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Bohannan (DayZ)

I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

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in real life you can't just tell your legs to keep on moving while you take a nap or something.


As amazing and hilarious as that would be

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I saw the title of this thread.


16 pages?


Autorun button FTW.

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cause some people actually feel like, I dunno, playing the game


Some people actually like to have a choice in such simple matters as using/not using autorun.

It is not as if autorun would destroy ballance and made people using it imba :-).

If anything, using autorun would actually increase your chance of dying when getting under fire.

Also with macros flying around, lots of folks already use autorun anyways.

Edited by Hombre

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I saw in one of the live streams that Dean held where he states they didnt want to go in the direction of using an auto run key.  WTF!


This game is 225 km squared and yet you still persist on not adding a freaking auto run key?  So far the developers have been pretty involved in what the communities needs are, from deciding what guns we want to other things.  Bohemia do yourself a favor and add an Auto Run feature.  My W key is begging you and I'm braving carpal tunnel syndrome just playing this game.


Because you the designers (or maybe just Dean) feel that it isn't appropriate doesn't mean that your player base (and paying customers) wouldn't like to have this feature.  If you want the hardcore realism you could simply, ohh I dont know... Not bind an auto run key?!


Anyone else feel that this simple feature should be added?  I know im not alone here so lets speak up.


Yes, this ^


There are some long walks in this game.

Edited by Chzy

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I need autorun key simply because my friggin coffee keeps getting cold cause i keep forgetting to drink it simply cause i hafto stop everytime i take a zip. 


Gaming without coffee is like taking a shit without having the paper to wipe your behind with!


for all the holy cheese and coffee in the world ADD AUTORUN !

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Just nab about any keyboard function altering program and theres your autorun.


Own a gaming mouse? Odds are it comes with a configure program; in my case my sprint function is set to mouse 4 and 3PP to mouse 5; and can set M4 to Macro-Hold until reclicked so I'm sprinting everywhere until I'm ready to stop.


As others have said, could just be lazier and put a heavy coin on the W key, or plug in a Xbox 360 Controller and pin the movement stick forward in a number of ways.



Edit: New Objective!

Put Xbox Controller on the floor and use your feet to control the movement stick. True DayZ pro's don't use WASD!


Edited by AzrailCross

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people that are against it must be the jackasses that spend all their time in game in elektro/balota/NWAF, cause other than that and some other places, there's a big NOTHING on the map, cant blame people for wanting to rest their fucking W button when you have to jog for 7 kilometers to find a decent loot spot.

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I think the majority of the people who do not want Auto Run are missing the point.  The point is to have a feature for the people who do want it, and if you decide that you do not want to use the feature, you don't use it.  Its the principle of the gun.  It's better to have one and not need it, than to not have one and need it.


I would find the feature useful especially for long travel, I do not see how this would alter me playing the game in any way, shape, or form.  I do not see how this feature being used by people who wanted it would ruin the people who didn't want to use it gaming sessions either.  This is 2014, i shouldn't have to rely on using a stack of coins, or wedging it between the key, or this or that, it should just be made an option.  AN OPTION, meaning you can use it if you want, and not use it if you don't.


I'm surprised at all the negativity towards this myself. I would have thought everyone would be all over this like a rash. I use a different method for my autorun




I couldn't find a picture for just my throttle but this'll do. Push forward and I'm off to a sprint. Now I can easily use my alt key (or track IR if my frame rates are being nice to me) to scan around whilst I steer with my mouse and strafe. In a game like this why wouldn't I want an autorun feature. I don't "think" my feet forward each time I walk.

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The non implemented stamina system is why we don't have an auto-run key.  I can already see what's going to happen with the people who macro their keys once the stamina system is in place.  We've got enough threads about KoS, we don't need an auto-run KoS whine thread.


And just for the record, I really hope they do add an auto-run.  I'll be popping players off all day who are sprinting/jogging in a straight line.

Edited by Caboose187

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The non implemented stamina system is why we don't have an auto-run key.  I can already see what's going to happen with the people who macro their keys once the stamina system is in place.  We've got enough threads about KoS, we don't need an auto-run KoS whine thread.


And just for the record, I really hope they do add an auto-run.  I'll be popping players off all day who are sprinting/jogging in a straight line.


Why does everyone assume players aren't going to be at their keyboards? I just explained what I do in the post above yours. Why are you assuming people are just going to run in a straight line and what does it have to do with you if they chose to do that?

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And just for the record, I really hope they do add an auto-run.  I'll be popping players off all day who are sprinting/jogging in a straight line.


 Don't forget the auto-crawlers who you'll get the fun opportunity to knockout with your fist and use as your personal test subject. 


"Subject 28 has been restrained and began vomiting only 12 seconds after injesting test material 'Rotten Kiwi' and appears to have passed out again, will begin resuscitation and see if this food poisoning has any adverse effects on the infected. *Gunshot is heard* ... and so the test begins." 



I know not everyone would use a built in autorun to AFK travel, but let's face it some would and it'd be a hilarious outcome.

Still, while I don't use an autorun presently I could set one up in literally 15 seconds and use it effectively as a means to just not have to hold down the button while still zig-zagging and heading between cover points; so it's not like it'd be a horrid thing. But on the same token it's so easily setup without it being an in game option it hardly matters IMO but wouldn't hurt anything to have - save for those that choose to basically be target practice.

