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Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

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By the way: has anyone run into a heli yet?

Yup! See GaryWalnuts' post above this one. We (as a group) came across a downed one near Vybor yesterday too.


1. I know cooking in a pot does not work, nor does cooking in a frying pan. Does cooking on a stick work?

I think the real question I have is are can you view the contents of a cooking pot now? The problem I reported was when attached to a gas stove the cooking pot could not be looked in unless you detached it and even then it was cooking the items placed inside it.

Everything still cooks normally, you just have to estimate how long it's going to take for it to cook. It's consistent, so I haven't had any trouble using cooking pots in 0.58. Another change is perhaps more important: animal lard no longer "attaches" to a cooking pot in a dedicated slot, instead it takes up one of the 4 slots in the pot and gets cooked in the same time it takes one round of meat/vegetables to cook so it can't be used repeatedly.


If you know were that is, feel free to drop by for supplies.  There's a pen and paper; so sign the guest book.

Guest books need to be more prominent in DayZ  :lol:


That mean we will be no longer able to kill deers with fists and we will need a hunting weapon? Aw shucks.

Now that they're roaming in herds, it's you who should be concerned ;)

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In the old barrack next door I finally found a smersh pack for my vest.

You'll see in the screenshot below that I was carrying a car battery in the vest and forgot to remove it to make the full smersh.

It simply added the smersh pack to my kit without attaching it or removing my mountain backpack.

Two backpacks show in the inventory but only one appears in the character view.

There was no advantage to the overall slot numbers but I removed and fixed it, certain that the server would eventually eat one of them 

I had something similar happen.  Was switching to a SPOSN from a drybag.  I was moving items into the former (on the ground) from the latter (on my back) and switched packs - before the dry bag was empty - by dragging the SPOSN onto my toon in inventory view.  Both packs stayed on my character, I ran a way down the road, but when I tried to move an item to my drybag, the bag and item disappeared.  I didn't go back to see if it was where I found the SPOSN.

Edited by Thurman Merman
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Yeah about 12 apples will get you energized and hydrated as a fresh spawn.


It saved my life earlier those apples.  ^_^

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Does anyone have a good read on the length of time it takes an item to despawn?  I took some ruined tires off a truck yesterday (don't recall the time - but think morning (for UTC -6:00 timezone)) and see that they are still in the field where I left them.  Similarly, I saw some shotgun shells in a particular building, but didn't touch them.  They have remained in place for well over 24 hours.

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So, what is the best place to find Hunter jackets? Which place(s) do I need to look and which one of them yields the highest chance?

I have bad news for Barnabus and Tatanko. I just did my next action to harm nature. Just killed Rudolph the Reindeer. He was in an house and was hurting himself running against the walls so I had to release it of it's misery. Fortunately for nature I couldn't skin it because it was under the floor. Would've made a screenshot if it wasn't under the floor.

Edited by IMT
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So, what is the best place to find Hunter jackets? Which place(s) do I need to look and which one of them yields the highest chance?


the wooden blockhouses which are spawning tons of woolcoats, sometimes there are hunter jackets and/or M65 jackets under the piles of woolcoats.

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The former in simple houses.  The latter in the military "tent" at Myshinko base.


Cheers, I found a drum for my AKM >:) just need the former!

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And a few more pics   :)

I just found this comfy location, a small burial ground overlooking a fairly large pond.

It looks like part of the new water systems and it's probably been discovered but I hadn't noticed until just now.






And earlier a fox through binoculars. It was hopping through the grass and I thought it was a rabbit for a moment.

I never managed to catch up with him, when I got closer and the tall grass was rendering he snuck off into the night



Edited by GaryWalnuts
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Well got geared up with dudester and Bill last night along with trying to introduce my two friends to the awesomeness of Dayz Experimental... Needless to say wehnever i get with people some other people try and rough us up so dudester and bill had to save me and my friend CommaTrauma from an axe wielding maniac, he knocked me unconcious and killed my friend... But i think one of the two heroes swiftly ended his life haha ! We journeyed on and randomly dude got shot by an invisible (or so it seemed) foe... We think we found him later on (fingers crossed it wasnt some random friendly with the same gear lol!) and we decided to stop his mad journey through chernarus so no more vests could be harmed... We don't normally kill but damn people were after us left and right! It was an overall great night , and surprisingly all this action happened on Signapore 1st/3rd person server! Im on Us east something 3PP if any of you EXP heads are journeying to chernarus soon ;)!

