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Posts posted by Irish.

  1. 1 hour ago, JanitorWithAGun said:

    Like finding one isn't hard enough,  there's always tires and other parts missing and you have to scavenge for an hour to make it work. And even then, it will break for no reason and all tires will explode. All that time you spent scavenging for parts down the drain.

    I remember when they first introduced vehicles, they always spawned drivable and they didn't break which made the game way more fun. Having no usable vehicles makes the game a chore when you have to do so much running. It just takes too much time to run on such a big map. I know the game is supposed to be hardcore and realistic but the current system is not realistic. It's just frustrating for no reason, vehicles don't break so easily and there's no reason they can't spawn with all parts intact more often.

    Are they planning on changing this or are they just gonna remain useless?



    First of all.. they ALL spawn in ready to drive away. They spawn in KNOWN locations, all over the map. They are easily spotable from long distances, even hidden in trees.

    They truly do not break that easily right now.. you can even drive them with destroyed tires. 


    Have you even played lately?

  2. On 6/29/2017 at 0:25 AM, StayGold said:

    Hey, I'm willing to help.


    On 6/30/2017 at 6:34 AM, Baty Alquawen said:

    Add me as "teleport manager". I can teleport players who are stuck in stones or buildings. Just send me PM. :)

    Thank you very much for helping out Benny and Baty! :) 

  3. On 7/5/2017 at 1:12 AM, Mantasisg said:

    I'd like to know how to regain bones status.

    I regularly use splints, for no reason, in the hopes that I am "rebuilding" my bone status.


    So far, I can report that I literally never fall prey to broken legs and 1-hit zed attacks. Most Ive ever had happen is a chipped leg from a bad zed attack (small horde)... healed quickly from that too. So it seems to work for me. 

    • Like 1

  4. 41 minutes ago, blackberrygoo said:

    Actually they won't lol . Devs have stated they won't ever make the heli crash visibly like in the mod again - due to too many resources needed to load in all the heli crashes , and honestly besides the heli exploding there's really no way it can just disappear logically .

    That question was not even aimed at you?


    You ok?

  5. 2 minutes ago, BIIdiots said:

    Huh....What happens to them?   They fly off again, or magically vanish?  Think the community now prefers animations over logical gameplay.  There should be animations of the chopper crashing when it happens, and something other than it vanishing in thin air when their time is up.  Rather than animations for characters that are rather pointless.

    You really do not understand what is happening with dayz, do you?

    Its in development... these things will come. ;)

  6. 32 minutes ago, bfisher said:

    I generally like your idea except for one problem.  "Running" is unfortunately the quickest way to get through the interminable no-mans land between major cities and towns.

    Also the map isn't that big really.  It's about 10x10 miles (its about 85sq. miles) of mostly open farmland, small forests and towns interconnected by roads.   Too small to realistically be worried about "getting lost in the woods" but too big and sparse to actually want to spend hours "not running" from location to location.

    But I do like the idea of your speed being determined by your load and having to drop your pack to get away from that zombie hoard...if the zombies actually came in a hoard...and were actually dangerous.


    4 minutes ago, BIIdiots said:

    Think it's the largest survival map in the genre that isn't based on arcade mechanics.  Can't think of one that is larger.  Many of the arcade survival games are even smaller.

    The erroneous notion that you need to pass out when tired or exhausted would cause so much discourse on the forums and a demand to nerf it that it's a non talking point.  Plus it just isn't realistic for an average person.  Athletes trained to push beyond their limits it might happened, but most will just tire, slow down, then get eaten.  What would probably be a better idea not only the stamina meter but a adrenaline meter.  That is full and pushes your stamina beyond normal......When the adrenaline meter runs out then you start slowing, tiring, and eventually have to stop, drop a pack, or fight.  The adrenaline meter would fill slower, and maybe some food/drink would replenish it faster.   

    You both should take a moment to go read up on some things here: https://dayz.com/blog


    These are things that are being added, no matter what. Its HOW they add it, that is the question.



