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What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

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I'm done with dayz for now.  I spent years learning how to be sneaky and some kid with esp/aimbot, teleport/speed, no clip, flying, item fabrication, force emotes, force inventory access, force teleport(just to name a few) learns my style in seconds, kills me, then gloats about it over my corpse.  The thing that really pisses me off is that I'm told that some of these are the same hacks that were used in the mod.  Is this true?  If so, WTalphaF?


Unfortunately, absolutely true: teleports, forced teleports, forced transformations, inventory robbery, god mode scripts, flying... all of it was present in the mod.  I stopped playing the mod entirely when it became obvious that developing all the skills to be a long lived bad-mofo of a survivor didn't mean beans against some kiddie with his allowance and no shame.


We should all be asking why there's no reporting or monitoring tools to crack down on the script kiddies (real hackers have skill... script kiddies purchase their cred)... especially given that this is alpha software.


Its almost like the devs don't give a damn.

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Unfortunately, absolutely true: teleports, forced teleports, forced transformations, inventory robbery, god mode scripts, flying... all of it was present in the mod.  I stopped playing the mod entirely when it became obvious that developing all the skills to be a long lived bad-mofo of a survivor didn't mean beans against some kiddie with his allowance and no shame.


We should all be asking why there's no reporting or monitoring tools to crack down on the script kiddies (real hackers have skill... script kiddies purchase their cred)... especially given that this is alpha software.


Its almost like the devs don't give a damn.

why should they? they already made the money with the alpha and the money from the ps4 contracts...


dayZ PC version its just a placeholder for the ps system...


who cares some legit players... money money money...

Edited by quantum2k6

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This was probably the most hilarious encounter with a hacker. So, I was a fresh spawn in Berezino running around. I went up the northern apartments and was lying on the roof top to see if there was any action going on. Then all of a sudden a hacker appeared in the sky above the town. He obviously went for me. I typed in chat:'HACKER!' 
I went off the roof top into the top section of the building. Then he appeared in front of me. I said 'Whaddup Mr.Hacker, please don't kill me.' (I was killed couple of times today so I was tired of running from town to town.) He was double carrying with a mosin on his back and an M4 in his hands. He dropped the M4 in front of me. I typed: ' If I take the gun I can kill you, right?' He answered 'Just take the M4' and left. I picked up the gun and it was obv. with infinite Ammo and I stayed in the building for 5 minutes shooting zombies. Then a guy under me wanted to come up the building to kill me, and then this happend:
The hacker showed up, knocked the guy out, who wanted to kill me, with a fire extinguisher. I had a good laugh and died cuz of another hacker.




*Sorry for my English

Edited by NoPaEr10

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Using equipment from a hacker (even a friendly one) is cheating. Condoning it is the same. Man up. Take the bullet.




nuff said.

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Yup, fuck those hackers!


Aiding or benefiting from hackers and not reporting them should be cause to get banned. I fucking hate hackers. I've been killed by them multiple times and I'm (and lots of other people) sick of it.


A friend of mine managed to kill a hacker and found (on the hacker's body) some 5.56 that fit into a single storage spot. There were 7,714 rounds in that single square of 5.56.


My buddy took that shit into his hands and threw it into a pond.

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Good story. So nowadays every DayZ story has a hacker in it?

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This game is almost unplayable at the moment with all the hacking going on. Every single day myself and any of my clan members have been running into and killed by hackers. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Its beyond bad. Its fucking ridiculous and pathetic right now. I want to love this game. I used to love this game. AND I just started my new clan, we dished out lots of cash for the website, TS and server, and cant play without getting hunted and killed by hackers. CONSTANTLY.



PLEASE PLEASE do something about this shit. Its fucking pathetic and turning into WarZ.



Edit: ALSO, We are getting a refund on our game server since we agreed that paying for a game server for a game this corrupted with cheaters, glitchers, dupers, hackers is a waste of money. We may get a server back up and running at some point if the devs and BE ACTUALLY EVER dso something about this fucking bullshit.

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 I agree with you 100% QUAZIMOFO this is completely out of control at this point being allowed to create a server for gameplay and having  no way to identify a hacker or even the right to ban from your own server you have paid for is complete crap. It would be nice to see "You have been killed by" then the name so that you could perma ban the user from your server.... Oh wait that's right you are not allowed to ban from your server or even password it. But what you can do is pay 90 some dollars a month for nothing.  I'll check  back on the server thing when the game is done in 2035.

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I've been playing this for a month now and never seen a hacker, perhaps cause I don't go into popular clusterfuck towns like Berezino and Balota airfield etc.