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You guys have spoiled me. I went to Stable the other day and was immediately reminded of why Stable is awful. Then I ventured out into the General Discussion threads. I'm never going back. I love you all. No homo. Even the ones I don't agree with. You all at least possess a working neocortex. The stupid is strong out there.

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Still looking for my Spring Hunter Jacket. Will continue my search probably tommorow.

Here are the screenshots of today's session:

Coast clear, gogogo! Took an AK mag, SPOSN Tortilla Backpack, Olive High Capacity Vest and a Gorka Helmet.


Found a Military Tent which is now my new home. :)


Night was over, I can see color again.


Oh yes, another Rudolph the Reindeer. God is mad at me though, somehow I missed the shot and it ran off.


Rain while the sun shines. The weather of the virtual Chernarus is as weird as in real life.


Waiting under a tree in a forest until the rain stops.


Edited by IMT
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Yeah, snow and seasons would be cool since we have white clothing in-game.  :thumbsup:

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Yeah, snow and seasons would be cool since we have white clothing in-game.  :thumbsup:


if i remember correct, hicks said on twitter that snow is not makeable with the (old) engine and there are no plans for seasons, but eventually the new engine will be able.


would be awesome

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I have run into two. First one had a supressor east for my AKM and the second one had an AKM & SKS on/in. I took them out and hid them in a nearby area for some friends :)


Has anyone found the CR527/ AKM magazines? I can't find them anywhere 

Ditched about 5 CR527 mags in the "lootplosion" tent in Myshkino tent city yesterday, on AUS 3PP. They usually spawn in civilian houses, and are pretty common honestly. AKM magazines can be found normally spawning in the tent that has all the loot spawning, in NWAF, Stary Sobor and Myshkino tent city. You can also find them in military barracks. (The old ones, not the new ones, yet.)

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The first minute of that looks really convincing but then when he gets into the darkened forest the "snow" texture looks like the "texture glitch" where everyhing on the ground renders white ... Dayz tv says it's up northwest somewhere? Tatanko wake up and figure this out for us ! #needmapchangeverification

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What the hell? is that legit?  :huh:

That really looks like the same glitch a fellow DayZ player from the Colony posted up. He had this happened to him on Stable 0.57, so if the claims are that Snow is in exp 0.58 as testing purposes, the claims are false.



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anyone out there who can confirm this?




Looks realy cool... :huh:

What the hell? is that legit?  :huh:

I hope this is legit. seasons would be so nice in DayZ.

if i remember correct, hicks said on twitter that snow is not makeable with the (old) engine and there are no plans for seasons, but eventually the new engine will be able.

The first minute of that looks really convincing but then when he gets into the darkened forest the "snow" texture looks like the "texture glitch" where everyhing on the ground renders white ... Dayz tv says it's up northwest somewhere? Tatanko wake up and figure this out for us ! #needmapchangeverification

It's probably just a terrain glitch from what I've seen of it. I'll go up and inspect it at some point, but expect it to disappear pretty quickly ;)

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Snow is confirmed or so it appears to be snow... and foot prints.  I'm uploading pics from last night as I type this.

Edited by Super_Duty

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anyone out there who can confirm this?




Looks realy cool...  :huh:



What the hell? is that legit?   :huh:




Yeah I posted some pics of it a few days ago   :P


edit: on page 78 



If I had to guess I'd say it's a texture layer that's not rendering properly and so looks pure white, possibly related to this error



Also, if you run around there long enough you might get a headache ... not even joking  :facepalm:

Edited by GaryWalnuts
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Could pass for snow...







I've been busy...





Oh and Dean dropped by to checkout the new digs...





Getting close, hopefully just a few more days and I'll finally have this baby running again...




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I've seen a few errors like that but with varying file names.  You pics look just as mine do, so must be an issue with rendering.  What GPU are you running?









Yeah I posted some pics of it a few days ago   :P


edit: on page 78 



If I had to guess I'd say it's a texture layer that's not rendering properly and so looks pure white, possibly related to this error



Edited by Super_Duty

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As much as I would love snow, this is really just a graphical glitch. 


Until we get the new renderer in, I really don't think they're gonna mess around with textures like this, just like they're not doing anything on lighting until we get said renderer. 


Eventually, at some point, either with a new map or seasonal changes, snow will be in for sure.  B)

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