS


Hacker is a guy who can shut down your PC and write something abusive on the website of the great white house. A cheater is a sucker who buys/downloads a hack. Using hacks doesn't make you a hacker.

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Met some  good people tonight. Hackers, wall hackers at NE Airfield ended it.

Thanks Hackers for the great times.




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Friend and I just got shot through the walls in an apartment block in Berezino. Not fun.

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Friend and I just got shot through the walls in an apartment block in Berezino. Not fun.


Literally same thing. Only what made it worse was the guy was teleporting around invisibly with a fireaxe. He took out a four man squad then me and a buddy. Never saw him once, guy never missed with his fireaxe, guy never had to twice twice. One hit, head, dead. Even with all the doorways for clearance that the axe could connect with.

Furthermore he was teleporting between apartments.

It's getting to be every high pop server for us now. As much as I love DayZ, this isn't fun. Kinda looking forward to H1Z1, no lie.

Please fix.

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I'm admin on my server. Cheaters spawn (Teleporting, infitinite mag, extra speed) in front of me : CANT DO ANYTHING. 


Give us access to logs, and make us able to actually ADMIN our server (we actually spend 70 fucking € for it)




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I'm admin on my server. Cheaters spawn (Teleporting, infitinite mag, extra speed) in front of me : CANT DO ANYTHING. 


Give us access to logs, and make us able to actually ADMIN our server (we actually spend 70 fucking € for it)





by the logic of some people here, you didnt have to buy your server, so you have no right to say anything.

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by the logic of some people here, you didnt have to buy your server, so you have no right to say anything.


Those guys should think in one point : If we don't buy servers, where are they going to play ?

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