  7. On 6/26/2017 at 10:11 AM, Sqeezorz said:

    The map already has "zones" and I am firmly convinced that these "zones" in the future are not only different from the loot. The requirements and the challenges will increase with the "Zones". Therefore, this makes no sense to spread spawnpoints.

    That is brilliant.. never thought of that.

    God, I hope you're right too. :)

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, emuthreat said:

    Willing to help out in-game and online, public or private.  Can provide hunting and fishing/crafting assistance, medical assistance, vehicle recovery, and finding lost players.


    10 minutes ago, Old Man River said:

    Count me in.  Always have plenty of food and medical supplies along with vehicle access.  Have characters on public (both hives) and some private servers as well.  Often lurking in the shadow of green mountain so I'm centrally located.  

    Added. And thank you very much for stepping up to help others. :)

  9. 28 minutes ago, sausagekingofchicago said:

    Willing to help on the Public Hive but my availability fluctuates.  I'll stock up on medical supplies and go full Hawkeye on it.  Standalone only (I keep running into closed doors on the mod).

    US and EU servers possible.


    Thanks for helping out :)

    • Like 1

  10. Need help in DayZ? Have questions and are unsure who to ask? Bleeding out in game, and you need assistance ASAP? 

    This page will be dedicated to helping new players, or any players in need of assistance. 

    If you are in need of help, or are willing to help please list your name below with what you are willing to do. Your name will then be added to the list below, of those available to help others.

    List all info you are willing to give: Name, age, region location and what are you available to do for others?

    Also list if you can assist in other languages please. If you are willing to have your name linked to your Steam account, PM me or add it in as a link yourself.

    - Willing to help online: you will help answer peoples questions and are willing to talk them through things, but not in game. 

    - Willing to help in-game: you will help players in game, in whatever fashion they may need. You may add things to this like: not for trades, only for healing, etc..

    - Standalone or the mod? Both, or any restrictions on what you can offer help on?

    P.A.T. :  *each name listed below is a link. Simply click on the name, and send them a PM!

    1. Baty Alquawen - Teleport Manager - Able to teleport players who are stuck in stones or buildings. Just send her a PM. :)   

    2. sausagekingofchicago - In game: Standalone, public hive US & EU servers if possible. 

    3. emuthreat - In-game and Online, public or private.  Can provide hunting and fishing/crafting assistance, medical assistance, vehicle recovery, and finding lost players.

    4. Old Man River - In-game. Always have plenty of food and medical supplies along with vehicle access.  Have characters on public (both hives) and some private servers as well.  Often centrally located on the map.

    5. StayGold - 20 years old - USA - Willing to help Online and In-game. I'll be able to help players navigate throughout Chernarus and to answer questions. English only (direct and/or microphone chat).

    6. Irish. - 39 years old - USA - Willing to help out Online or In game: Standalone or the mods (No A3 mods, my Arma 3 game is not working right now due to bugs). 

    7. Plasma - Can help out with whatever.  

    8. Valdark - Bobby - 38 years old - Willing to help answer questions online here or on reddit u/Valdark2 ..Also willing to help in game when I'm on which is mostly 10pm-4am CST Monday-Thursday though I'm sometimes available during the day as well. 

    9. Sqeezorz -  Willing to help in game or online: GERMAN LANGUAGE PREFERRED - CEST PM hours - (Also some English - simple and not complex, I can also cover CZ / PL / SLO and some French.) 

    10. skullduggery86 - Avaiable to help out on Public hives in game and out of game anywhere from 10 A.M. EST to 12 PM EST all week every week.

    11. GaryWalnuts - Willing to help with: new players, navigation, lost players, medical, food ,water, making fires, etc.. and usually has a spare raincoat with him. ;)

    12. Red_Ensign - 51 years old - Canada - Willing to help in-game with infections and sickness, and some basic equipment.  Usually on public 3rd person servers.

    13. IMT - Willing to help both in-game and out-game, with pretty much anything. Questions, medical help, acquiring food, hunting, survival, basically anything.

