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Exp Update: 0.57128035*

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Same here. Like an idiot, I set my alarm to get up early enough before work that I could play for a couple hours. Oh well. 

Yup, morning ruined here too :P

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The radio wasn't supposed to spawn yet - soon though. :)

Is it a similar story for items like the mess tin, butane canister, and candle?

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can't actually wait for this thing to sit in my base for ambient music, OR

playing something like "ride of the valkyries" while attacking an enemy base with my squad ! 


PLEASE make it so we can actually find CDs or cassettes, whatever that thing plays ! 

that would be so awesome.


Hahaha nice! I would also like to propose a special Zombie station, so we can have dancing Zeds ^^ Rock on, Zambies!

In all seriousness though, it would be pretty cool if we could have nice, non creepy music to wile away a lazy afternoon fishing or gardening :)

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Hahaha nice! I would also like to propose a special Zombie station, so we can have dancing Zeds ^^ Rock on, Zambies!

In all seriousness though, it would be pretty cool if we could have nice, non creepy music to wile away a lazy afternoon fishing or gardening :)

Is there music in DayZ? I actually have my music off I think.

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Is there music in DayZ? I actually have my music off I think.


There isn't yet but they'll have working radios soon :) Soon as in a few weeks I suppose.

Edited by Demonica

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So do we get to listen to Cherno-Rock then? Sergej and the Zeds? ^^ There's just gotta be some serious awesome things you can do with this. Climb the green mountain and start your own Radio Show!!

That's something i was thinking about, imagine you can broadcast your own channel trough all Chernarus/server. There has to be electricity for everything to work fine, so first you would have to get some gasoline to power generators at the Green Mountain. Groups fighting against each other to rule over this area...that's some nice vision isn't it ? :)

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That's something i was thinking about, imagine you can broadcast your own channel trough all Chernarus/server. There has to be electricity for everything to work fine, so first you would have to get some gasoline to power generators at the Green Mountain. Groups fighting against each other to rule over this area...that's some nice vision isn't it ? :)


Yes, yes it is :) But there's more radio stations / broadcast towers than just green mountain, aren't there? It would be really awesome if you could hear players ^^ I would probably broadcast audiobooks from my computer. :lol:


Today, our program contains "Salem's Lot", as read by Betty White or something LOL

Edited by Demonica

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The radio wasn't supposed to spawn yet - soon though. :)

I found a radio in .56 like the second to last patch I have a screen shot of it and I also found slugs did they used to spawn but were taken out of spawn the Australian server crashed I lost both of them probably what I get for trading a friends life over a radio.

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The radio wasn't supposed to spawn yet - soon though. :)

That's why mine didn't work?  OK.

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PLEASE make it so we can actually find CDs or cassettes, whatever that thing plays ! 

that would be so awesome.


It's Chernarus.  Those savages still use outhouses.  Probably 8-Tracks.

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Jumping and hotbar aren't as responsive anymore. Seems to be back to the starting point. Or the server is just very laggy.


Oh I was in an old experimental lol...

Edited by St. Jimmy

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I hope you can tune the radio into walkie-talkie frequencies..as well as some tunes!

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No exp servers online?

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A rag and white chemlight as a starting gear.

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A rag and white chemlight as a starting gear.


For real? That's awesome. Okay, DayZ break over, need to check this out. :D

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Hahaha nice! I would also like to propose a special Zombie station, so we can have dancing Zeds ^^ Rock on, Zambies!

In all seriousness though, it would be pretty cool if we could have nice, non creepy music to wile away a lazy afternoon fishing or gardening :)

Music to tame the savage zed:


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It's lame that people hoard even though they know they're going to end up losing the stuff they're hoarding anyway! Also, is it just me or are some people

anal in this game in that they close doors of buildings they've looted as well as strip entire towns barren of everything so that anyone who comes behind them

won't find anything useful to survive with unless they get lucky?

Well sadly, lately I have been causing havoc because I am so under equipped. I found a ball cap and I am wearing a motorcycle helmet and don't need a ball cap, but I had to pick it up and move it so I could look under it and found 7.62 x 54 rounds, which of course is an awesome find. Now i pick up everything since so many things are hidden under other things, like the makarov magazine hidden under three pens, sillyness. Now that stuff I touched vanishes soon after I move it, unless it a certain type of item. Granted that I am taking the good stuff for myself when I find it but I have had to move a couple nice jackets and other things that bambi's would certainly want. I'm not sure how I can pass up the chance at stuff I need hiding under stuff bambi's need. :-(  As for Tents, maybe they should make it 1 tent per person and if you setup a second the stuff in the first one pops up randomly in a tent in the middle of a random town. :-D

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Are some grass greener now than before? I messed up with some color settings today but I'm not sure did I make that big effect.


I'm near Zub castle but could be just that the sat image is more greenier in this part.


/But it still feels like maybe the grass color tech is in and maybe in use in some places? I remember grass beign more flat colored in every place.


Some comparsion pictures:










So many variations of greens.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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servers down again, but SWE 0-1 is online

But that SWE 1 server is unfortunately horrible. Awful constant rubberbanding all the time and everywhere. And that is if you are lucky enough to get in, most of the time it will claim the server is full, although it isn't, or it will just say "Unable to connect to server".

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MY FNX45 with sight D: Ahh well. Fresh starts are fun anyway.

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