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Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

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... sun is high up, so its not night, it is foggy, anyone noticed difference?

I was thinking that it was much more overcast and foggy than I remembered. I can't remember the last time that I saw rain, so I've been wondering if it's only my imagination.

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So the V3S now requires a battery? And none of them spawn with one? And they don't spawn? Not at all complaining, if it came off that way, just want to know cause I stumbled across one and it failed to start.

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No ghost sounds in high pop!


I had trouble reaching healthy status.


Needed some tough love from a zombie to kick into healing and get healthy.


Zombie lag during high pop, invisible zombie just following zombie lag.


The zombies are a bit slower, and hit slower.

I was on for a couple of hours and only heard a ghost sound twice!  :)


Haven't seen a zed yet, but I haven't been wandering through their habitat, either. Need to get some better weapons, first.

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Edited for idiocy. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Walkie-Talkie


Also, I know this isn't verified yet, but I could almost guarantee that some work has gone on under the hood, so to speak. I realize that it isn't the renderer, but I am definitely seeing two things that are new, technically speaking:


1) I didn't drop below 40 FPS in Cherno. Before I would occasionally dip to a minimum framerate of 27FPS at 1080p, all settings maxed (EDIT: except Objects!).


2) The lighting and detail on items is noticeably improved. I see the largest difference in the inventory screen, almost as if they changed the resolution that items are rendered at in the menus. I haven't had much time in the daylight yet, but I'm going to start taking screenshots in Experimental and then go back and compare them to screenshots from Stable.

Edited by ColdAtrophy
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Couple more things,


The military convoy up north had NOTHING at any of the vehicles.  Zip, Zero, Nadafukingting.  Wong Fuk Ing Bookstore


Could you always paint the rail fore grip for the AK green?  I tried it before but could never get it to work.  It does now, but fat lot of good it does.


It appears persistence is on.


Zeds are funny.  And not in that ha, ha, ha, kind of way.

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New Walkie Talkie





What's new about the Walkie-talkie? It always been in DayZ as far as in 0.30. Was working fine for a while, then got de-activated, but that's it. I always seen those walkie-talkies in the stand alone.

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This update was pretty cool I was in Cherno with a buddy blew a guy up with a landmine then I killed myself and my friend died or hypothermia. Then we spawned at svelt got geared went to Olsha found some stuff went to krasnostav freind found a guy who didn't know he was there killed him with a sporter ruined everything then logged of. Today was a good day.

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Edited for idiocy. 

Edited by ColdAtrophy

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Just to confirm the whole "cooking in in-home fireplaces" thing.



How? I tried anything but I couldn't get it to work. :( I held sticks, firewood logs, matches and a cooking pot. With neither one of them I could do any action in front of it.

Edit: I think I get it now. You need to make a fireplace in there, right?

Can't check it out until evening. :(

Edited by IMT

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How? I tried anything but I couldn't get it to work. :( I held sticks, firewood logs, matches and a cooking pot. With neither one of them I could do any action in front of it.

Edit: I think I get it now. You need to make a fireplace in there, right?

Can't check it out until evening. :(

Not sure; haven't tried it myself.


Found it on Reddit


Edit: Ah here we go.


"for those wanting to test, get a piece of paper, rag or book, craft a fireplace (which will be in your hands), look at the fire place and you'll have the option to place it. from there, light with matches."

Edited by solodude23
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Really like the lit fireplaces now.




Not only does it look good, and let you cook food with a cooking pot, but the smoke comes out of the chimney too!  :thumbsup:




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Ahh! Big thank you to those testing and posting until I'm back from holiday on Friday. I'm living vicariously through you :)


Glad to see cooking in static fireplaces is finally a thing. It's been an "I want this" for so, so long. Great job listening to the community, dev team!  ;)   

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If you have a weapon in hand and a weapon on your back and you vault over a fence, your character will drop the weapon in hand and then vault. Your hands will then be bugged and you cannot perform any actions that require the use of your hands. To fix it, I logged out only to find the weapon that was dropped was now back in my hands. My guess is that the client is showing the weapon on the ground but the weapon is not actually absent from my my hands.

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Did the walkie talkie icon always look like this though? I feel like something about the walkie talkie is striking me differently than it did before. Maybe I'm grasping at straws because I haven't played in a few weeks.



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Not only does it look good, and let you cook food with a cooking pot, but the smoke comes out of the chimney too!  :thumbsup:





So nice to see something that we all talked about now in game!


I remember discussing this many months ago, super awesome.

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Edited for idiocy. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Walkie-Talkie


Also, I know this isn't verified yet, but I could almost guarantee that some work has gone on under the hood, so to speak. I realize that it isn't the renderer, but I am definitely seeing two things that are new, technically speaking:


1) I didn't drop below 40 FPS in Cherno. Before I would occasionally dip to a minimum framerate of 27FPS at 1080p, all settings maxed (EDIT: except Objects!).


2) The lighting and detail on items is noticeably improved. I see the largest difference in the inventory screen, almost as if they changed the resolution that items are rendered at in the menus. I haven't had much time in the daylight yet, but I'm going to start taking screenshots in Experimental and then go back and compare them to screenshots from Stable.


Are you playing with the new UI (-newui in launch parameters)?


I noticed that the game was running a bit more smoothly before I changed back to the old UI.


The military convoy up north had NOTHING at any of the vehicles.  Zip, Zero, Nadafukingting.  Wong Fuk Ing Bookstore


Not sure if they had already been picked clean, but when I was looking for loot at static vehicles earlier I didn't see anything, not even a book or a piece of map. Maybe they aren't spawning any loot right now.


