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Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

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Meh, I believe you, I just rarely find people with more played time than me:



How come your steam looks different? Can you change themes or something??

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How come your steam looks different? Can you change themes or something??


Yes. That one is called PixelVision.

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1) - Americans are a bunch of loud mouth annoying control freaks for the most part in the game. Give a yank a gun; and he'll go terrorise a bunch of bambi's/civilans; just like real life. Although they usually go over seas to go murder some women and kids.


2) - Im tired of getting to the point where you learn nothing from your death anymore. In the mod you at least got the name of the player that killed you, and most importantly range and weapon type. In standalone you don't for immersion purpose's; which I understand, but I can be a little suspicious of my legitimisy of my death sometimes; not all the time of course, just some of the time, it seems a little fishy. Like when your in the middle of a forest away from any town or city, just taking a quick rest; then the sound of a single shot hitting my character and im dead. I just sit there thinking why the hell did I even bother finding green camoflage gear, an assault vest and military helmet when only 1 long range shot can kill me instantly. I feel like I don't learn anything form those type of death's; thus I don't feel the want to play the game. 


maybe but I am able to communicate with Americans so much better as I don't speak any of the many European languages. Sometimes I think English is not even taught in schools in most of Europe..

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Bored??? Never, I have played 277 hours and I still can find things to do.

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1) - Americans are a bunch of loud mouth annoying control freaks for the most part in the game. Give a yank a gun; and he'll go terrorise a bunch of bambi's/civilans; just like real life. Although they usually go over seas to go murder some women and kids.


You better keep your nasty nationality-based generalizations off of this forum in the future, and not post hateful crap like that again. This is not a suggestion or an invitation to discussion, it's a warning.



Sometimes I think English is not even taught in schools in most of Europe..


A large part of the posts on this forum are written by europeans who are writing english as their second or third language.

Let's leave the nationality bashing out of this thread from now on, okay guys?



I'm still at 90 hours, by the way.

Edited by Max Planck
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got bored after 10 lol. Haven't played in weeks

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Cool thread.  Lot's of "I got bored after 10+ troll-lol-lol-lol hours.  Let's see some discussion and reasons as to why it is or isn't boring.

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I work full time 2nd shift, and its been winter. At 450 hours, and still find time to play other games and do other shit away from the PC. I can see where someone could still have a job and double my time.

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You better keep your nasty nationality-based generalizations off of this forum in the future, and not post hateful crap like that again. This is not a suggestion or an invitation to discussion, it's a warning.




A large part of the posts on this forum are written by europeans who are writing english as their second or third language.

Let's leave the nationality bashing out of this thread from now on, okay guys?



I'm still at 90 hours, by the way.


I apologize, I didn't mean it to sound like that- I've been to Europe many times and I find it very hard to decide which country I liked the most as most of the trips were awesome. I meant no offense. I must admit I am anti-nationalistic personally and I dislike nationality-bashiing extremely
Edited by Mordon
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Abandoning the game because of the desync that tends to get both parties killed in a close quarters gunfight, the same desync that causes anyone to see you through walls when you are close to them... and the exessive amount of cheaters (got killed by atleast one all weekend now and sometimes escaped/got lucky) until the next big patch...


475 hours that make me ashamed.

Edited by Khanarac

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You better keep your nasty nationality-based generalizations off of this forum in the future, and not post hateful crap like that again. This is not a suggestion or an invitation to discussion, it's a warning.


What exactly are you threatening me with Max?

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I work full time 2nd shift, and its been winter. At 450 hours, and still find time to play other games and do other shit away from the PC. I can see where someone could still have a job and double my time.


I work a day on/day off routine, and I still haven't broken 100 hours yet. 


Doesn't anyone worry that they may have already totally burnt out on the game before its even good?

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I work a day on/day off routine, and I still haven't broken 100 hours yet. 


Doesn't anyone worry that they may have already totally burnt out on the game before its even good?


You mean am i getting tired of fumbling my way through laggy servers, in a game with constantly stuttering graphics/fps where the solo player has absolutley no chance in hell of surviving?


You bet cha'!


(And thats a compliment compared to the rest of the game)

Edited by Chiefo69

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What exactly are you threatening me with Max?

Hello there


A warning point at least.


Regardless, this isn't up for discussion.


Back to the topic, I tend to play only at major milestone patches to keep it fresh.


I do play and test occasionally if required.


The fact that folk can get so many hours out of a game is a testament to the Bedrock stage that the game is at now.


There's a heck of a long way to go, but im excited for what the next few full patches may bring.





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Please help I got transported back in time 1 hour.


The empty háagen-dazs tub i ate 45 minutes ago is now full again; and i have to go bake my bread all over again.

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I work a day on/day off routine, and I still haven't broken 100 hours yet. 


Doesn't anyone worry that they may have already totally burnt out on the game before its even good?

Im not totally burnt out. Having an ARMA 3 server helps, as well as plenty of friends who also play both DayZ and ARMA 3. Hell, I hardly knew my way around the map at 100 hours.

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Like many others, I've been playing more of the mods lately than SA. There's simply more unique experiences to be had playing Wasteland and the likes.

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I'm still playing SA daily and have 430+ hrs. Sure, there are some "slow" times while playing.. But I usually run with a group of people which usually makes things a lot more amusing. Playing solo can be a bit boring at times.. When that happens, go look for a good firefight.. or start one! Just head into your favorite heavily populated server and head to a airfield/base, or any of the cities people are always in.. and cause some mayhem with guns blazing. You'll get some attention I'm sure. Then the boredom is instantly over and the adrenaline rush begins.

A good firefight never gets boring.. Never.

Edited by Antykain
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I took a break after 20h on the first week. came back yesterday, notcied very little improvements (expected because of alpha so I'm not complaining) going to take another 3 month break. 


This is the way to go if you're not interested in testing the game.

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Yes. That one is called PixelVision.


Nice....god knows how many years and 3 steam accounts in and I never knew you could skin it either. Just found a good site and bolstered my skins folder up, have some beans :)

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Look at all the hours people have played on this game. Most SP FPS's only last up to 10 hours, maybe a little more. Tomb Raider was about 20 hours for me and cost more. 660 hours?? No wonder you're bored.

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