Edited by Miracool
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Me and the wife were just killed by some teleporting dipshit with an axe on the outskirts of Berezino. Couldn't outrun him. Couldn't shoot him. Seriously pisses me the fuck off. I understand this is an alpha, but come the fuck on. Time for another month long break, I guess.

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People that excuse the hacking by saying it's an alpha game right now, just stop. The GAME is in alpha but the anti-cheating is not in alpha, it's been around and in the same spot of development that it has been for a long long time. It's not a new thing, and it's way past beta testing let alone alpha testing. Also, in an alpha game, you expect glitches, deaths for no logical reason, texture bugs, etc, but what you should not expect, especially from a game that charges you for early access is over 50% of the player base (seemingly) teleporting, using god mode, infinite ammo, ghost looting, invisibility, force animations, yada yada yada. An alpha/early access game is no excuse for an anti-cheating system that has been in use for a long time now and still has not improved in the slightest. Its a highly effective system, notice after they do a ban wave, oh how great the game becomes once more and then people praise them "oh great job BE your so on top of things!" But the reality is they are not. All they do is ban waves, they don't consistently monitor any of their supported games even though that is what they are getting paid to do. Bohemia is just as much to blame for this, because with the money that they are spending on BE, they need to be pestering and hassling them to continue doing their job.


Take that as you will, maybe you will think this is only opinion, but from my point of view, this is straight up fact. It's very sad when dying from a legitimate player feels like a special treat in a game, but my last 6 deaths have been from people teleporting from in front of me to behind me, or ghost looting me, then teleporting to me and just shooting me in the face. Every 2 to 4 months is when the hacking gets way out of hand, but the first month after a ban wave, holy shit I love the game then.

Edited by smacku2b
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why should they? they already made the money with the alpha and the money from the ps4 contracts...


dayZ PC version its just a placeholder for the ps system...


who cares some legit players... money money money...


Also, banwave?  The purpose of this is milking the dumb kids that keep putting quarters into the machine and boosting the game on top selling list on steam.  What a joke, like I said before:  A banwave is just a painpill for cancer.  Edit: If they are just going to keep on doing banwaves I won't be surprised if they change the name of the product and move to Bermuda to live off the five percent.


It's not hard for a pro dev to write checks for hacks: If player moves 100 meters per second horizontally then ban.  For a pro team of badass developers most of the current hacks could be knocked out in one patch if they made finding the source of the software exploits their purpose. 


Hackers are crapping all over the Dayz name and the community here is paying the price.  I believe they need to FIX, not alleviate what they currently have before trying to add more, because the game environment is broken.

Edited by curtkinert
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In the last 2 days my only deaths have been because of people popping up out of the ground and shooting me. I have gotten killed 6 times like this.


With that being said, The devs need to do something about this asap because it is absolutely getting out of hand. They are literally buying script executors with their parents hard-earned money to ruin other peoples' experience. I dont see the point in hacking in a game like this, like what do they get out of it?




And yes, i am super butthurt.

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In the last 2 days my only deaths have been because of people popping up out of the ground and shooting me. I have gotten killed 6 times like this.


With that being said, The devs need to do something about this asap because it is absolutely getting out of hand. They are literally buying script executors with their parents hard-earned money to ruin other peoples' experience. I dont see the point in hacking in a game like this, like what do they get out of it?




And yes, i am super butthurt.



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I've been playing this for a month now and never seen a hacker, perhaps cause I don't go into popular clusterfuck towns like Berezino and Balota airfield etc.

Most likely. Either way I'm sure you don't like the idea of hackers running around and ruining the game for the rest of us, right? You will eventually meet a hacker and whether or not it is "nice" hacker or an "evil" hacker makes no difference. It is our responsibility as players (in my opinion) to report hackers. Why wouldn't someone want to report a hacker? Think of it in real world terms...Would you allow a known robber to continue to rob people, especially if you knew his or her identity? Or would you just brush it off and justify brushing it off because you haven't (yet) been robbed?

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Shot a hacker standing on the top of the statue in Svet. Then Later we cornered 2 in the office building's. When they figured they were trapped, every1 on the server was ported to Vybor & reset. Was wondering if whoever does that crap gets reset too.

