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After many hours of playing I've realized one thing....

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This game turns players into animals... Players stalk and kill each other. There really is no trust and it has all boiled down to survival of the fittest. If your dumb enough to eat a can of peaches out in an open field then expect to get shot. Yup I learned this the hard way but with every death we evolve. This not to say I'd mindlessly KOS someone. Usually if I see them first I hold my ground and watch them as they move on but there are those times where it's either you or them and after many attempts of trying to do the right thing and getting fucked over by assholes I'm playing the cautious card like many others.

It's a shame really because planting tomatoes and farming would probably be a nice distraction from all the paranoia.

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You die in DayZ, you die in real life. But for real, this game changes people, online and offline.

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This game turns players into animals... Players stalk and kill each other. There really is no trust and it has all boiled down to survival of the fittest. If your dumb enough to eat a can of peaches out in an open field then expect to get shot. Yup I learned this the hard way but with every death we evolve. This not to say I'd mindlessly KOS someone. Usually if I see them first I hold my ground and watch them as they move on but there are those times where it's either you or them and after many attempts of trying to do the right thing and getting fucked over by assholes I'm playing the cautious card like many others.

It's a shame really because planting tomatoes and farming would probably be a nice distraction from all the paranoia.

Pffft. You act to aggressive. I can calmly walk in the middle of the NW airfield, bullets flying everywhere. But not a single one aimed at me.

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Pffft. You act to aggressive. I can calmly walk in the middle of the NW airfield, bullets flying everywhere. But not a single one aimed at me.

IDGAF, you say.

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You die in DayZ, you die in real life. But for real, this game changes people, online and offline.


wot ?


Well, as for my friends when we started out we tried to be friendly and nowadays we are a deathsquad with no remorse. pretty much...Also, there is a certain lack of Imagination what you could do to People we captured...they mostly end up DED.

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This game turns players into animals...

Humans ARE animals. This game just reminds us of that fact.

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I wased kind'a hoping to get a g-i-f response but what the heck, I'lle take that. Thank's'.


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well.. this is also a game which spawned two large, international clans of ingame medics, so there's that to redeem humanity.


also, the average stranger you meet in DayZ is still friendlier than the average teammate you meet in League of Legends, so there's that for perspective :D

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This game turns players into animals... Players stalk and kill each other. There really is no trust and it has all boiled down to survival of the fittest. If your dumb enough to eat a can of peaches out in an open field then expect to get shot. Yup I learned this the hard way but with every death we evolve. This not to say I'd mindlessly KOS someone. Usually if I see them first I hold my ground and watch them as they move on but there are those times where it's either you or them and after many attempts of trying to do the right thing and getting fucked over by assholes I'm playing the cautious card like many others.

It's a shame really because planting tomatoes and farming would probably be a nice distraction from all the paranoia.


My bug bear, KoS camping snipers. Who will sit on a populated server, wait in a busy town and just spend time taking people out without any interaction at all.


I'm an experienced player, don't run down the middle of the road, don't fire off weapons if I can avoid it and don't eat, repair or reload out in the open. These are all things we should have learned within the first few hours of playing DayZ (whether mod or SA). However the sniper gameplay is very difficult to combat, especially so if you are a lone wolf player (which I am).


Don't get me wrong, this isn't butthurt, I can deal with it in the sense I just respawn and with the level of loot available just now it's not too difficult to bring your character back to some sort of decent level. Sneaking around buildings, hugging walls, sticking to the shadows, avoiding triggering zombies and doing all the stealth things that should extend your life then to get an instant kill from a bullet fired from nigh on a km away really does rip my knitting at times.

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LMAO shot in the head in the middle of a field eating peaches....


DayZ is just a game just learn not to sit in the open and always find some cover when you need to do housekeeping.

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I get a little swell of pride that dayz hasn't broken me yet haha. I still almost always try to make contact, and yes.....I get shot a LOT. Its when ya start to knw the map inside and out and realise gear comes and oes hat you can really just let go of those vices and try interaction every time. Sure I get that few seconds of rage...."A-hole.....really?....I was in a f'kin wave gesture with my weps slung you pice of...." yeah but that passes within 10 seconds and 20 more back on the beach doing exactly what you were before.


Now that tents are in its even better, stash some basics, maybe leave your best gun at camp and take a crappy one to go meet people. Only take your mosin for when you after revenge haha. When vehicles come will get better again, chances of lifts from friendlys, hijacking if you play that way. Death will become less and less of a hassle.


