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About RedNome

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  1. RedNome

    Is PvP & Atmosphere Dying in DayZ SA?

    On streamsniping, that's what I was getting at earlier, maybe you need to take the hits in the short term for the long term gains. If no one is going to advertise (stream) 1pp play then the noobs aren't going to see the benefits and therefore won't help populate the servers in the future, things will never improve. No one else is streaming 1pp, at least no one as popular as you and now that you are playing 3pp your stream is starting to become just like all the others, you've lost your identity dude.
  2. RedNome

    Is PvP & Atmosphere Dying in DayZ SA?

    Maybe you could change your schedule and play of an evening when the pops are higher, you're in the very fortunate position of being able to make your own hours. And yes, you are big enough to make a difference, you and Jon did that a while back when you were streaming 1pp exclusively, the pops were noticeably higher, I say this as a 1pp player myself.
  3. RedNome

    Is PvP & Atmosphere Dying in DayZ SA?

    Got to agree with the post above from DKmintz, he's pretty much echo'd my thoughts on this issue. Your frustrations are nothing more than growing pains during the development cycle, you have to be patient and I know that's hard when it is your job to play the game but that was your choice and you're very lucky to be in that position now. I've watched your streams from the early days Break, when you were pulling 20 viewers only and think you're a cool guy, but I have to agree again with DK, your stream quality is suffering with your lack of patience and as he also said you are not helping the lack of 1pp server pop by not supporting it on stream. When you and Jon were playing the shit out of 1pp there was a noticeable spike in traffic so I'd suggest going back to what you like and help the situation improve, and yes I understand your issues with that but maybe you have to take the hit in the short term to see long term gain. I know you love the game as much as I do, that much is obvious, but your lack of patience will be your own downfall if you're not careful and as a fan of your stream I don't want to see it suffer. Sorry if I come across as harsh, it's not meant that way but I struggle to watch you at the moment when you are so negative, I watch you to chill and have fun and I can't do that when you are not in that space yourself. Edit: you also need to remember that you are comparing Standalone to your experiences and love of Day Zero, a PVP oriented mod of the mod. I'd suggest the game you are truly looking for won't be available until the modding scene starts up again in SA.
  4. So is everyone as up in arms in here at this REALLY old news as they are on Reddit? I thought Dean's intentions for the future were common knowledge, he's expressed these same intentions for quite some time now in various places.
  5. Great! As it should be imo. You die, you more than likely lose your gear unless gathered by squad mates or whatever, brilliant news imo and should help with performance too. I always try to treat each character as a new entity and not just run back to my previous body, seems a bit cheap to me. Anyway, great looking update Rocket, look forward to testing, there are some nice looking fixes and additions coming our way.
  6. RedNome

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Fuck no. I really wish people would stop trying to ruin this game.
  7. RedNome

    Do you ever server hop?

    Exactly, sometimes you will find what you are after, sometimes you won't, as you say that is all part of each characters story. The uncertainty of it all is part of the attraction for me.
  8. RedNome

    Base Buidlind and How it Works?

    Yeah, that could be OK, but also, if not done right could lead to tremendous levels of trolling so would need to be thought out very carefully. Remember the days of barbed wire blocking up all the buildings so we couldn't get in?
  9. RedNome

    Do you ever server hop?

    Never. I'm more than happy with the way the loot spawns currently, it adds a nice desperation to the game which I enjoy, and feel that, except for balancing and tweaking it is more than fine for loot to only spawn on server restarts. If you can't find loot you are not looking hard enough, in reality it would be just the same, get off the coast and explore, there is loot everywhere.
  10. RedNome

    Base Buidlind and How it Works?

    'Base building' is the only thing that really concerns me about the SA road map. I really don't want to see player made buildings popping up all over Chernarus, it'll just end up being a clusterfuck and take away from the beauty of the map. The only acceptable solution for me (which Dean has mentioned in the past) is underground instances that can be discovered somehow by wandering players and that can be raided, none of this safe house bollocks please, your equipment should never be safe in this game. Overground building could really fuck this game up for me, go play Rust if that's your thing is my opinion on that.
  11. RedNome

    Please make loot respawn!!!!!!!!

    For one, there will always be server restarts, and two of course loot needs to re-spawn on restart, didn't think I needed to spell that part out really, I'm advocating no re-spawn between server restarts.
  12. RedNome

    Please make loot respawn!!!!!!!!

    That may be so, but seeing as I don't want it to re spawn, for reasons already outlined, I would rather see the devs spend that time elsewhere.
  13. RedNome

    Please make loot respawn!!!!!!!!

    I like the current spawn system, it means that instead of being fully geared in one 2/3 hour session, my gearing up is spread over multiple sessions meaning I always have some kind of objective and making the game (with limited content right now) seem less tedious in the longer term. I don't want to see re-spawning loot, it only ends up being abused by loot cyclers, keep it how it is with ongoing balancing of spawns (remember also that there are lots more items to be added into the game), add a server hopping feature and combat log deterrent and we're all good in the hood.
  14. RedNome

    Combat logging

    It's very simple really and there's no need to over complicate it, you DO NOT disconnect to avoid any kind of situation that puts your character in danger. In an ideal world players would self regulate, unfortunately a large percentage of players are spineless bitches and can't bare to lose their pixels so a system will have to be put in place to combat this, what this system is is down to the devs to come up with.
  15. RedNome

    Combat logging

    They could maybe claim it, sure, but if you were unaware that you were being followed and had disconnected to do your thing, then that wouldn't have been a combat log, just hard luck for the guys tracking you.