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What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

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I've clocked 212 hours and am yet to see any definite hacking (a lot of very frustrating player desync though), so seeing as someone from battleeye is checking this i'd like to say good job, meeting no hackers in over 200 hours is pretty darn good going for a game that's being constantly assaulted by them!

(also i'm not sure if your sig makes me want to laugh or cry...)

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(also i'm not sure if your sig makes me want to laugh or cry...)

That number is related to OA, not DayZ Standalone though. ;)

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what i can say to my recorded video. it wasnt an experimental sever. it was a "regular" server. and this video wasnt the first time i met a cheater. i dont know but i think i met cheaters more then 20 times, since i play that game. and about manipulating the traffic -> this cheater wasnt only able to run faster then possible, but he also was able to walk through walls and stay in glitch rooms without any problems. he was also talking to us while staying in there so can it be only a traffic reason?

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This is no excuse or anything, but I noticed a massive increase in complaints right after the last major updates (mid-March) while the amount of hack users didn't really increase (rather the opposite actually, January was much worse compared to now). My theory is that there is some new desync issue that could possibly be the cause for many hack-like situations (teleporting, instant kills, etc.).

Again, this is no excuse, I'm just trying to find an explanation for this change in perception since the last stable updates were released. It's a fact that these days BE is more effective than ever (anyone with access to private hacks can verify that), so this whole situation is quite weird.


This is part is interesting. Before the last major update I met one definitve hacker who was just teleporting around trolling people. Alone today I've seen two people spraying full auto infinite M4, killed three more with the unlimited ammo mag in their guns and inventory full of pristine protector cases with all pristine equipment in.


To add to this, people from my group have been killed twice these last couple of days alone by players teleporting in from nowhere shooting the exact same infinity M4 - spraying through walls that is through two buildings and a fence.


Could it be that the ammount of stuff that BE is currently detecting is just lower at the moment? Definately seems so.

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This is part is interesting. Before the last major update I met one definitve hacker who was just teleporting around trolling people. Alone today I've seen two people spraying full auto infinite M4, killed three more with the unlimited ammo mag in their guns and inventory full of pristine protector cases with all pristine equipment in.

I suppose those magazines/items could have been "spawned" (rather modified) by cheaters weeks ago and now be in use by regular players? I don't really actively play this game myself (no time ;)), so I'm not sure if this assumption could be correct.

Could it be that the ammount of stuff that BE is currently detecting is just lower at the moment? Definately seems so.

Unless there are a bunch of new popular hacks that I'm not aware of, no. Maybe certain hacks didn't have those features a few months ago. I suppose you only play on BE-enabled servers?

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I suppose those magazines/items could have been "spawned" (rather modified) by cheaters weeks ago and now be in use by regular players? I don't really actively play this game myself (no time ;)), so I'm not sure if this assumption could be correct.

Unless there are a bunch of new popular hacks that I'm not aware of, no. Maybe certain hacks didn't have those features a few months ago. I suppose you only play on BE-enabled servers?


Hm... unless they've "stored" these characters for weeks now I don't think that's really plausible. What would be the reason for storing players with old "hacked" items?


You have to understand that these players are 99% of the time found in the PVP hotzones, running around like complete idiots, hence it is fairly easy to kill them when they're distracted. Doubt their average life span could be that high.


That said, at least from my experience most players just dump hacked items out in the woods so that the next server reset will destroy them instead of re-using them since people don't want to get banned.


We may be getting to the bottom here however. Before maybe 7-10 days ago, I've never seen the infinity M4 or noticed people spraying through multiple buildings, so these just could be entirely new features altogether, now that's quite numerous.


Your asumption is correct, only playing on stable, BE enabled servers.


//Edit: Thanks for taking your time to communicate with us by the way.

Edited by Touchdown

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That said, at least from my experience most players just dump hacked items out in the woods so that the next server reset will destroy them instead of re-using them since people don't want to get banned.

I would think there are still a lot of inexperienced players who are like "Wow, cool, I'll take that!", but who knows.

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I suppose those magazines/items could have been "spawned" (rather modified) by cheaters weeks ago and now be in use by regular players?


I thought I'd chip in.

