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Ivan & Martin Free on bail

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Read the news yesterday morning, was really glad that they finally got released.

And like i said there, once they are found innocent, they should try to get justice done for all the horror that they've been trough.

Again Cheers for both of them ! :D

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I cant help but facepalm at some of these posts.... :facepalm:

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Great news for all of you that know and love them. Hope it is a quick return to normalcy for them, their families, and friends.

Now get them out of Greece as fucking fast as possible.

I mean seriously Greece...WTF!

An american "WTFing" about Greek military restrictions.

I'm the one who should "WTFing" about your opinion mate.

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As soon as they get back to CZ they are free, they don't have to go back; Greece is no US

Now shhh, we'll jinx it

Greece is in the EU, as is CZ. By European law CZ has to hand them over to Greece. But yes, Greece is a lightweight.

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Greece is in the EU, as is CZ. By European law CZ has to hand them over to Greece. But yes, Greece is a lightweight.

One would logically assume so, but even in theory and in practice it is incorrect:

Any half-capable attorney would argue espionage is a political crime etc etc etc

and than there is this:


European Convention on Extradition Article 6, paragraph 1. a:

A Contracting Party shall have the right to refuse extradition of its nationals.

and finally, Czech constitution is above everything article 14 (4):

no Czech citizen shall be removed from his/her homeland.

So once home, no more Greece, but than again, they gave up on this case anyways, 5000 € bail and allowed to go back to their country, they'll probably get a 5000 € penalty in the end...

Edited by Xul

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Great news! I think everybody in the community was pretty upset about this whole shitstory! I hope they get home pretty soon.


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great news! I hope they will get at least a month free of work to relax.

Arma III and standalone can wait but the work will get 100% faster with them.

(still they devers vacation form the unwanted shit storm they got into)

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Praise be the lord, let the healing begin.

Best wishes to them and their's.

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Fantastic news for them and their families, i hope they have a bit of a break before returning to work.

Edited by DazTroyer

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Awesome :D Now they need time with their families and do that posponed christmas celebration they had. And get some grub :P

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I am very happy to hear this! And I would like to express how sorry I am on behalf of the retarded and corrupted politicians and justice system of my country for causing you all this trouble.

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Hey Armaggedon^^^^, you know there's a typo in in your sig?

Edited by Fraggle
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