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Im off to get a choc ice and some Kiora.


I see the usual arguments about to erupt.


Anyone want anything from the foyer?

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Im off to get a choc ice and some Kiora.


I see the usual arguments about to erupt.


Anyone want anything from the foyer?



yeah grab us some haribos 

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Im off to get a choc ice and some Kiora.


I see the usual arguments about to erupt.


Anyone want anything from the foyer?

Don't worry I've already sorted the beers ;)

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BTW this is our way of saying we've seen all this before and it always seems to end the same way.


There is no conspiracy. No lies, even if you believe there to be. It's your problem not ours or the rest of the community as a whole.


Games take time to make.


We are entitled to nothing.


Patience is key.



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BTW this is our way of saying we've seen all this before and it always seems to end the same way.


There is no conspiracy. No lies, even if you believe there to be. It's your problem not ours or the rest of the community as a whole.


Games take time to make.


We are entitled to nothing.


Patience is key.




Well put assassin 

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"Well you completely dodged my other points but I guess that's how peeps like you roll"...


Ofcourse. Where did you decided i think this wil be a massive fail? Read everything i said back and try again. All i'm saying is 'Rocket get over with it and not only show some simple stuff, give us the Alpha". It will be released as Alpha so fuck the bugs. We are used to bugs. I play DayZ since the beginning of 1.7 and all i ever saw was bugs. If you will release it in alpha, why not simply release it and just give us a go?


And, if this SA will ship before christmas, no way you will get 2,4% shit that you can find in any supermarket, i will send you a mixture of top quality belguim premium beer and i know you will defenately like it.


Hey! Wanna get another massive crate of qualified beer? I am in to, if you'd accept! Btw if the game would pop up before then, you'll buy my game too hehe ((=

Edited by SoulHunter
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BTW this is our way of saying we've seen all this before and it always seems to end the same way.


There is no conspiracy. No lies, even if you believe there to be. It's your problem not ours or the rest of the community as a whole.


Games take time to make.


We are entitled to nothing.


Patience is key.



It's like this with anything. We have no clue what's going on in Area 51? OMFG ALIENS THEN!!!!! git yer tin foil hats!!!!!


That's the kinda level of logic the whiney little brats appear to operate on. Or kinda like ppl bitching about the bus driver being late without knowing he got held up by heavy traffic, an open bridge and a roadblock full of bandits with Mk48mod0's. They have no knowledge of what's going on but somewhere in their very tiny brains have they come up with the idea that they can form an opinion about how it woulda, coulda, shoulda been done anyway.

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(Regarding a batch of cookies being baked)


Me:  Sorry, you can't have one yet, you'll just have to wait. It wont be long.


My 2 Year Old: (Laying on ground, kicking, screaming and crying) I want now, i want now!


Sound familiar?

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(Regarding a batch of cookies being baked)


Me:  Sorry, you can't have one yet, you'll just have to wait. It wont be long.


My 2 Year Old: (Laying on ground, kicking, screaming and crying) I want now, i want now!


Sound familiar?


I'd nearly prefer the cookie dough  B)

Edited by CapricornOne
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(Regarding a batch of cookies being baked)


Me:  Sorry, you can't have one yet, you'll just have to wait. It wont be long.


My 2 Year Old: (Laying on ground, kicking, screaming and crying) I want now, i want now!


Sound familiar?


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I'd nearly prefer the cookie dough  B)

I agree letting them lick the spoon for a taster does placate them for a while

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(Regarding a batch of cookies being baked)


Me:  Sorry, you can't have one yet, you'll just have to wait. It wont be long.


My 2 Year Old: (Laying on ground, kicking, screaming and crying) I want now, i want now!


Sound familiar?

Cookie dough is far better. Everyone knows that. Baking things not only kills the Salmonella but it kills the great taste.  

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Im off to get a choc ice and some Kiora.


I see the usual arguments about to erupt.


Anyone want anything from the foyer?


+1 for haribos.

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I remember the days when all servers where occupied 50/50, the good old days....


DayZ right now, is as dead as a person that just got ran over by a 600 tons cargo train in the middle of a hot desert surrounded by Jihad warriors.


