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So...1000 server side infected per server doesn't seem like many at all, and in the video they seemed like there were hardly any around. Has there been talk of having a mix of client side and server side spawning?

Client side spawning of infected was fine. It just needed to be tweaked so that they don't spawn right in front of you, out of thin air.


Couldn't they tweak it so that infected could only spawn when there was no line of side with any human players, similar to how it works with special infected in l4d?

Edited by soapmak3r
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So...1000 server side infected per server doesn't seem like many at all, and in the video they seemed like there were hardly any around. Has there been talk of having a mix of client side and server side spawning?

Client side spawning of infected was fine. It just needed to be tweaked so that they don't spawn right in front of you, out of thin air.


Couldn't they tweak it so that infected could only spawn when there was no line of side with any human players, similar to how it works with special infected in l4d?



he said that was an older build in the video(stream), and he also stated that all the zombie models are done. He just didnt implemented in yet.

Edited by Zul

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So...1000 server side infected per server doesn't seem like many at all, and in the video they seemed like there were hardly any around. Has there been talk of having a mix of client side and server side spawning?

Client side spawning of infected was fine. It just needed to be tweaked so that they don't spawn right in front of you, out of thin air.


Couldn't they tweak it so that infected could only spawn when there was no line of side with any human players, similar to how it works with special infected in l4d?



They need 15-20 Server FPS to launch the standalone. They had 40-50 with 1000 zombies. They will increase the amount of zombies for the release, to somewhere around 3000.

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I wonder if DayZ uses a single server side process to do everything or whether they seperate out tasks into seperate processes. Don't suppose anyone knows?


I say that because in the stream he mentions that performance is impacted by management of server side objects. It seems odd that this management would be performed by the same process as the process that serves clients. Having said that I dont know what he means by 'management of server side objects'.

Edited by M_B

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I wonder if DayZ uses a single server side process to do everything or whether they seperate out tasks into seperate processes. Don't suppose anyone knows?


I say that because in the stream he mentions that performance is impacted by management of server side objects. It seems odd that this management would be performed by the same process as the process that serves clients. Having said that I dont know what he means by 'management of server side objects'.


This is all i've seen regarding using multiple cores for the server.



Currently, I have not noticed a great benefit in DayZ for a server having more than two cores. However, we have also identified that is should be fairly straightforward for us to offload a couple of the "big" systems we have on the server to another core. This will make a big difference.

source http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1q9440/rocket_on_pc_system_requirements_cpu_speed_is/

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Sorry? I thought it was quite widely known that the alpha release was originally set for the end of 2012 but got pushed back

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Sorry? I thought it was quite widely known that the alpha release was originally set for the end of 2012 but got pushed back

The original 2012 release was just going to be a repackaged slightly polished version of the mod that could be played without needing to buy arma 2.


That idea was scrapped and they decided to start all over again with a game engine designed specifically for DayZ. This is a good thing.

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Sorry? I thought it was quite widely known that the alpha release was originally set for the end of 2012 but got pushed back

It is 'quite widely known' that that was a complete different project.

They were initially going to package Arma II and DayZ Mod into the one bundle and sell that as DayZ - they then announced they were scrapping that and doing the whole thing over.

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The original 2012 release was just going to be a repackaged slightly polished version of the mod that could be played without needing to buy arma 2.


That idea was scrapped and they decided to start all over again with a game engine designed specifically for DayZ. This is a good thing.



It is 'quite widely known' that that was a complete different project.

They were initially going to package Arma II and DayZ Mod into the one bundle and sell that as DayZ - they then announced they were scrapping that and doing the whole thing over.

well thanks for correcting me rather than just saying 'no'. helpful

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It was not a different project, it was dayz, just because they decided to do it differently doesnt change the fact that that was their release goal.

And the reason why they did what they did was because warz beat them to it and ran face first into a brick wall. If they would release dayz as it was back then it would probably suffer the same fate..

If you think it was done purely for the better of the game you are lying to yourself. Tho i guess if you lie to yourself long enough you start to believe it.

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It was not a different project, it was dayz, just because they decided to do it differently doesnt change the fact that that was their release goal.


Well it was a different project, just with the same name, They changed the game engine, changed the graphics, changed the mechanics, changed pretty much EVERYTHING. That to me is a different project.

And the reason why they did what they did was because warz beat them to it and ran face first into a brick wall. If they would release dayz as it was back then it would probably suffer the same fate..



If you think it was done purely for the better of the game you are lying to yourself. Tho i guess if you lie to yourself long enough you start to believe it.


Well it kind of was. If they make a better game, they get more money, more people play it, they get better reviews, they get a chance to expand on it further, they might even get to work on another game. Purely making a better game brings in more opportunities. 