I say keep fighting the good fight, keep trying. It will fail 8/10 times but those 2 when it goes well are worth it. Might even make friends that you play with for years to come like I did on the mod :)

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My bug bear, KoS camping snipers. Who will sit on a populated server, wait in a busy town and just spend time taking people out without any interaction at all.


I'm an experienced player, don't run down the middle of the road, don't fire off weapons if I can avoid it and don't eat, repair or reload out in the open. These are all things we should have learned within the first few hours of playing DayZ (whether mod or SA). However the sniper gameplay is very difficult to combat, especially so if you are a lone wolf player (which I am).


Don't get me wrong, this isn't butthurt, I can deal with it in the sense I just respawn and with the level of loot available just now it's not too difficult to bring your character back to some sort of decent level. Sneaking around buildings, hugging walls, sticking to the shadows, avoiding triggering zombies and doing all the stealth things that should extend your life then to get an instant kill from a bullet fired from nigh on a km away really does rip my knitting at times.


I have killed more snipers than have killed me, I'm sort of a counter sniper. Use binoculars, search high areas in a town first, scan the hills around, if you do this there is a good chance you'll see them before they see you.


Typically I am a friendly, anti-KOS player. When the game gets completed, that's how I'll probably play. However, due to the instant-death bugs in the game, the lack of rifle sounds, and the plethora of internet toddlers running around this game, I almost always KOS. 

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You die in DayZ, you die in real life. But for real, this game changes people, online and offline.


nooo.... er .. I think what you mean is - you plant tomatoes in real life.. you plant tomatoes in dayZ... you grow tomatoes in DayZ and in real life..


THEN you die



OP says "animals"  - ??

- In real life, did you never have a 5-year old come up to you pointing a plastic gun saying "bang bang!" ??

so - did you shoot him ?



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well.. this is also a game which spawned two large, international clans of ingame medics, so there's that to redeem humanity.

Indeed! The RRF and TMW are great groups of people. I've had interactions (and gotten help) from both groups at some point or another, and they are astoundingly professional about what they do!



That said, other than special groups like that, I do believe it is true that this game will crush anyone's spirit eventually. I'm still foolishly nice at times, but generally speaking I either avoid people or kill them. Six months ago I would not have said that, and that saddens me the tiniest bit.

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nooo.... er .. I think what you mean is - you plant tomatoes in real life.. you plant tomatoes in dayZ... you grow tomatoes in DayZ and in real life..


THEN you die



OP says "animals"  - ??

- In real life, did you never have a 5-year old come up to you pointing a plastic gun saying "bang bang!" ??

so - did you shoot him ?




Yes. RIP 5 yr old. You were dumb enough to point a gun at me. 

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Hmmm..... I seems everyone is mistaking my post for some sort of rant or need for an explanation. Far from it. I was just pointing out the obvious. I still like the game and enjoy the changes that come with every patch, For the guy who made fun of me getting killed while eating peaches... Yeah yeah, spare me the response of it never happening to you in one way or another. We've all done some really stupid things in this game that lead us to get killed but like I said, we evolve and it seems that what we are evolving into is animals..... Basic, primal animals unlike the ones you see in your REAL daily life.


Whatever you all submit as an opinion is actually entertaining. So may different views on how this game is evolving and in turn, making the players evolve.

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Yes. RIP 5 yr old. You were dumb enough to point a gun at me. 


OK - so you see what happens in DayZ. Here's The Question :


In real life give a kid:

- An automatic weapon

- A fishing rod

- A packet of tomato seeds


.. what do you expect the kid to do first ?


1 - Put the gun down, keep the tomato seeds and go fishing ?

2 - Put the gun down, keep the fishing rod and plant the tomato seeds ?

3 - Put the gun down, plant the tomato seeds and then sit fishing while he's waiting for them to grow ?


4 - any other answers ?

Edited by pilgrim

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OK - so you see what happens in DayZ. Here's The Question :


Give a kid:

- An automatic weapon

- A fishing rod

- A packet of tomato seeds


.. what do you expect the kid to do ?


1 - Put the gun down, keep the toma


Even if this was Farming Simulator and those were the options eventually they are going for the gun. More fun than watching plants grow.

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Is never to blindly follow. To trust my own instincts and learned knowlege 1st. To be ready for pvp all the time, light or heavy servers. Never trust strangers in game.


This not a game of emotions or eithics, it is only that if you let it be that. Its not a game of fear, its only that if you let it. Its tactics, map and survival 50%. 50% understanding of the mechanics and how the game it self works.


Some say it is a social game. For me its really only social with TS. Its only in the larger since with 3rd party software. The game by it self is only somewhat social.


