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Bohannan (DayZ)

I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

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What I've been reduced to. Curse you dean!!! *shakes fist*


In case you're wondering, two stacks of coins are necessary because I can't get my w to stick after double tapping.  <_<


Also, before anyone one else mentions it, that white shit in the front is probably what you think it is. The rest of the white shit is dust. No regrets. Flash reveals all. 

You are a brave little man.  /applaud

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I'm 6'3  :D

Yeah, little man.  I am 7'4" and 400lbs of pure muscle.  I bench press my wife's Hummer every morning before she goes to work.

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Yeah, little man.  I am 7'4" and 400lbs of pure muscle.  I bench press my wife's Hummer every morning before she goes to work.

If you say so, I am 6'3 though. 

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You think it is better to put something on the key, macro it, or use some silly steam overlay trick rather the simply add an autorun command to the game?? All of your suggestions do the same thing an autorun key would do anyway but much less elegent than an in game solution. Do you see how silly that makes you look??


By the way I already do macro it, but why shouldnt there just be the option in game?? I fail to see the logic in being against an autorun key. It is a simple suggestion and good one and I am just baffled at the amount of negativity towards a simple key command.   :huh:



 I was just stating all of the ways you can autorun currently. You shouldn't have skimmed...makes you look silly ;)


btw i use my finger.

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Didn't expect that sort of comment from one on the team.


It's simple game ergonomics, if an action is constantly repeated ad nauseum to the point of it causing physical discomfort then you've done a poor job designing your game. If it was something that had any sort of nuance then it'd be a different matter, but what people don't like is simply the fact that they have to hold one button down continuously for something that could very well end up being an hour. 


It's so irritating that most people have resorted to jamming things into their keyboards to have to avoid it. 

If you don't want it, just don't use it. 


It detracts nothing from the experience, and has no cons, it's not an easy win feature, it's just for those of us not interested in contracting carpal tunnel.


You're missing the point. You should not be making an hour long sprint across the map. I think what we need is a stamina system that flat out prevents you from doing so, not an auto-run key...

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I only support this Auto-Run idea as long as it allows the player to type while running at the same time.


One time I formed a group with these dudes and one guy didn't have a mic. We had to stop every five seconds just so he could tell us something.

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 I was just stating all of the ways you can autorun currently. You shouldn't have skimmed...makes you look silly ;)


btw i use my finger.


 Nice attempt at saving face, but your post was not an essay to skim. It was 21 words double spaced over 5 lines. It implied that the previous 9 pages were not needed and people only had to do what you stated to autorun. The whole point of the thread is that those are not solutions and an in game command should be added.


Now if you have something to add for why there should not be an autorun key please inform us.

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 Nice attempt at saving face, but your post was not an essay to skim. It was 21 words double spaced over 5 lines. It implied that the previous 9 pages were not needed and people only had to do what you stated to autorun. The whole point of the thread is that those are not solutions and an in game command should be added.


Now if you have something to add for why there should not be an autorun key please inform us.



  Firstly, there is no face saving needing.


  Second, they may not be the 'elegant' solution some are looking for but they work for those who find it so terribly hard to keep one finger on a key for the    amount of time it takes you to run from a to b. Remapping the run to a single key is the simplest solution imo.


 Instead of me answering why there should not be an autorun key, why don't you explain why there should there be one ?

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Whats the point of huge map if theres autorun?


How on earth would an autorun feature make the map pointless?? I don't get it.

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Auto run is not a 'set coordinates, go AFK, come back in 10 minutes' control or a Skyrim/Fallout fast travel thing, it's just a 'toggle walk key on control'... leaves you to hold down a re-bound sprint modifier key as needed.

As you can do it with a stack of coins or macro anyway it makes no sense not to put it in. Don't have to use it if you don't want to. Can't understand the hate for this?

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 Instead of me answering why there should not be an autorun key, why don't you explain why there should there be one ?


 It has already stated why there should be an autorun key, maybe you should not have skimmed the thread.  :rolleyes:


But to humour you, the main reason is Ergonomics. It is better for the player to toggle a heavily used key than to have to hold said key down for extended periods of time causing discomfort. It has nothing to do with being lazy. Holding W does not add any gameplay. Having an autorun key does not make the map smaller or allow fast travel. It is simply there for the comfort of the player.


Now please explain to me why such a nice quality of life feature should not be implemented??

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i h8 pressin keys down for hours, but i wouldnt like a autorun key.

Zippo and ruler works just fine.


Edited by Guest

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^ that is what an 'auto run' key would do though... minus the need to obstruct your keyboard with ruler and lighter/stack of coins etc.

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i h8 pressin keys down for hours, but i wouldnt like a autorun key.

Zippo and ruler works just fine.


Instructions complete, man-junk is now stuck in toaster.

Edited by Wolfguarde
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Auto run is like a very slow form of teleporting or botting. You start on your path, leave to make a sangwich/grab a beer/smoke a cig/take a shit and then come back and you're at your destination. I am against the idea but I don't care so much as to give you crap for wanting it, it wouldn't affect my gameplay at all if you used it.

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Auto run is like a very slow form of teleporting or botting. You start on your path, leave to make a sangwich/grab a beer/smoke a cig/take a shit and then come back and you're at your destination. dead.




It is not 'teleporting', it is not 'botting'. It doesn't give you any advantages.

It lets you give your middle finger a little rest.

Edited by Max Planck
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I use a good ol' nickel. Works so I don't complain. When we have vehicles won't be much of an issue. I'd rather have a "moon' macro, so i can show my ass to you before my mate ventilates you.

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It is not 'teleporting', it is not 'botting'. It doesn't give you any advantages.

It let's you give your middle finger a little rest.

Being able to get up and do worldly tasks while your character is still progressing is certainly an advantage.

Like I said though I don't care enough about it to really argue. It being implemented wouldn't affect my play style.

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