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Hicks_206 (DayZ)

Stable Update 0.61.136770

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Hey guys,

Its looking like Friday's Exp update will be pushed over to Stable branch today (estimated 12h update duration / stable server downtime). Now, while we're all aware that there are still some remaining critical issues to be addressed for 0.61, such as supersonic cracks not functioning, status modifiers getting stuck, and gunshot audio being out of sync for some players. The holiday season means that if we don't want to leave you all with 0.60 on Stable branch for the rest of the year, we need to begin the process of moving 0.61 over to Stable branch as soon as possible.

That said, we're going to begin updating the stable branch servers today, while continuing to iterate/update the 0.61 experimental branch with the time we have left before the holidays. Fixes for supersonic cracks, adjustments to network sync for vehicles, and other bug fixes are still to come - so bear with us while we go through the long process of updating the Steam stable branch servers!

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This sounds good as! Will this mean a wipe of characters or not? Other then that thanks loads dev team!

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10 minutes ago, tazR said:

This sounds good as! Will this mean a wipe of characters or not? Other then that thanks loads dev team!

Yes. Persistence and characters wipe.

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Will persistence be activated on 0.61 stable?

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Never mind. I misunderstood OP

Edited by plankton

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Appreciate the work you've done over this year and to get this patch out before christmas is a bonus!


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are there any changes about getting hypothermia?

or will it be brutal for the players which have not played exp.?

And thanks for the hard work devs, time to met your families and nice xmas holidays

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Great news!
Thank you guys a lot for all the time and work you put in the update.

Wish you happy hollidays and a merry christmas with friends and family :)

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amazing news well done guys on the hard work looking forward to playing it. 

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You all gonna die down the coast today :D  Good job !! :)

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Oh, it would have really been fine to just let people enjoy 0.60 over christmas. I feel this puts an ever greater burden on you, because of these many problems the current 0.61 has. Anyway, have a wonderful christmas time, everyone, and I hope you experience few bugs, if any at all, on stable! 

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Thank you Devs! 0.61 is a great patch, much more survival based. It's all I had on my Christmas list lol.

Have a good break, you've earned it!

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Experimental played nice over the weekend. Still a few inconsistent hand bugging issues, and a fair amount of seemingly random client crashes, but it feels pretty playable.  It was good to see a discarded propane bottle tumble in the air as I threw it away.

Make sure to pack a water bottle.  You'll need it to catch all those sweet bambi tears along the coast.

Thanks, Devs.  This patch plays nicely. here's to hoping we see some transportation after the holidays.

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Been saying to people now is the best time to push it, everyone being off on holidays is the perfect time to stress test and market it, it is not like the bugs are game breaking, annoying,, but not game breaking.
The Devs have been working their asses off on this! You guys are awesome!!

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I had a long play season this weekend and the performance was nice! Not even a crashe occurred for me.
I had a TON of fun, killed two guys, fought with a lot of zombies, being attacked by a pair of wolves and finally being killed in tisy base due to a rambo style combat....AMAZING, THIS PATCH IS JUST AMAZING DEVS!

Issues found:

Just two that can affect the player experience:

-The player status was not updating properly, it remained stuck until you relog. (known issue)

-Zombies are not aggroing as they should (they took a lot of time to aggro.)

-I could not pick up some gloves on my char (maybe because my char already had gloves on server side but not on client side)


Keep on with the great job devs! thanks a lot for this holiday present!


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I my eyes 0.61 is not ready for stable. On my system  I got a few client crahes. Desync, rubberbanding, sound problems are on a few exp servers too.

I hope they can fix that for stable with conservative settings vor Z numbers and ai population  at all ...

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