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November Round-up

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What were some of the highlights of the stream last night?

Rocket scripted.

Mosin-Nagant iron sights.

You can make bandages out of your shirts.

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I think these streams are to show people exactly what they are buying with the alpha. It will come out this year.

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OMG i can totally see an orb right in the middle of the screen!

UFOs confirmed in the standalone!

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I haven't watched the vid completely yet, but what I don't understand is BI's stance when it comes to the acceptance of help from the community.

A friend and I recorded some sounds (I am semi-professional sounddesigner and modeler) and I've tried to get through to them to no avail:


A moth ago I wrote a PM to Matt Lightfood - its status is still unread,

then I wrote an official mail to BI - no reply,

then I wrote a mail to SmashT, who did reply and was indeed kind and helpful, but as he's not in charge there wasn't much he could do,

then I tweeted Rocket - no reply,

and finally, last week, I tried to msg Hicks in Steamchat. But a minute after I typed my question and pushed enter, all he said was that he'd have to go to continue work.


Maybe they do have a problem keeping track of who did what in order to give ppl credit, which of course needs be and it shouldn't be too hard to list the creators with a thank you.

IMO there is no alternative to letting the community do some stuff...like recording footsteps...how hard can it be?

I could do that on a weekend with a friend. Running shoes, military boots, hiking boots, sneakers what have you. On different surfaces, different speeds and send them sounds readily cut, processed and looped. My prediction is that if they go on at that slow pace, the game with quickly be forgotten, as it will be so outdated technically until they reach the Final that it will be dead before that ever happens. Or half dead anyway...it will become a zombie itself and will dwell on like the original CS or MOH for a few years and that's it.


Has anyone here made similar experiences with their reluctance?

Edited by Grabarz
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I haven't watched the vid completely yet, but what I don't understand is BI's stance when it comes to the acceptance of help from the community.

A friend and I recorded some sounds (I am semi-professional sounddesigner and modeler) and I've tried to get through to them to no avail:


A moth ago I wrote a PM to Matt Lightfood - it's status is still unread,

then I wrote an official mail to BI - no reply,

then I wrote a mail to SmashT, who did reply and was indeed kind and helpful, but as he's not in charge there wasn't much he could do,

then I tweeted Rocket - no reply,

and finally, last week, I tried to msg Hicks in Steamchat. But a minute after I typed my question and pushed enter, he said that he'd have to go to continue work.




Has anyone here made similar experiences with their reluctance?


So you're making a sweeping accusation about their unwillingness to use community resources based on the fact that you (an individual) got snubbed? Perhaps they don't need your sound resources because they've already hired audio personnel.

Edited by Katana67

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So you're making a sweeping accusation about their unwillingness to use community resources based on the fact that you (an individual) got snubbed? Perhaps they don't need your sound resources because they've already hired audio personnel.

Nah, Katana that's not the point. I don't feel snubbed and I'm not the least bit emotional about them ignoring offers from outside. What I wrote shouldn't read like a complaint and if it does it is unintended.

I just don't understand why they don't make use of these resources. They did hire a professional sound designer, but apparently they have problems with ressources anyway.

Which is why I mentioned the example with the footsteps.

I would love to help in order to accelerate progress for love of the game that's it.

Edited by Grabarz
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Nah, Katana that's not the point. I don't feel snubbed and I'm not the least bit emotional about them ignoring offers from outside. What I wrote shouldn't read like a complaint and if it does it is unintended.

I just don't understand why they don't make use of these resources. They did hire a professional sound designer, but apparently they have problems with ressources anyway.

Which is why I mentioned the example with the footsteps.


I never mentioned how you felt, as I have no idea how you feel. I'm merely suggesting that you're taking one instance (your specific offer of audio resources being unheard) and extrapolating an unreasonable conclusion (that the developers are wholly and categorically uninterested in community-produced resources).

Edited by Katana67

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I would say at this point it would be useless to try and contact anyone working the Dev team right now as a 'random' person, regardless of trying to help.  Just thinking of Dean/Matt, Imagine how much PMs Tweets ect ect they get EVERY Second asking 'y u no release stablone' 'can u unban me' and any other bullshit.  I saw about 10 seconds of chat on the twitch stream before I turned it off.

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Replace all axe bullet sounds with fart sounds. DONE AND DONE.


No. Replace them with someone saying "Pew".

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Not to sound a bit of a negative freak.

I got bored of Chernarus pretty quick, as did many. Proof by the map releases and other game mod types released.

Considering the time it will take them to work on the SA before it will be even remotley complete. When do they plan on the new map they spoke about a while back? I understand the C+ map also needs working on through the year as not all areas will be the way they see it..

I only mention it as the Chernarus+ will become stale quickly even after updates and additions. This is one of the reasons I dont watch every video out there.

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No. Replace them with someone saying "Pew".

Replace every seventh footstep sound with a meow.