What's new about the Walkie-talkie? It always been in DayZ as far as in 0.30. Was working fine for a while, then got de-activated, but that's it. I always seen those walkie-talkies in the stand alone.



Did the walkie talkie icon always look like this though? I feel like something about the walkie talkie is striking me differently than it did before. Maybe I'm grasping at straws because I haven't played in a few weeks.




It's a new model for sure. Haven't seen one yet, but I can tell that they are more detailed now. Batteries are spawning now, so if you get your hands on one, see if they are actually working as intended now.

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So I tried cooking some goat steak with some lard in a pot in a cabin fireplace.


The pot began to heat up and it ceased to give me the option to check the inside. It became a liquid vessel, giving me the option to drink/drink all/empty vessel.


This was interesting because I was unable to check the inside to see when the steak was done. I drank the liquid and it's cooling off. Perhaps when it is fully cooled I will be able to check the meat.


EDIT: Working through the process, seems that you need to put your cooking pot on the ground to access it if it is warm at all... Reloging to fix a bug where it stays on the ground visually even though you've taken it into your inventory

Edited by FlimFlamm
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Are the heli crashes static still if so does anyone know were they are. And I've found out that using actual bandages takes less time than rags pretty cool.

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Repeatedly getting Virtual Machine Exception faults and memory faults, every time I try to interact with a compass.  :|  :(   :(


EDIT: It's only happening when I'm using the -newui startup parameter.


I had this aswell. And it seemed that in the -newui parameter a compass is read as 20/20 inventory slot for some reason.

Might be some config required/missing on the client side. Will do a longer session on experimental later today combined with some feedback tracker posts.



Other than that. The new UI looks cool, but in the first iteration abit clunky.



The animation of the player character in the inventory screen looks like it's set to fast forward. Idle animation is sped up.

Expanding and closing the inventory slots does not always work when you click the big PLUS sign. Sometimes you misclick and close the whole Inventory.

Taking a hat or piece of clothing from the vicinity or from your inventory to "replace" the item on your character did not work as far as I saw.

I had to remove my hat to my inventory, then put the other hat on. Not switch or replace like the old UI did.


Ammo-count only visible when hovering over items, no ammo-count on the thumbnail itself when viewing the inventory.

Ammo-count inside mags not visible at all.

Loading the ammo into a gun is completely changed, or so it was for me. To get it working for me I had to put the gun into my hand, right-click the ammo and choose load ammo.

Instead of dragging the ammo to the gun then choose load ammo. Abit "tricky" since we're so used to the old method. Though I have just have to get used to it.

Browsing inventory denies you from running. So you can't move around with the new UI to check your surroundings for loot when playing in the dark. You're "locked" into place when browsing.

And double-clicking items in the vicinity does not put it into your inventory.

It just puts it into your hands.


**Feedback done**


Looking forward to see some more iterations of this as it looks very cool.

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Confirmed as a bug on some servers by Hicks.



devs always confusing me... A feature now is called a bug... tztz :p

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Are you playing with the new UI (-newui in launch parameters)?


I wasn't then, but I just added it to launch options so I could see if anything has changed for -newui in this build. After I posted about the performance difference, I cranked Objects up to Max too and am now running DayZ at 1080p, all settings maxed with a minimum FPS of 24. That was not even remotely possible for me in Stable.



It's a new model for sure. Haven't seen one yet, but I can tell that they are more detailed now. Batteries are spawning now, so if you get your hands on one, see if they are actually working as intended now.


I knew I wasn't totally crazy. A ton of items seem different to me now for some reason and I'm having a very difficult time explaining exactly what I'm seeing that is actually different.

Edited by ColdAtrophy
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So the V3S now requires a battery? And none of them spawn with one? And they don't spawn? Not at all complaining, if it came off that way, just want to know cause I stumbled across one and it failed to start.

That is correct. The V3S batteries do not spawn at the moment, and you do need one in order to start the truck.

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Repeatedly getting Virtual Machine Exception faults and memory faults, every time I try to interact with a compass.  :|  :(   :(


EDIT: It's only happening when I'm using the -newui startup parameter.


Just tried it to confirm.



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Some small changes that I noticed during my small session tonight (using old UI system for now):


  • Weird bug with the fireplace. I created it but had space in my inventory, so it went there. It wouldn't let me drag it to the ground, so I put it in my hands and threw it, lit it, and it bugged out a little bit (not showing the fuel, just the inventory spots of the fire, couldn't add sticks).



  • Primary weapons can no longer be placed inside of Flare Guns (is currently an exploit in 0.57 stable)



  • Flares (for the flare gun) can be stacked. This might of already been the case, I hadn't done much experimenting with this. I found a 2 stack of flares, probably spawned like that 



  • Found a V3S, full tank of gas so that's not the problem. SMoss verified that it requires a battery to start. Can't wait to start using the vehicle inventories. 



  • Sadly, V3S wheels do not fit inside of the V3S inventory. So much for carrying a spare. This V3S inventory still had a tent inside of it; someone must've placed it there, and since it stayed, I'm thinking that persistence is working again. 



  • I removed all of the wheels on one side. The physics seem pretty neat now on vehicles. V3S wheels currently despawn very quickly (within 5 seconds) after dropping them, so make sure if you want them to stick around, keep them off the ground (not that it matters at this point with no batteries). 



Gonna do some more persistence and item despawning tests this weekend. I'll keep you guys posted.

Edited by tux
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