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I get your last point, but that was not their intention when that first release was talked about.

Also to me its the same game as it was. Slightly upped graphics and some engine changes dont make it a different game, the mechanics look much the same to me apart from some added fluff..

Would you say DNF was 7 different projects since they went through so many different engines?

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I get your last point, but that was not their intention when that first release was talked about.

Also to me its the same game as it was. Slightly upped graphics and some engine changes dont make it a different game, the mechanics look much the same to me apart from some added fluff..

Would you say DNF was 7 different projects since they went through so many different engines?

uh...  3000 redone zombies instead of 500 buggy half arma soldier zombies who dodge bullets and clip thru walls, crafting system, clothing, weapon attachments, yes upped graphics, redone and expanded chernarus, 90-95% enterable buildings, over thousand of new items yes I mean over thousand as "over thousand" and not just as an example, rocket has informed theres a list of thousands of different items, Hud revamped, game mechanics changed, redone vehicles, remade health system, a ton more player interaction encouraging things to do. Should I Keep on going? think whatever you like but thats a different project from what we had in 2012, nuff said!

It is a different project even if it shares the same name, the project1 was supposed to be just a repackacked polished mod in a box.

This thing is going to be what Rocket wanted in the first place. project2 is everything i mentioned earlier on this post. Its a different game, face the facts or live in denial. :)

Edited by Aporis
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It was not a different project, it was dayz, just because they decided to do it differently doesnt change the fact that that was their release goal.

And the reason why they did what they did was because warz beat them to it and ran face first into a brick wall. If they would release dayz as it was back then it would probably suffer the same fate..

If you think it was done purely for the better of the game you are lying to yourself. Tho i guess if you lie to yourself long enough you start to believe it.

It is a COMPLETELY different project and not even comparable in scale.

If DayZ was released as they planned it would be doing more than fine, the problem was they didn't want to just repackage the mod - the 'Standalone' was literally going to be what the mod is now, which is fine by all accounts.

Get your head out your ass rather than just making stuff up.


'If you think it was done purely for the better of the game you are lying to yourself'

What is that even meant to mean..?

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lol there is no conspiracy and no one is out to hurt or lie to you.  Originally the group was going to clean up the mod and release it as a stand-alone game and then they decided to remake the game from the ground up.  I think it's fair to say they underestimated the task and it is taking longer than they thought.  That just is what it is, no one is lying, this has nothing to do with Warz etc...

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Dayz gonna be out when we hit 200 pages mark.


10 pages to go :)

Edited by Ironhuge

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This is all i've seen regarding using multiple cores for the server.

source http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1q9440/rocket_on_pc_system_requirements_cpu_speed_is/



Cheers. Yes that sounds like having threads run on different cores but I could be wrong as I'm not a games programmer. Also I don't know the application architecture so its all just guess work on my part. Having said that one of the benefits of server side architecture is that you can have multiple processes rather than a single process which makes me wonder if this game architecture lends itself to that.


Anyway I'm just thinking out loud really.

Edited by M_B

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You will get your 60 fps. The fps they are talking about "server fps". It is a bit irrelevant to what you see on your screen. I am not knowledgable enough to explain whole "server fps" thing. But if you want to know what it is, you can find the answers in October Round Up post.

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I think BI will get a huge benefit from investing into a proper DayZ develpoment ( and not rushing out an improved mod). Just think of the multiplayer features ( network bubble ...) medic system. melee combat, new skeleton, anims etc etc etc which they can integrate into their other games like Arma in the future. This way they can develop and test such features without any pressure and impact on their other releases. 

Beside that it was good to wait for a proper Arma 3 launch since we now get tested and improved features like  the Arma 3 rain, fog ragdoll and physics for DayZ.SA ( sooner or later)



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You will get your 60 fps. The fps they are talking about "server fps". It is a bit irrelevant to what you see on your screen. I am not knowledgable enough to explain whole "server fps" thing. But if you want to know what it is, you can find the answers in October Round Up post.


Ahhh, server FPS.  Thanks.

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I think BI will get a huge benefit from investing into a proper DayZ develpoment ( and not rushing out an improved mod). Just think of the multiplayer features ( network bubble ...) medic system. melee combat, new skeleton, anims etc etc etc which they can integrate into their other games like Arma in the future. This way they can develop and test such features without any pressure and impact on their other releases. 

Beside that it was good to wait for a proper Arma 3 launch since we now get tested and improved features like  the Arma 3 rain, fog ragdoll and physics for DayZ.SA ( sooner or later)



Like Dean said, ragdolls are most likely not coming to the alpha but very high chance that they implement it before beta.

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