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Bohannan (DayZ)

I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

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It's not an assumption.  The majority of the playerbase who post on this forum and in this very thread treat this game like it's an mmorpg hence why they "need" the auto-run button.  What's next?  Auto-loot?  Area loot?  Oh, auto-reload while we're at it and an auto-aim.  Oh, I almost forgot, auto-eat for when my character gets hungry.




I fail to see the difference between holding down a key as to just pressing it. So - from your argument we can conclude


There should only be a hold run, crouch, prone and sprint key - as we don't normally do these actions we should have the hold down buttons for each otherwise it's just like autorun. Why can u just press one button for these states and not for running continuously?


See how that doesn't make any fucking sense??

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Read more of my posts.  I stated I want them to add it.  I want to shoot you while you afk run through a field.  Point is, why stop at auto-run?  Why not make everything auto.  Hell, make the game play for me so I can go watch tv


You already have...


Auto crouch

Auto run mode

auto prone mode

auto aim mode



How does having a constant run make the game any different to play because you don't have to continuously hold down a key?

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*** Bind Turbo or Fast Forward (I forget which) to your left control key and set something on top of it.  This is most likely the easiest solution for most people.


I think it's forward and fast forward or turbo - i set my joystick throttle to it but I'd prefer a key bind.

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There ain't no pipes in the zombie apocalypse.  Only papers from old books.  C'mon now, I RP hard.

I like how you roll..... <insert cheesy drum and cymbol crash>

Gotta ask though, if you are in that deep, how are you powering that pc? :)

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I like how you roll..... <insert cheesy drum and cymbol crash>

Gotta ask though, if you are in that deep, how are you powering that pc? :)


a 9 volt battery my friend.

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Topic Solved use cardboard to jam the key down :)


Or need for elegant in game solution re-enforced^^ ;)

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The majority of the playerbase who post on this forum and in this very thread treat this game like it's an mmorpg hence why they "need" the auto-run button.

In all fairness DayZ is a lot closer to an MMORPG than a FPS.

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In all fairness DayZ is a lot closer to an MMORPG than a FPS.


I can't follow that logic.


First person shooter - DayZ has all the elements of a FPS, it is first person - it's a shooter, contains medkits, cover, weapons, ammo, ect.

It's also a third person shooter by preference. It hits all the check marks.


It has some of the working parts of an RPG, with the inventory management and the thirst/hunger it sort of plays right into the RPG elements to an extent.


But MMO? It's certainly not massive - Battlefield series is not a MMO - it's just a larger player count per match counterstrike with it's own twist and persistent upgrades through an XP system. DayZ is hardly any different, it just has no set goals.


MMORPG is an even further off concept given any MMORPG you look at you instantly think (and rightly so) - of Elder Scrolls Online, WoW, Tera, ect ect. All of which aren't even remotely close to DayZ in any way shape or form. 40 person max servers instantly exclude DayZ from such a title, even 200 players per server would still not amount to what anyone would consider 'MMO'


-- anyway rant over, it just made me raise my brow in bewilderment :P

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I can't follow that logic.


First person shooter - DayZ has all the elements of a FPS, it is first person - it's a shooter, contains medkits, cover, weapons, ammo, ect.

It's also a third person shooter by preference. It hits all the check marks.


It has some of the working parts of an RPG, with the inventory management and the thirst/hunger it sort of plays right into the RPG elements to an extent.


But MMO? It's certainly not massive - Battlefield series is not a MMO - it's just a larger player count per match counterstrike with it's own twist and persistent upgrades through an XP system. DayZ is hardly any different, it just has no set goals.


