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Experimental Update 1.02.150980

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  On 3/29/2019 at 3:13 PM, Fun Automat said:

Sure....this is the worst way to to increase the light in the night....

But its the fastest way.

Dont forget one point...here are still players with low end pc...who play this game on 20 fps...every light source would eat some fps.

This light engine,need a rework....but not now.

there are more important things to do....




The Vanilla Servers should ALWAYS reflect, what the majority of the playerbase and the devs want the gameplay to be. People who have a low end pc have a problem. That's right it's THEIR problem, not mine, so that's not a good reason to have the artificial personal shite light 😄 Yeah, there are more important things to do, especially since they attack this problem from the wrong side. Moonlight is the keyword.

  • Beans 1

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  On 3/29/2019 at 3:50 PM, nuggit said:

Player illumination brightness is still the same. Only the distance at which it kicks in was tweaked.

I get why this was added but I just can't work out the logical thinking behind this. Why back pedal from all the work put in, again? The night shadows and dynamic lighting, the newer particle effects. and so on. More importantly, every move you make is supposed to have some sort of meaning and/or consequence, whether this be a good or bad one.  Which goes two fold when the sun sets. Night was stressfull and it was sometimes hard to see and not always the most fun, but it was dayz and what it stood for. This Player Light destroys all of that plus my selfish immersionZ. I have never been more stress free when the sun sets now.  Sound was one of the biggest factors for doing a night run and  now not so much. Just look for the glow worm and she'lll be right.

I have played a lot since this was all added to gather my thoughts and give it a fair shot before condemming it and being short sighted. You can't please everyone nor should you. Nor should dayz be "fun" all the time. (It was hardly ever fun for the casuals btw) This experiment was about how we act when we are stressed and placed in non idealistic situations and presented in a way that would make you think twice about everything, even before opening our mouths to say "friendly". I did not expect to feel a lack of emotions when playing dayz, ever.

Please for the love of Dean re think about this and any other future ideas that go against dayz core.  It looks wrong on every level and defies what dayz stood for.  @ImpulZ why is something like this added now, afer the game has gone past the 1.0 status? Why not back when the engine modules were changed and finalised? Is it because of the low player count at nightime, TV vs monitors, Vocal majority or the fun factor as dayz is now labelled a game and not a social experiement or something else entirely? I am genuinely curious to this as I would have never thought 5 years ago that the bulk of the things that made this experiemnt so special and stressfull is now missing from majority of the game.

Yay for lighting buffs Nay for ALL fake lighting


Tweaked Player Lighting on new exp patch just released a short while ago.

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New Map Sign Texture

When zooming in, it is a lot easier to navigate and read.


(Balota Village) Clipping from the tress as the sign is placed a wee bit too close to the tree directly behind it but I like this much more then the old one.


Thank you very much, you spoke from my heart.

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  • Beans 1

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  On 3/29/2019 at 3:50 PM, nuggit said:

New Map Sign Texture

When zooming in, it is a lot easier to navigate and read. 


(Balota Village) Clipping from the tress as the sign is placed a wee bit too close to the tree directly behind it but I like this much more then the old one. 


Did the tourist map booklet check? Are there any changes there too?

Edited by lex__1

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  On 3/29/2019 at 3:13 PM, Fun Automat said:

Sure....this is the worst way to to increase the light in the night....

But its the fastest way.

Dont forget one point...here are still players with low end pc...who play this game on 20 fps...every light source would eat some fps.

This light engine,need a reworkwantsbut not now.

are more important things to do....





Exactly, which is why they should not. If there's one thing Dayz do not need, its another "quick fix". Devs should work on the engine and server performance, and leave content on the shelf until the engine is "Great".
As for low-end pc owners, they are not the target audience for Dayz. If one wants Dayz to run smooth, one got to pay for it.

Keeping dark nights is the right thing to do until they can figure out a way to solve this on the server side. (Softcore servers only). 

Enjoy the exp testing!

  • Beans 1

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testing in exp 980

My base has reappeared, my gate opens correctly, I cannot walk through walls anymore (damn) . .. .

My patrol trousers and jacket colors finally match . ..

and no I dont like the dark night light . . . they could give you the option of having a glow stick attached to your clothes to give the same effect if people really want that, and back to how it  was for those that like operating in the dark. . but it would be nice to have moonlight illuminating the areas . .  .

