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About HazZarD87

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  1. HazZarD87

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Make sure your ammo isn't all buggered up. Loading dodgy rounds will leave your weapon nice and silent when you need it to say bang.
  2. If there were an outbreak like in DayZ you'd be damn sure I'd be on the hunt for military gear and hardware. Because guess what? It's designed to be used under demanding, unforgiving circumnstances where you have to live primitively and still be effective for a long time. It's the ideal stuff for the job plain and simple. And I wouldnt worry one bit about availability either. I can pull a set of camies and a modular vest right out of my closet. Guns might be different but get into any army base and there are hundreds if not thousands of military grade weapons about (assuming the military was hit with the infection just like the rest of the populace). Add in the factor that chernarus was a recent warzone with international forces present and presto. So no not too much focus at all.
  3. HazZarD87

    Solving problem of kill on sight - Vehicles.

    Thread title allready fails. KOS is a playstyle not a problem. Deal with it.
  4. He does not state a problem with whether or not it's being worked on. He states a problem with the zombie's athletic skills being upgraded like this before the work is done. In which he is completely right.
  5. HazZarD87

    Kick for not be on TS

  6. HazZarD87


    Heck in the Dutch army you even have the distinction between snipers not by the rifles that they use, but by the training they've had. Someone who is with an infantry platoon and trained in long range shooting with what one would define as "sniper rifle" (this fine beast: http://www.defensie.nl/binaries/small/content/gallery/defensie/content-afbeeldingen/onderwerpen/materieel/bewapening/accuracy-antipersoneel-snipergeweer-7-62mm/accuracy-antipersoneel-snipergeweer-7-62mm.jpg) is called a long distance shooter. A member of the commandos who has had extensive training in stalking in addition to long range shooting (with the same rifle) is a sniper. So we can also argue there is no sniping in dayz till we can make us some ghillie suits :P
  7. Exactly, the combination of their new speed and the "appear out of thin air" - clipping - ESP-senses issues is what is making them hard trough the wrong means. By all means make them a threat but in a proper way that players can do something about. Like someone said before: You'd have to be blind with fanboyism to say they are fine in this state.
  8. HazZarD87

    Weapon ballance

    Agreed, however right now it is too much unpredictability. When I shoot someone trough the head with a mosin from less than 20m he shouldn't just "wake up" again and continue the fight full function. Maybe he's not clinically dead but he sure as heck wouldnt be fighting back full tilt. Nor is it authentic that a few cans of beans will keep someone from being injured at all by several gunshots. That being said I agree that it shouldn't be "hit him there.. he's dead for sure". It's why we always check pulse when we go and loot, or put an extra one in his head if we're not close. But like I said, right now it can take so many gunshots because someone is carrying stuff around that it's become silly.
  9. This kind of speed on an aggroed zombie sprinting towards you with nothing on his mind but tearing you to pieces is what I'd expect of the infected. (Always did see em as the rage-virus kind from 28 days later). They should hold it back untill other issues have been fixed though. Zombies now just clip trough walls like they arent there.. even more than they ever did in the mod, not to mention the still broken aggroeing and out-of-thin air respawning. Once they get those things sorted we can give them their Usain Bolt skills again, because now you just make any new spawn a lottery of "will I find a fireaxe in time" :P
  10. HazZarD87

    It's too easy to get guns

    It is about surviving after the virus outbreak has torn down society. Surviving means doing what ever it takes so that you're still breathing the next day. In that post-outbreak world ofcourse people would start to take care of self defense (a.k.a. arming themselves to the teeth) setting up locations that offer some more safety, hoarding supplies and getting transportation. There are a few zealots who want to narrow "surviving" down to BeargryllsSim2014 but that's not going to happen.
  11. HazZarD87

    .42 New Weapons: Good or Bad?

    The kind that thinks they can decide exactly what direction a game should take without feeling to further elaborate. But you could have figured that one out if you had even bothered reading.
  12. The guy is right on the spawning part. If a zombie is killed then it should respawn randomly somewhere and not right away, close to where you are.. appearing like some ghost. After all we would be able to clear areas now wouldn't we.
  13. HazZarD87

    .42 New Weapons: Good or Bad?

    Yet you feel the need to react as any of the other CoD children. I rest my case.
  14. HazZarD87

    .42 New Weapons: Good or Bad?

    Wow, such a constructive well explained response. Keep at it. Scared of pvp are we
  15. HazZarD87

    .42 New Weapons: Good or Bad?

    Weird term.. "civilian weapon". If we go by what civilians can own then we're talking some serious hardware