MMORPG is an even further off concept given any MMORPG you look at you instantly think (and rightly so) - of Elder Scrolls Online, WoW, Tera, ect ect. All of which aren't even remotely close to DayZ in any way shape or form. 40 person max servers instantly exclude DayZ from such a title, even 200 players per server would still not amount to what anyone would consider 'MMO'


-- anyway rant over, it just made me raise my brow in bewilderment :P

Well, 20 man raids is hardly MMO material either and standing in a city with a few hundred other players with your thumb up your ass just doesn't quite qualify either, IMO.  <_<

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What if I said most MMO's just give the illusion that your interacting with many players. When in reality each instance of that map would only be able to accommodate so many players....say 100. That means while the game may boast millions of players you can only be on the same map as a small % of the playerbase, but you can connect to more by switching instance. That's a lot like dayz ;)

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What if I said most MMO's just give the illusion that your interacting with many players. When in reality each instance of that map would only be able to accommodate so many players....say 100. That means while the game may boast millions of players you can only be on the same map as a small % of the playerbase, but you can connect to more by switching instance. That's a lot like dayz ;)


Right, but it's not instanced. It's server-based. It would be different if there was one persistent world and the server allotted you an instance. But it doesn't. You log onto the server and that server is the main delineation of the experience. The hive really only controls (for now) what servers your particular character will transfer over to.


It defeats the purpose of a dynamic instance when you have to willfully switch.


I think people use the term MMO too loosely with DayZ. Simply because a lot of people are playing on different servers on the same map, doesn't mean it's a MMO. A lot of non-MMO games have that capability.


There isn't much to differentiate it from current non-MMO shooters like Battlefield as it stands, as it's still based on a highly granular server architecture. That and 40 person servers aren't exactly "massive".


An MMO to me, as its most basic function, means we're all playing in the same world at one time (not only a map). Whatever one does has the admittedly minute chance of affecting everyone.

Edited by Katana67

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I think that DayZ is more rpg with simulator efects than shooter with hardened survival. Thats my  opininion and I play this game like that  and dont care you opinions. Does this make even sense?  Well I dont care cause Im Fry.

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Oh there's an auto-run all right. It tends to kick in when my fully geared character is standing at the top of a tall building...

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Oh there's an auto-run all right. It tends to kick in when my fully geared character is standing at the top of a tall building...

This. If you're crouched and go prone 50% of the time you will Auto Run right off the roof you're on.

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I'm sorry, but in a simulator type game, its too hard to physically run then put it into the game, instead you have to hold the w key, thats what keeps you in the game, it means that you are making the character run, as zoo as the character auto runs, you are no longer connected to the character, when you hold the w key, it keeps you focusing on and in the game, i agree with rocket on this one, if it really bugs you for long distance hikes then put something heavy on your w key

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I'm sorry, but in a simulator type game, its too hard to physically run then put it into the game, instead you have to hold the w key, thats what keeps you in the game, it means that you are making the character run, as zoo as the character auto runs, you are no longer connected to the character, when you hold the w key, it keeps you focusing on and in the game, i agree with rocket on this one, if it really bugs you for long distance hikes then put something heavy on your w key

This is really your argument? Because there are about a million other things that 'take me out of the game' too, and that's not even including the pain in my knuckles from needlessly holding buttons down.

Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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I recently made a macro on my Razer Naga to allow me to autorun in DayZ.


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This is really your argument? Because there are about a million other things that 'take me out of the game' too, and that's not even including the pain in my knuckles from needlessly holding buttons down.

yeah, well if you were running, more than your knuckles would feel tired, i know its no where near what moving a real body is like, but i think in a game like dayz, its trying to keep you as attached as possible to your character, if we have autorun keys then people will leave their character autorunning while making a coffee to come back and find their character is dead

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I think that DayZ is more rpg with simulator efects than shooter with hardened survival. Thats my  opininion and I play this game like that  and dont care you opinions. Does this make even sense?  Well I dont care cause Im Fry.


As fry that makes total sense yes.

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yeah, well if you were running, more than your knuckles would feel tired, i know its no where near what moving a real body is like, but i think in a game like dayz, its trying to keep you as attached as possible to your character, if we have autorun keys then people will leave their character autorunning while making a coffee to come back and find their character is dead


only dumb people would do that, and would learn quickly why that's a bad idea, as they would get shot or eaten alive by a zombie if they got stuck on a bush or something.



not adding a auto run key just makes people have to stick things in their keyboard to make the same effect.


If they add an auto run button, just dont use if you dont like it, that's it. Trying to force something silly just because you dont like the idea is retarded.

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What will become of this function when you can only manage to run 100m with 40kg of gear?  There doesn't need to be an auto-run key, this isn't Skyrim.

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