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Tourist (DayZ)

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About Tourist (DayZ)

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  1. Tourist (DayZ)

    Any option to not lose everything every few minutes?

    Well, i just logged in again. It put me near a small group of houses. Two houses were empty, and an invisible zombie attacked me as i was making my way to the third. I retreated back into house number two, but with the movement being that letting go of the movement key doesn't mean we stop moving, i couldn't get the door closed, so he followed me in and killed me. That took all of ten minutes. :)
  2. Tourist (DayZ)

    Any option to not lose everything every few minutes?

    Well, i'm a gatherer, base builder kind of guy. I prefer to only kill zombies that are between me and where i'm going and i loathe open, full loot pvp and will avoid it at all costs (which is why i only hang out on 0/40 servers). So, when i'm trying to gather supplies and looking for a place to set up camp, only to die because, A. I can't find any supplies, or B. I die to a zombie and lose EVERYTHING, i get a little miffed.
  3. Tourist (DayZ)

    Any option to not lose everything every few minutes?

    I'm not spamming. And you are of course free to avoid this thread if you don't like what i have to say. K, thx
  4. Tourist (DayZ)

    Any option to not lose everything every few minutes?

    I'm not lying. I literally ran around that long without finding anything. I know it's hard to believe that not everyone can log into a game and immediately find their way around. Some people don't already know which way to run to get what they need to get; and without a map to know where i was in relation to anything else, i was doubly screwed. I'm happy that you were able to just drop in and get what you needed. I wasn't so fortunate. I really resent being called a liar. You weren't there watching me run around looking for ANYTHING beyond trees and a few empty buildings.
  5. Tourist (DayZ)

    Any option to not lose everything every few minutes?

    So, if we get gear, food, water, materials, etc., just to lose it all over and over again, what's the point? How does progression work? I'm not trying to be dense. This game was a gift, so i'm really trying to undertand it, so i don't have to just tell my friend that he wasted his money because the game blows. I just don't understand how we're not supposed to be demoralized to the point of uninstalling by constantly losing our "progress" and going absolutely nowhere. EDIT: I've played many games where i die a lot, but i don't start from the absolute beginning every time i die, so while it can be downright frustrating, i can still have a sense of moving forward. In this game, i just feel like there's no point to any of it.
  6. Tourist (DayZ)

    Feed balancing

    I only found one axe, one pick, and one screwdriver. I've starved to death and died by various other means before finding those. I found all three on one life, died shortly thereafter, and haven't found anything else since. Starting to wish we could just eat the damned zombies...
  7. Tourist (DayZ)

    Feed balancing

    I hardly find any food, even on a 0/40 server. Even when i do, it's a can i can't open.
  8. Tourist (DayZ)

    How did you die the first time?

    I ran around until i starved. There was nothing around. No buildings, no animals, nothing. It was a very disappointing first impression.
  9. Tourist (DayZ)

    Any option to not lose everything every few minutes?

    I fail to see how wanting to keep my stuff equals instant gratification. I don't mind the struggle to survive, to find that first kiwi, that first gun (empty as always). My issue is that no matter how long it takes to find something, i'm going to lose it. I never said i wanted it all instantly. I just said i wanted to keep it when i died. Two entirely different things.
  10. Tourist (DayZ)

    Any option to not lose everything every few minutes?

    I'm more relieved that i didn't spend a dime on this game. Feel kind of bad for my friend that bought it for me though. Maybe in the future there'll be servers with better rulesets. Can only hope. :)
  11. Tourist (DayZ)

    Any option to not lose everything every few minutes?

    Losing everything and starting over doesn't seem like much of a game.
  12. Tourist (DayZ)

    Any option to not lose everything every few minutes?

    Well, the first time, i ran around until i starved to death because i couldn't find any food. The second time was a zombie, and the third time i fell, broke my legs and another player laughed, taunted and pummeled me to death. Seriously, who pays for this?
  13. A friend of mine gifted this game to me last night. After dying a few times and losing everything, i think i'm about done with this game already. Is there a server setup to not lose everything? Constantly having to start over really blows.