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DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

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We are pleased to announce that the Open Beta for DayZ Livonia has arrived exclusively on PC. From October 31, 19:00 CET to November 5, 17:00 CET(*), all DayZ owners will be able to take a peek at Livonia, via DayZ Experimental, on Steam (**).

In addition to featuring the idyllic environment of Livonia, all upcoming platform content from the Update 1.06 will be available, featuring four new weapons, new magazines for your favorite rifles, fishing to outlive the harsh southern area of the terrain along with dozens of improvements and fixes.


During the Open Beta, all Experimental servers will run the Livonia terrain, with a total capacity of 1 560 players (60 per server instance).

As usual, we welcome all feedback; however, during the weekend, we will be focusing on the following areas:

  • Terrain specific issues (e.g., misplaced buildings)
  • General performance results on Livonia 
  • Loot distribution and access to these
  • Issues with inventory, more particularly item swapping
  • Survivability of the environment 


About DayZ Livonia: Livonia is the brand-new DLC map for DayZ, allowing players to experience the hardcore survival hit in a whole new environment. Up to 60 players on a server will be tasked with a single goal: survive this new, unfamiliar land for as long as possible, by any means necessary.


(*) Actual content, dates, and times subject to change. 
(**) DayZ Experimental is available to all DayZ owners, from the Steam Library.
(***) This Open Beta is PC exclusive and requires a Steam account with DayZ.

Note: It wont be possible to play on Experimental Community Servers, as the Livonia server files won't be provided during the Beta. 

EDIT: We are extending the DayZ Livonia Open Beta until November 5 at 5pm CET. 

EDIT 2: Thank you for participating in the DayZ Livonia Open Beta - we've already collected a lot of valuable feedback. We are leaving all servers up to check some server-performance improvements, we encourage you to keep playing!

EDIT 3: We closed the remaining Experimental Servers. Thank you for your participation, your feedback is highly appreciated.

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Patchnotes 1.06

  Reveal hidden contents


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  On 10/31/2019 at 5:57 PM, Greensek said:

Patchnotes 1.06

  Reveal hidden contents


Is this general item durability, or in any way related to base building? 

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Edit: nevermind, I'm dumb. Excited to try the new map!!!

Edited by VVarhead

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Thanks for the info.

I don't understand something, will we have to pay for this DLC ?





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I was just reading trough the log and was hoping you took some of the real important bugs, tweaks.

But i was greatly disapointed..... Not one word about any of this:

  • Base Building balancing
  • Bullet Damage tweaking
  • Dead or unconscious players are often not lootable because they fall into textures like walls, ground surface and so on.
    • Even if they are lootable, often the item which is in their hand (mostly gun) is not accessible still.
  • Tents are less accessible since 1.05, especially if they are near trees its hard to access them from inside often.
  • The amphibia pistol, even though it sound is suppressed is hearable from very far away like you are standing right next to it.
  • Before 1.05 already but still: When you switch your weapons with hotbar from for one rifle to another one for you all looks normal. For people around you, your weapon will often stick out somewhere of your back and you don't have it properly in the hands. This can be abused and make it look like you actually don't have anything in hands but you still can shoot.
  • Shooting sounds cannot be heard by everyone. (as i am always in a group, often some of us can hear shots, others don’t. Even already pretty close ones.)
  • Weapons and Magazines often get bugged when holding R to switch magazines
  • Car sync fixes

Did you seriously take not one of this things into account? Or they just didnt mention it? Anyone already had the chance to test it?   😞



Edited by krazikilla
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soo another useless patch like i see.. no one fix the durability on the bases right? you can destroy 4 walls in 2 minutes. And please tell me the cars are not flying anymore too.. I cant believe how the community modders can fix all the stuffs doing mods and you guys cant fix anything :(.

Edited by hellway13
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All items in my inventory are black, so is the character.

Also I hate the fact my game is in german, can't figure out how to change it.


Edited by VVarhead
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Note: It wont be possible to play on Experimental Community Servers, as the Livonia server files won't be provided during the Beta. 😨

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please note: pointless trolling may result in post hiding or sanctions.

Be nice, be constructive, behave!

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After around 20 minutes of playing and only looting civilian spawns I found: 3 Glocks, a shotgun, 9mm ammo, over 60 rounds of 22lr ammo, slugs and winchester ammo, 45 acp ammo, 38 auto ammo and a CR-61 magazine

The all-black inventory and character bug was fixed as soon as I restarted the game. Don't know how to reproduce the issue.