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I was repeatedly killed by hackers on experimental last week - I hoped, that the experimental servers will be safe, but what a stupid idea I know. So I've decided not to play the game, not to recommend it to anyone asking me about it (I'm doing quite the contrary right now) and while I have enough time as of this moment, I've decided to enlighten you with my comments on this forum. I'm reading the news (what's the potato growing status, what new hacks were invented, etc.) and assurances, that this is alfa (not that the Arma II wasn't here for many years) and that the future is bright and almost without hackers (didn't something like that say the guys in old good CCCP? I would ask, but I can't see them roaming about last 20 years or so). What am I doing wrong? Mister Rocket? What am I doing wrong in your game, where the hacking "should be very hard, almost impossible"?

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Why doesnt the DayZ team use some of that sales cash and start purchasing these widely available hacks and then plug the holes...or at least see how they're being implemented and secure the breeches.

I just did a quick google search and there's pages apon pages supplying all of which is being discussed in here.

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An alpha/early access game is no excuse for an anti-cheating system that has been in use for a long time now and still has not improved in the slightest. Its a highly effective system, notice after they do a ban wave, oh how great the game becomes once more and then people praise them "oh great job BE your so on top of things!" But the reality is they are not. All they do is ban waves, they don't consistently monitor any of their supported games even though that is what they are getting paid to do. Bohemia is just as much to blame for this, because with the money that they are spending on BE, they need to be pestering and hassling them to continue doing their job.

Sorry, I will point out lies when I see them and that's one of them. And it's funny you claim people praise BE - how come I never see this praise almost anywhere? Most praise is not visible to normal users as it can mostly be found on private hack forums only. And before people come in and attack me for that statement again, no, I don't want or need any praise. As I said, I will just point out lies because I can't stand them.

Yes, this is completely irrelevant when it comes to BE, but why don't you complain about Valve not fixing this problem with all the millions they made from DayZ?

I will just say the following: BE is constantly evolving and maybe one day you will be happier with it than you are right now. I sure hope so, because rest assured I care about all the feedback I get.

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Why doesnt the DayZ team use some of that sales cash and start purchasing these widely available hacks and then plug the holes...or at least see how they're being implemented and secure the breeches.

I just did a quick google search and there's pages apon pages supplying all of which is being discussed in here.

Oh, we (BE and DayZ devs) do.

If you come across any undetected hacks, please send them to me via PM.

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The biggest problem with hackers and those that don't say anything to them or about them is that I feel they totally think there's nothing wrong with it. I bet most feel, hell, everybody else is doing it I might as well too. Also for the fact that they paid for it so they feel entitled to use it. From the several threads lately they almost seem surprised over being banned for it. 


There are also those who use duped items and such. That is cheating also. However, imho, they are down the hierarchy of offenses since they are game generated. Still cheating though. You find such items, don't play with them.


All these issues will eventually be dealt with so right now it's all about self responsibility and self policing. What a concept when we live in a world where it is always somebody elses fault. 

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My clan got decimated by one the other day 5 of us were at the airfield bunkered up and ready for a fight and in come this lame ass teleporting to all 5 of us and popping us through walls and trees we were all spread out too kinda sad really kinda like the movie jumper how he just pop in and out everywhere. There no incentive to even hack in this game i just dont understand the mentality behind it at all there no money to be earned and not items or kill scores to really earn as sad as it is i understood why alot of these cheese heads did it in games like warz etc etc people were willing to pay for those game items and global inventories so hackors would take advantage. But in dayz? come on.

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Need to add a system were we can see who killed us because with that in effect id straight up report the hacks with screenshots if needed to valve they have the player option to see who in the recent games we just need away to see who killed who.Thats why hackers are so ballsy right now there no way to really identify their names and steam profiles.Well you can get the players steam profiles in the game overlay.Just need away to identify our killers without yoloing up to check pulses.

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Oh, we (BE and DayZ devs) do.

If you come across any undetected hacks, please send them to me via PM.


Well, I'm not the guy you asked to do so, but I came across undetected hack/hacks so many times, that I am really pissed now to even play to game again until something very significant changes.


Sorry, can't send it to you, forgot to ask the guy/guys who used them against me, to send it to me first.

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Oh, we (BE and DayZ devs) do.

If you come across any undetected hacks, please send them to me via PM.

My original post was not a dig or snipe, merely a suggestion...however, if like you stated Sable that both you and Dayz team allready operate in this manner then please enlighten myself and many pissed of players as to why we havent seen the effects of Anticheats or security vulnerability patches?

I understand that this isnt all down to just dayz and BE, that Valve has a shared responsibility in counter measures but I recon I do not stand alone here in asking the reason...."Why have the systems in place failed to detect and react to the hacking epidemic we currently have?".

Edited by TheWeedMan
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