scriptfactory 620 Posted May 27, 2015 (edited) This is terrible and wrongYou are saying everyone quit but you are blatantly using statistics to misrepresent the truth.The only reason why DayZ has fewer players right now is because of maintenance. Switch to a 1 month basis and you will see the truth.Sorry, I meant to link the 3 month view. what happened in the beginning of April? Pretty sure that is when Hicks was like, "I don't care if everyone quits." Edited May 27, 2015 by scriptfactory Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red_Ensign 990 Posted May 27, 2015 I'd be fine if they let me keep my second character, and fixed the silent zombies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted May 27, 2015 (edited) ..//..I play sometimes on 3pp servers only because there is more population. Which made me wonder how many other people do the same. Sorry - had to laugh. Hope you've realized how dumb this circular argument is ? Why are you people against freedom of choice?You want to turn DayZ back into a Doom-Like ?Just play some other game, freakz. Or stfu and go play on the 1pp servers that are sooo popular. That's what they are for.Or play 1pp on 1pp/3pp servers - and Suck It In xx Edited May 27, 2015 by pilgrim 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evil Minion 943 Posted May 27, 2015 I would actually not like it that much even though I almost never play on 3rd person servers. However, the true issue is the peeking and it's gameplay implications and not the perspective (in fact peeking is more of an issue for people who want to play in third person). And this should be fixable without removing the third person option which people like for many reason that do not screw up gameplay at all. Remove peeking, unite the playerbase and give people a true choice of perspective. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted May 27, 2015 Hello there This is a well known flame attracting topic so im just popping in to say, in a snuggly way, be nice and please keep it on topic. This isnt about player numbers this is about how you guys and girls would feel about the view being 1st PP. Rgds LoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted May 27, 2015 With ongoing work on a new 3pp cameraAnd all the recent threads already exhausting the 1pp topicWhy start the whole totally sterile dabate again ? 1pp players should not force 3pp players to play 1pp3pp players should not force 1pp players to play 3pp there are servers for everyone, everybody can find a place to play how they like you don't need a poll to see how many players want 3pp, how many want 1pp only - look at the serverspeople ARE playing the way they like - right ? ZERO problem 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
umberfive 89 Posted May 27, 2015 Yea GOD speed with your Dying Light...I need aspirin.Na, I do not play that game. Is it so hard that you get headache? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted May 27, 2015 Why start the whole totally sterile dabate again ? 1pp players should not force 3pp players to play 1pp3pp players should not force 1pp players to play 3pp No one plays 1PP. It is not popular for various reasons. 1PP players are sick of playing alone but have created a mental crutch for themselves that says if they play on 3PP servers the reason they are getting killed is because other people can peek. It's total bullshit, of course, but some people like to blame their deaths on anything but themselves.The best fix for all of this is to add the new 3PP camera view to 1PP servers. First-person servers might actually get played on if that happened. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rauchsauger 94 Posted May 27, 2015 I would hate it since the 1PP camera is just sad atm - if they could improve it so it loses it's clunkyness I could be ok with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColdAtrophy 1850 Posted May 27, 2015 (edited) No one plays 1PP. It is not popular for various reasons. 1PP players are sick of playing alone but have created a mental crutch for themselves that says if they play on 3PP servers the reason they are getting killed is because other people can peek. It's total bullshit, of course, but some people like to blame their deaths on anything but themselves.The best fix for all of this is to add the new 3PP camera view to 1PP servers. First-person servers might actually get played on if that happened. I used to only play on 3PP, but I ran around in 1PP for awhile. I figured out after some time that in certain specific situations, I likely was killed because my aggressor could see me several seconds before I saw them. That annoyed me, but I just switched to 3PP. Problem solved. Then I started playing with a friend who preferred 1PP and I got to go back to the perspective that I preferred in the first place. We still run into hostile enemy players. I still see evidence of server hoppers constantly. The servers we frequent tend to have regular traffic, although they don't get full. Based on a lot of what I have read and my own experience, I find it likely that some players who would otherwise enjoy 1PP only servers avoid them because of inconsistent or poor framerates. It is much harder to tolerate that in the first person perspective. As optimization improves, as with the implementation of DirectX 11 and 12, I think more people will give it a try, if for no other reason than they get to gear up two characters. You seem like a pretty negative person from the posts I've read from you over the last couple months, so I guess it's only natural that you make assumptions like you did above. Not everyone who plays on those servers is doing it just to avoid deaths from peeking. My last Stable 3PP character was alive for over 2 months before I F11'ed and gave away my gear. My main motivation for playing 1PP only is that the level of immersion I experience is enhanced dramatically by the first person perspective. It's just a bonus that I don't