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About StayGold

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    On the Coast

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  1. StayGold

    Stable Update 0.62.143640

    @Baty Alquawen Are the Santa Hat and Beard included in the patch as well or just the Gift Boxes? Either way, thank you for including these awesome presents into one of the last minor updates of 2017 for Stable Branch servers. I hope you and the rest of the DayZ Development Team and everyone else at Bohemia Interactive have an awesome Štědrý den, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!!
  2. StayGold

    Player Assistance Team

    Hey, I'm willing to help. You might have seen me around the subreddit with the username, BennyGoId. About me: My name is Brian and I'm turning 20 on July 6. I play on the US West Coast (meaning I'll only be playing in Official Public SJ and WA servers because ping will exceed 60 if I play on any others). I'll be able to help new/existing/returning players navigate throughout Chernarus, teaching the basics of how to utilize their environment and where they can start off with some good loot. English only (direct and/or microphone chat). Same as I do on the subreddit, I will offer my assistance with questions that new/exisiting/returning players may have (just PM BennyGoId on reddit if you have any questions/concerns and I will try my best to get back to you) <- that's an uppercase i, by the way. In-game, I will do my utmost to allow new players/existing players to get accustomed to the harsh climates and unique player interactions between other players. I'll be your Swiss Army knife (can and will do anything to assist new/exisitng/returning players).
  3. StayGold

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    Hi, I just logged into DayZ just now (haven't played since this update), and my first spawn's player log was filling up rapidly with (loads of "I am slowly warming up, I am hungry, I feel thirsty") and I became unconscious in under 5 minutes, dead shortly after. I think this is a bug for people just starting up after the 0.62.140099 update. Second spawn is just fine though. Is this a common problem for players right after a build update of the client?