I think it's safe to say the loot system has to be reworked because most of the loot in a regular town seems to be guns and ammo - is this PUBG or DayZ? 

Edit: I'm finished now. Died due to not being able to hydrate myself because we don't know the locations of the wells yet, also seems there's not as much wells now - but I love love love the new map. Gives the whole game a new feeling. However I found another bug with loot economy: Buildings close to a particular type of building (in my example the blue medical building) will also spawn the medical loot. In a civilian house next to the med building I found 3 labcoats and a blood testing kit and a thermometer, same with other buildings in the vicinity. But all the loot spawns in the new buildings i encountered worked perfectly and as intended! 

I also think the rate at which you have to hydrate yourself is slightly too much but that is only my personal opinion, I don't have a problem with it.


Edited by VVarhead

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  On 10/31/2019 at 7:52 PM, VVarhead said:

After around 20 minutes of playing and only looting civilian spawns I found: 3 Glocks, a shotgun, 9mm ammo, over 60 rounds of 22lr ammo, slugs and winchester ammo, 45 acp ammo, 38 auto ammo and a CR-61 magazine

The all-black inventory and character bug was fixed as soon as I restarted the game. Don't know how to reproduce the issue.

I think it's safe to say the loot system has to be reworked because most of the loot in a regular town seems to be guns and ammo - is this PUBG or DayZ? 

Edit: I'm finished now. Died due to not being able to hydrate myself because we don't know the locations of the wells yet, also seems there's not as much wells now - but I love love love the new map. Gives the whole game a new feeling. However I found another bug with loot economy: Buildings close to a particular type of building (in my example the blue medical building) will also spawn the medical loot. In a civilian house next to the med building I found 3 labcoats and a blood testing kit and a thermometer, same with other buildings in the vicinity. But all the loot spawns in the new buildings i encountered worked perfectly and as intended! 

I also think the rate at which you have to hydrate yourself is slightly too much but that is only my personal opinion, I don't have a problem with it.


I'm with you, the new map is great. I played for a few minutes and was happy to be lost. I want to hold out as long as possible and not look at izurvive. 

I saw the all-black inventory. It seemed to be a progression from working 100% to sortof to black. Loot may have changed or maybe it because the server is empty. Unknown. I unpacked the loot table from the dayz exp client and it hasn't changed at all. What has changed is some zombie spawn kits have even less chance to spawn food and some can spawn more meds now (lesser chances than now).  

The items spawning near their intended location seems to have started in 105 - I've seen it with medical gear in houses around the clinic and other have said they've seen military gear in industrial buildings at NWAF. I was wondering if it was a tweak to clear the queue faster - loot is queued and there are available locations in a radius around the intended location and there is nothing currently queued for it.

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  On 10/31/2019 at 7:07 PM, ryandev00 said:

No mission file in the MPMissions for Livonia? How can we create a private server with Livonia?

You can't:


Note: It wont be possible to play on Experimental Community Servers, as the Livonia server files won't be provided during the Beta. 


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There is no food on the servers, why do you do this everytime? 😄 - Ill keep hunting

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  On 10/31/2019 at 10:22 PM, hellway13 said:

you dont know this gonna be paid ? lol i paid this game in 2013... and know the issues and the bugs and this devs promiste alot but they cant fix anything.. how can be possible the community modders are better devs than original devs???


Also, this thread is about the open beta of Livonia, which is free. I am well aware that DLC comes with a price because devs can't buy food with toxic troll comments like yours.

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So as they stated on Twitter this is going to be a paid DLC once the open beta ends. I remember the dev team stating at one point in the past, that there won't be any paid content and that everything will be within the purchase of the DayZ Standalone game itself.

I have to say I am really disappointed about this and also about the fact that there is new content to be released when the already existing content does not work right and bugs that have been reported by many people for a long time are not being fixed instead.

I've been a huge fan of DayZ ever since the mod for Arma 2 was released and I am currently a server developer for a very successful modded server in the standalone, but the things that the DayZ development team are doing at the moment and have been doing a long time, especially not being true to their words, really make me think about leaving the game altogether.