have to deal with the periscope anymore. Edited May 27, 2015 by ColdAtrophy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebrim 998 Posted May 27, 2015 I'd feel like this was an unnecessary move but I would personally be fine. My position is to restrict 3pp so that 3pp people can enjoy the legit parts of 3pp: seeing their character, having peripheral awareness, etc. but be unable to do nonsense like look over walls. With this change I think we could stop the 1pp/3pp division and end this poisonous debate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hekatoncheyr 7 Posted May 27, 2015 In the current state of things, 1pp becoming mandatory, would mean I would start looking for another game. Don't get me wrong here. I like 1pp for:FirefightsLootingWalking inside buildings But I can't stand 1PP forMelee fights (never liked 1pp for melee fighting)Long distance travels (gives me a nausea after a few minutes)Driving (the way it is actualy) I like the combo of 1PP/3PP because they both have there use, but I do agree that 3PP needs the retooling already in progress for the camera angle. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebrim 998 Posted May 27, 2015 That's funny, my last favorite application of 3pp aside from "peeking" is driving. I vastly prefer driving in 1pp, it sounds better, feels better and I fully appreciate that not being able to see out the side window in 1pp is annoying. Plus 3pp driving camera gives way too much vision. Being in a vehicle by nature should limit perception. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted May 27, 2015 (edited) You seem like a pretty negative person from the posts I've read from you over the last couple months, so I guess it's only natural that you make assumptions like you did above. ... My main motivation for playing 1PP only is that the level of immersion I experience is enhanced dramatically by the first person perspective. I have moments where I do present myself as being extremely positive or negative. IRL I'm mostly a funny, happy asshole guy. Due to the current state of this game I do make too many negative comments... I'm sorry for that. I will try to present my viewpoints in a more positive and motivating way. :) <-- see that smiley faceThe sole argument presented for the removal of 3PP mode is that there is a PvP advantage given to campers. Based on this information I concluded that this must be the main motivation behind the push to get rid of 3PP-mode. People are complaining that it isn't fair. If I am wrong please let me know. Edited May 27, 2015 by scriptfactory Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arm Of Kannon 9 Posted May 27, 2015 This is one of the few games where I get motion sickness while in first person. :( Something about the camera perspective just seems plain off, I can't put my finger on it. Some people have said it has to do with the frames. I don't know. Until it gets better, 3pp is the life for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vfxtodd 125 Posted May 27, 2015 Most video games I play are of the First Person Shooter variety. But I'm not here to "rage" as some of the more presumptuous among us may be thinking. There are two reasons why I think 3rd person should stay. 1. When I first started playing DayZ I turned to the 3rd person view because it was available and it helped me get comfortable with a new game I was just learning how to play. There are a lot of video games that are played in 3rd person by default, and they don't have a player base bent on removing that feature. There are a lot of people in the DayZ forums who are so convinced they know how many towns DayZ should have, how frequent ammo should appear, how much food should be accessible, blah, blah, blah. And they think they know better then anyone here, including the developers. Choices sell games. Limiting choices without balance will kill games. 2. The one thing that drew me to DayZ and keeps me playing, is the fact that DayZ can be played in so many ways. More ways then most video games I've come across. I would like to see that retained. You don't like the 3rd person view? Then don't play in it. This is a video game. The developers have to think about attracting a wide audience in order to make DayZ a successful game. Sorry, but we are talking about a business here. Maybe someday the 3rd person view will be removed. I'm fine with that. But the game hasn't been released as a full version, yet. I suspect DayZ will change after it is released, when the devs see feedback from players about the various features of DayZ. Until then, I think it would be unrealistic and unwise to take away 3rd person until the game has seen some time in the hands of the public. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coheed_IV 381 Posted May 27, 2015 The sole argument presented for the removal of 3PP mode is that there is a PvP advantage given to campers.I'm not making an argument for removal, it's not even worth discussing, it's been stated by Hicks, it's never happening. But, my concern for 3pp and its uses are, that it alters or damages the experience of DayZ. Thinking back to the mod early on, trying to get into a town was dangerous in 1pp, I spent much more time running from infected in 1pp. With 1pp I felt like I was getting the intended experience (and it was awesome), 3pp felt like I wasn't. I really think that is the best argument against 3pp, and shows the need to alter it. Even with the alterations people will go into exploit mode when around other players. The level of exploitation is too high right now, needs some nerfing. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cash81 506 Posted May 27, 2015 I personally never play 1pp. I like 3pp and enjoy the sight/scope mode when you right click when shooting. I wouldnt have started playing if it was a FPS and i doubt id stick around if they removed the 3pp option. For a game that prides itself on choices, having 3pp or 1pp as options seems to be the best way to go. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