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Not to sound a bit of a negative freak.

I got bored of Chernarus pretty quick, as did many. Proof by the map releases and other game mod types released.

Considering the time it will take them to work on the SA before it will be even remotley complete. When do they plan on the new map they spoke about a while back? I understand the C+ map also needs working on through the year as not all areas will be the way they see it..

I only mention it as the Chernarus+ will become stale quickly even after updates and additions. This is one of the reasons I dont watch every video out there.


People got bored with those additional maps pretty quick too, and subsequently returned to Chernarus with more extensive mods (i.e. Breaking Point, Overwatch, etc.)


None of the maps (other than Chernarus) in my opinion were believable. Taviana and Lingor were the worst, I hated both of them and uninstalled pronto. They were completely unimaginative and far too clean. Namalsk seemed alright, I suppose, but lacked the polish of Chernarus.


I'm not sure the maps themselves caused the so-called exodus from vanilla DayZ so much as the gradual addition of new gameplay features in the various mods.


I think people are underestimating the additions they've made in Chernarus Plus, as well as the effect that near 100% enterable buildings will have on making the map itself more interesting.

Edited by Katana67
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Yes understood. However the question was if anyone had heard of anyone working on the new map? Not wanting to sound ungreatful but a little forsight could go a long way considering the effort to create a map.

With access to hosting the SA limited, are any groups working on a new map for the SA Architecture?

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Yes understood. However the question was if anyone had heard of anyone working on the new map? Not wanting to sound ungreatful but a little forsight could go a long way considering the effort to create a map.

With access to hosting the SA limited, are any groups working on a new map for the SA Architecture?


I wasn't answering your question, but commenting on the content of your post and your explanations.


I have no idea of anyone working on a new map. If they ever do, I want a new (or re-worked) engine to accommodate some level of procedural generation. It wouldn't be a very long-term solution to just put out maps for people to get bored with shortly (as you assert). I'd rather the map be expansive and responsive to a larger number of players, rather than limiting the auspices of DayZ to the map size (which isn't all that big once the blanks have been filled in).

Edited by Katana67

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When do they plan on the new map they spoke about a while back?


Since rocket won't even say when the standalone alpha will be out I'm pretty sure he's not going to answer when the first DLC map will be out...


IIRC last I heard rocket said that maps would probably be released as cheap DLC down the line but the first thing they wanted to do was get the alpha out with Chernarus+. Remember that Chernarus+ won't just be a redesign of Chernarus, it also includes thousands more enterable buildings, even if the map is familiar gameplay on it will be significantly different, I don't think it will be too dull.

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Watch the video, then go in Arma 2 and look at Vybor. 

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I want to find like notes of survivors were they are off too and such and you could like follow their lost story would be extremely cool.

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For the pen and paper system, they should change the fonts for each person.. Not everyone has the same handwriting and this would distinguish the differences in their own handwriting and making those players unique.


I'm not too sure how the fonts would be but I'd like it to be between print and cursive handwriting :)


I do like different colored inks though.

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The bugs of the alpha give DayZ some charm.  It'll be fun squashing them and the reminiscing about how it was when it started.  






If the network and ultra basic functionality works (can connect to server, make a character, and die) then go ahead and release it.  I can have fun playing the game I saw in the stream. It is janky, incomplete, and lame, but It has enough to be interesting.  



I think everyone should have to pass a test to get into the alpha.  



Question 1.  What is the network bubble?


a.  wut? bubble?

b.  The area around the client that the server sends updates about

c.  The whole map.  The client recieves info about the whole server

d.  A item that heals you


Answer,  B



Question 2.  How many melee weapons are there?


A. 3

B. 22.

C.  None.

D.  Any item that can be put in your hand


Answer D


Question 3.  Are there vehicles in game?


A. Yes

B. No


Answer No



Question 4.  Does DayZ use the Arma 2 engine or something else?


A.  Of course.  DayZ is a mod.

B.  Yes, but slightly modified

C.  Yes, but heavily modified.  May as well be a new engine.

D.  No DayZ uses the FrostBite 3. engine


Answer C


Question 5.  How can you use the Mosin-Nagant's Bayonet.


A.  Attach to the gun and stab.

B. It is an attachment, but is purely cosmetic

C.  Attach to the gun and stab or in you hand like a knife.

D.  The Mosin-Nagant doesn't have a bayonet.  It is a sniper rifle.


Answer C.  



You have to pass the quiz to participate in the Alpha.  If you fail,  you must read through a lengthy FAQ/Disclaimer completely before taking the quiz again and attempting to pass it. 

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I want to find like notes of survivors were they are off too and such and you could like follow their lost story would be extremely cool.


Have you seen the twitch chat during the stream? Looking forward to 100000000000 penis messages.

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Damn it Vin. You gave them all the answers... Wait. They don't even know how to read... carry on.

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