To my knowledge, it is not possible for clients to spawn anything at the moment. This change was implemented a few months back so if they indeed spawned these magazines back when it was possible, it's pretty impressive they haven't died since then (even to a glitch). I assume they are actually modifying the items somehow.

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I thought I'd chip in.

To my knowledge, it is not possible for clients to spawn anything at the moment. This change was implemented a few months back so if they indeed spawned these magazines back when it was possible, it's pretty impressive they haven't died since then (even to a glitch). I assume they are actually modifying the items somehow.

Yes, that's what I meant. Infinite ammo is indeed possible, but those magazines could have been modified a while ago. They don't necessarily indicate that the player using them is actually a cheater (although likely).

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I wouldn't trust anything TSAndrey says, he's been shilling for this game since last January. The hacking in DayZ is exactly the same as it is in ArmA 2. I base this on the programs I have written for both games, and on what I've seen other people do as well.


So you're admitting (or claiming) to have provided hacks for yourself and/or others. 


It's people like you that need a swift brick to the face.

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So you're admitting (or claiming) to have provided hacks for yourself and/or others. 


It's people like you that need a swift brick to the face.


So you're admitting (or claiming) to have provided hacks for yourself and/or others. 


It's people like you that need a swift brick to the face.

Hackers just need a high five







To the face








With a chair

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This is no excuse or anything, but I noticed a massive increase in complaints right after the last major updates (mid-March) while the amount of hack users didn't really increase (rather the opposite actually, January was much worse compared to now). My theory is that there is some new desync issue that could possibly be the cause for many hack-like situations (teleporting, instant kills, etc.).

Again, this is no excuse, I'm just trying to find an explanation for this change in perception since the last stable updates were released. It's a fact that these days BE is more effective than ever (anyone with access to private hacks can verify that), so this whole situation is quite weird.

That could be very well the truth... Dsync combined with some glitch would very well look like a hack on one end, while completely normal on the other.... But at the same time, it could also mean that a new script is unseen by BE, hehe :) who knows... Its an alpha so stuff are supposed to be broken and hacked... Im not complaining, just curious at whats being done... Ill save my complaints after the game is released hehe

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I've yet to have the following happen to me (which happened in DayZ Mod too often):


- (no helicopters in standalone) players acquiring a helicopter not available in DayZ and flying it around.

- Nuking a server, killing all players on the server when someone kills them and causes them to lose their hacked helicopter.

- Going invisible and killing me at point blank when I can't see them.

- Server hopping (not technically hacking).

- Combat logging (not technically hacking).




- Server hoppers moving to my position and then "ghosting" to kill me (not hacking).

- I've been made aware of an exploit/cheat that let's a person stand in a certain position where they are unable to be seen.

- I've been told about a hack that allows players to remove walls so that they can see players in buildings.

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It's literally ruining experience in the current game. Hacking is absolutely RIFE at the moment whether it be .Pbo or being hidden behind walls then poking your gun outside the wall to shoot, amongst many others.


Are the developers blissfully ignorant to the plight of all the legitimate players? i've not seen any substantial communication from the developers to the community on this subject. - correct me if im wrong?


Computer games are built for one reason only MONEY i don't understand why a hacker would pay £19.99 to cheat then pay another £19.99 for another account after being banned... but i know who is reaping the profits!


For me the quicker private hives are available with great admins  - then and only then will the game be worth playing seriously.


Does anyone have any information on private hive servers that currently exist?

Edited by hitt0r

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There are no private hive servers, and if there are they're cracked ones that are more than likely out of date, probably being run by hackers themselves.

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I thought I'd chip in.

To my knowledge, it is not possible for clients to spawn anything at the moment. This change was implemented a few months back so if they indeed spawned these magazines back when it was possible, it's pretty impressive they haven't died since then (even to a glitch). I assume they are actually modifying the items somehow.

First of all it's really nice to see not only dayz, but even battleye staff here on forums. Thank you for your input.

As for the clients not able to spawn things ingame, i'm quite sure there is a way.

I met some "friendly germans", (as they introduced themselves) on stable branch earlier this week and here's a list of things they could pull off:

- Teleport to my location behind me (two players), ready to move/fire instantly after. (Thou still playing back the reloading sound as in normal spawning)

- Check my playername since they addressed me with it.