How can people still support this disrespecting clown that doen't give a shit about his supporting community? All the community asks is just every now and then some information about the progress and all we get is "We are working on it", that's it. For almost year....


Biggest problem of all is that this community is getting smaller and smaller and the hype we had one year ago is completly gone. No one gives a shit about DayZ anymore and the people that do give a shit are tired of this endless list of bugs, superannoying zombies, lack of information and almost no progress.


For me there is just one reason why there is almost no information: there is simply no progress. If they would make progress then this game would have been released half a year ago and it makes sense: how can you develop a game when all you do is travelling? If DayZ would be once of BI's biggest names they would certainly post more info but no... nothing from BI, almost nothing from Rocket himself.




Well those of us that are testing it can clearly see it's not vapourware and are are also very aware of how hard the team work on it.  Looking at it from my position comments like the above just look silly.  Really though as I said before, only time will prove the naysayers wrong and in that regard all we can do is wait.
Rest assured though that time will make comments like the above look rather stupid.  For now we just have to suck it up.




 Looking at it from any position makes it look silly, it looks silly from here and i am in the sleeping violent rainbow position.


 Any popcorn left ...without that special Steak sauce ? 

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I'd like to add something pertinent to the discussion:







I'm drinking beer and replaying Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. 






Glad I could share.

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Cookie dough is far better. Everyone knows that. Baking things not only kills the Salmonella but it kills the great taste.  


I love the taste of Salmonella  :thumbsup:

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Hello there


Whilst the "going off menu" was fun, let's steer the chat to back on topic.


No conspiracies please.





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Hello there


Whilst the "going off menu" was fun, let's steer the chat to back on topic.


No conspiracies please.






*Rages about "postponing" release*

*Yells about the game being a scam*

*Stomps foot in frustration*

*Cries about orlok taking away the cookies* 

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Hello there


Whilst the "going off menu" was fun, let's steer the chat to back on topic.


No conspiracies please.






No conspiracies?


You may as well lock it now then.

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Game should have been released before it was even announced or development begun? You guys are hilarious. Don't ever change.

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Hello there


Whilst the "going off menu" was fun, let's steer the chat to back on topic.


No conspiracies please.





Yeah but you are in on it as well!

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Yeah but you are in on it as well!

 Yup, im guilty as well, but lets get this thread back on track!

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 Yup, im guilty as well, but lets get this thread back on track!


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"Well you completely dodged my other points but I guess that's how peeps like you roll"...


Ofcourse. Where did you decided i think this wil be a massive fail? Read everything i said back and try again. All i'm saying is 'Rocket get over with it and not only show some simple stuff, give us the Alpha". It will be released as Alpha so fuck the bugs. We are used to bugs. I play DayZ since the beginning of 1.7 and all i ever saw was bugs. If you will release it in alpha, why not simply release it and just give us a go?


And, if this SA will ship before christmas, no way you will get 2,4% shit that you can find in any supermarket, i will send you a mixture of top quality belguim premium beer and i know you will defenately like it.


Posts like yours prove a point.  So many people have their DayZ panties up their crack that anything less than perfection, perceived by the poster/player, will turn this place into a flamewar or riotous popcorn eating hilarity.


That's right.  


"OMG!  The standalone alpha is shit!  We can't even connect.,  We paid for this!!! (insert ridiculous class action lawsuit threat here)!!! ! !!"


Which is quickly followed by 20 "it's an alpha you fool.  no one told you to buy it" posts. 


and thus "wtf!  Rocket released it.  he's obviously proud of his work.  Why is it when I get hit by a zombie I fall through the ground?  How come every time I equip a gun the game crashes!?!?  You guise are fanbois.  You suck!"


and then "site:www.gamehypeXtreem.com: DayZ Standalone is shit as we always knew it would be even though we overly hyped the shit out of it with misleading titles so you'd be exposed to our advertising. Click here to find out why!!!!"


and.......    repeat.



Whether you want to or not, we must acknowledge the level of interest in this game by gamers, currently playing or otherwise.  Releasing a completely broken alpha would do absolutely zero good for anyone involved.  


I like beer too.  Sign me up.

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Hey that website (www.gamehypeXtreem.com) doesn't exist.


It's like you made it up or something.


It sounded good as well.


Anyway.....back on track.....

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