Also I learned to survive there is things you do and things you learn never to do (which isn't that clear when you start off). Its YOUR job to figure that out, not mine to teach you. Thats part of the experience you most learn for your self. The DayZ school of hard knocks. Everyone exp will be different.   

Edited by CJFlint

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This game turns players into animals... 


You and me baby, ain't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.

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What I really don't like is being sniped or gunned down for no reason with no interaction. I don't mind dying though. If you or your clan like to murder everyone you find then at least make it entertaining for me. I live for the interaction with other players in this game, be it good or bad. Get a little creative if you must kill me.


My most recent death was at the small military barracks about 5 minutes south of NWAF. It was a low-medium pop server so I thought it relatively safe. I closed the door behind me when I entered the barracks. As I was looting the bunk rooms I noticed a player through the glass of the door, which I was glad I had closed behind me. I panicked and without much thought, I took cover behind an open door in the hall and raised my SKS. The guy opens the door and I have him at a disadvantage because his weapon is down and for a few seconds he just stood there with no cover. I could have easily gunned him down but I'm generally not that type of person.


I stopped pointing my weapon at him and told him that I was friendly and could give him some stuff if he needed it. He ducked away from the door and told me to drop my weapon. It was then that I knew where this was going so I went into a bunk room and closed the door. He then shows up at the window and tries to shoot me though the glass but of course he couldn't. I kept trying to communicate with him but he never said anything beyond "drop your weapon". I then see his buddy outside as well. Great, now I'm outnumbered. There may have been another one there but I can't be certain. So they toss in a grenade but it only hurts my leg a little. One of them tries opening the door to my room so I fire a few shots and close the door. I'm outnumbered, outgunned (they have AKs) and trapped in a tiny room. I also need to reload but I don't dare for fear of them rushing me when I do. So the guy opens the door again and runs by the doorway blasting with his AK. I fire what's left in my SKS but I can't compete with the AK. And that was the end of me.


This situation could have been so much more interesting if they had at least tried to negotiate or trick me. I would never surrender if I had the ability to defend myself with at least a small chance of survival. I have been captured before though when I was vastly outgeared and outnumbered. The guys who captured me were bandits, not just murderers. I did end up dying because one of them had an itchy trigger finger but I don't think it was the intent of the rest of the group to murder me. After all, they had shot me in the leg then 3 of them went on a 10 minute journey to get me a splint to fix my leg. I wasn't even disappointed when they killed me, at least it left me scratching my head with a smile on my face.

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Glad to see that this game seems to be going strong still.  And that there are people that still want to trust someone else.  Maybe I'll log in and see if I can get people to trust me  :)

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This game turns players into animals... Players stalk and kill each other. There really is no trust and it has all boiled down to survival of the fittest. If your dumb enough to eat a can of peaches out in an open field then expect to get shot. Yup I learned this the hard way but with every death we evolve. This not to say I'd mindlessly KOS someone. Usually if I see them first I hold my ground and watch them as they move on but there are those times where it's either you or them and after many attempts of trying to do the right thing and getting fucked over by assholes I'm playing the cautious card like many others.

It's a shame really because planting tomatoes and farming would probably be a nice distraction from all the paranoia.

Play Farmville bro, right up your alley.  No guns.

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OK - so you see what happens in DayZ. Here's The Question :


In real life give a kid:

- An automatic weapon

- A fishing rod

- A packet of tomato seeds


.. what do you expect the kid to do first ?


1 - Put the gun down, keep the tomato seeds and go fishing ?

2 - Put the gun down, keep the fishing rod and plant the tomato seeds ?

3 - Put the gun down, plant the tomato seeds and then sit fishing while he's waiting for them to grow ?


4 - any other answers ?

I sure as hell hope the kid wouldn't pick up a cyclic-fire-capable firearm in real life. Especially considering how they are illegal to own without a special (and expensive) license in the US.


That aside, this is more of a problem with Day Z than it is with the playerbase. Right now, with the exception of a few-days-old .50 patch, literally the only thing you could do in-game was participate in PvP. There was no farming, less-than-bare-bones foraging, and less-than-bare-bones hunting. As such, killing is all the playerbase knows.


In a few patches, take away the utterly ridiculous firearm spawns. Give us something other to do than kill each other (as well as making that option more difficult), and the players will probably do it. Give us options, and those options will be chosen. Railroad us down a single path, and you don't get the right to complain when people follow that path, capisce?


Or, you know, players will server-hop for guns and ammo. But that is a whole 'nother bugbear to deal with.

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Play Farmville bro, right up your alley.  No guns.

Go play Call of Duty bro, right up your alley. All sorts of guns!


Right back atcha.

Edited by Whyherro123
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