Edited by AzrailCross

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And just for the record, I really hope they do add an auto-run.  I'll be popping players off all day who are sprinting/jogging in a straight line.


Finally somebody who gets the simple fact, that adding autorun will not harm people not wanting to use it. Quite on contrary in fact.

Edited by Hombre

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Why does everyone assume players aren't going to be at their keyboards? I just explained what I do in the post above yours. Why are you assuming people are just going to run in a straight line and what does it have to do with you if they chose to do that?

It's not an assumption.  The majority of the playerbase who post on this forum and in this very thread treat this game like it's an mmorpg hence why they "need" the auto-run button.  What's next?  Auto-loot?  Area loot?  Oh, auto-reload while we're at it and an auto-aim.  Oh, I almost forgot, auto-eat for when my character gets hungry.

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Actually sometimes you need auto run button, because i am bored to place stick between W button and glass 

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It's not an assumption.  The majority of the playerbase who post on this forum and in this very thread treat this game like it's an mmorpg hence why they "need" the auto-run button.  What's next?  Auto-loot?  Area loot?  Oh, auto-reload while we're at it and an auto-aim.  Oh, I almost forgot, auto-eat for when my character gets hungry.

Nobody will force you to use the auto-run button. I just don't get why it bothers you so much that some of us wants it. It will be totally optional to use it so I don't get why you are complaining so much about it.

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Nobody will force you to use the auto-run button. I just don't get why it bothers you so much that some of us wants it. It will be totally optional to use it so I don't get why you are complaining so much about it.

Read more of my posts.  I stated I want them to add it.  I want to shoot you while you afk run through a field.  Point is, why stop at auto-run?  Why not make everything auto.  Hell, make the game play for me so I can go watch tv

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If they don't add auto-run, I will just macro the command instead. It's simply a case of convenience, and whatever argument the developers have for not adding it, I couldn't really care about.

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This thread is exactly what's wrong with today's "gamers"

depends how you perceive the game, if you dive into, well it's too buged for it(not a thread to discuss) and if you simply find out that's you are box with few lines which one describe your Heath,energy etc. because z's are not a thread, they are not scary... i do not want to continue because it's make me sad.

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Lol, as other people have pointed out. If you're really so butthurt to have an auto run button, wedge your W key, or better yet, make a macro.


What are you going to do while your character is auto running, anyway? Take a shower? Eat? Watch pron? Lol. Like DayZ players have anything better to do. 


I roll cigarettes.  Marijuana cigarettes.

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You do realise that with that keyboard you can macro W to be togglable :D I got the same one and thats what I do I just key bind my togglebale W to G3 extra key. all I do is press g3 and my guy keeps on sprinting.


Someone doesn't understand picture sarcasm.  I think that was the whole point of the picture.


You see it was funny that he had a $140 keyboard with macros keys on it and was still using a coin to press the........OMG I actually had to explain it.

Edited by DayZ_Friendly
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I roll cigarettes.  Marijuana cigarettes.

You gotta plan better.... Plus, step into the modern world of pipes dude!

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Quite honestly, I would have stopped playing DayZ if I didn't find someway to auto-run.  I mean eventually your middle finger starts hurting after a while, and guess what?  That leads directly to carpel tunnel.  It's actually kind of dangerous to release a game like this, that requires constant key press to travel and not have some injury preventing thing like this.


So, at first I used my Xbox controller along side my keyboard and mouse.  I put a rubber band mechanism that ran me forward, this was great and literally saved the game for me.  I was at a quitting point when I decided it was going to cause an injury.


Then I finally figured out how to set up my mouse with macros.  Being able to auto-run has been so crucial to my DayZ experience that I don't even remember how STUPID AND DANGEROUS it was to play without it.


Even on Arma3 mods like Altis life and Wasteland...I use the same macro to drive cars because eventually that carpel-tunnel ache starts.


Don't listen to all the "hardcore" douches.  Save your wrists and implement your own auto-run and let the "hardcore" gamers deal with the injuries they get playing DayZ.


*** Bind Turbo or Fast Forward (I forget which) to your left control key and set something on top of it.  This is most likely the easiest solution for most people.

Edited by DayZ_Friendly
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You gotta plan better.... Plus, step into the modern world of pipes dude!


There ain't no pipes in the zombie apocalypse.  Only papers from old books.  C'mon now, I RP hard.

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 Don't forget the auto-crawlers who you'll get the fun opportunity to knockout with your fist and use as your personal test subject. 


"Subject 28 has been restrained and began vomiting only 12 seconds after injesting test material 'Rotten Kiwi' and appears to have passed out again, will begin resuscitation and see if this food poisoning has any adverse effects on the infected. *Gunshot is heard* ... and so the test begins." 



I know not everyone would use a built in autorun to AFK travel, but let's face it some would and it'd be a hilarious outcome.

Still, while I don't use an autorun presently I could set one up in literally 15 seconds and use it effectively as a means to just not have to hold down the button while still zig-zagging and heading between cover points; so it's not like it'd be a horrid thing. But on the same token it's so easily setup without it being an in game option it hardly matters IMO but wouldn't hurt anything to have - save for those that choose to basically be target practice.


This is where automove is needed most. Some of us do actually crawl kilometers to survive.

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