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About Rauchsauger

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  1. Rauchsauger

    Oh mighty devs, please have mercy

    That is a valid question.
  2. Rauchsauger

    Is it Possible for 3PP to NOT be Overpowered?

    I can't stand the "holier than thou" mindset most of you applicate ignoring the fact that you are projecting your "opinions" on a majority. It is on the same level as if I would say all 1pp player are just hiding in a bulletproof bushes... It is ridiculous.
  3. Rauchsauger

    Is it Possible for 3PP to NOT be Overpowered?

    Except that 3pp is not a bug Where is there any logic in tying 3pp with sprint/starving? Why would 3pp accept stamina or starvation? Why would it affect CLE and distribution? Given that DayZ is a sandbox it will always be a open world deathmatch game - if you want it to be
  4. Rauchsauger

    Is it Possible for 3PP to NOT be Overpowered?

    Not this again... everything that should have been said about this already has been. That goes double or triple for everything that should not have been said.
  5. Rauchsauger

    Zombies start moving when players are nearby?!?!

    LA CASSETTE DE LUC TONNERRE! (Sorry but it had to be done)
  6. What is the problem there? If you want 1pp play 1pp. If you want 3pp play 3pp. If you want 1pp on a 3pp server just do that. Whatever you want to to construct here: Nobody cares - 99% of players play 3pp for a host of reasons and if you don't like those reasons you are free to play on 1pp without someone playing 3pp whining and nagging that you should play 3pp because of "reasons". I play both for a lot of reasons. I like to have 2 different chars on public and (and this is the important part) >>personally<< feel much safer (hence "easier" *) on 1pp because I know if I cannot see someone they cannot see me. But since perspective and proportion are f'ed up in 1pp I play a lot of 3pp. If they adress those issues I (and maybe others) will play a lot more 1pp. But that is my personal choice and I will not push that on someone else. Because that is such a lowlife douchebag behaviour and none of my business at all. So please stop trying to tell others how they "have" to spend their free time * Please note the quotations marks that indicate sarcasm and system immanent pointing out the uselessness of those kinds of argument to the 1pp only crowd
  7. Most people are angry because some people here always make up points that do not hold up to try and force 1pp on everybody else. Especially when those ******** try to diminish others and elevate themselves by calling something else "easy mode" and all that other bullshit. Those are the worst back in cs 1.x it was the AWP or in Quake the BFG or in game X it is weapon Y. Just play something else - and in the case of DayZ you can do that within the same game. If I want to play 1pp I use my 1pp char if I want 3pp I play that char. Simple as that. All without pestering others that my way is the only way and everybody else has to do it like I deem correct. Nobody cares...because you can choose to play 1pp or 3pp or even 1pp on a 3pp server. Play like you want to and let others do the same because it is none of your business to begin with. (But until all the issues with 1pp are fixed (wrong perspective/proportions) the number of people playing on 1pp will stay low.)
  8. Or you could factor in 3pp and try to take them out nonetheless... Just play on 1pp or sign up for a private survival hive. And stop trying to tell others what they should do with your one sided purpose fabricated arguments.
  9. One could argue that 3pp is actually more difficult than 1pp for the exact same reasons you post...
  10. Just keep playing 1pp and you are set. People prefer 3pp simple as that. I play both but 1pp perspective/proportions are to bad atm. Devs should fix that First and then think about Promotion 1pp. My personal opinion: "The 1pp 'vocalists' are hurt because the few 1pp Server are full of better players so they want to shove 1pp down everyone's throat to >>pwn the casuals<<."
  11. This needs to be done. There is so much wrong with the perspectve of 1pp when objects like houses etc are in play. It is just bad atm.
  12. Rauchsauger

    Players dwindling

    I think that 5k players is not that much for a game like DayZ (even H1Z1 has around 13k) and it is not about the number it is about the decline. Nosgoth is "free to play" so there are microtransaction that is putting it on another playing field. Lets just hope it does not drop any more and the new renderer brings back alot of folks.
  13. Rauchsauger

    Players dwindling

    I don't want to be proven right. I sincerely hope that the game will finish and have a big enough playerbase to support players worldwide. (So every continental region has a fair amount of players and servers) Maybe they should make a second early access for beta? I would buy again just to support it. Regards
  14. Rauchsauger

    Players dwindling

    Hello, sure it is harder to create the engine (although in this case they modify a existing engine) but that does not factor into game design as I see it. That is application development, I realise that it might be needed for them to realize their vision of the game but it just is another good point to have never started the early access - that early. The player count statistics do speak volumes. Maybe you and others have not burned out but 4/5 did. And since it is a multiplayer game it needs players to work, That bothers me because I would like DayZ to continue beyond being finished. BI is a company and if the whole thing becomes a (potential) moneysink they have to shut it down. Yes it might not look good but it can not be helped if you want to run a business. (also the current state of the gaming industry has made people numb to such things sadly) If you want to put it like that games are: Points of light that are displayed when certain condsitions are met and when processed in sequence by a human mind create an experience (for better or worse). I just hope that they have a plan to bring players back and get new players interested so DayZ continues and maybe we get other games of that scale. (Perhaps they could streamline the usability of the engine and then license it to other developers) Regards
  15. Rauchsauger

    Players dwindling

    That might be true - but it does not help the fact that the game "burns out" without even seeing beta. The novelty is gone - what will they do to incite players to come back when it is done? From a finacial point of view it does not make sense to put any more effort in a product when the return is questionable. Basically - money from alpha is spent - not many people still interested in the game - all further money spend is equivalent to burning the money - so they just stop. Not that I not got my money's worth out of DayZ (on the contrary) but it feels like a kickstarter followed by a beta may have been better in hindsight. Btw. People that use a existing engine do not just "drop" assets and are done with it... Also everybody should stop to underestimate/belittle the time and skill modders put into their creations.