  • Beans 1

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  On 3/29/2019 at 7:06 PM, aux7 said:

testing in exp 980

My base has reappeared, my gate opens correctly, I cannot walk through walls anymore (damn) . .. .

My patrol trousers and jacket colors finally match . ..

and no I dont like the dark night light . . . they could give you the option of having a glow stick attached to your clothes to give the same effect if people really want that, and back to how it  was for those that like operating in the dark. . but it would be nice to have moonlight illuminating the areas . .  .

Would appreciate your vote on the "personal night light" over here --> 


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  On 3/29/2019 at 7:14 PM, 0.64 Freerider said:

Would appreciate your vote on the "personal night light" over here -->


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  On 3/29/2019 at 7:06 PM, aux7 said:

testing in exp 980

My base has reappeared, my gate opens correctly, I cannot walk through walls anymore (damn) . .. .

My patrol trousers and jacket colors finally match . ..

and no I dont like the dark night light . . . they could give you the option of having a glow stick attached to your clothes to give the same effect if people really want that, and back to how it  was for those that like operating in the dark. . but it would be nice to have moonlight illuminating the areas . .  .


Agreed. Moonlight could illuminate a little more. The dynamic weather system should control how much everybody is able to see each night. Simple as that.
As for the glow stick, I can not see why one not should be able to duct tape it, or any other item to the body, gun or whatever.

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As far as I understand, we are not waiting for today, but for the day after tomorrow

  On 3/29/2019 at 1:42 PM, Derleth said:

Были ошибки, которые нужно было раздавить. Если это обновление исправит их, стабильный может получить его сегодня днем. В противном случае на следующей неделе.


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  On 3/29/2019 at 1:42 PM, Derleth said:

There were bugs that needed squashing. If this update fixed them, stable might get it this afternoon. Otherwise next week.

As far as I understand, we are not waiting for today, but for the day after tomorrow

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  On 3/29/2019 at 7:38 PM, Stas123123123 said:

As far as I understand, we are not waOmgiting for today, but for the day after tomorrow

The Experimental release was released two days before the day after tomorrow. 

Stable releases are rarely released the same day as exp.

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Pistol Silencers are not working correctly. It draws zombies from way too far. I testet this thoroughly.

Happens only when you kill a zombie with a silenced pistol and a nearby one has drawn aggro from that. Then zombies from 100m will aggro too.

Edited by qsek_

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  On 3/29/2019 at 7:06 PM, aux7 said:

testing in exp 980

My base has reappeared, my gate opens correctly, I cannot walk through walls anymore (damn) . .. .

My patrol trousers and jacket colors finally match . ..

and no I dont like the dark night light . . . they could give you the option of having a glow stick attached to your clothes to give the same effect if people really want that, and back to how it  was for those that like operating in the dark. . but it would be nice to have moonlight illuminating the areas . .  .

I most say I like that Idea to be able to ducktape the glowstick on your gun or stick it into your clothes. In that way the light becomes something you need to find. Not sure how long a chemlight burns but you probably will find a new one before the first one goes out anyway. They are quite common.

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Still not digging the extra added light source on character. I understand some have trouble with pitch black because of their monitors. But it really takes away from that authentic feel. 

Please remove that light and have every char start with more flares or a flashlight. This will also increase interaction and immersion. For themselves but also for the others Who see that light. 

  • Beans 3

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Hell you guys made a great Atmospheric video for the Xbox launch featuring the “bandits” being tricked into a dark room and them needing to use a zippo to try and see, this personal light makes this not possible and I would like to see closed interiors with no windows be dark like this even during the day time.

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  On 3/29/2019 at 12:55 PM, ImpulZ said:

Привет выжившие,

у нас есть новый патч с исправлениями. Как обычно, пожалуйста, сообщите нам о любых проблемах. 🙂

Файлы публичного экспериментального сервера также были обновлены.



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  • Вы можете помочь нам улучшить игру, разместите свой отзыв на трекере обратной связи .


  • Исправлено: сбой на стороне клиента, связанный с базовым зданием
  • Исправлено: после перезапуска сервера
  • Исправлено: забор можно пройти после перезапуска сервера
  • Исправлено: Обратная совместимость для модов, использующих API-частицы от версии 1.01 и старше (GoreZ и тому подобное).
  • Исправлено: ошибка клиента, связанная с базовым зданием
  • Исправлено: разрушенные шины теперь влияют на поведение автомобиля
  • Исправлено: Огненная геометрия для оффшорного рабочего зараженного типа
  • Исправлено: невидимые динамические события и пользовательские объекты
  • Исправлено: Отрегулирован пост-процесс MRDS на FX, чтобы сделать его более открытым


  • Изменено: Обновлена модель карты туристических маршрутов и текстур
  • Изменено: Понижена Заражённая бдительность, вызванная ударами снарядов поблизости.
  • Изменено: Отключено подключение MRDS к CR75 (в настоящее время у MRDS есть проблемы с оружием, которые нужно разобраться в первой очереди)
  • Изменено: скорость регенерации крови снижена
  • Изменено: Увеличено количество кровопотери из-за гемолитической реакции
  • Изменения: уменьшенный диапазон освещения химического освещения

Когда вы починете доски? Что бы они не налаживались друг на друга и не зависали в воздухе ?!

When will you fix the boards? What would they not build on each other, and not hang in the air ?!

Edited by Palol1020

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The silent majortiy of players has a big big big big big problem with the dayz-nights beeing way to dark.

Only the hardcore Gamers with 500 €, 800 € or even more expensive monitors are satisfied with this kind of unfair game play … so they can rule 80 % of the gamers at night time easily and the cheapest way.

The Dayz-Team has the measures .. nobody wants to play at night time, the night time servers are empty and the daytime servers are full.

In a game like dayz, there should not be such great unbalance between the players.

So it is most important, to even that unfair situations.

Don´t whine about equal treatment!

  • Confused 3

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  On 3/30/2019 at 10:43 AM, Supe2licious said:

The silent majortiy of players has a big big big big big problem with the dayz-nights beeing way to dark.

Only the hardcore Gamers with 500 €, 800 € or even more expensive monitors are satisfied with this kind of unfair game play … so they can rule 80 % of the gamers at night time easily and the cheapest way.

The Dayz-Team has the measures .. nobody wants to play at night time, the night time servers are empty and the daytime servers are full.

In a game like dayz, there should not be such great unbalance between the players.

So it is most important, to even that unfair situations.

Don´t whine about equal treatment!

Lol, $200 monitor here.  Nights suck now and the people crying about it being to dark should not play DayZ and stick to simple games 

Edited by Guy Smiley
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  On 3/29/2019 at 7:14 PM, 0.64 Freerider said:

Would appreciate your vote on the "personal night light" over here --> 


Your poll is tainted. You're quoting a lot of people against the personal night light and telling them to vote. You're not telling people to vote when they don't mind the personal night light.

That poll means next to nothing now for the devs since your convincing people to vote and only convince people who are on your side.

  • Beans 1

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Experimental Update 1.02.150958

Fixed: When opening doors for the first time, the whole building model can move slightly

Still not fixed in this version.


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Please help, been here since began, after working hard evening shifts decided to play dayz and chill. Played for an hour collecting loot and looking for netting and burlap sacks, before logging off to make a cup of tea in safety so as not to be killed not watching the game, tried to logging back in only to findout character data locked kicked from game.

Loving the game hating the pain of not playin, just trying to Survive,  heres my character version: 1.01.150704 ID(8C16BAF27950B2757113072A63D3EAC37E26AFED)🥺 thankful HonorableLoz

Edited by Ste Lawrence

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  On 3/30/2019 at 1:28 PM, Ste Lawrence said:

Please help, been here since began, after working hard evening shifts decided to play dayz and chill. Played for an hour collecting loot and looking for netting and burlap sacks, before logging off to make a cup of tea in safety so as not to be killed not watching the game, tried to logging back in only to findout character data locked kicked from game.

Loving the game hating the pain of not playin, just trying to Survive,  heres my character version: 1.01.150704 ID(8C16BAF27950B2757113072A63D3EAC37E26AFED)🥺 thankful HonorableLoz

Just try to Login on another Server or try after waiting for some minutes.
Your char will be good in the meantime ;)

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  On 3/30/2019 at 11:00 AM, Guy Smiley said:

Lol, $200 monitor here.  Nights suck now and the people crying about it being to dark should not play DayZ and stick to simple games 

You can be lucky with a cheaper monitor but that is not the point.

The point is, that night time is not even, and that is a no go in a game like this.

The majority of the gamers and noble custormers of this game don not like the night time like it was and the data is proving this!

Bohemia and the developers have noticed this, and they try to give a fix so all players have a fair chance in game.

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