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  On 10/31/2019 at 7:52 PM, VVarhead said:

After around 20 minutes of playing and only looting civilian spawns I found: 3 Glocks, a shotgun, 9mm ammo, over 60 rounds of 22lr ammo, slugs and winchester ammo, 45 acp ammo, 38 auto ammo and a CR-61 magazine

The all-black inventory and character bug was fixed as soon as I restarted the game. Don't know how to reproduce the issue.

I think it's safe to say the loot system has to be reworked because most of the loot in a regular town seems to be guns and ammo - is this PUBG or DayZ? 

Edit: I'm finished now. Died due to not being able to hydrate myself because we don't know the locations of the wells yet, also seems there's not as much wells now - but I love love love the new map. Gives the whole game a new feeling. However I found another bug with loot economy: Buildings close to a particular type of building (in my example the blue medical building) will also spawn the medical loot. In a civilian house next to the med building I found 3 labcoats and a blood testing kit and a thermometer, same with other buildings in the vicinity. But all the loot spawns in the new buildings i encountered worked perfectly and as intended! 

I also think the rate at which you have to hydrate yourself is slightly too much but that is only my personal opinion, I don't have a problem with it.


Maybe but it tends to be like that initially until stuff gets stashed at bases , it will happen then we'll be wondering where the loot has all gone again

Edited by MFonty

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After 2.5h on Livonia ... the map is very nice, looks really much better than Chernarus (maybe cos its new effect) with some really good areas and much nicer forests. Bugs are plenty however, I will fill some reports... Fishing is nice 🙂

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Disappointed to only see 1 tweak to infected (Slight damage increase).

You can still jog and zig zag and they cannot attack you at all. They cannot climb small objects like car hoods, dumpsters, low walls, granting players with "safe spaces" from infected. 

I really hope the zombie_territories.xml file for Livonia isn't like the one for Chernarus where it was basically copied and pasted for multiple spawn points. Please diversify the spawns, make high variance spawn points and make high traffic areas hot zones for infected.

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Thank you so much Bohemia for this surprise Open Beta -- I knew Livonia was coming, but wasn't expecting to play it in October that's for sure!

The new map is awesome.  Yes, many of the assets are the same as Chernarus, but it definitely feels like a completely different map.  I haven't encountered a bear myself, but saw the clip of TheRunningManZ and his mates finding one and it looked scary AF, especially how big it looked and how quickly it attacked.  They could hear it a good ways away in the distance too.  If you were alone and it attacked, you're basically dead.  Very cool.

The only thing I really didn't like was the gun sway while looking through a scope.  I think this needs tweaking.  You have reverted back to how it was in .63 it seems, except even with your breath held, the gun is still moving off target by itself.  I would like to see both of those nerfed a bit and when I hold my breath, at least while I still have stamina, I should be able to hold dead steady on a target for a few seconds.  This may just be a bug, but if it's intended, it's a bit much.

It was so fun to be completely lost on a map again!

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  On 11/1/2019 at 3:30 AM, drgullen said:

Thank you so much Bohemia for this surprise Open Beta -- I knew Livonia was coming, but wasn't expecting to play it in October that's for sure!

The new map is awesome.  Yes, many of the assets are the same as Chernarus, but it definitely feels like a completely different map.  I haven't encountered a bear myself, but saw the clip of TheRunningManZ and his mates finding one and it looked scary AF, especially how big it looked and how quickly it attacked.  They could hear it a good ways away in the distance too.  If you were alone and it attacked, you're basically dead.  Very cool.

The only thing I really didn't like was the gun sway while looking through a scope.  I think this needs tweaking.  You have reverted back to how it was in .63 it seems, except even with your breath held, the gun is still moving off target by itself.  I would like to see both of those nerfed a bit and when I hold my breath, at least while I still have stamina, I should be able to hold dead steady on a target for a few seconds.  This may just be a bug, but if it's intended, it's a bit much.

It was so fun to be completely lost on a map again!

No you are not dead when bear attacks you... best scenario for surviving a bear encounter is just let the attack happen... there is a big chance that it will not kill you but knock you out and run away... that's what happend to me just now... 
Basically if you can attack and be sure to manage to take down a bear.. do it... if you are not sure if you can take it down... don't try... let the bear rush you... the bear will do a faint attack which will knock you out with a bleeding cut and it will run away and you wake up and bandage... that is the best way to survive a bear... let him attack 🙂 

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