- Check my inventory, since they well knew that i had no bullets in my gun when questioned.

- Generate given quantities of wanted item, 40round CMAG's in this case.

- Generate weapons with attachments they wanted (or was defined somehow) (m4, kitted out and Painted Mosin, kitted out)

And in both cases, i dont think it was traditional "duplicating" since the hacker, in both occasions first gave away the item, and then proceeded to generate another copy.

I had no Fraps etc. running since i just joined regular to further tweak my SweetFX preset and they dont work together on DayZ, also alt tabbing crashes the game while runing SweetFX so no dice in that regard. =/

Here's a bit more detailed explanation of events including all the details i can remember:

I spawned fresh in Svetlo and headed for the airfield for some postcard screenshots. =) When reaching top of the hill i heard that reloading sound right behind me, as if a player was logging in. Two guys popped in from thin air while the reloading sound played. Both pointing guns at me, ready to fire. I put my hands up and tried my best not to end up killed since i was very intrigued as this was my first time seeing clear hacks in person.

They immediately knew my playername as they addressed me with it before anything else was said. I asked them about the teleport but they insisted they followed me, but without even knowing where i was coming from. It was clear what i saw so i didn't pursue the subject further. They knew that i had no bullets for my gun as that was stated as the reason why i was no threat and they confronted me instead of just shooting me.

They asked if i need anything since i was nice and just spawned. So i asked for can opener. They procured it. Then they asked what gun would i like. I pointed other dudes kitted m4 and he was like sure, here, and gave it. He stated he could "make ammo", crouched (in inventory i assume)  and proceeded to do so. I asked for him to repeat and he said "make" again. There was something like 15 same kind full mags on the ground seconds later. Then he procured himself another exactly same m4 as he had given me and took some ammo. He had mosin as well now. Then i asked if i could get one aswell and he did the same with that. Gave his mosin to me, all kitted out and then procured an exact replica for himself aswell. At that point there was some shots fired in the airfield so they said they had to go. They ran in the first bush and disappeared again.

I hope someone comes along with a video / better details of said hacks. =)

edit: 3am grammar. =)

Oh, and i still have those said items in my inventory since i don't play regular, in case it's of any use to anyone (staff etc.). Playername: "Intactus" in stable branch, Regular hive

Edited by Intactus

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It's impossible for private hives to exist currently, whether they advertise it as so or not it will still be linked to the public hive.

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thanks guys, have the developers shared an ETA on this ? i don't recall one being mentioned by rocket in Rezzed.

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thanks guys, have the developers shared an ETA on this ? i don't recall one being mentioned by rocket in Rezzed.

There are no current ETAs as far as I know.

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for people that dont know what hackers can do in the game, just go to the dayz section of the most famous cheats site and see the amount of scripts that are possible to inject in the game.


they can spawn items, they can speed hack, they can do a ton of shit, most of them dont do it and just use ESP and 5 or 10% speed hack, so they can play with a huge advantage without being detected.


The amount of cheaters in this game is WAY bigger than you think, as most of the people are discrete, the ones that go flying around exploding everything probably are the ones that already have another  spare key and dont care about being banned.


And as the game have terrible desyncing and glitching problems, they can kill you by dodgy means and if you come here everybody will tell it's desync, lag or glitching, some of them will even contemplate you with an "alpher".

Edited by lipemr

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Is it just me or am I the only one who doesn't know what the hell rife means? 

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Yeah, we are not allowed to send Links to Hacks, even if it's a video, most of them have download links.


But other than that, I think you are unlucky, I believe that I have over 1000 hours on DayZ Mod and almost 100 on DayZ Standalone and, trust me, not one single hacker found.


I just found a few on DayZ Mod but they rarely did anything to me.

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And yet I have encountered zero on the standalone


Check the correct answer:


O Total time played 1 hour

O naive

O blind


Sorry, but there are hackers and i´ve encountered real(!) hackers more than once. But i wouldn´t say using exploits is hacking. Looking through walls or even poking a weapon and shoot through walls is possible without any additional help. Not nice, but everyone who knows how is doing it. There are some more things you can do just using exploits, but that´s not hacking.

Real hackers and a lot of exploits, sad but true.

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