    14. WOLFGEIST - Online - Available to answer questions regarding to dayz. 

    15. atomquark - Online or in-game. Standalone, public, and private US_EU. I can help with just about anything.

    • Like 11

  11. 16 minutes ago, Solopopo said:

    Currently players run entirely too fast, to the point that it reduces the realism and quality of player vs. player combat. 

    They have stated many times the run speed will decrease, eventually. ;)


    My guess is once we get .63 and further, fleshed out properly. Maybe right away, maybe down the 'patch path to gold'.

    • Like 1

  12. Stamina. For me personally, I do not want some silly mechanic that forces your player to stop for a set amount of time, based on a set amount of time running.. to me, that is the most ridiculous way of adding in stamina to video games and it is all that we have ever seen basically. The same old, run for X amount of time and be forced to rest for X amount of time, is boring, out done, and has never been remotely realistic.

    When you are being chased by zombies, a pack of wolves, or some murderous pack of human beings, you will run for your life as if it depended on it. You would not stop because you were winded.. you would only stop when you simply could no longer run or when you felt safe; eventually if you ignore your body, your body shuts down and essentially you pass out, or become incapacitated in the least. What I want to see DayZ do, is something very similar.

    Run if you need to, but visual and audible queues begin to tell you to rest your player. If you decide to ignore them, you will eventually lose health (and then 'blood'). Which will eventually cause your player to pass out. Most likely, in a very bad way and in a very bad place. The amount of "time" you can run will be completely dependent on how much health and blood you had to begin with, and how much you carry on your person (see: planned weight system). Stopping for quick breaks will allow you to run for longer distances, but never stopping at all will put out you at huge risk for losing health to the point of unconsciousness.

    You will literally see your hydration, health, and food meters drop to empty while running, then the screen loses color, then you pass out - with this idea. 

    Of course weight would play a huge part in all of this.. do you really want to live? Drop your shit, to weigh less, so you can run both faster and for longer. Or care more about your gear, and perhaps lose it all, including your life, because of it. It will allow players to make a choice, and several choices from it perhaps, rather then be forced to constantly take breaks to "catch their breath".

    We all know BIS has already talked and discussed this to great lengths at this point. But perhaps there is still time for the topic to be open enough to affect our game we play? How would you like to see stamina replicated in dayz, like other games have done it in the past, or maybe something totally new.. something maybe only YOU have thought of?

    What do you all think? Discuss your ideas. :)

    • Like 7

  13. 9 hours ago, Solopopo said:


    I made some tests on experimental .62 shortly after it came out. What I noticed, is what you did. On low, almost everything in game stayed there. I was a little blown away. After a lot more testing I left my settings on low, for objects, then went into the new folder for our profile and adjusted my view distance and overall distance to much higher numbers. Jumped back in game and low and behold it worked. I can see forever, but my game runs at 80-90fps average in almost all areas. In Cherno Im getting a steady 60+. The only other setting I have on low is shadows, because that seems to give a large hit now and doesn't "increase" performance on very high-high any longer, like it used to with certain systems. All else is maxed out, and Im gaming in 1440p. The game looks gorgeous and is smooth as it ever has been.

    Its such a great sign of things to come.

    • Like 1

  14. 8 hours ago, ImageCtrl said:

    Luckily I never watched the first part...

    Was that called for? * the only way I can take that is negatively.. sorry if I am off base by doing so.


    Do you know what Bambiland is? Its a deathmatch server.. everyone kills each other, no friendlies.  This is from that server, and my very first time playing. 

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  15. I guess I need to preface this with what Bambiland is:


    Its basically a deathmatch. Like Call of Duty. Tents filled with weapons/ammo on the coast near spawn points. Everyone is out to kill each other.


    This guy was trying to trick me, seeing I was a fresh spawn, he thought maybe I had no idea where I was... see, he was the one greeting new players. I simply defended myself. <--- he was going to bash my head in when I ate the apple.

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