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Tourist (DayZ)

Any option to not lose everything every few minutes?

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A friend of mine gifted this game to me last night.  After dying a few times and losing everything, i think i'm about done with this game already. Is there a server setup to not lose everything? Constantly having to start over really blows.

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No, there isn't a setting to retain your items after death. The object of the game is to cheat death as long as possible. The items you have are irrelevent. Don't get attached to your gear, and you'll enjoy the game better. Read the tutorials/FAQs on how to survive if you want a "shortcut". The beauty of the game is learning to survive on your own.

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how do you die every few minutes without trying really hard to do so?

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how do you die every few minutes without trying really hard to do so?

Well, the first time, i ran around until i starved to death because i couldn't find any food.  The second time was a zombie, and the third time i fell, broke my legs and another player laughed, taunted and pummeled me to death.  Seriously, who pays for this?

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Want advice? Try jumping on a low pop server and explore, get to know the game and layout, most towns have a well and you can drink from ponds as well.

  You can outrun zombies (Zeds) or beat em to death with your fists / shovel / ax ect ect, You can use a screwdriver to open caned food as well as an ax and other items work as well.

 Take a look around here on the forums for tutorials/FAQs as said above..


Good Luck ;)

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Why is it that anyone who displays negative opinions towards DayZ gets a shit shower? So far, Tuth is the only person I've seen since last year who's tried to help someone who said they were having trouble.

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Why is it that anyone who displays negative opinions towards DayZ gets a shit shower? So far, Tuth is the only person I've seen since last year who's tried to help someone who said they were having trouble.

Now where do you see a "Shit shower". From what I've read, everyone either asked A-How are you dying? or Saying B-Check the forums or FAQ's for help.


Try reading other comments, and thinking about them before posting ignorant comments <3

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A friend of mine gifted this game to me last night.  After dying a few times and losing everything, i think i'm about done with this game already. Is there a server setup to not lose everything? Constantly having to start over really blows.


Thats the goal of the game. Exploring and trying to survive. See it as a challenge. If you don't like it, you should search for another game. Thats all the game is. And for me f. e. it's fun. Even beeing killed by another Player is part of the game and i can handle it. ;-)

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Losing everything and starting over doesn't seem like much of a game.


without a chance of losing everything it would be nothing like a game.

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There is only one way, it's called not dying. You achieve this by avoiding things that cause death.

Edited by Trizzo
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lol, I am already having so much internal fun at those players that start out new when this game is finally released. Gonna be a steep learning curve for them ;)

Especially for the generation that wants instant gratification and never make the effort to study the game a littlebit.

I wouldn't be surprised BI doesn't make a dime any more after release and only us early adapters will continue to play the game.

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I'm more relieved that i didn't spend a dime on this game. Feel kind of bad for my friend that bought it for me though. Maybe in the future there'll be servers with better rulesets.  Can only hope.  :)

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Not losing everything when dying is hardly a better ruleset. Unless you are one of the players who want instant gratification but then its the wrong game for you. The game is not about having things but about getting things and using things (with 'things' including other players).

Edited by Evil Minion

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I fail to see how wanting to keep my stuff equals instant gratification.  I don't mind the struggle to survive, to find that first kiwi, that first gun (empty as always).  My issue is that no matter how long it takes to find something, i'm going to lose it. 


I never said i wanted it all instantly.  I just said i wanted to keep it when i died. Two entirely different things.

Edited by Tourist

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I fail to see how wanting to keep my stuff equals instant gratification.  I don't mind the struggle to survive, to find that first kiwi, that first gun (empty as always).  My issue is that no matter how long it takes to find something, i'm going to lose it. 


I never said i wanted it all instantly.  I just said i wanted to keep it when i died. Two entirely different things.

Sorry man but that will never happen, hell even if they come out with PvE servers Zeds will and can kill you, you can still take a wrong step off a tall building and end up just as dead, if your Lucky and don't just break your legs and have to crawl to find a bush with sticks and hope you can find a shirt to tear into rags to make a splint.

  If you die in game that's it, your dead. Start over.. Learn the lesson of Why you died and try not to make that mistake again. (its a bitch I know, but its one of the many reasons I love this game)


And as allways.


1. Never trust anyone.

2. Never get attached to the gear. (Its not yours, you're going to lose it someday / somehow Death will happen)

3. The game is Alpha (not even close to being done yet)

4. Bugs / hackers / dupers / campers / bandits / newbie scrubs who want your gear, All of that Will make you so pissed that you'll rant and rave like a madman frothing at the mouth, wanting to climb a clock tower for targets.


