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About crazyandlazy

  • Rank
    Bean King

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  1. crazyandlazy

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    hacker. He had a clip with unlimited m4 ammo. There is no scope for the m4 though. Meh. Anyways what is new in Dayz so far?
  2. An example of a person who plays a video game for graphics. You're missing out on a lot.
  3. Do I need to install this? I went into arma 2 armory and there is a shooting range but I want to learn sniping on moving targets. How do I go about doing this?
  4. I read Q3 so earliest would be July?
  5. For snipers? Anyone knows how it is used?
  6. crazyandlazy

    Can anyone shed some opinions about the CZ 550?

    What? I meant to ask your opinion on the sniper CZ 550.
  7. crazyandlazy

    Can you answer these DayZ mod questions

    I did that and all it shows is their name with an X. Doesn't show the server they are on. I google searched but there is no answer for this.
  8. crazyandlazy

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    lol xD
  9. crazyandlazy

    Can you answer these DayZ mod questions

    I have one more question. I found a czech backpack the other day with my friend off of a dead body but I can't seem to take it but my friend could take it. I asked him to take it, wear it and then drop it on the ground. He did but I couldn't see it. Anyway to fix this? Also it doesn't give take backpack option when it was placed on the dead body. Also with the closing. My last topic of asking question was moved to troubleshooting where I didn't receive any answers. I waited for a day. :( Thanks for your kind help.
  10. First of all, moderators, please do not close or move this topic. Please. I just want some answers. 1. is official servers[for vanilla, for epoch] good for not getting kicked? Yesterday I played 2 hours on this Epoch mod only to get kicked and banned when entering the trader's area. Lost all progress. 2. Is there a way to invert the zoom of the map. Currenlly it's kinda weird. 3. How do you add friends on DayZ commander and the DayZ mod. I would like to have a way of joining my friend's server.
  11. In your opinion that is. EDIT: Close quaters M4/SKS = PvP with M4
  12. It's inverted right now and I want it to be normal. Plus I want to move the map with the left click instead of right. Is it fixed or can I change it?
  13. crazyandlazy

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    Yup. I never played the mod so the concept was really new for me. I bought the mod just two days ago so I am currently jumping over and playing that. Got killed why trying to steal a bus lol. So funny.
  14. I am. After 660+ hours.