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About Oompa

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  1. Oompa

    Blood Type Chart

    Yes, but I got O+.
  2. Oompa

    Blood Type Chart

    I wonder if bloodtypes carry over between lifes. Anyway, looks like I just missed getting my squad the jackpot (O+). Would much rather be AB+ though.
  3. Oompa

    I like my axe

    The only valid reason to spend ammo on zombies is if an idiot team mate gets himself trapped, or you find yourself trapped by some ingenious machination on part of the highly complex AI.
  4. Oompa

    Where should i hide a base?

    The chances are that the next bugger with an ESP (and perhaps TP) will destroy your base just for kicks, I stopped making bases.
  5. Oompa

    RIP DayZ

    I do not much like KoS, in fact, when I do hold up some one I rather like robbing them and letting them go, or pretending to be friendly when outmatched and receive some freebies :P I do rather enjoy the good chuckle of going on a "no-pvp" server and shooting some random people though. Their rage is quite amusing ^^
  6. Oompa

    add money to the game

    Money does not make sense in the setting of the game. A currency system using credits, dollars, etc. as currency would feel very artificial. However with the additions and changes in the SA such as the crafting system, (weapon degradation?,) less ammo/weapon spawns and single bullets (item) it would be quite possible for a metro203x-esque player-driven economy to start taking shape.
  7. It can always will be done and will be done. If people cannot look into the code for the loot tables they will make them based on empirical data.
  8. Haha, I asked some people why there were playing with daisies :D I pronounce it /Deɪ-Zɛd/, ofc.
  9. Oompa

    Choose body shape of avatar

    Body mass doesn't realistically make a real difference to the survival rate of a bulletwound, blood loss would lead to death in any case and to stop a bullet within the fat, a person would have to have a 72cm layer of blubber to stop a bullet.
  10. To be completely honest... even with the latest patch it is very simple to RUN into Elektro/Cherno, get basic kid (matches, knife, gun, hatchet, food, drink) and leave within the hour. I've noticed an increase in the amount of Zombies chasing me, they are however VERY easy to shake off and numbers mean nothng if they can't hit you.
  11. Oompa

    Don't you wish there was a western map?

    You think that is "old European".... (-_-*) In the same way that the US isn't the same all over, Europe isn't... in fact, I'm going to go ahead and say that Europe is a whole lot more diverse. The small wooden houses you see in Arma are rarely found in western Europe (apart from the Alps). And yes, a map western style map for DayZ would be awesome, though I have to say that I'd prefer a French/German/Italian/Austrian/Czech-style map to an American one. Firearms loot would be pretty much non-existant though. A British map would be a pain in the backside. You'd have to walk around all the hedges in the countryside, find places to get into fields and into the next. Very pretty, but a big nuisance if you have to navigate it in a video game.
  12. In game name: Mal Experience(time played): Gosh... 9 months? Preferred role: Assault/Medic Steam: I have steam... (only via PM) Skype: I have Skype... (only via PM) I also have TS. What can you offer us: I'm an ok sniper. I can fly helicopters fast and low and land them. With an assault rifle I can shoot a good distance with decent accuracy. Im an EU player (Germany) whose English is fluent and who has experience playing and coordinating with others to some degree. I am no pro. I am, however, wanting to improve my game and the only way to do that is by playing with others.
  13. Oompa

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    I don't play usually play FPSs due to disliking 1st person in most, the view range is too narrow. I for one start to feel uncomfortable in 1st person. And no, I am not going to buy two more screens anything like that. I normally need more than just sight to orientate myself, as long as video games do not compensate for their lack thereof I NEED to use 3rd person or I will literally feel like bashing my head against the screen every 10 minutes (which I don't ofc, I alt+f4). I do NOT use it to look around corners/over walls etc... your point that EVERYONE does so is therefore invalid. That being said, I have no gripes with the cross hair being removed (it's only use is to close-range shoot zombies anyway). I would however hope to see weapon handling to be improved ^^
  14. I actually decided to give WarZ a chance, thinking that a game released on Steam couldn't be THAT bad, after all... boy was I wrong. It took steam 90 minutes to give me a full refund :D
  15. Oompa

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Greece is in the EU, as is CZ. By European law CZ has to hand them over to Greece. But yes, Greece is a lightweight.