5. If it looks good on you, sure as shit somebody else will think so as well and come after you for it..


Its Fight or Flight brother...


and that's DAYZ


(you may be better of with a squad man, lone wolf may not be your thing)


Anyway, I Wish you well

and good luck :)

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The fun part of the game is building the character. using the items you find and trying to survive for a bit. Having all the good gear is boring since you often get attached to it and do not dare do anything rash or funny,. Its better to count on getting killed once or twice every time you play and have fun doing it. This is not so much a gear-based game as many others as its easy to loot up and sometimes you can find a corpse or kill someone within minutes of spawning and then you get loads of things for free.

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It wouldn't be much of a survival if once you get items you keep them no matter what happens. There would be nothing motivating players to fight for survival, why would you ? Find yourself in bad position ? Just die and try again with all your items. Suddenly characters have no value whatsoever. 

To put it simply, based on what you wrote DayZ is not game for you, 

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Losing everything and starting over doesn't seem like much of a game.



Survival game. What is the point of a survival game if dying doesn't make you start from scratch? I just wish the characters had some sort of advancement other than gear so when you died it wasn't just a gun you lost, but your ability to start fires with wet wood in the pouring rain and wind in mere seconds, or ability to bandage people up faster. 

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So, if we get gear, food, water, materials, etc., just to lose it all over and over again, what's the point? How does progression work?  I'm not trying to be dense.  This game was a gift, so i'm really trying to undertand it, so i don't have to just tell my friend that he wasted his money because the game blows.  I just don't understand how we're not supposed to be demoralized to the point of uninstalling by constantly losing our "progress" and going absolutely nowhere.



EDIT: I've played many games where i die a lot, but i don't start from the absolute beginning every time i die, so while it can be downright frustrating, i can still have a sense of moving forward.  In this game, i just feel like there's no point to any of it.  

Edited by Tourist

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Well, the first time, i ran around until i starved to death because i couldn't find any food.  The second time was a zombie, and the third time i fell, broke my legs and another player laughed, taunted and pummeled me to death.  Seriously, who pays for this?


You wont starve for a minimum of 30 minutes, usually an hour or so. Don't lie.

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You wont starve for a minimum of 30 minutes, usually an hour or so. Don't lie.


I'm not lying. I literally ran around that long without finding anything.  I know it's hard to believe that not everyone can log into a game and immediately find their way around. Some people don't already know which way to run to get what they need to get; and without a map to know where i was in relation to anything else, i was doubly screwed. I'm happy that you were able to just drop in and get what you needed. I wasn't so fortunate.  I really resent being called a liar. You weren't there watching me run around looking for ANYTHING beyond trees and a few empty buildings.

Edited by Tourist

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Have you ever been in a firefight in DayZ? When you get engaged in one, you will always have in mind, that if you do ONE single thing wrong, you will die and lose everything. That is the special thing about DayZ. No other game has so tense and dramatic firefights, because, when you die, there is no simple respawning fully-kitted. When you die, you really lose something, your character is really dead. The story of a survivor has ended. You are always on guard, and when you're not, you die and lose everything. That's is what defines DayZ, and that is what we love about it. If you don't like that kind of game, that's absolutely fine! Every gamer is different, and especially DayZ is a very controversial game ;)

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I'm not lying. I literally ran around that long without finding anything.  I know it's hard to believe that not everyone can log into a game and immediately find their way around. Some people don't already know which way to run to get what they need to get; and without a map to know where i was in relation to anything else, i was doubly screwed. I'm happy that you were able to just drop in and get what you needed. I wasn't so fortunate.  I really resent being called a liar. You weren't there watching me run around looking for ANYTHING beyond trees and a few empty buildings.


You said you keep dying every few minutes. He was calling you a liar because half an hour can hardly be called a few minutes.


There's no point to any game. Take Call of Duty or Battlefield or any FPS. The progression system rewards you with new weapons and items. DayZ is the same, only you have to reward yourself - the game doesn't do it for you. Yes, Call of Duty and Battlefield let you keep your progress, but eventually you can't progress any further because you have all the guns and all the items in the world. Would you argue that those games no longer have a point?


The central theme of DayZ is that you will die. The game is built around that. You don't win at DayZ, you just do a little better each time.


Give it another try. Watch some tutorial videos and join a low pop (~10 players, maybe fewer) server. Learn the ropes. DayZ can be frustrating, but it's incredibly gratifying. 


If you still don't like it then try again in a few months. By that point, some of the bugs might be ironed out and loot respawn (which seems to be part of the problem in your case) should be working properly.


If you still don't get on with DayZ after that then maybe DayZ just isn't the game for you. I, personally, don't have an interest in brawlers and 2D platformers. Nothing wrong with not being into hardcore survival games.

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