8bit_Survivor 93 Posted May 27, 2015 (edited) I personally never play 1pp. I like 3pp and enjoy the sight/scope mode when you right click when shooting. I wouldnt have started playing if it was a FPS and i doubt id stick around if they removed the 3pp option. For a game that prides itself on choices, having 3pp or 1pp as options seems to be the best way to go.This game prides itself on choices? It allows for multiple play styles sure but as stated by the devs each playstyle has its own unique risk/reward factors. Unlike 3PP which allows situational awareness and intel that has only reward without risk.I thought it was a "anti-game" that prides itself on being (or rather becoming) an unforgiving and brutal survival scenario where every choice you make has consequence(again unlike the situational awareness that 3PP provides, all reward no risk). Before you jump down my throat for being a 1PP whiner/purist I want you to know that I almost exclusively play on 3PP. Im just not delusional about how it is detrimental to what the devs said they wanted this game to be (see first sentence of this paragraph).In the end we are all survivalist gamers and you are all my brothers and sisters in that! Lets try and be on the same team, but its ok to see things differently. Edited May 27, 2015 by 8bit_Survivor 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ColdAtrophy 1850 Posted May 27, 2015 The sole argument presented for the removal of 3PP mode is that there is a PvP advantage given to campers. Based on this information I concluded that this must be the main motivation behind the push to get rid of 3PP-mode. People are complaining that it isn't fair. If I am wrong please let me know. The argument for removing 3PP is dumb. Rather, the argument, if there is really even one to be had at this point since the devs have already made some changes, is that the 3PP camera should be fixed. People say a lot of things I think are laughable, and the removal of the 3PP is one I think we can both agree falls into that category. However, what I was defending was my decision to play on 1PP only servers. You painted us in a light that I find to be not only unfavorable, but objectively untrue. I didn't die any more or any less from 3PP/1PP to 1PP only. I didn't convince myself that all my deaths were due to the periscope. I just realized that if I preferred 1PP, then playing that way in 3PP servers was going to perhaps get me killed more than I might have otherwise. A lot of us are like that. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
8bit_Survivor 93 Posted May 27, 2015 (edited) Well said ColdAtrophy. I actually find I die much less on 3PP servers. 1PP servers require a skillset and state of alertness that is far more demanding and tactical. In 3PP I can pretty much zoom around holding shift and still keep a high degree of situational awareness by swinging my drone camera around. 1PP is where I go for a intense gaming experience, 3PP is much more casual/arcade/relaxing. Edited May 27, 2015 by 8bit_Survivor 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coheed_IV 381 Posted May 27, 2015 I just realized that if I preferred 1PP, then playing that way in 3PP servers was going to perhaps get me killed more than I might have otherwise. A lot of us are like that.I recently got killed in .56, was in the small town very north west (forgot name), I was lazy and looting into the sun, I wouldn't have done this in 1pp. He was watching me from behind a wall, but that's not how I looked at it. It was my dumb ass that screwed up. Many people would just blame the exploit. When the game has 1.0 numbers and quality infected, it will benefit the devs to close the gap of difficulty between 1pp and 3pp by altering the 3pp camera. Right now, 3pp camera plus stealth, kills the infected threat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scriptfactory 620 Posted May 27, 2015 However, what I was defending was my decision to play on 1PP only servers.I am a member of DUG. I play both 1pp and 3pp. This topic, however, is about making 1pp mandatory. I feel like I am missing something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebrim 998 Posted May 27, 2015 (edited) I recently got killed in .56, was in the small town very north west (forgot name), I was lazy and looting into the sun, I wouldn't have done this in 1pp. He was watching me from behind a wall, but that's not how I looked at it. It was my dumb ass that screwed up. Many people would just blame the exploit.When the game has 1.0 numbers and quality infected, it will benefit the devs to close the gap of difficulty between 1pp and 3pp by altering the 3pp camera. Right now, 3pp camera plus stealth, kills the infected threat. So I think this is true, there really are no blind corners or the like with 3pp camera as it exists now. That's not a reason to remove 3pp camera in my view but it is a reason to improve it. I don't want 1pp only but I do want the tactical awareness gap between 1pp and 3pp to be much smaller. 1pp and 3pp should compliment each other and not be diametrically different play experiences. Edited May 27, 2015 by Ebrim 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimey Rick 3417 Posted May 27, 2015 People wouldn't do anything. I mean, what can they really do?We're in a time where people have accepted downloadable content with open arms while multi-million dollar companies bend them over the edge of a table and ream them, often charging upwards of $100 for a game that wouldn't be worth more than $60 five years ago. I won't even get started on pay-to-win. I know these things aren't related to the OP, I'm merely making a point. If the public will accept essentially being robbed by people who make way more money than they do, they're not going to do anything about this. You might lose a few corner/ledge camping terribads, but who really cares?<3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites